
"The first one is coming."

Ivypool glanced over her shoulder, alarm sparking in her blue eyes. She stood at the top of a grassy slope that led down to the shore of the lake, where the fronds of undergrowth faded into a beach of pebbles. An almost full moon hung over the lake, turning the rippling water silver. At the bottom of the slope, her sister, Dovewing, lay on her side, her swollen belly heaving as Jayfeather leaned over her. She let out a low moan as her belly rippled, and the ThunderClan medicine cat rested a paw on her flank, helping her push.

Giving one last glance into the forest around them, Ivypool gave up her watch and padded down the slope. She leaned down by her sister's head and licked her between the ears. "You're doing great, my sister." She whispered in Dovewing's ear.

"What in the name of StarClan was she even doing out in the middle of the night?" Jayfeather growled, his blue eyes flashing as he turned his blind gaze on Ivypool. Not for the first time, Ivypool had the strange sensation that he could see her, even though she knew he couldn't.

"W-we went for a walk. She wanted to stretch her legs." She explained, wincing at the lie. There was no way she could tell the medicine cat the real reason why they were out.

Ever since Dovewing told her that she was expecting Tigerheart's kits, Ivypool insisted on escorting her to their moonlight meetings. She wanted to make sure that she could protect her sister in case a ShadowClan patrol found them, or if the kits came early - like they had. Dovewing's kits weren't due for another quarter moon, but the pains had started as they padded on the shore of the lake towards the ShadowClan border. Ivypool had dashed back to camp in a panic, darting past Cloudtail, who was on watch, without a word.

Every cat had been asleep, and Jayfeather was the first cat Ivypool saw when she reached the medicine den, curled up asleep in his nest. Together, they'd darted out of camp, telling Cloudtail that the kits were coming, but not to wake anyone unless something went wrong.

Ivypool jolted back to the present as her sister let out a high pitched moan, panting heavily as her belly rippled. She watched as a tiny bundle of fur dropped onto the pebble shore, and Jayfeather quickly snatched it up and began licking its fur to make it start breathing. Ivypool held her breath as she watched the bundle lie still, her heart pounding in her ears as the moment seemed to last for several seasons. Then, at last, the kit let out a high pitched mew, revealing a set of tiny white teeth.

"Oh, Dovewing!" Ivypool exclaimed, feeling her heart swell, "She's beautiful!"

Her sister lifted her head as Jayfeather placed the kit at her belly, but fell back with a yowl of pain as her flanks heaved. The medicine cat placed a paw on her flank. "There's one more kit coming." He warned.

Within moments, another bundle fell onto the shore, and Jayfeather passed the kit to Ivypool as he began chewing the herbs he'd brought into a pulp for Dovewing. Ivypool felt the kit's slimy fur under her tongue as she dried his fur, relieved when she realized it was already breathing. Picking it up by its scruff, she placed the kit at Dovewing's flank beside its sister.

"Congratulations." Jayfeather mumbled as he spat out the pulp, "A she-cat and a tom."

Despite her exhaustion, Dovewing lifted her head and gazed at her kits, her eyes clouding with emotion. She leaned down and licked them both between the ears, purring as she felt them snuggle close to her belly.

"The tom looks just like you." Ivypool commented, resting her paw on the tom's fluffy, solid gray pelt.

His sister mewled beside him, and Ivypool couldn't help but notice that she was a perfect image of her father. Her pelt was a dark brown tabby, and she had the same long, fluffy tail. Despite her newfound love for the she-kit, she felt a cold stone of dread form in her belly. Every cat would know who her father was the moment they saw her. Even though Dovewing had kept her relationship with Tigerheart a secret for many moons, their clanmates weren't stupid. She knew many of them had noticed the closeness between the two cats, even if none of them suspected how close they really were.

Although he was blind, Jayfeather had turned his blue gaze on the she-kit, so intensely that Ivypool believed he might actually be looking at her. Ivypool tensed as he leaned forward to sniff the kit, his whiskers brushing against the kit's fluffy pelt. As she watched, the gray medicine cat's eyes flew open, though his gaze seemed distant. His entire body had gone rigid, and his tail kinked over his back in alarm.

