Oh, my goodness this chapter is so long! I'm back after a long hiatus. Has anyone else been getting their fanfic story spammed with religious reviews or is that just me? They've been inactive recently so I'm wondering if they're just busy or they finally stopped.

Enjoy the longer than average chapter.

"Isn't this fun, big brother?" I smiled radiantly at Akira, wiping a trickle of sweat off my forehead.

While I wasn't much of a sports person, the batting cages were strangely therapeutic for me. My last hit landed dead center in the bullseye.

"This is agony." He groaned, sweatier than me and hunched over trying to catch his breath like a drowned man.

His shots were less than accurate, but he still managed to occasionally hit the bullseye.

Knife-throwing and dart lessons with Dad guaranteed him better aim than the average person, it was just the addition of the bat making Akira's shot so inconsistent.

We'd been at this workout for a good two hours straight and our muscles were starting to feel the burn. My fingers were cramped and my palms stung. Akira's legs and arms wobbled with every movement.

While this had been a good alternative to going to the gym, we weren't supposed to be exerting ourselves per Dr. Takemi's orders.

I needed an outlet though and who better to drag with me than my over-indulgent big brother? As twins it was his duty to suffer alongside me.

"You're such a bony wimp. I can't fathom why all the girls thought you were such a dreamboat at our old school." I poked mercilessly at his cheek after he sank to the ground in exhaustion.

Sports had always been a weakness of his, which was why it was surprising that he agreed so often to go running with Ryuji.

After each run Akira would collapse on the couch and stay there for a good thirty minutes, dead to the world as he recovered functionality in his legs. I would laugh relentlessly while handing him a bottle of water to chug down as Morgana fretted over him to no avail.

The stupid boy would continue doing selfless things, even when it inconvenienced him.

"Sue me for not having massive upper-body strength to lob around a giant sword." Akira removed his glasses and swept back his drenched bangs. He quirked his lip upwards in a manner similar to me. "One could say you're overcompensating for something with that thing."

"Shut up. Don't pretend to be me, it's not right!" I punched him.

Were Morgana here and not napping in the attic like the lazy feline he truly was, he'd be in fritz, wondering if we switched bodies like that movie we'd seen the other night.

We sat in silence, catching our breath and trying to relax in spite of the blazing sun frying us.

The school assembly had been an eye-opener.

Our ragtag group of Phantom Thieves managed to change Kamoshida's heart without killing him. Watching the bastard cry and beg to be locked up in front of hundreds of people was as mind-boggling as it was satisfying.

Never in a million years had I expected our actions in the Metaverse to bear fruit.

We did something helpful for dozens of students.

Suzui and Ann's reputations were cleared and the hospitalized girl would have justice for the violation of her body. The boys and I wouldn't be expelled. None of the volleyball members would ever be subjected to abuse again.

We changed lives without damaging our own.

"You okay, Homu?"

I looked up from my knees. "I think this is the first time I'm not mad at you for dragging me into something."

His face scrunched up in that way it did when Akira was displeased, but would make no mention of it. An ingrained form of polite indifference that ticked me off because I was his twin, not some stranger.

"You do drag me into your heroics, admit it." I insisted.

If my brother had a problem with something then he should spit it out instead of bottling it up.

"I can't ignore people who need help. It's not right." He sat up and met my gaze firmly.

"What's not right is taking the fall for 'what's right'." An ugly argument was brewing, one that hadn't been addressed since the incident. My mouth wouldn't stop moving now that I'd let the steam out. "People are ungrateful so why bother? They don't want our help!"

"So, you don't have a problem this time because everything turned out good, but the other time is an issue because it went wrong?" He addressed some of my concerns, but still refused to get to the meat of it.

"And? Everybody's like that."

Akira frowned deeply. "You can't pick and choose who to help based on the end results, that's selfish."

His undisguised disappointment stung. I stood up, stomping my foot in frustration.

Why? Why was I wrong for following the example set before me?!

Why did my efforts to be regular end with someone in my family disappointed?!

Why could I never win?!

"No, it's not! People only help each other when there's something in it for them. Everybody is selfish, including me!"

Mom dedicated so much time to my upbringing because she didn't want her friends to continue gossiping about how uncultured and unladylike her daughter was. Boys talked to me for the purpose of experiencing first-hand my reputation as a prostitute. Girls approached me for access to Akira or opportunities to degrade me.

No one in this day and age had noble intentions.

Dad and Akira were anomalies that I couldn't understand.

"What's in it for you then, sis? Why did you get involved with the drunk?" Akira tried a different approach instead of squabbling with me like I wanted.

I didn't even need to think about my reply. "That guy was going to hurt you. Of course I got involved!"

A smile broke through on my brother's face before it returned to solemnity. "And now with Kamoshida?"

There were many responses I could give to that question.

"We were going to get expelled and Mom and Dad would never forgive us for that…"

"Tell me the real reason."

I could give dozens of reasons, but there was just one that kept nagging me, one that stayed with me.

"…He was…hurting a lot of people…"

I despised seeing someone in pain, it made me mad beyond reason. I blamed Goro for installing that dislike in me.

His life as a foster kid was so shitty that every victimized kid was him in my eyes. I'd lost count of how many kids I ended up punching in the eye because they picked on my friend.

Mom shut that down with a stern slap and reprimand.

Girls weren't supposed to bare fists at people, even if they were being cruel. The sting in my cheek contradicted that lesson.

"Homu, you just killed your argument both times. You're not selfish, just a whiny brat." Akira bumped his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry about getting us into this situation. I really am. If I could go back in time and keep you out of trouble, I would. You're my little sister, your happiness means the world to me."

He finished with a gentle rub of my head. I shoved him away, burning with shame, irritation, and happiness.

A jumbled mess of contradictions. I hated puberty.

"Shut up, you're so lame! And that apology is super late."

Dammit! Why was he always making me look stupid?! Stupid, perfect, Akira Kurusu!

"Better late than never." He used his shirt to wipe at his still perspiring face. "Can you dial back on the aggression now?"

I crossed my arms and sniffed snobbishly. "Truce. I won't be verbally or physically abusing you until your next transgression."

"Gee, how magnanimous of you. I'm so thankful to not have my adorable sister abuse me." He mockingly bowed his head in appreciation.

Were a top hat on his head, he might've tipped that too. Arsene was rubbing off on him.

"Gloriana is rubbing off on you, too. You were weird before, now you're worse."

