AN:I don't own the Harry Potter series what so ever, J.K Rowling does thou so yeah.
In the early hours after midnight in the small, cramped and dusty cupboard under the stairs of number four Privet Drive lay a small five year old boy with glowing green eyes and messy black hair.
And as this small boy lay on his worn mat under these stairs he cradled his wounded head and stared at the roof of his cupboard and cried silent tears as to know why he was being punished for something he couldn't control, Aunt petunia blamed him but it wasnt his fault he burnt their breakfast, he was just so angry at the way he was being treated and the breakfast was nearly ash when he checked it afterwards and as he lay there he thought of his parents and how they had died, not in a car crash while drunk because that's at least would his Aunt and Uncle would have him believe he found it strange how he never knew their names or what they looked like even if they were 'drunkards and got themselves killed' but then again everything about his life was strange. He wasn't stupid, he suffered enough to learn and to adapt to the beatings and the pain and knew that unless he matured quickly and got rid of his childish mindset he wouldn't survive long what so ever.
So he needed a plan to escape because even if he was smart compared to other 5 year olds, possibly 10 year olds he would still need to leave as the beatings would eventually kill him, no matter how smart he was taking his head injury for example his Aunt was the one who hit him with the boiling pan and she was the softest one of the three, to be honest he was surprised he hadn't already died he knew he was beaten and starved when he was younger he just couldn't remember well but his bruises and skinnyness did well to remind him.
So yes he did need to escape he had a better chance of surviving out in the streets than he did in here because out in the street it was probable death not guaranteed death like living here would be.
So he concocted a plan to escape and perhaps burning the Dursleys house down wasn't part of the plan per se but it would majorly help with being tracked.
First off he needed to get out of his cupboard so as silently as he could from the inside of his cupboard he used a forgotten hair pin of his aunts to push the lock out of the keyhole as it was a sliding lock and he opened his door to freedom.
He silently crept out to the hallway as it was past midnight and his relatives were probably deep asleep but it did not hurt to be cautious as much as would hurt if he wasn't cautious and was caught but hopefully he would be free from his hell soon enough. He casually went to the refrigerator and grabbed snacks and juice and started eating and drinking if he was going to leave he would leave on a full stomach, checking the freezer for anything useful, not expecting anything but what he did find was a frozen pig he would of course put this in his cupboard as the building went to flames and perhaps it could buy him a couple hours or even days if he was extremely lucky he doubted it, he was never lucky. He grabbed a baseball cap of Dudleys and adjusted it's size it would end better for everyone if he wasn't found while he was 'on the run' and this would help now he needed some money he carefully went from the kitchen into the living room and found his Uncles wallet he carefully removed all money and had a total of £54 this was good this would help a bunch.He continued to further raid the kitchen as quietly as possible for anything really useful or portable, after finishing his search he decided it was time leave so very carefully he switched the gas oven on and searched for a match box in one of the drawers as well as the keys for the back door he found both relatively quickly and made for his grand escape. He waited until there was a smell of gas and then he lit a match threw it towards the oven and promptly turned around and walked into the garden climbed over the fence and made his way to the nearest bus stop. He took a deep breath in from the cold night air and released it with a relieved sigh Glowing green eyes thought "Harry potter is free at last" with a massive grin on his face.
AN:This is my first chapter I know it probably feels rushed and sloppy because it is and I just wanted to see if anyone wanted to point stuff out or say it's bad. criticism is very much welcome and I appreciate if you did stop by and read it.