Dovewing noticed too, her eyes wide with alarm as she watched him, but before she could speak, Jayfeather turned away, casting his gaze over his shoulder towards the lake. Ivypool was just close enough to hear him whisper, " StarClan help us. "

There was a moment of silence, only broken by the sound of water rippling on the lake surface. "Jayfeather, what did you see?" Dovewing asked softly, and Ivypool realized that the medicine cat must have seen a vision. Her heart pounded in her chest as Jayfeather was silent, eyes still trained on the rippling water of the lake behind him. She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off when he swivelled his head to face them.

"StarClan have shown me something terrible." He whispered, and Ivypool had never seen him look so frightened. "Fire. Fire everywhere. And blood. The forest soaked in it, running through the trees like the lake was flooding. Angry claws ripping the flesh of those that had wronged them. The Clans at war that will bring the end to everything we know."

"W-what does it mean?" Ivypool breathed.

Jayfeather closed his eyes, "Your kit is in danger, Dovewing. She can not return to ThunderClan with us."

" What ?!" Dovewing and Ivypool exclaimed in unison, exchanging a horrified glance. Dovewing's eyes flashed with rage, and she curled her lip into a snarl. "How dare you say that? You want me to abandon my kits?"

"No, Dovewing." Jayfeather opened his eyes again, suddenly looking very old. "You must abandon one kit - your daughter." Dovewing opened her mouth in an outraged reply, but Jayfeather continued before she could speak. "StarClan have shown me the life she would have in ThunderClan. I-I saw everything. Her path would be lost in shadow. Her life would be nothing but a river of pain, anger, and hatred. She can not come back to ThunderClan."

"You're asking me to give up my daughter because you say so?" Dovewing's voice shook, though there was no trace of spite in it, and Ivypool was suddenly aware of the bond between her sister and the medicine cat. If any other cat had told her to abandon one of her kits, Dovewing would have clawed their ears off. As two of the Three, Ivypool realized that they shared a bond she would never understand. Dovewing had been friends with Jayfeather for a long time, and she knew that he wouldn't be telling her this unless he was absolutely certain. "What do you expect me to do? Leave her to starve? Kill her? Drive her out?"

Jayfeather scoffed, "No. She has a father, doesn't she? She will be safe in ShadowClan."

Ivypool gasped, digging her claws into the pebbles to keep herself from swaying. "H-how did you-"

"I'm not as blind as you think." Jayfeather snapped, his eyes blazing. "I can no longer read thoughts or walk in your dreams, but I knew Dovewing's heart belonged to a cat from another clan. You are my friend, Dovewing. I notice these things."

"I told everyone Bumblestripe was their father." Dovewing whispered, her eyes like two huge moons filled with fear and uncertainty.

"That is exactly why she can not come back with us!" The force of fury in Jayfeather's words was so strong that Ivypool shrunk back, ears flat against her head. She thought a flicker of fear flashed in his eyes, but it was gone before she could be sure. "Bumblestripe is a noble, kind warrior, but jealousy is his weakness. Every cat will know the moment they see her that she is Tigerheart's kit. I saw her in my vision. She looks alike him in every way. Bumblestripe is not stupid, Dovewing. He has always known about your connection with Tigerheart. StarClan can not be certain the path he will choose if he finds out she is Tigerheart's kit, but lives have been threatened before by cats driven mad by jealousy."

Suddenly Ivypool understood Jayfeather's fear. Why he was terrified when StarClan showed him their vision. "You know this because it happened to you, didn't it?"

Jayfeather closed his eyes, the fur rippling along his spine. "I know it very well, Ivypool. Many moons ago, before you two were even kitted, Ashfur tried to murder my littermates and I. He was driven mad by his jealousy of Bramblestar, who Squirrelflight chose over Ashfur as her mate. He believed that we were Squirrelflight's kits, and it was only when he found out the truth that he let us live. Ashfur was a great warrior, but he let himself be drawn towards the wrong path. StarClan fears the same could happen with Bumblestripe."