I must've mentioned his Persona out loud.

"Why thank you, brother dear."

"I'm not complimenting you."

"It sounded like one."

Akira buried his face in his hand. "My conceited sister."

"Your adorable, magnificent, artful, twin sister." I puffed my chest out and posed with the bat tilted against the ground, the same pose I struck in the Metaverse with my sword.

Sadly, without my costume there was no billowing dress to accompany my expansive hair as it fluttered in the wind.

"My name is Homura Kurusu, Queen of Queens. Look on my splendor and despair."

"You just butchered a great poem." Akira said flatly. He turned away from me and methodically began putting everything away. "I'm leaving."

"Wait for the queen!" I yelled, scrambling after his hasty exit.

We would have to clean up at the communal baths before going home since Sojiro would have customers at this time.

Akira went into the male side while I entered the female side for bathing. Luckily, the place was empty so I hosed myself down and flopped naked into the steamy bath, making myself comfortable half submerged in the water.

I didn't have to be proper with a towel hiding my figure or demurely interact with other occupants. I could unwind freely.

Pretending to be a good girl could be so very tiring.

"I'm a shapeshifter at Poe's masquerade, hiding both face and mind. All free for you to draw." I sang the next verse of the song I'd composed. My voice echoed off the walls pleasantly. "I'm a shapeshifter. What else should I be? Please don't take off my mask, revealing dark."

At the rate I was going I'd have a hit on my hands.

Those theatre snobs made a big mistake by rejecting me, a triple threat of singing, dancing, and acting. Plus I could compose and play the piano. Anybody in drama would kill to have me on their payroll.

No matter. I'd show them all.

One day my face was going to be on the big screen for all to adore and worship.

"Goro would be my biggest fan, bringing me flowers and chocolates to my dressing room. And kissing me good luck." I giggled to myself and sank further into the water.

The Detective Prince and the Idol Princess, the envy of every couple nationwide!

"Pfttt, I'm so silly!" I shook my head to rid myself of the fantasy and blush staining my cheeks.

Even when not present Goro made me utterly lovesick and it was a million times worse now that we could meet in person instead of long distance communication.

"Why is there water everywhere?" A random arrival asked.

I dived into the water and stayed under to avoid the woman's questions. All my flailing had caused a mess.

Private time was over.

The woman shrieked as I emerged and she covered her eyes in the face of my bareness.

"All yours, Madame. I apologize for the mess." I swiped up my things and skipped out, catching the last end of the woman's reminder to wear a towel in the bath.

After getting dressed I found Akira lounging at the entrance and eating a frozen treat from the vending machine.

"Did you get one for me?" I held my hand out expectantly for a popsicle.

He pressed the item into my cheek, earning a cry of cold from me.

"This hits the spot."

"Homura, you didn't dry your hair." Akira topped off his treat and tugged on the towel draped around my neck for protection against the wet locks I'd put in a messy bun.

"So? It'll air-dry. I didn't feel like standing under a dryer for thirty minutes." I leaned away from his grabby hands.

"You're eating a popsicle and have a mane of wet hair. You're going to get sick."

"No, I'm not. Let me eat my snack in peace." I swatted his hand away for the third time.

He frowned reproachfully and his lips moved to scold me, but then his expression abruptly lightened as he looked past me.

"Hey, Goro."

"What? Where?" My head swirled around, searching for the brunette. "I don't see him. You must actually need those glasses."

The warmth around my neck disappeared and before I could question it, my hair came out of its bun and a weight settled on my head.


"Don't struggle." Akira rubbed the towel over my hair, wringing out the moisture.

"Goro wasn't here, was he?" I let him do as he please and went back to eating my popsicle.


"Jerk-faced manipulator."

"I learned from the best, sis."

I chuckled. "You're finally admitting I'm the best at something. If only Mom and Dad could hear."

"Manipulation is not a quality to brag about." My brother sighed. "Your proud of the wrong things, I tell you."

By the time I finished eating, Akira had dried my hair. He snickered at how wild and frizzy it became from his ministrations. I resisted the temptation to punch him.

We entered Leblanc and an unexpected visitor was waiting for us at the bar.

"Dad?!" Akira and I said together.

He looked up from his conversation with Sojiro and beamed at us. "Kiddos!"

Seeing that easy smile took me back to trips to the park and long car rides by the ocean. Kazuki Kurusu was the epitome of an easy-going parent that was always ready for a good time.

My feet moved before I realized it.

"Homu, my favorite girl." Dad stood up, arms wide to receive me like I five again and small enough to envelop in one arm.

Many a time I had collapsed tearfully into those arms.

I stopped myself from getting caught in that old tendency.

"What're you doing here?" The bite in my voice made his smile falter.

Dad had stood by and did nothing as Mom berated me for ruining my future and being a horrible daughter. The argument escalated from there and I was sent to my room with Akira as our parents lamented over our criminal records. I didn't need to be present to know that Mom blamed me for her favorite child's darkened future.

To her I was going nowhere and dragging my brother down…

I was to blame for that night in her eyes.

Dad of all people should have defended me instead of resignedly observing as he had been over the years. How could he so passive and still expect me to smile at him?!

"Ah, well, um…" Dad blinked, still holding out his arms for a hug that wouldn't come.

"Don't be rude, sis." Akira muttered to me and then came to Dad's rescue by stepping forward to save the man from his failed introduction. "Hi, Dad. It's nice to see you."

"Haha, you're always so polite." He enveloped the child willing to accept his hug. "Good to see you too, son."

"How long have you been chatting?" I inquired of the strangely silent Sojiro.

The sign on the door had been switched to closed and two cups of coffee were on the counter.

"Long enough for me to complain about your crass behavior." The barista replied tartly. "And what happened to your hair? Stick your finger in a socket?"

"No! It's Akira's fault." I blushed defensively as Dad guffawed.

"Don't pick on her, Sojiro. The Kurusu curls aren't easy to manage." Dad scratched at his own grey curls that he kept trimmed in a professional manner. He used to wear it long and messy like Akira's.

If it weren't for his jovial demeanor, most people would think he was older than forty-four just from the grey. Dad always had to explain to people that the grey was natural from birth and people would reply that maybe he was just born stressed-out.


"Those curls managed to win over a few girls back in the day, right Kazu?" Sojiro smirked. "Asuka being the main one."

"Yeah…Asuka was mystified by them." Dad laughter was painfully forced to my trained-ear.

Our parents ongoing divorce wasn't public news yet.

