*screams* that's me knowing this is the last chapter. I'm as sad as you guys.

Without further ado, the last chapter to The Sea Witch's Pirate.

Warning: this will be probably the darkest one here, pushing my T rating, so please, be warned. Listening to Hero by Superchick to write this, it's a beautiful song.

~A Happy Ending No One Knows~

All stories have a happy ending. That's the way you learned it, right? The hero gets the best.

Snow White. Evil Queen. Dwarfs. Poison Apple.

Aurora. Maleficent. Sleeping Beauty. Spindle.

Cinderella. Lady Tremaine. Glass Slipper. Ball.

Belle. Gaston. Rose. Beast.

You know, they get their prince and live happily ever after? Most of the princesses want more than what they got.

Rapunzle wanted to get out of her tower.

Ariel wanted to be in the world above.

Belle wanted more than what her town offered.

Snow White wanted a prince.

Cinderella wanted to not be a slave.

They want it all, for themselves. Selfish princesses. They don't care how the villains felt.

For the villains were the selfless ones. They were the strong woman forced out of their town for witchcraft. Sent out because they were strong. They didn't need a prince to rescue them. They didn't need to save a damsel in distress, because who dare think all women are like that?

They were cast out, to a small scrap of land. All because they were strong-willed. They had their own grudges against the kingdom for viable reasons, but no one wanted to hear a peep from them.

Well, that's where our story begins.

There was once a young sea witch and a pirate. They were acquaintances, friends at most. They had each other's back and were as violent as the rolling sea. No one dare cross them in fear.

The sea witch was a sheer force of nature, a hurricane wrapped up in pretty blue braids, a tsunami trapped under dark skin. She was magic, as it screamed in her blood and showed through when she was fighting.

The pirate was mysterious, never here, never there. His shadow was never where it was supposed to be, which could confuse even the greatest heroes. He struck when they weren't looking, and they never knew he was there.

They were the most dangerous duo on the Isle, backed up by their friend who was no doubt a fierce fighter as well.

They lived in harmony, they did.

As the sea witch gave the pirate attention, the thing that he had craved since childhood, he worshipped her like the true goddess she was.

For she was one. She had the magic, the power, and the integrity. She could've been a goddess, sitting up there atop Mount Olympus with her grandfather and the other gods, challenging them.

It enraged the pirate that she was not, so he made a promise, a secret one to only himself, that one day, she would be up there with the gods of old.

It screamed in her blood. Clawed at her skin.

The magic.

Oh, how they forced to live without it. How the hurricane wrapped in blue braids and the tsunami trapped beneath dark skin were forever forced to stay there.

It caused pain. Pain deeper than a cut of any of that sorts. But it was hard to pick out, covered under layers of pain from everywhere. From the marks on her arms to the tentacle lashes choking her throat.

In fairytales, there wasn't any pain. In fairytales, people were okay, they didn't have abusive mothers and lived in a terrible place.

This wasn't a fairytale, though. This was reality.

Everyday, it hurt. Pain coursed through his veins.

It started with the neglect, the lack of attention his father gave him. The neglect hurt, made him crazy.

Then his father started the lashes. Hook, sword, whip, it didn't matter. Between the neglection and beating he could barely keep himself from falling apart.

The sea witch saved him. Salvaged what little there was left of him and gave him attention, stopped the beating, helped him. He couldn't ask for more.

Soon, the pirate and the sea witch met a boy, dressed in barely anything except shorts and bandages around his arms. Scars and cuts covered his body, and he ran back in fright when the two approached him.

'We won't hurt you,' they promised, as the boy slowly shuffled toward them.

They cleaned him off and gave him some of the pirate's old clothes. When they asked his name, he responded he didn't have one. The sea witch decided to give him a name. Seeing how he seemed positive, breathing in a place with no air, she named him after a fish's gil.

He started to tag along with them, being part of their trio. He became their best friend.

At the moment, the little times they spent together, it seemed like a fairytale. The boy gave them comfort. Happiness. It seemed like a dream come true.

Then, the sea witch was made fun of by a purple-haired pixie. She cried, cried, cried her eyes out. It wasn't fair.

The faery had everything. Her mother raised her as a protégée child. So there was no beatings, maybe a bit of verbal abuse here and there, but nothing that truly broke her.

The sea witch was then whipped by her mother's tentacles. How dare she lose such a viable ally? How dare she be such a failure?