There was a moment of silence between the two sisters. Ivypool glanced at Dovewing, who was gazing at her kits with a look of overwhelming love, and fear. Fear for her daughter, who StarClan was asking her to give up moments after she was born. Ivypool wasn't sure that Dovewing would have the strength to give up her kit.

"How do we know Tigerheart will take her?" Ivypool whispered. She saw Dovewing flinch at her words, but she said nothing.

"He will, trust me." Jayfeather replied, gazing at Ivypool so intensely that she had no choice but to believe him.

A shadow flitted through the undergrowth, the light from the moon doing little to illuminate the forest floor, obstructed by a canopy of thick leaves from the trees above. An owl called in the silent forest, though it's cry was not returned. A stick cracked as the shadow passed between a clump of ferns.

The undergrowth parted and Tigerheart emerged from the shadows into a moonlit clearing. His brown tabby fur was bleached silver in the moonlight, and he turned his amber eyes toward the glowing disc overhead. The moon was nearly full, but the Gathering would not be held for a few days yet.

The tom settled onto the grass, wrapping his tail around his paws as he waited, ears pricked. The forest was silent, and he was alert for any sound that came from the woods beyond.

Tigerheart was not sure how long he sat in the clearing, only aware of the sound of his own heartbeat pulsing in his ear fur. Although he had been meeting Dovewing like this for many moons, the anticipation of seeing the cat he loved always sent his heart racing. He glanced back up towards the sky, a feeling of unease rippling his pelt as he saw that the moon had almost slipped behind the trees. Where was she? Had something happened to her? Had the kits come?

He was almost certain that he would have to turn back to camp when he heard a rustling in the bushes. Leaping to his paws, tail kinked over his back in excitement, he watched as a she-cat emerged from the undergrowth.

"Ivypool?" A feeling of dread formed in his belly, and Tigerheart took a step backwards, almost slipping onto his romp. "Where is Dovewing? Is she okay? Are the kits okay?"

The silver and white she-cat padded into the clearing, her blue eyes narrowed as she gazed at the tom. "Dovewing is fine. I have come to tell you that you have two kits - a she-cat and a tom."

Tigerheart felt his chest swell with relief, almost losing his balance as his tail swayed. "That's wonderful ! I can't believe it! The kits weren't due for another quarter moon! Is that why she couldn't come? She must be exhausted!"

Ivypool raised her tail to cut off Tigerheart's flurry of questions. "That is part of the reason why Dovewing didn't come. We were on our way to meet you when the pains came. Jayfeather came to help and she delivered the kits on the lakeshore. They are two fine, healthy kits. Dovewing loves them more than she can bear."

Tigerheart felt his heart leap in his chest. He had two kits! But Ivypool's words unsettled him. "That's only part of the reason why she didn't come? What is the other reason?"

Ivypool hesitated, shifting her paws and avoiding his gaze. Tigerheart stepped towards her, his heart pounding in his chest so hard that he was sure she could hear it. "You said she's okay, right? Did your clanmates find out they were mine? Did Jayfeather tell them? How would he know? Did they forbid her from coming?"

"No, no cat knows. They still believe they are Bumblestripe's." Ivypool began, letting out a deep breath. "I have come here to ask you something that Dovewing can not do herself."

Before Tigerheart could speak, she turned around and vanished into the undergrowth. The ferns rustled for a few moments before Ivypool emerged again, carrying something in her jaws.

"Is that- Great StarClan! Ivypool, is that one of the kits?" Tigerheart leapt forward, pressing his nose against the kit as Ivypool placed it on the ground. Her fur was still wet and her eyes were squeezed shut. She looked very small, and Tigerheart had the urge to curl his tail around the she-kit to warm and protect her, but he held his ground. "Why have you brought her here? She's a newborn, for StarClan's sake! She should be with Dovewing! She'll starve out here."

