Emma was lighter than air. But her story is far from that.

"Please don't hurt me." The girl cried. "Please! I didn't do anything wrong. I promise." A woman that looked much like her, walked over. This woman had a sunken in face that made her look double the age she really was. She still had the bright blonde curly hair as the girl did and the same wide eyes. "Mother, please. I promise I won't do it again."

"I know you didn't mean to, Emma." The woman said brushing her hand over the girl's face. "But you're a witch." She spat in the girl's face before tying a rope around her body to a pole. "And we don't like witches."

"Mother!" The girl screamed thrashing. "Mother, please!" The girl was sobbing now. The older woman came around the pole to face the girl.

"It's for your own good." She said as she tied a rope to her mouth. She pulled it tight, so the girl couldn't scream. Emma stayed like that for days, maybe weeks; she didn't know. She grew weaker by the minute, as to the fact she didn't have food or water for however long. She hardly slept, and when she did, she awoke from nightmares minutes later. She tried screaming out, hoping someone would come, but it was always silent.

One night though, everything changed. She was falling asleep when she heard footsteps walk toward her. Footsteps? There was no one that lived nearby. She was just left by a pole in the middle of nowhere. She stood still not knowing what would happen next. The footsteps grew louder and she could see a tall figure walking toward her. She felt tears in her eyes. Please. Just kill me now. Make it fast. The girl thought.

"Easy there," a soft voice said seeming to know what she was thinking. Soft and definitely female. It was a comforting voice. She saw the woman coming closer. "You're going to be okay." She said. Emma could see her now with the moonlight directly on her. She had a pale complexion with black hair, that was pulled up neatly at the top of her head. Her makeup was almost... birdlike if that was possible. Her eyes were outlined by a thick black eyeliner. Her dress was simple and black but hugged her figure making her look much more sophisticated. "Let me just get these ropes off of you." The girl wanted to scream. She was scared for this woman and herself. If she was trying to help her escape, who knows if they would get caught. The woman undid the bottom one first. Emma would've collapsed if there wasn't a second one on the top. Once the woman undid the last one she rushed over before the girl fell. Emma coughed and gasped for air, all while crying. The woman held her up. She set a large pair of shoes down for the girl. "These might make it easier to walk." The girl slid into them and the woman buckled them up for her. She held the girl's hand as she took a step into her new life.

"Who are you?" The girl asked as they walked along the pathway. They had gotten to a path that was more beautiful than Emma could have ever imagined. It was lined with colorful flowers and as they got closer she could see a large oak tree.

"I'm Alma Peregrine, but you can call me Miss. Peregrine."

"What are you going to do with me?" Emma asked as she stopped in the middle of the path. Once she finds out what I am, she'll throw me out. I know it. The girl thought to herself. Miss. Peregrine stopped and looked at the girl.

"I will never hurt you or neglect you. You will always have a comfortable bed to sleep in and food in your stomach. You are protected here with me, Emma."

"How do you know me?" Emma asked a little frightened.

"I've been waiting for you. I just needed the perfect time to come get you." Miss. Peregrine said with a smile. "Come now, I can almost hear the dinner bell ringing." She wrapped an arm around the girl and walked her to a huge mansion. "Welcome home, Emma." Emma could feel herself smile from ear to ear. "I'll show you where your bedroom and bathroom is, and you can go ahead and wash up."

"There are others like me?" Emma asked as she took a bite of her turkey. Miss. Peregrine smiled and nodded.

"Not all of them can float like you, but they have other gifts."

"Like what?"

"Well, I can turn into a bird." The older woman smiled.

"Ohh!" The girl smiled. "That's amazing!"

"I'm what's called a ymbryne. I'm trained to look after the young."

"Where are the others, Miss. Peregrine?"

"I haven't gotten them yet. You're my first peculiar child." Emma smiled.

As the days went on, Emma's personality began to bloom. She wasn't that little timid girl anymore. She was full of spunk and joy. She still had nightmares and Miss. Peregrine would stay up with her until they passed. She would brush the girl's hair and braid it until Emma was able to fall back to sleep. Every morning at five am, Emma would creep into the headmistress' quarters and crawl in bed with her. She could always hear the headmistress chuckle as she wrapped a protective arm around the girl. Then they both would fall back to sleep and wake up two hours later. Miss. Peregrine would get out first, letting the girl sleep a little while longer while she made breakfast. Then wake her up when breakfast was ready. This happened every day until someone new came in. Olive.

Years Later

The headmistress could hear the older girl sobbing. She knew she missed Abe, but she didn't think it would hurt her this much. Miss. Peregrine sighed as she walked to the oldest girl's bedroom and opened the door. The headmistress knew she hadn't been there for Emma as much as she would have liked to be, but for her safety, she kept her distance as the girl grew older. She knew most of Emma's nightmares had gone, but occasionally, she would hear her whimpering at night. She would walk into her room and stand in her doorway, making sure she went back to sleep okay.

"Miss. Peregrine," the girl squeaked as she stood up and wiped her eyes as if the older woman would be upset if she saw her crying. "I'm sorry for not coming down for the daily walk. I was feeling a little-"

"Upset?" Miss. Peregrine asked interrupting the girl.

"I wasn't going to use that word, but...yes."

"Emma, how much did Abe mean to you?" Emma looked up at the headmistress and choked back a sob as she looked at the ceiling, trying to keep it in.

"Very much." She almost whispered looking back at the headmistress. She couldn't hold the tears. "He was everything to me. And he just got up and left. Why would he do that?" Emma was sobbing now. The older woman walked over to the girl and had her sit down as she wrapped an arm around her. "I miss him so much and I'm scared he's going to get himself killed like Victor."

"Shhh...Emma. It's okay." As the girl's crying slowed, Miss. Peregrine began to let go, but Emma held on tighter.

"Please don't." She said. "I miss you." The headmistress felt her heart break as she heard the older girl say that.

"Emma, I'm sorry." She said. "I know, I've been distancing myself a lot more lately."

"Why?" Miss. Peregrine sighed.

"I thought it would be better for you." There was a pause as Emma wrapped herself around the older woman tighter.

"Can you just stay here for a little bit?"

"I don't really have a choice in this matter, do I?" Emma chuckled, but then felt the tears come back. Soon she was crying again. "Oh, Emma." The headmistress said hugging the girl tighter. Miss. Peregrine knew that as long as Emma lived, Emma would always need her. She slowly combed through the girl's hair, knowing that's usually calmed her and spoke to her softly. The girl's crying slowed and it just became sniffles. The headmistress let her stay where she was though, knowing she needed her at that moment.

Emma Bloom.