"Alright! Alright!" TwoBit says in an announcer's voice, "Does everyone have their ages written down?"
"Yup!" Responds the group of boy holding up their slips of paper. It is a day later! and on their piece, is written the age of what they think the actor that played them is in the movie is.
"Alright!" TwoBit says, and goes onto the laptop, and presses onto the searching box. They eventually found their way around it, so they could at least understand how to look stuff up.
"Okay aaaannnnndddd...these are the results."
"Damn it," Dally mumbles and throws his piece of paper on the floor. "He's fucking nineteen instead."
"He's twenty! How the hell?!" Steve says.
"Mine's sixteen," Ponyboy points out disappointed. "I was so close."
"Why is my actor thirty? Isn't he a bit too old?" Darry says.
"Thirty!" Everyone exclaims.
"Yeah, he was a teenager by the time all of yours were born."
"Mine's actually twenty," TwoBit says. "I was only one off!"
"Everyone was only one off," Dallas mutters.
"Not me," Johnny shakes his head. "Mine's actually twenty-one."
Johnny nods, "Yeah it says so right here."
"That guy's immortal or something." TwoBit says flabbergast, "He could pass for a sixteen year old anyway of the week."
"What about you Sodapop?" Ponyboy asks.
"Well, let me check...nineteen...wait," Soda looks at his paper, "Nineteen! Yeah!"
"Aw man..." Dallas groans, and so does the rest of the gang, as the dig into their pockets for a five.
"Aww you guys don't have to pay." Sodapop says. "The only joy I have is playing and hanging out around you guys! I don't need money."
Ponyboy and the rest look up hopefully, "Really?"
"No. Hand it over," he grins evilly.
"Come on, Soda this is stupid," Ponyboy whines. It's two weeks later and the two decide to spend the afternoon choosing Ponyboy's new glasses, for his near sightedness. Well, more like Soda decided. So now the two are inside the men's eyewear section, and Soda's spinning the glasses stacks, getting a better look at them.
"It's not stupid," Sodapop objects. Soda grabs a pair of ginormous wooden glasses, and puts them on. "Do I look good?" He says in a funny voice.
Pony giggles, "Sure you do, Soda. You look as tuff as Goofy from Micky."
Soda smiles and puts the glasses back. He picks up another pair that looks relatively decent. Though he doesn't think the blue would looks so good. He shakes his head and quickly puts it back. Soda just can't seem to find anything that would look good on his baby broth-
"Does this look fine?" Ponyboy asks, breaking Soda's long train of thought.
Sodapop turns and looks at his baby brother, and he lets out a inaudible gasp. Soda swears to God, he felt his heart break a little. There standing before him is his little newly turned fourteen year old brother. The glasses he's wearing look really good for him. They were open, with a black thin frame. When Soda stares at his brother, Ponyboy just looks so-so...grown up. He looks nothing like the little boy that would always talk to Soda about his secrets, or the little boy that would obsess over sunsets. He looks like a mature, young man. Even if he is still a teenager. Soda has to remind himself that Ponyboy is still Ponyboy, so Soda blinks twice to snap out of his stupor.
Ponyboy face crumbles a little at Soda's lack of response, "I knew I looked dumb..." He mumbles and takes off the glasses.
Sodapop wipes his eyes from the unnoticeable tears that filled up in his eyes and shakes his head, "No, no, no! You look- you look real tuff, Pony..." He sniffs and scruffs up Ponyboy's hair.
"Hey!" Pony exclaims, and smoothens out his hair and makes sure it looks perfect again. Ponyboy puts on the glasses, "You really think so?" He asks.
Soda again gasps silently, "Yeah," he sniffs.
Ponyboy frowns a little, "Are you okay, Sodapop?"
Sodapop looks at Ponyboy with wide eyes one last time and puts on his normal movie-star smile. He grabs the glasses from Pony, "We're buying them." Soda can't wait till Darry sees them on Pony.
Sodapop still didn't get why Ponyboy thought it would be a burden to buy him glasses, because the smile on Ponyboy's face made it all the worth while.
Ponyboy sits on his windowsill again. He stares out the window, and watches the autumn leaves twirl down from the trees and catch onto the wind. The sun's going to set pretty soon. It's going to beautiful... Then he remembers. Ponyboy sits up quickly, and looks out the window. The sun's going down! He speeds downstairs, and runs straight into Sodapop.
"Woah! Where are you goin-"
"Sorry, Soda." Ponyboy says, putting on his shoes. He grabs his hoodie and throws it on. "I gotta run. Tell Darry I'm just going for a run alright! I'll be back before dinner!" And he runs out.
Ponyboy runs with deft speed through the trees, smiling as the leaves hit him, and the wind carries his legs. He covers the uneven paving stones with a great lolloping gait all the way to Buck's place and heads inside. He gags, when he is immediately hit by the revolting smell of alcohol and vomit. He carefully eases his way past all the drinkers and-he shudders-flashing girls, and walks over to the bar.