"Is Mom with you?" Akira's hopeful eyes got to Dad and he laid an arm on his son's shoulders.

"Sorry, just me. Asuka wasn't feeling well enough to come."

"Typical." I crossed my arms, not even bothered.

"Hold on now. Your Mom really is sick." Dad rounded on me with a funny mixture of testiness and awkwardness. "She did want to visit both of you, but she couldn't make it out of bed."

"More like to visit Akira." I mumbled petulantly. "Could care less about me."

The woman hadn't called or texted me since we moved into the attic and the first message hadn't been loving or even remotely nice. But of course she'd been in contact with her favorite boy.

I hadn't been brave enough to confirm with Akira that the person he periodically talked to with such a wide smile was Mom. I didn't need confirmation of her blatant favoritism.

"Whatever you're thinking it's not true and you know it." Dad ruffled my hair, squashing my thoughts without realizing it. "Let's stop being so gloomy. Wanna go somewhere, kiddos?"

Akira jumped on the opportunity. "Go where?"

"I'm kinda hungry and it's a nice day…how about a picnic in the park? Like old times?"

"I don't mind. Sis?"

"Sure, sure." I grumbled to the eager males.

"Done deal." Dad gulped down the rest of his coffee and pulled out his wallet.

"Don't worry about it. It's on the house." Sojiro took the empty cup.

"What? You sure?"

"I offered didn't I? Get out of here so I can reopen my shop."

"You heard the man, lets skedaddle." Dad flashed the barista a final grin and grabbed us by the shoulders, pushing towards the door.

"Wait, I need to put my stuff up." Akira hefted up his dirty gym bag and took mine.

"Right, right."

He hastened up the stairs, leaving me with Dad, who ushered me out the door and to his car.

We stood together in silence until Dad tried striking up a meaningless conversation and I stubbornly answered as minimally as I could. He was too used to my surly moods to be detoured and talked about some of his new projects when my replies became one word answers.

Akira finally returned with his shoulder bag and the inane conversing stopped.

"Off we go, kiddos."

The drive to park became annoying with Dad's persisting good mood and chatter. The boys left me to my moody silence after I snapped one too many times from pointless questions.

Who did Dad think he was, acting all chummy when he abandoned us?!

I would not forgive him for his passiveness. I wouldn't!

"Is there a reason Homura's in such a foul mood? Your father seems nice."

I blinked uncomprehendingly at the cat poking its head out of Akira's bag. "Morgana? I thought you were staying home today?"

"I am feeling sluggish, but I wanted to meet the father of such rare twins." He meowed in an unimpressed manner. "Kazuki Kurusu is so average though. Hard to believe Jester and Joker are spawned from him."

"What were you expecting?" Akira's eyebrows rose curiously.

"Someone with a bit more…flare, I guess? Homura's dramatics have to come from somewhere and she did say he did magic shows."

"No one can match my flare. You were bound to be disappointed on that matter." I bragged, sitting on the ledge and relishing the nice breeze.

Inokashira Park was a lovely sight with all the different shades of green forestry and the sparkling lake. The spot we'd chosen to wait for Dad at gave us privacy to admire the nature in its basic form.

"This place is relaxing enough for a nap." Morgana gave an approximation of a yawn.

"Don't you mean 'catnap'?" I corrected teasingly.

"No! I'm a human so it's a 'nap'." He hissed back.

"You've been sleeping all day. Too much napping can be a bad thing." Akira swatted Morgana's tail from his face and held back a sneeze.

"For someone untrained sure, but not me. I'm an expert when it comes to sleeping." The cat's ears dropped. "You have to be when resting in the Metaverse."

Akira and I tensed uncomfortably. Sleeping in such a bizarre place was unfathomable and not to mention dangerous.

Morgana was trapped in Kamoshida's dungeon for who knows how long. How many nights had he fallen asleep and wondered if he'd ever escape the place?

"I got sandwiches!" Dad yelled, waving his bounty in the air.

Morgana squeaked and hid in Akira's bag.

"Finally, I'm starving." My stomach roared on cue with my brother's.

Dad laughed.

"I've missed that sound. The fridge always seems too full without its usual thieves sneaking food all the time." He handed us each a bag of mini-sandwiches, chips, and soda. "Is Sojiro feeding you two his special curry?"

"He is." Akira and I said with differing amounts of enthusiasm.

He considered it a generosity to be fed the delicacy of Leblanc on a daily basis. Frankly, I was tired of eating it.

My own poison cooking was looking more appetizing by the day.

"That curry is something else…" Dad chewed languidly.

"How do you know Sojiro? He's way older than you."

Akira choked on his food from my blunt interrogation. The recipient chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"We're actually close in age, kiddo. Even went to school together. We were mutual friends through another and we didn't become better acquainted until later when I got married." A wistful smile spread across his face. "The school playboy came asking me for tips when he met this woman that wouldn't give him the time of day. Soji was madly in love with Wa-"

Dad stopped laughing.

His face became worried and the hair ruffling frantic. "Don't repeat anything I said, alright? He gets really defensive about his old-flame."

"Cut it out, I get it!" I wrestled him off before he could burn my hair off with all the friction he was causing. "Look at my hair!"

I bemoaned the messy reflection I saw.

"Oops! Sorry, Homu." He caught himself from reaching back for my hair. "It really doesn't look that bad. She still looks cute as ever, right son?"

My brother bit his lip, looking everywhere but me.

I jabbed him in the side. "I'm ugly because of you, jerk-face!"

"How?! For being the responsible one?" Akira countered with a pull on my cheek.

"No one asked you too!"

"I don't need to be asked to take care of you!"

His bag got knocked off with all the tussling. Morgana shrieked after hitting the ground.

"Was that a cat?" Dad scratched his head.

Akira and I quit fighting to quickly deny Morgana's meow.

"I know I heard one." He bent down to inspect the bag and I snatched it up.

"You're imagining things." I stressed.

Sojiro didn't mind us having a pet, but Mom was against animals living in the house. Dad was sure to tell her if he found out and then I'd be subjected to a lengthy lecture about how immature and irresponsible I was for hiding and sheltering a cat under someone else's roof.

Dad frowned. "I'm very lenient with you, Homura, but that was rude. Let me see the bag."

I looked to Akira for help.

"I've got some of her stuff in there and she doesn't want you to see." He supplied, not outright lying.

