LEADER: Spiderstar- old long-legged black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes (lives left: 2)
DEPUTY: Fallen Leaves- small ginger and white tom with green eyes
MEDICINE CAT: Fawnheart- small brown she-cat with white splotches
Apprentice: Silverberry
WARRIORS: (toms and she-cats without kits)
Dustcloud- large dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Larchbreeze- brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Stormheart- dark gray she-cat with barely visible darker stripes
Hollyleaf- long furred black she-cat with green eyes
Foxtail- reddish tom white chest and amber eyes
Rainbrook- light gray she-cat
Flowershine- white she-cat with gray paws and blue eyes
Brookwater- white she-cat
Ripplesplash- silver tabby she-cat
Doestep- slender brown and white tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
Strikefang- tall calico she-cat
Splotchface- tortoiseshell tom
Owleyes- large black tom with white splash on his chest and large green eyes
Tigerstripe- long-haired maine coon tom with amber eyes
Cloversong- dark brown mottled she-cat with white paws, chest and green eyes
Fuzzytail- ginger tabby tom with amber eyes and a bushy tail
Bristlefur- small light brown tom with green eyes
Flintstorm- pale gray tom with slightly darker paws and dark yellow eyes
Lilypetal- long-furred tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes
Pinefall- long furred reddish brown tom with dark green eyes
Tawnymoon- tawny colored tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Whitehawk- white tom with amber eyes
Longfoot- tall pale gray tabby tom with amber eyes
Mouseleap- small light brown she-cat
Pebblestep- light gray tom
Nightjay- black she-cat with dark blue eyes
Apprentice: Branchpaw
Ashcloud- pale gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a white hind paw
Lionfang- golden tom with yellow eyes
Nettlecloud- white she-cat with orange flecks and green eyes
Cloudheart- white tom with icy blue eyes and long claws
Ivypatch- silver tabby she-cat with green eyes
Maplesong- tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes
Beesting- yellow she-cat with black stripes, muzzle, paws, and tail tip and white underbelly with brown eyes
Bearfoot- dark brown tom with orange eyes
Morningfrost- golden tabby she-cat with white paws and blue eyes
Sunfire- golden tabby tom with orange eyes
Sparrowtalon- dark brown and white tabby tom with green eyes
Poppynose- longhaired dark tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Emberheart- ginger tabby she-cat with white paws, chest, tail-tip and amber eyes
Dawnbreeze- cream colored tabby she-cat with green eyes
Larkclaw- black tom with amber eyes
Lilaccloud- silver tabby she-cat with smoky gray stripes and pale blue eyes, with a whit muzzle, chest, and front paws
Rowanflame- ginger and white tabby tom with amber eyes
Brownbelly- dark brown tom with light brown chest, belly, tail tip, black stripe down his body and dark green eyes
Duskshade- pale brown tabby tom with darker stripes and amber eyes
Spottedfern- tortoiseshell she-cat (daughter of Strikefang)
Redsplash- calico tom with ginger splotch on chest (son of Strikefang)
Apprentice: Flypaw
Feathermist- light gray tabby she-cat with white belly and blue eyes (daughter of Adderstrike and Stormheart)
Clearwhisker- white tom with blind blue eyes (son of Adderstrike and Stormheart)
Graybird- dark gray tabby she-cat (daughter of Adderstrike and Stormheart)
Moonshadow- dark gray tom with darker underbelly (son of Leafpool and Spiderstar)
Otterstrike- dark brown tabby tom with white underbelly and amber eyes (son of Leafpool and Spiderstar)
Blackstream- longhaired black she-cat with amber eyes (daughter of Fallen Leaves and Hollyleaf)
Juniperberry- ginger she-cat with darker flecks and green eyes (daughter of Fallen Leaves and Hollyleaf)
Flameheart- ginger tabby tom with darker muzzle and green eyes (son of Fallen Leaves and Hollyleaf)
Dewclaw- small, light gray and white tom with bright amber eyes (son of Ashcloud and Lionfang)
Cinderwind- dark gray tabby she-cat with striking blue eyes (daughter of Ashcloud and Lionfang)
Honeysplash - golden tabby she-cat with green eyes (daughter of Ashcloud and Lionfang)
Thornfang- golden brown tabby tom with amber eyes (son of Ashcloud and Lionfang)
Littlefang- small black and white tom with amber eyes (son of Lilypetal)
Finchblaze- light ginger tabby tom with brown stripes and green eyes (son of Lilypetal)
Sorrelbriar- tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes (daughter of Pinefall and Tawnymoon)