He catches the familiar leather jacket sitting on one of the stools. Dallas makes a joke to Buck, and the two laugh. Buck sees Ponyboy out of the corner of his eye, and nods a head towards him.
"Got a visitor, Winston?" Buck says, and goes on to serve the other people.
Dally turns to Ponyboy, and the confused expression on his face is completely flooded over by fear. "What are you doing here?" He whispers, "You need help or something?This isn't-"
"No." Ponyboy quickly assures him, "No it's not that."
Relief washes over the towheaded Greaser, "Then, what?"
"I-uh...I need you to..." Ponyboy hadn't completely thought this over. He just remembered it-what-ten minutes ago, and now he's here. He doesn't know how Dallas will react. What if he says no? Well if he says no, then it's a no. Pony won't push it...but what if it's a yes? What will he do. Drag Dallas Winston over to the park, and show him a sunset? Well...there's only one way to find out.
Pony looks up at Dallas to be met with a face of impatience, "Are you gonna tell me or what?" Dally says.
"I-I need you to...to see a sunset with me." Ponyboy says.
Dally's face is completely blank, "What?"
"I need you to see a sunset," Ponyboy says, voice gaining more confidence. "Please." He adds.
"What do you mean, you need me to see a sunset?" Dally says, "Why do you need me to-"
"It was from the movie..." Ponyboy says, lowering his voice. They didn't need anyone over hearing them. Even if it has been months since they had watched that movie. They all did what they had to do to correct those mistakes, but it's only now that Ponyboy remembers the note Johnny had written. Johnny wanted Dally to see a sunset. To see the good in the world. Pony thinks that Dally has yet to see that.
"Johnny wanted you to see one then." Ponyboy says.
Dally gives him a weird and tired look.
"I don't wanna take any chances, Dally."
Dally sighs and leans back in his chair, he taps his fingers on the table in agitation. "Fine. When?"
"Now." Ponyboy says.
"Now?!" Dally objects.
Pony looks out the window quickly, "Meet me at the park in twenty minutes." Ponyboy tells him.
Ponyboy sits on the bench and fidgets. Where is he? Pony's worrying that Dally won't come. He might think this is just stupid. Ponyboy sighs. This is stupid! Why would he ask Dally to watch a sunset. Ponyboy gets up, "What are we supposed to be looking at?"
Ponyboy looks at Dally, "Oh!" Well that was unexpected. "Uh...we're looking over here." He points to over yonder.
"Aright..." Dally says and sits on the bench. He digs into his jacket pocket and grabs a cigarette. He lights it, and inhales.
Ponyboy stares to the horizon for a little bit, just waiting for the sun to come.
"Is this it?" Dally asks, uninterested.
"No, we just have to wait...a little longer."
A few moments soon pass, and then it happens. Ponyboy watches the line where heaven touches earth. His wide eyes witnessing the resounding glowing collision. Sparks light the sky and blood pours, as the glory of paradise descends farther behind the seam of the world. Ponyboy feels small as he glances over his shoulder and sees his shadow slowly shrinking towards his feet.
Pony takes a look at Dally. Dallas watches the sun. His eyes are steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckons the stars. His lips bear the tiniest resemblance of a smile, just enough to show that he is enjoying his thoughts, whatever they may be. Ponyboy stays quiet, allowing Dally to stay lost in the moment a while longer.
Pony looks back at the miraculous wonder, and remembers how he used to think about these sunsets. "You know, I used to wonder how something so great like this can be aloud in a place like Tulsa." Ponyboy says.
"Tulsa. So cruel and evil, that I believed for so long that good things just can't come out of here. That the people here would just want to see you get hurt and cry just for the fun of it. I would plan, as a kid, to hitchhike out of here the second I turn eighteen."
Dally scoffs, "You got the right idea, kid." He sniffs.
"...Then I remember my mom telling me...that beauty and good things can come from anywhere..." Ponyboy motions the sunset, "-just as long as you're willing to look."
Dally looks down at his hands, and a glint of something appears on Dally's face.
"You're mom..." Dally starts, and taps his foot, to get rid of the tension. "She was something else, man. She knew the score." He says quietly.
Another glint appears on his face, but Dally wipes it away quickly, so Ponyboy couldn't tell what that was. His eyes drifted to the horizon, the sky was pink and the sharp prongs of bare trees had ripped a hole in the clouds.
Dally looks to Ponyboy, "And she was right, kid. She was right." Dallas stands up, and tosses his cigarette butt. He looks back to the line, only a few bright streaks remained to signal heaven's passing. "See ya 'round." He mutters, and walks away.
The sun had set.
And everything was right.
Thank you guys so so so so much. This has truly been a wonderful journey with all of you guys! I hope you guys enjoyed the last bit. It was my dénouement for this book. You all have just been so wonderful and kind to me for my first story, I would like to thank you again. I love you guys all so much, and it's just so great to do this! Don't be alarmed though, this is not the last time you will see me. Just keep an eye out... Well there' snot much else to say, besides...
Stay Gold,
Jenn U.