Guys. I've become my worst nightmare. A writer that takes forever to update.

Sorry for the long wait, I've been wrapped up in school a lot. Also since Metal Fusion he been taken off in Netflix, I haven't been able to watch that much. I'm not the biggest fan of Burst too :(. Although I've been obsessed with Stranger Things 2 so there's that! Well enough of my rambling, enjoy!

Bladebook Chat

TheNumber1Blader: yooo guyzzzz


wth y is no1 on rn?

JengaHagane: Masamune shut up

Im trying to enjoy a triple beef burger right now

TheNumber1Blader: sup gingka

JengaHagane: did u srsly just ignore what I just said

TheNumber1Blader: what did u say

JengaHagane: nvm

Bullkei: Hey guys?

Has anyone seen Kyoya lately?

I texted Madoka and she said she hasn't seen him

JengaHagane: nope :/

Havent seen him

Maybe he's at the zoo pretending to be a lion and terrorizing people again

TheNumber1Blader: if he was i would have seen it on the news

U know I swear he's been on the headlines more than Gingka has

Bullkei: true

JengaHagane: at least when I'm on the news it isn't related to terrorism

TheNumber1Blader: yeah suuuure


JengaHagane: What now



APPaRENTLy he's threatening people

JengaHagane: When does he not do that

Bullkei: So Kyoya bud is downtown?

K, thx Masamune.

I'll go down there now

TheNumber1Blader: WAIT can u bring me 2?!

I already binged all the episodes of mlp so I'm reaaally bored


And watching Kyoya do anything is entertaining




Is anyone here anymore?



Bullkei: I'm outside ur door r u coming or not?

TheNumber1Blader: :o


"Are you okay, Tsu-chan?" Yu skipped to his friend's side, concern on his face. Tsubasa just covered his head with his pillow and grumbled into it. Yu nudged him lightly, eliciting another grumble. Tsubasa then showed his face, revealing dark bags over his eyes and discomfort.

"Guys, can you freaken SHUT UP. I'm not in the mood right now.." his voice was raspy and grumpy. He scowled at all of them.

"Wait what?" Kyoya still looked confused, leading three others to roll their eyes. Madoka was the next to speak up.

"Uh, Tsubasa are you okay?" He narrowed his eyes at the question.

"No, I am not okay."

"What's wrong?"

He rubbed his temples in irritation. "Well, if you recall last night, I was texting while drinking at the WBBA party. Not to mention that I ended up drinking a lot. Ryo took me home and I started throwing up." he explained, not so happy at recalling his drunken stupor.

"Haha, I remember that." Yu laughed, more of the mocking variety than of pure humor. Madoka tsked disapprovingly while Hikaru covered her chuckles with her hand.

"Wait, so you're saying you're-" Kyoya paused to let out a laugh (s). "You're hungover right now?!" Tsubasa sighed and nodded begrudgingly at this, causing Hikaru, Yu and Kyoya to burst out into laughter. Madoka sighed and offered him a glance of sympathy. Tsubasa just huffed and covered his head with pillows and pulled his blanket over himself, leaving him almost completely hidden. Kyoya stopped laughing at this and realized what he came there for.

"Well, Eagle Boy," Kyoya pulled the teen out of the covers, Tsubasa seemingly very angry indeed. "I need you to help me find my missing Doritoes, so get outta bed right now.

Tsubasa didn't seem the least bit amused. "No."

"Well, I ain't taking no for an answer."

"Well, let me think," Tsubasa pretended to look thoughtful. "No."

"Gosh, you're even more freaken smug and annoying when you're hungover!" Kyoya screeched. "Will you help me?" Every syllable came out forced.


"Well how abou-"





Kyoya puffed his chest in anger. "We're gonna do this the hard way." A smirk formed across his face, as he pulled the other by his shirt collar up to eye-level. Tsubasa didn't look impressed at all and seemed unfazed by the close proximity and Kyoya's glare.

"I told you yesterday. How much do you care about your eagle?" Kyoya beamed innocently. Tsubasa visibly shuddered and fear grew in his eyes.

"You wouldn't."

A wink.

"I would."

Tsubasa looked at Hikaru, Yu and Madoka for help, but they were too busy enjoying the show and munching on popcorn. Madoka had at least the sensitivity to mouth a 'There's no reasoning with Kyoya'. Tsubasa felt like he should take the unsaid advice to heart.

"Fine, I'll DO IT!" He throws his blanket to the air and folds his arms grumpily. Kyoya didn't even stop to thank him as he grabbed all of them and bolted out the door.

"Do we really have to run around? I feel dizzy.." Kyoya rolled his eyes at the hungover teen who was looking very sick indeed. Madoka, Hikaru and Yu weren't even running like the two of them. More like leisurely strolling down the sidewalk.

"We'll take a break when we get there!" Kyoya yelled over the wind.