The pirate saw this, and protected her. He cut off a bit of the old sea witch, as a boy did to his father.

Ursula screamed in agony as Harry pulled Uma away, letting the bloody chunk of tentacle writher on the floor. It was a small piece, but would still cause her great pain.

The appendage still attached to the old sea witch slid back in the tank as the two ran.

Gil was waiting for them by the docks, helping patch them up and giving worried glances. He was their protector, why wasn't he doing his job?

After a while, the pirate started to realize his feelings for the sea witch, as she did for him.

They flirted with the idea, moving past friendship. But it was dangerous. They couldn't be something more, less the idea of it used as a weapon against them. Though, it always came up in subtle ways. Lingering brushes of a finger, invading personal spaces, teases.

It was just how they worked.

No one noticed, or they did and didn't say anything. Their friend always gave quiet support, as did the other Wharf Rats soon enough.

But eventually, it all fell to pieces.

It was when that faery got a chance to Auradon. Along with the djinn, the enchantress, and the cynophobic boy.

The ones that got the best on the Isle. Not them, the ones that got the worst.

How could they? How could they just leave them there to face abuse and rot? It wasn't fair.

The sea witch took it the hardest. She holed herself up in her room, and the pirate didn't see her. He grew extremely worried. What was going on?

Three days. Three days since Uma had trapped herself in her room. Harry was getting worried, he knew Uma. Uma could be... he pushed the idea away.

"She's gonna be okay," Gil said absentmindedly, playing with the gauze on his arms.

Harry looked at him weirdly, with a look that said 'explain'.

Gil shrugged, undoing the bandage to show angry red cuts. "We've been through worse. Just give her some time to cool off."

He was wrong.

When the pirate had enough and barged in, he saw the sea witch counting pills, gripping a bloody razor. She was trying to end her life.

With one fell swoop, he forced it out of her hands and buried his face in her neck, holding her waist.

'I love you,' was the murmur escaping his lips. 'Don't do this.' She cried, sobbing as they collaspsed to the floor.

'I love you too.'

'Then don't do this.'

'I...its hard...'

'I know, but I'm here for you. I love you. You're mine, and I'm yours. It won't work if you're not here.'

The sea witch only nodded, letting the pirate hold her as they stared at the ceiling.

'Here, let me take you somewhere.' The pirate helped her climb up, up to the rooftop. 'Just... don't jump off. Sit here with me.' They sat far away from the edge, backed by the bricks of another building. 'Look up.'

The sea witch did, and was amazed.

Stars filled the sky, bright and gleaming and not at all covered by the dark musty cloud that usually covered the sky. 'It disappears at night, pretty, isn't it?'


They sat there for awhile, watching the beautiful stars twinkle and gleam.

It stayed peaceful for a while. They were content and had no worries.

Then it all crashed.

Mal was on the TV. Being a perfect pinky princess.

Harry placed a hand on her shoulder. "You're gonna be alright."

"What's my name?" She demanded. Uma needed something, anything, to keep herself in check.

The crew proclaimed their loyalty, and Uma couldn't be happier.

"Shut your clams!" Ursula shrieked, a tentacle lashing out.

Harry expected Uma to jump over it. He expected her to then look annoyed and shout "Mom!" He expected Ursula to then shout "these dishes ain't gonna wash themselves" or something.

But that wasn't what happened.

Ursula knocked Uma off her feet, making her head bash against the table before falling off.

He caught her, holding her, as she spluttered, in shock. "Har- dizzy...doublevisi..." her words slurred together and were cut off, but Harry understood enough to realize she had a concussion.

Harry couldn't do anything. Mal was back on the Isle, and Uma was unconscious and had a concussion. She was going to take back the Isle, and Harry couldn't let that happen.

But it was a miracle that Ben was there as well.

The king. The king. He was a lifesaver. He took the sea witch to Auradon, to the good land, so she could be helped.

The pirate sat at her side, never going to leave. He couldn't. He held her hand for days, eating little and barely sleeping. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his sea goddess.

She wasn't waking up. It was evident this was a coma. The doctors were doubting more every day that passed.

'Please, wake up,' the pirate begged her. 'I can't live without you. This world still needs you. I still need you.' Then he kissed her gently on the lips, swearing his love for her would never cease. He would never want to see her in the state the faery put her in ever again. He never wanted to see her sad.