"No need to be embarrassed, I've never had a problem acknowledging your girl problems. Between you and Asuka, I've made dozens of trips for tampons." Dad responded, gripping the bag and tugging.

"Dad! Don't talk about that." I flushed from the breach in privacy and tugged back.

My monthly problems didn't need to be aired to Akira and Morgana so casually.

Wait…did Morgana even know what a period was?

"Okay, now I'm very suspicious." He tugged harder in response to my continued resistance. "Hand over the bag or I'm cutting off your allowance."

Moment of crisis.

We needed that monthly stipend now more than ever with our trips to the Metaverse eating away at our wallets. Without it, I'd have to get a job and I really didn't want to.

School was enough of a bother, a job would diminish what little free-time I had.

Decision made, I handed over the bag. Akira sucked in a breath and waited for the angry exclamation.

"I knew it, there was a cat in here!" Dad pulled Morgana out and stared in to his big, blue eyes.

"Dad, I'm-" Akira started to apologize, but it went unsaid in light of the boisterous laughter coming from the man. "Why…why is he laughing?"

"It's…happy laughter…maybe we aren't in trouble." I whispered timidly.

"I'm glad it WAS a cat. For a second I thought you two might be hoarding drugs." He cradled the nervous cat and scratched behind its ears.

I instantly got ticked off at the conjecture and would've sharply rebutted if my brother hadn't pinched me warningly.

"You're not mad?" He ventured into uncharted territory.

"Asuka's the one that doesn't like pets and I'm guessing Sojiro doesn't mind since you came downstairs with it. I don't have an issue with the little guy." Dad gave the bag back to Akira and kept playing with Morgana by rubbing his tummy next. "Just surprised you two are entering this phase now. Don't toddlers usually bring home strays?"

"He was hurt and I couldn't leave him."

Another half-truth. Morgana had been half-dead when Akira and Ryuji stumbled on him.

"I gotcha, kiddo. What's his name?"


Dad blinked, confused by the English-sounding name.

He tilted his head at me questioningly. "Did you come up with that? Sounds like a character from one of your plays."

"Maybe I did. What of it?"

He gave me one of those patient smiles that preceded him dropping a dose of reality onto my whimsical mind. "Homu, you do know he's a boy right?"

"I know that." I grouched.

I didn't actually name the weird cartoon cat and some of us had already pointed out the femininity of the name to its owner.

"Okay, kiddo." Dad nodded, knowing he wouldn't get anywhere when my absurdities were too established. "Take care of Morgana then. Pets are life companions."

Our feline friend murderously glared at us as he was returned to Akira and hissed. "Not a word of what just happened. I was pretending, got it?"

Pretending to enjoy being scratched and tickled like a cat? I doubted that.

"He sure is vocal." Dad commented and then jumped as his phone went off. He checked the screen. "I gotta take this, kids. Clean up for me, would you?"

My brother obediently got to it, tossing the trash into a nearby bin. I slouched back onto the railing.

"That could have gone south. Glad it didn't."

"I can't believe you were willing to turn me over for cash. Such a cut-throat decision for a lady." Morgana complained despondently.

I blandly explained my reasoning. "That money pays for your sushi requests and veterinary visits, which Dr. Takemi isn't really qualified for, but she's the only doctor that won't ask questions or report us for repeatedly bringing in a wounded cat that we swear up and down that we didn't abuse for fun."

He choked and hung his head. "I-I didn't think of that. My apologies for complaining, Lady Homura."

"Don't feel bad, Morgana. Homura was harsher than necessary. We don't mind taking care of you." Akira soothed the depressed cat and sent one of his I'm-disappointed-looks my way. "Don't be mean just because you're in a bad mood.

What was this, Reprimand Homura Day?

"I have a right to be upset, don't try talking me out of my anger." I huffed, moodily watching the other functionally families and couples rowing boats on the lake. "He just pops in like nothing's wrong. Like he sent us to camp or something…I don't like it!"

"That's what's bothering you?" Morgana jumped onto the railing and situated himself next to me in a show of comfort. Asking him to cuddle me would be too much on his part. "You all have such messy home-lives. I think Ryuji might have the most normal life out you all and that's just sad."

"At least he's trying. That's something to be happy about, isn't it?" Akira pointed out in Dad's defense. "He and Mom could've ignored us for our probation, but they haven't. That's more than anyone else from home has done for us."

Saying all that made us sound more pathetic.

Why did we have to be satisfied with scraps of affection? Didn't we deserve more from our parents?

"Do you always have to be right? Can't you be a normal, dumb teenager like everybody else?"

"Are you including yourself in that?"

"Might as well compared to you." I muttered derogatorily.

Why couldn't he vent with me instead of trying to be a wise comforter?

I was his twin so I knew he had to be angry on some level. Why continue with the perfect masquerade in front of me?

"Hey kids, I gotta take you back. Asuka's cold is getting worse." Dad reappeared, bearing an apologetic smile.

"It it really just a cold? Mom's never been so sick that she can't get out of bed." Akira worriedly glanced at the phone still ringing from Dad's pocket.

"I told you not to worry, kiddo. I've got it handled."

Dad drove us back to Leblanc and handed off some extra money as he rushed off. Seeing him go brought back my ill humor full-force.

Sojiro laughing at my sulky expression didn't help.

"You're quite the Daddy's Girl. Wasn't expecting that, but it explains a lot." The old man teased.

"What do you know, Sojiro? You don't have kids." I said brusquely and he flinched as if I'd hit him.

"My sister didn't mean to be so snappish. Please excuse her behavior." Akira pulled me upstairs before a reprimand could be dished out. "What is with you?! Stop lashing out at people. Me and Dad are one thing because we know you, but Sojiro doesn't. You could get into serious trouble."

"I'd hardly call that lashing out. Did you see how uncomfortable he got?" I deflected, having had enough of lectures for the day. "Do you think he's got some love-child hidden away?"

He gaped at my change in temperament. "Whiplash. You give me whiplash with your mood changes."

"And you bore me with your nonexistent ones. We even each other out."

"You're so mean. What did I do to deserve such cruel sister?"

"Who knows?" I grinned impishly. "Maybe you angered a god in another life."

"Pfttt, as if, Homes."

Take your time

"Um, Homura…you've been giggling nonstop since we got off the train. Is everything okay? You're kinda weirding me out." Ann's face struggled to decide between a smile or grimace.

Her odd state of fluctuation furthered my giggles.

"Wellll, I was giggling in anticipation, but now it's because of your face, Ann."

