Secret of Love


Twilight and her friends shielded their eyes with their arms, as the blinding light of Cadence and Shining Armor's love blasted through the castle, banishing Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings to a far off, unknown land.

But even after the evil queen and her subjects were defeated, something seemed to go wrong with Cadence and Shining Armor's spell. They couldn't stop the rays of their magic, and the blasts continued to get stronger and stronger.

"What's happening?!" Twilight cried.

"I don't know!" Shining Armor called as he tried with all of his might to stop his magic, as did Cadence…but to no avail.

"It won't stop!" Cadence shouted.

"Then try harder, damnit!" Rainbow Dash demanded, and she suddenly took flight and darted for Cadence and Shining Armor, thinking that if they couldn't stop it, she wouldn't hesitate to try.

But when Rainbow Dash got too close, she shared the same fate as Chrysalis; their magic protected them and sent her flying out of the castle faster than Team Rocket could blast off.

"Oh, no! What's happening?!" Fluttershy shouted, as even she was scared enough to raise her voice.

"I don't think we should stick around to find out! Everypony for herself!" Rarity screeched and suddenly broke for the door, but before she could escape, another ray of magic suddenly hit her, and she was sent crashing through a window.

Soon, everypony else was picked up and cast out of the castle like the Changelings; although, Princess Celestia had managed to perform a spell that kept her grounded and saved her from the blasts.

But as Twilight flew through the air like rag doll, she began to panic and go into shock, and the last thing she saw before blacking out was Cadence and Shining Armor's magic spreading over Canterlot.

As Thomas made his way down his branch line, like he normally does everyday while pulling Annie and Clarabelle, he couldn't help but have on off feeling about today. But while he was distracted with his deep thoughts, he failed to notice the red signal

he was quickly coming up on.

"Slow down, Thomas!" Thomas' coaches both shouted, and he was finally snapped from his thoughts, as he gasped and quickly put on his brakes before going passed the signal.

"Sorry, girls…I just haven't been feeling too good lately," Thomas apologized and went back to staring at the ground in wonder.

"Why, do you feel sick?" Clarabelle asked with worry.

"No, no, I'm not sick! I just…actually, I don't really know how to explain it…there's just this weird feeling in my boiler, and it won't leave me alone," Thomas tried to explain, but his coaches failed to understand him.

But as if to prove his point with perfect timing, there was a sudden sonic boom that echoed through the sky, destroying clouds within the radius of the impact, and they looked up to find a literal giant rip in the sky.

Thomas could barely make it out, but he could see something fall from the gap.

"Annie, Clarabelle, did you see that?!" Thomas cried in amazement, but his coaches were too frozen with fear to say anything.

You can hate me and leave as many criticizing reviews as you want, but I will still love the ThomasxTwilight ship, as well as the other MLP charactersxTaF characters ships.

But I hope you enjoyed the prologue, for there is more to come!

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!