Mistdrop- gray she-cat with green eyes (daughter of Ripplesplash and Owleyes)
Stonetooth- dark gray tabby tom with amber eyes (son of Ripplesplash and Owleyes)
APPRENTICES: (tom and she-cats training to become warriors or medicine cat)
Silverberry- light gray tabby she-cat with piercing blue eyes, training to be medicine cat (daughter of Adderstrike and Stormheart)
Flypaw- white tom with black spots near his tail and amber eyes
Branchpaw- thick-furred dark brown tabby tom with orange-yellow eyes
QUEENS and KITS: (she-cats expecting and nursing kits)
Jaysong- dark gray and white she-cat, mother to Whitehawk's kits:
Softkit- light gray and white she-cat with blue eyes
Sootkit- gray tom with darker flecks and amber eyes
Robinheart- brown she-cat with orange patch chest and amber eyes, mother to Dustcloud's kits:
Acornkit- brown she-cat with darker underbelly and green eyes
Briarkit- brown she-cat with amber eyes
ELDERS: (cats that have retired due to old age or injury)
Minnowstream- dark gray and white she-cat with darker spots and orange-yellow eyes
Oakfur- small brown tabby tom with green eyes
Rockfoot- brown tabby tom with only one ear and broken tail
Leafpool- light brown tabby she-cat with white paws and chest and amber eyes
Adderstrike- gray tom with darker stripes
Two she-cats, one old one young, padded out of the nursery into the dark camp clearing, only lit by stars. They joined two other old cats who looked to be awaiting news.
"Robinheart's kits arrived...there were three, but one sadly didn't make it. There are two she-kits." The older she-cat meowed to the other two.
"Dustcloud is with them now, so everything is alright now." Added the younger.
"You said you had something else you had to talk to us about?" the black tom asked.
"Yes, come back to our den." Said the old brown and white she-cat.
"This is something both of you should hear..." The young silver tabby added, leading them back to the medicine cat den.
"Is everything alright, Fawnheart?" Asked the light brown tabby she-cat with a concerned tone in her mew.
"It's about the future of the clan..." The cat called Fawnheart responded as they padded in.
"A few nights ago when we went to the Moonpool for the meeting with the others, StarClan came to all of us together about this. It was the craziest thing ever..." Added the silver tabby.
"Wow yes, that is a bit out of the ordinary for them..." The light brown tabby mewed, a former medicine cat herself as well as a former warrior.
"So what was it... was Light there?" Asked the black tom, then he coughed.
"Yes... she and all the other original leaders of the other clans warned us of some very big troubles that are coming to the Lake." the silver tabby explained.
"They told us the Moon was going to wash out the Sun, but only after all the big troubles they called it Return of the Darkness." Fawnheart meowed.
"The Moon washing out the Sun?" the brown tabby echoed incredulously.
"I've never heard of that in all my moons... Leafpool?" added the black tom. The brown tabby shook her head.
"But return of the darkness seems quite fitting." The black tom continued.
"Did StarClan say how long the Sun would be gone?" Leafpool asked.
"No, they said they didn't know. That's why we're so worried." The silver tabby murmured.
"That does sound concerning. We don't need more trouble... it's been seasons since the last troubles, I suppose we're due." The black tom tried to laugh, but ended up coughing again. Fawnheart moved closer to him and gave him a sniff.
"Spiderstar, perhaps you should stay here with Silverberry and I for a little while. That cough doesn't sound too great." She mewed. Spiderstar sighed but nodded.
"Well I should probably head back to my den..." Leafpool mewed quietly.
"Wait, one more thing." Silverberry stopped her.
"StarClan thinks that one of the cats born after the battle may be bad luck... possibly a reincarnation of Dark."
"In LightClan?" Leafpool asked.
"They didn't say for sure. All the other medicine cats said they would talk to their clan leaders about it as well, but we're worried that all the clans are just going to panic, so we're going to try and keep it on the down low." Fawnheart mewed.
"What if they're right? What if it's one of our warriors?" Spiderstar frowned.
"Relax my love, we'll handle all of this when the time comes. Just rest for now." Leafpool purred, nuzzling her mate.
"You should go now, if I am sick I don't want to get you sick."
"We'll figure this out, don't worry." Fawnheart meowed.
A.N.: Sorry it's short, but here you go! Hope you like it! More soon. ~12HockeyChick21