She rolled her eyes. "Geez, why are you so excited to go to this gun shop? Ryuji and Akira could've done this boring job. Why did you volunteer us? You didn't care before."

"Don't be like that. I had a change of heart after meeting the owner. He's a catch." I snickered from my word choice.

I'd wanted to spend the day with Goro, but he was busy working and had hardly responded to any of my messages. I had to settle for ogling Iwai.

"No way…" Ann froze.

I took a few steps back to her spot.

"Something wrong?"

"No way, no way!" She griped my shoulders in a vice-grip and shook me excitedly. "You have a crush and you're showing them to me?!"

"Not if you knock my brain out of my skull!"

People side-eyed us with annoyance for the racket.

"Why do you have to be so loud?" I grumbled, holding my head and waiting for the world to stop spinning. "Why are you this excited? Iwai isn't even my main selection."

"What do you mean 'why'? I'm happy because you're opening up to me." Ann's radiant smile turned down momentarily. "And you're just as loud as me with those random monologues you burst into." The smile returned with a more devious edge to it. "And what do you mean he's not your main selection? You've got more than one crush? That's so greedy."

I blushed unintentionally from how happy my companion was acting. I didn't realize she'd get so jubilant over a simple thing as displaying my taste in men.

"I'm not being greedy. It's perfectly normal for girls to shop around. Guys do it on a daily basis, why shouldn't we?"

"I'm teasing, Homura." Ann poked my shoulder and raised her fist. "Now I'm pumped to hit up this shop. Show me your dreamboat!"

I matched her enthusiasm with an airy huff. "Iwai isn't a dreamboat, he's more like…the scary, but hot, older-guy type."

"Ooooh, so you like bad boys? Not surprising since you're devilish."

I hummed pensively. "Maybe? I'm not sure if I have a type besides handsome."

Would Goro count as a bad boy?

His background fit the profile and he could have an explosive temper in certain situations. It felt wrong to label him as a bad boy though when he meticulously tried to be a poster child for good behavior in response to people's reactions to his past.

"It sounds like you've got simple taste. He doesn't have to be funny, smart, or nice? Just handsome?"

"Pretty much. All the rest tends to fall in place." I shrugged, not really needing to think about it since my mind and heart had been obsessively focused one individual most my life. "What about you? Is Ryuji your type?"

"You go straight for that?" Ann groaned. "For the thousandth time, Ms. Matchmaker, Ryuji and I are just friends and NOTHING more!"

"Denial is the first stage of loveeeeee."

"Nope, that's grief. And all Ryuji does is cause me grief. Like, why can't he clean up his appearance? He always looks so disheveled and gross!" She growled, tugging on pigtails in frustration. "And he's always eating! Gah, it gets on my nerves that his stomach is a pit and he doesn't gain weight!"

I sniggered. "Admit it. You loveeee him."

"Stop emphasizing love. I TOLERATE him."

I mouthed the word and drew a heart in the air.

"I'll draw on your face with lipstick if you don't stop."

"That's a waste of makeup and you use expensive stuff. What would your beau say?" She raised the golden tube threateningly. "Okay, okay. Holster your weapon and prepare to be amazed."

I gestured to Untouchable.

"This place seems sketchy, it's right in the middle of a deserted alley."Ann was unimpressed with the hole-in-the-wall.

"I can't argue with that, but sometimes rare things are found in unsavory places."

She beamed at me. "You sounded really cool just now. Is that from a play or something?"

"I made it up on the spot. Improv is kinda my thing."

We stepped inside the store and were greeted with the languid man holed up behind the counter.

"If it isn't Twin Two. You here to pawn more weird stuff?" Iwai lowered his newspaper in acknowledgment, but didn't get up from his seat.

"Yes, sir." I smile cutely, placing my bag on the counter and carefully retrieving the items we pilfered from the castle.

He twitched at the odd arrangement in front of him and leveled me with an extreme glare of are-you-serious. The question of where we were getting the items burned in his eyes, but never left his lips.

My smile only got cuter as he grew more dubious.

"Um, will you take the stuff…or not?" Ann tepidly twirled the ends of her pigtail.

Iwai sniffed and rolled his lollipop to the other end of his teeth. "Yeah, alright."

He scooped up the treasure and put it all in a bin, grumbling out their worth. Ann squeaked at the amount and went straight to browsing for a new model gun.

I now had space to badger the gun maniac.

"Did you prepare that special menu for us? I'd like a replacement if possible." I held up my damaged pistol.

Using my gun as a shield for attacks probably wasn't smart. Sometimes I couldn't defend in time with sword and sacrifices had to be made.

"What have you been doing with that? Using it to club someone?" Iwai took the gun and clicked his tongue when the dents didn't prove to be tricks of light.

"Pretty much. My admirers just can't control themselves when I'm around."

Shadows did appear to attack me more than the others, Ann being a close follow- up as a target. Maybe it was just Kamoshida's perverted tendencies influencing the Shadows to go after females.

"Slugging stalkers is supposed to be your brother's job, not my models." The gun maniac scowled reproachfully. "And you call yourself a gun enthusiast? This is downright shameful."'

I pouted at the dressing-down. "I didn't mean to wreck it, honest. I value your work, Mr. Iwai."

His frown lasted for a good minute before he issued out a long-suffering sigh. A tray landed between us.

"He's the special menu. Stop it with the kicked-dog face and pick something."

I immediately perked up. "Ann, come look at these."

"I'll put this mutilated pistol in the back. Looks like you and your brother have your first assignment."

"Roger that, boss." I mock saluted him as he disappeared into the back room.

Ann bumped into my shoulder playfully, lowering her voice to a whisper. "He looks rough, but he totally caved for you."

"I know, I know. It's refreshing after dealing with so many irritating males." I stifled a giggle.

Almost all the males in my life were getting on my nerves, Dad with his absence, Akira with his perfect nature, Sojiro with his curtness, and Goro with his silence. Ryuji was the only one not being a nuisance and that was because he'd been busy trying to find a part-time job to help out his mom and hadn't been around.

"He's a little too old though…" Ann chewed her lip. "So older, tough guys are your type?"

"We're back to this? I don't-"

Our whispering came to an end as Iwai returned, lazily taking in our hunched posture. "I don't like the look of you two. Better not be thinking of anything sneaky."

His eyes glinted dangerously.

"I couldn't steal from you, I'd probably die in the process." I joked.