"Oh.." Tsubasa looked thoughtful, despite his nausea. Kyoya let out a sigh of relief as it seemed his hungover friend was finally quiet.

"Where's there?" Kyoya let out a grunt of frustration.

"Well. Uhh... Gingka's house, I guess." The statement sounded more like a question.

"Oh ok... Wait! Gingka has a house? I thought he lived like under that bridge or something?"

"Uh... ok you've got a point." Kyoya attempted to answer.


"Are we there yet?"

"No, so shut up Curious George or I swear I'll-" Kyoya was interrupted but the sound of something hitting the floor. He turns around to see Tsubasa laying on the concrete, his arms folded across his chest, holding a flower.

"Then write my obituary, cuz I'm not gonna make it." Kyoya's eye twitched as Yu strolled over to dump flowers on Tsubasa.

"Tsu-chan, can I be the flower girl at your funeral?" Tsubasa spits out a flower petal.

"Little boy, flower girls are only in weddings." Yu's eyes welled up at this. Hikaru just shrugged as she strolled by the fallen teenager.

"Actually, African culture traditionally has flower girls in funeral services." Madoka explained matter-of-factly. She just couldn't let the false fact slip by. Tsubasa shrugged but motioned Yu to continue dumping flowers on him.

"Yay!" Yu grabbed the whole bush and deposited it on Tsubasa. Madoka just facepalmed and sighed.

"Kid. Tsu-chan's gonna have to get up or I'm gonna have to kill him and his eagle." The mountain of bush and flower petals seemed to shrug at the declaration. Yu just gasped as he bolted off to the distance.

"As long as you bury my eagle next to me, I don't care." he seemed unfazed by the past successful threat.

"I call dibs on flower girl for eagle too." Yu sped back with multiple flower arrangements in his arms. Some said 'Congratulations' and 'Sorry for Your Loss' plastered across it. Kyoya growled and made a move to get Tsubasa off the floor, but was stopped by Yu.

"HAVE YOU NO RESPECT FOR THE DECEASED?!" The boy screamed at the befuddled Kyoya, leading some bystanders to glance their way. Out of context, it did really make Kyoya seem like a jerk. People began booing at Kyoya, much to his angered surprise.

Madoka sighed at the boys' idiocy and walked over to Hikaru, desperate to get away from the stupidity.

Kyoya seemed to have recovered from his surprise and made another motion to get the 'deceased' teen off the ground, but accidentally snapped a stem of the flowers in the process.

Yu gasped loudly at this before falling to the ground. Kyoya just stared at him, now even more confused.

"Tsu-chan, I don't think I can be your flower girl anymore, for I am dead too. I leave everything to you in my will." He falls to the ground dramatically, a hand placed on his forehead. He looked almost like a certain peacock blader with his performance.

"But I'm dead too, Yu."

"Oh right." Yu paused and sat up, with a finger to his chin. "I leave everything to Kenchi. My final wish is to be buried next to Tsu-chan and to have Tithi be my flower girl." With a huff of satisfaction, he plopped himself on the concrete once again, adding his own little pile of flowers on his body.

Kyoya groaned and looked ready to murder both of them, but suddenly a rusty pick-up truck skidded to a stop next to them, revealing a familiar figure from the window.

"Hey, Kyoya bud! Whatcha" he trailed off as he squinted his eyes at his idol standing before a fallen Tsubasa and Yu.

"Benkei, it's not what it looks like." Kyoya started, eyes looking frantic. Unbeknownst to him, Hikaru was behind him mouthing 'It totally is.'

"Whoa, what the heck's up with those two?!" Everyone turned to look at the back of the truck which revealed the self-proclaimed number one blader.

"Are they dead?! If they are then.. I don't want to be a witness!" Masamune shuddered at the unmoving bodies of the duo.

"They're not dead... yet." Hikaru and Madoka said in unison. Kyoya just crossed his arms and refused to say anything, as he found that what he said usually made the situation worse. Yu suddenly sat up to add to the conversation.

"Hey Masamoomoo! Can you be a speaker at my funeral?" Yu asked the new arrival.

"Yeah sure! Anything for you, ol' buddy!" Masamune exclaimed jovially, his fear dissolving instantly. Madoka and Hikaru sweatdropped as the pure concentration of stupidity was just too much. Kyoya just groaned in frustration.

"Ok everybody shuddup. No one's dying while my doritos are missing!" Masamune snapped to attention at this, his eyes darting nervously.

"Oh. Are your doritos still missing Kyoya?" Masamune's voice cracked when he said the leone blader's name. Everyone seemed to be piqued by Masamune's sudden change of demeanor. Kyoya narrowed his eyes at the question.

"Why? Do you have any information you'd like to share with us, Mr. Butt-In-Ski." Yu held back a snicker at the name.

Masamune gulped.

A/N Welp I tried.