"Tigerheart, look at her. Look at her tabby pelt." Ivypool spoke, her voice shaking slightly, "The entire clan will know she is yours the moment they see her. J-Jayfeather had a vision by the lake. He saw the Clan turning on her. He saw her life ruined by evil. He said that this kit can not live in ThunderClan. You must take her to ShadowClan - where she will be safe."

Tigerheart stared at her, dumbfounded. His ears were ringing, and he shook his head to clear it. He couldn't have possibly heard Ivypool correctly. "Y-you must be mistaken. Dovewing would never be able to abandon her kit. You said she loves them more than she can bear! How can I trust Jayfeather? He's not my medicine cat? I haven't forgotten what happened with Flametail."

Ivypool's eyes flashed with anger, and she curled her lip into a snarl. "You know that Flametail's death was an accident. Jayfeather did everything he could to save your brother! Jayfeather was one of the Three, he saved us all! You have to trust him." She curled her tail around the pitiful she-kit before she continued, "That is why I brought the kit here. Dovewing knows that she has to give up her daughter, but she did not have the strength to come here herself. She loves her daughter too much. She would be blinded by that love into keeping this kit. We must ensure that this kit grows up in ShadowClan. StarClan has prophesied an end to us all if we fail."

Tigerheart was about to speak, but he was distracted by a movement at Ivypool's tail. The she-kit had lifted her head, her mouth open as if tasting the scents of the cats around her. Weak mews came from her throat, and Tigerheart knew that they must act fast. As he gazed at his daughter, a flurry of images erupted in his mind. Watching his daughter grow up, teaching her everything he knew, guiding her pawsteps, and protecting her with a fierceness he had never felt before. Ivypool was giving him the chance to be a part of his daughter's life.

"I'll take her." Tigerheart whispered, leaning down to touch noses to the little kit. He suddenly understood how hard this decision must have been for Dovewing - not one that she would have made lightly. She needed him to raise their daughter.

"Thank you, Tigerheart." Ivypool sounded relieved and she stepped backwards, giving Tigerheart room to take his daughter.

He opened his mouth to pick up the little kit by her scruff, but stopped as a question popped into his mind. He lifted his head, his eyes locking with Ivypool's. "You said I had a son. T-tell me about him. Please."

Ivypool's gaze softened. "He is beautiful. He looks just like his mother, and his fur is a soft gray. Dovewing named him Dustkit."

"Dustkit." Tigerheart echoed, an image of his son forming in his mind. "What did she name our daughter?"

"She wanted to let you name her. Though she said that the stripes on her back intertwined just like a spider web."

Tigerheart looked down at the kit, who had snuggled up against one of his paws and was purring contently. His gaze travelled to the stripes criss-crossing the fur on his daughter's pelt, and he purred. "Then I'll name her Spiderkit. Tell Dovewing that I will take care of our daughter. I will raise her to be a strong, kind, and honorable warrior."

He thought he caught a glimpse of water sparkling in Ivypool's eyes as she stepped backwards towards the ThunderClan side of the forest. She dipped her head, eyes landing on Spiderkit once more before the ThunderClan warrior turned and disappeared into the forest.

With a grunt, Tigerheart leaned down and picked up his daughter gently in his teeth. Turning his paws towards camp, he felt an odd sense of peace overwhelm him. He didn't care how his clanmates reacted to the kit. He would make up some story, and they would believe him - he was sure. He was going to give this kit the best life he could.

"Welcome to ShadowClan, Spiderkit."

Thank so much for reading!

I originally wrote this a little over a year ago and I've been wanting to continue the story for so so long. This is a story that really means a lot to me and if you're reading this - thank you so much for giving this story a chance! I know OC stories are often overlooked, but I'm going to try my best to stay as in-character and true to form as possible while also including many cannon characters!

As stated in the description for this fic, it diverges from the timeline that ultimately leads to the events of A Vision of Shadows. I am not really a fan of the 6th series (it's totally okay if you are!) so many characters and events will not take place in this fic. I'm going to try my best to explain any inconsistencies in the description of each chapter, but please let me know if anything needs explaining!

Again, thank you for the read and please let me know what you thought of this prologue!