Only, I wasn't really kidding.

Iwai looked like he could take just about anyone down in a fight. He knew that and that was why he was so comfortable leaving his shop unattended with customers.

If someone did steal from him, the gun maniac would hunt them down and deliver swift punishment.

"Smart girl." He smirked.

Ann let out the breath she'd held in. "So intense."

"Can I have this one?" I pointed to a shiny new pistol and nudged my spooked friend.

"A-And these." She recovered her wits, picking out new weapons for the others.

We paid for the items.

"I really should be concerned about you kids stocking up on all this." Iwai bagged our purchases and pointed his half-finished lollipop at me. "Don't spill my name if you get caught with any of this, got it?"

"My lips are sealed." I promised, miming the process of zipping my lips.

"And tell that squeaky brother of yours to be here next weekend to help you fix that destroyed model."

"Does Akira have to be here? I can fix it on my own." I didn't want to bother him with my problem and more importantly, I wanted alone-time with Iwai.

I wouldn't get a better opportunity at opening him up to me.

"Two heads are better than one and he should learn the process too."

"Fine." I sighed.

Blocked by my brother again and the guy wasn't even present.

Ann and I waved goodbye to the owner and returned to the busy streets of Shibuya. She stored the models in her large purse and smirked at me.

"Intimidating, but hot. I can definitely see the appeal."

"He's good competition for my prince." I swooned theatrically. "Ah, the heart. What a fickle mistress it is!"

She laughed. "This is nice. Shiho's shy about boys so I've never joked around with someone like this."

"Same, kinda. Akira's the reluctant spectator to my fancies and he's such a killjoy about it." I ended my game to assuage my concern of the recently released Suzui. "How is she?"

I'd found out from a teary confession from Ann that her friend had finally been lifted from Suicide Watch, but was now required to consult a therapist every week.

"Pretty bad…but she'll get through it. I'll make sure of it." Ann's heavy depression lifted fairly quickly after she gasped and leaned towards me.

"Here we go…" I murmured, waiting for her big revelation.

"The three of us should have a sleepover!"

"…A sleepover?" I repeated idiotically like it was a foreign concept.

She pressed on, brushing off my stupor. "It's a great way for my best friend to connect with my new friend. And she could use the company, the other girls from the volleyball team still don't know how to approach her after everything."

"I've…" My words got drowned out by Ann's excited planning.

Embarrassment flooded me the more she talked about how close the three of us would become.

No one had invited to a sleepover before. It used to bother me when I was younger and the girls in class bragged about all the fun things they did at each other's houses.

Other females had been treating me like I was beneath them from as early on as elementary school.

The closet I came to attending a slumber party was the odd time Goro's foster parents let him spend the night at our house.

Three kids tucked into a pillow fort playing board games and reading stories had been my limited experience with sleepovers.

How was I to behave around two teenage girls, especially one I'd never directly spoken to?

"Earth to Homura, you in there?" Ann impatiently fluttered her hand in my face.


"So, do you wanna come over?"

"Y-Yeah, okay." I accepted in spite of my anxiety over the millions of ways I could ruin the night.

"You don't sound sure…" She deflated, guilt overtaking her features. "Is this about my previous unfriendliness? I'm really sorry about that. I just expected you all to be trouble and I didn't need that. But I want to make up for all that!"

I stopped her before she could go on a full rant. "I agreed because I wanted to. My nervousness had nothing to do with you."

"Okay, explain."

I took a deep breath and braced myself for the coming outburst. "I was nervous to say yes, because this is my first sleepover."

Five seconds passed and cue the shriek from my exuberant companion. "I'm sorta shocked, but I'm starting to realize you're a loner and these bombshells are going to keep coming. I should stop freaking out so much, huh?"

"Me, a loner? Where in the world are you getting that perspective?" I rubbed my abused ear. "I'm perfectly sociable."

"Ummmm..." She drew out the syllable til I demanded an explanation. "You're talkative with certain people, like your brother is a good example. Even though you guys bicker there's a feeling of affection to it. Or you're teasing each other or worse, tag-team teasing somebody else. Really, you two just seem to be having fun. It makes me jealous."

"Arguing with him is not fun. Somehow he's always right." My face scrunched up. One of these days I would get the upper hand. "And I talk to you and Ryuji all the time at school. I'm talking to you right now, how does that make me a loner?"

"You're making an effort, I'll give you that, but I've approached you most of the time. Our conversations at school aren't anything of substance." Ann adjusted her bag and smiled at my pout. "I can't tell you how psyched I was when you messaged me today. Even if it was for PT business, it was still a start."

"You're making me sound so standoffish…I thought I was doing better…" I sighed, aggravated with myself.

Reflecting on her words I came to the conclusion that the red panther was right.

At school I didn't actively engage Ryuji and Ann unless I needed something or Akira was present with them.

Since Ryuji and I shared a homeroom I spoke with him the most after my brother. Those discussions mostly consisted of him begging for my notes to copy or help on his forgotten homework.

The frequency in which the delinquent didn't understand something was high and in an effort to not sound ignorant, I'd been doing my homework and keeping up with the lessons. Clarifying the lessons in simpler terms for Ryuji had enhanced my own skills and my studies reflected that.

Akira was stumped, but pleased with the sudden bump in my grades.

My brother had beamed proudly and kissed the top of my head after he saw the fat "A" on the test papers I shoved in his face to prove I wasn't lying.

Ryuji's pestering for help had unexpected benefits.

Ann was harder to approach with how different our schedules were. She and I managed to huddle together in the courtyard to complain or gossip for lunch.

To my great displeasure, Izumo Goto and her obnoxious twits would now and then disrupt our meal to torment me. Ann's presence made their barbs twice as acidic. Goto loved running her mouth about the school sluts.

Ann managed to pretend the girls didn't exist since cattiness wasn't anything new to her. I, on the other hand threw back insults with twice as much vitriol since keeping my mouth shut wasn't a function I was familiar with.

If things didn't change with Goto, the girl was going to be on the receiving end of some nasty pranks.

Akira remained unaware of the bullying at my insistence.

Ann and Ryuji didn't understand my reasoning, but they backed off after I snapped at them for butting in. Akira's help would amount to nothing, he wasn't the type to defend my honor by beating someone to a pulp like Ryuji would in the heat of the moment. No, my brother was the type to sit the offender down and talk things out.

I didn't want a mediator.

"Hey, turn that frown upside down." Ann shook me right out of my funk. "We've still got a day to kill. What should we do next?"