By some miracle (True Love's Kiss, they say) she woke. It was slow, but eventually, she was awake and healthy. She was okay.

A few months later, she was out of her wheelchair and feeling amazing. They were in the good land now, no beatings or abuse of any sort happened here.

The pirate couldn't be any happier. They were okay. They were in a good land and they would live here forever.

But this wasn't close to the end.

"Hey, you're one of those VKs right?"

"Go back to where you belong!"



Uma clutched the books closer to her chest, seeing Harry tense as well. Those AKs didn't know how much it affected them.

She hasn't cut very much since Auradon. Maybe once a month, and tiny ones at that. Barely that, enough to even wear sleeveless shirts. Harry the same.

Harry placed a hand on Uma's shoulder. They were warriors, helping others with depression while fighting their own. He couldn't lose her now.

"You try living there, you die in a day!" Uma shouted at them. "We not only survived the starvation and food poisoning, but beatings and abuse and depression. Try living everyday wanting to die, times one hundred. That's how you felt every day on the Isle!"

They rushed past the people, to their next class. Gil was waiting. Gil, their friend, their sunshine, what had got them through all those years. He smiled softly and hugged them. He was fighting his own demons, but they weren't nearly as big as Harry's or Uma's. Gil promised himself he'd make sure their lives were worth living. That stayed even in Auradon, being the best friend and brother-figure he could possibly be.

Harry gripped Uma's shoulder, smiling. "Don't listen to them, Uma. We're gonna be okay."

They ended up well. For two years, they were okay. Perfect, almost.

But then they were being teased and harrased more. It effected the sea witch more than the pirate, as she was always the more emotional.

It all went downhill when he found her, aiming a gun to her own head, sobbing. 'Don't...' she begged.

He didn't move to her, but held his arms out. 'Don't do this.'

She reluctantly released her grip, flinging herself into his arms. 'It's supposed to be better, why isn't it better?' She sniffed.

He wrapped his arms around her. 'We're messed up. Messed up terribly. But I promise you, I swear to you, I'll make it better. I'm your boyfriend. I love you. I won't let this happen. Don't let it happen. Talk to me. Please. I know how you feel. I feel the same and you know that, but don't do this please.'

He kissed her then. Right then and there.

He became a hero. A true hero.

Time passed, and Uma didn't cut much anymore. Harry didn't either. They saved each other, saved them from the terrible things that could happen.

"Hey," Harry said, letting Uma's eyes watch him in adoration as she pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you," she whispered.

He gripped her waist tightly. "I love you too." He was worried. Did something happen? His gut was twisting in fear. "Are you alright? Tell me honestly."

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she laughed happily, looking at him, "and it's because of you. I can't ever thank you enough. What can I do to ever thank you?"

Harry smiled easily, kneeling on one knee. Uma's hands flew to her mouth.

"Uma, ever since I met you, I've fallen head-over-heels. You're a strong girl, a strong woman and I love you so much. You salvaged what little was left of me and pieced me back together, as I did for you. I know we're both crazy and messed up, but I want to ask you this. Uma, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Tears formed in her eyes. He stood up as quickly as possible to hold her, wondering what did he do wrong?

"Why me? Why would you want to marry me? I'm so messed up, I've tried killing myself twice. I cut myself so many times. Why would you want someone as depressed as me?"

"Because I love you. And without you, I would've killed myself already. You were always there for me, always helping me, as I was for you. We've healed each other. I want you to be by my side, I want my hero, my savior, and my goddess to be with me for the rest of my life."

Uma's eyes brimmed with new tears, but these were tears of joy.


They lived a long life. The sea witch and the pirate. Uma and Harry Hook.

Nobody knows their story. It's to dark, to sad. But it's touching. Two people fighting the lie that giving up is the way. They saved each other, and themselves.

They may be the children of villains, but really, inside, they are something else. Something even better.


You could be a hero, heroes do what's right.

You could be a hero, you might save a life.

You could be a hero, you could join the fight.

For what's right, for what's right.

The End

I just want to thank a lot of people right now.

So I'll just thank everyone.

You're all been so nice, so wonderful. I couldn't ask for more. I love you guys so much, and I encourage you to keep reading and keep writing. A quote from A Monster Calls said:

And now it's time to hand the baton to you. Stories don't end with the writer, however many started the race. So go.

Run with it.

Make trouble.