"I dunno…Iwai was my main objective. I'm fine with you taking the reins now."

We had lots of options since it was the weekend and we had no code reds like homework or Palace grinding.

"We could go to the mall? Try on some clothes?" The blonde model wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Find an outfit for you that would make Iwai drop his lollipop."

I gasped and covered my mouth in mock outrage. "Ann, you dog!"

She snickered. "I'm totally kidding."

"No, you're not. You're a closet pervert. The red spandex says it all."

It was Ann's turn to gasp and an angry blush appeared. "Shut up! I had no control over that! And I'm not a pervert!"

"Yes, you are. No need to get mad, join the club." I held my hand for a high-five, wiggling my eyebrows as she had. "You know you want to, kitten."

"Ugh, stop!" Ann groaned and turned her back me, feigning that I was stranger harassing her. People gave us funny looks.

I stopped teasing her after she threatened to ditch me.

We stood in front of the bookstore, debating our next plan until a nuisance greeted us.

"Hi, Yuuki! It's great to see you without all the bandages."

Mishima laughed weakly and scratched his cheek. "I pretty much looked like a zombie with them, huh?"

Ann recognized the discomfort she'd caused. "That came out wrong. I'm just happy to see you looking healthy and not miserable."

The dour expression left the blunette's face as he perked up.

"That's okay. I'm not bothered…that's all behind me now." He addressed me hesitantly. "H-Hello, Kurusu."

I crossed my arms and scathingly echoed back. "Mishima."

The boy recoiled at the intensity of my glare.

Every time he approached me in school to apologize I coldly sent him off without a second glance.

Akira may have told me to let it go, but he wasn't the boss of me. What my saint brother didn't realize was that once a snake, always a snake.

"What're you up to, Yuuki?" Ann tried to save the deteriorating conversation with her forced cheer.

"I-I was on my way to the bookstore." Mishima fidgeted in my presence, but tried to smile for the blonde speaking to him.

"Let me guess, comic books?"

"Yeah, but not for me."

"Oh, for your 'brother'?" Ann exaggerated the "brother" portion.

The blunette blushed, muttering something too low for either of us to hear.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?"

"T-The comics are for Shiho." Mishima spewed out in a mortified manner.

"Since when does Shiho read comics?" Ann skeptically raised her eyebrows.

"I brought her some of my old copies when she was in the hospital and I guess she got hooked. I ran out of things to loan her so here I am." He shoved his hands in his pockets and valiantly met Ann's defensive gaze.

She didn't comment further on the new piece of information.

"I wanted to do something nice for her after everything she went through. I'll never forgive myself for doing nothing, Shiho deserved better from me."

"I'm glad somebody else is looking out for her. She really needs it." Ann relented with her scrutiny.

"I-I'm happy to help her and if you need anything let me know, Ann. You've been hurt by all this too."

She inhaled sharply at the offer. "Thanks. You're an okay guy, Yuuki."

I rolled my eyes. Mishima wasn't an "okay guy".

He leaked my record. No amount of apologizing would make me forgive him.

"I'll see you two later." The blunette waved and entered the bookstore.

Ann groaned, staring at me conflictingly. "I know he messed up, but Kamoshida made him hurt you. I've seen him apologize to you. Can't you be a little nicer?"

"Is his apology supposed to fix everything? In one stroke he's ruined the next year for me." I sneered, unmoved by her point. "Akira may not care that people constantly whisper about us, send us dirty looks, and spy on us for the slightest infringement, but I do. The only silver lining to this arrangement was that we were going to get a fresh start. That's gone now."

She let the matter drop and suggested we go to the mall. I let her drag me underground to her favorite shopping spot.

Take your time

"You're a natural at this." Airi, the manager of the floral store gushed over the potted plant I presented.

I puffed up at the praise. Floral arrangement was one of the skills I picked up from Mom.

Airi hired me on the spot after I stopped by to inquire about job openings. She'd remembered me from my visit with Ann and didn't require much convincing to give me a chance.

Today was my first day on the job.

"Would you like to complete the rest of the orders? I'll man the front in the meanwhile." She set the bouquet of camellias and daisies on the shelf with the other orders waiting for pickup.

"All by myself?" I smiled at the open show of trust.

"Yes, you have an eye for beauty. My supervision isn't necessary." The manager returned my smile and handed me a list to follow.

"I won't disappoint you, Ms. Airi."

"If you need help or get confused come get me."

She left me to work.

I scanned the list for the first item on the agenda. A "get well soon" bouquet was first up. Upon further inspection, most the requests were gifts for hospital visits.

A sigh escaped me.

All the train accidents were uprooting people's lives, and of course, all the other tragic things that could happen in a day.

Sometimes it felt like humanity was bent on destroying itself. Why was it so difficult for us to go one day without doing something crappy?

I finished the first order and moved on to the next, getting lost in the art of Ikebana.

Kamoshida had been convicted and imprisoned.

Our group was ecstatic about the crook getting his just-deserts. Plans had been made for us all to celebrate tomorrow. I'd been looking forward to the party all week after the emotional rollercoaster my body put me through with Dad's abrupt visit, arguing with Akira, and dealing with an absent detective.

Ann had talked up the spot she chose, but refused to actually explain about the establishment or disclose its location, citing that it all was a grand surprise. If I didn't know how picky and upscale her taste was, I'd be worried.

The many shopping trips we shared assured me that the rich girl wouldn't pick somewhere dodgy. The downside to this was all the extra cash from pawning Kamoshida's medal would most likely be spent in one day.

The blonde model wasn't frugal with money. Just recalling how much she spent without batting an eye gave me stomach cramps.

Dad provided a comfortable lifestyle for us with his construction business, but in light of Ann's inherited wealth and the added funds from her career, I felt substantially poor.

"Homura, would you like to take a break?" Airi's warm voice broke through my work frenzy.

"A break? I just started working."

"Dear, you've been working for five hours straight. Even finished all my orders for the day." She gestured to all the arrangements crowding the shelf and then pointed at the clock to prove her claim.

My jaw dropped as I noticed the time and indeed five hours had passed since I arrived this morning.

The weariness in my limbs registered and I stared uncomprehendingly at my dirt-covered hands. The bandages had come off yesterday in preparation for today, but I hadn't actually looked at the results. My hands weren't smooth anymore and my nails were chipped.

Mom would flip if she could see me.

"You're so diligent. You hardly noticed anything else going on in the shop. I had a lot of my regulars asking about my cute new hire. They're so used to my grumpy delivery boy."

"Really? How did I get so engrossed in flower arranging?"

To think I'd missed out on free praise! Hopefully it was elderly customers and not cute boys. I didn't want potential fans to think I was dismissive.

Homura Kurusu would never turn her back on an adoring fan!

"Don't be dismayed. Getting wrapped up in your work is a good thing, it shows you care." Airi smiled, thinking I was upset. "I had a good feeling about you. I'm glad I listened."

I blushed, happy with all the lauding.

Finally. Someone appreciated the wonder that was me.

"Now, I insist you take an hour break." She pushed me into the back office to clean up and when I finished, shooed me out the store faster than I thought possible for a woman of her slight size.

I looked around the underground mall, at a loss how to kill an hour. My stomach's growling decided for me and I purchased a simple sandwich and smoothie on the upper floor.

The train station was too noisy and crowded so I ventured outside and ate my lunch on a bench, mindlessly watching people with each bite of my meal.

Akira was working today too.

Unlike me, he took miscellaneous shifts at different establishments when Sojiro didn't need us at Leblanc. Today he was working at Beef Bowl.

With how hectic the place could get it wouldn't be wise for me to pop in for a visit.

Who else could I bother for the remainder of my break?

In a fit of boldness, I pulled out my phone and called the one person I hadn't seen or heard from in days. After three rings he picked up.

"Hello, Akechi speaking."

"Goro!" I whined, mustering all my vexation with his ghosting into his name.

"Homura, there's no need to yell into the speaker." I could imagine the exasperated face he was sporting, but it would shift into a fond sort of exasperation as it typically did when Goro was around me.

"Hmph, there is when I'm upset with you."

I heard him shuffling some things around on his side and his voice became muffled. "I apologize for neglecting our chats, but I really have been busy at the station."

"The whole Kamoshida scandal is affecting even you? Are you that big a deal at work?"

"I'm not supposed to discuss this with you." Goro continued at the sound of my indignant groan. "Yes, it is. When a public educator willingly admits to such heinous crimes a thorough investigation is conducted. I've been so involved that my other cases are suffering."

Exhaustion and stress poured from the other line and I felt bad for guilt-tripping him.

"Oh, my poor, overworked baby. Do you need me to give you back rub? Give you a re-energizing kiss?" I cooed.

"Don't say things like that!" He whispered heatedly.

"Why not? Are you flustered, Go-Bear?"

Goro sputtered from the unveiling his ridiculous childhood name Akira and I had bestowed upon him.

The brunette's hair had been messier and thicker during childhood and the color reminiscent of a teddy bear sitting in my room. Not to mention the boy was so immensely happy whenever we played with him that I got it in my childish head that he was the embodiment of a teddy bear.

Sharing my thoughts with Akira led to him coming up with the nickname.

Needless to say, any mention of Go-Bear completely embarrassed the no longer innocent Goro Akechi.

"Stop teasing me, Homura." He regained some semblance of composure.

"Or what?" I challenged, knowing there wouldn't be any consequences.

"Or…I'll tease you back."

I laughed at the immature response that didn't sound right coming from the guy so uptight about maturity. "Pah! You can't fluster me. I'm made of thicker skin."

"I beg to differ. You're confident when you're the initiator but when on the receiving end you get as nervous as anyone."

"You're mistaken, Detective Prince."

"We'll see abou-" A loud voice in the background cut him off.

"Who are you talking to so animatedly, Akechi?"

Another voice entered the fray.

"Can only be a girlfriend with how much he's blushing!"

Soon my ear was assaulted with people loudly asking millions of questions about Goro's secret girlfriend.

I covered my mouth, squealing inward over his coworkers' assumptions. the detective denied everything, but the males laughed and continued their badgering.

The noise eventually died down and the only sounds left were my giggles and Goro's puffs of air. He must've run from the office.

"Look at the trouble you cause me. I had to flee my desk." The detective muttered. "The minute I go back all that nonsense will start again."

"I am not sorry. That was the best laugh I've had in forever." I wiped some tears away. "You needed some fun too, admit it, Go-Bear."

"That name again?!" His voice got so deep that it gave me pleasant chills. "This is your last warning, Homura Kurusu."

"I'd love to listen to more of your empty threats, but I've got to get back to work." I really would have liked to hear more of that unpredictable tone from Goro.

Maybe…I did have a thing for bad boys.

Ann was onto something...

"Work? When did you get a job?" He sounded completely shocked which brought back some of my disgruntlement.

"I got a job at the underground flower shop in Shibuya. You'd know this if you read my texts."

"I'm sorry, Homura."

I stayed silent, back to milking the guilt-trip angle. Since Goro couldn't see me he took my unresponsiveness as a sign of anger and issued out another apology.

"I forgive you since you were busy. Ignore me again and I won't be so forgiving, Go-Bear."

"Homura!" His interjection was the last thing I heard before ending the call.

Sprits lifted, I skipped back to the store and resumed my shift. With only two hours left, Airi set me to work as an advertiser since we were ahead of schedule on orders and there weren't any customers in the store.

I amazed passerby with my flowery speech and theatrical movements. A few couples were drawn in by me and convinced to buy flowers for their dates.

The manager took my methods in stride, joking that she might need to make me the store's mascot. I posed, accepting that possibility on the condition that my uniform be a staple of cuteness so as to maximize my already radiant figure.

"H-Homura, you are too much! I wish my other employees were so colorful." Airi's face went red from the force of her laughter.

She looked much younger like that and I wondered how someone as pretty and youthful as her ran a shop alone.

Shouldn't Airi be living less responsibly? A lot of younger adults back home spent their days partying.

"Oh, hello." The manager shifted to face a customer behind me. "Were you interested in purchasing flowers?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure what to pick."

I whipped around at the familiar tenor, getting hit in the face by my braid in the process. "Goro?!"

He smiled charmingly. "Good afternoon, Homura."

"You two know each other?" Airi asked.

"We're old friends."

Her eyes sparkled as she looked between us. I could tell where her mind had wandered for my own mind wandered that direction often.

Maidens like us often had romance in the back of minds.

"Come inside and I'll help you select something."

Airi and Goro kept their voices down, rendering my snooping pointless.

Who was he buying flowers for?

His foster mom was my first guess, but she and her husband didn't live in the area…unless he was planning on visiting them?

He'd better not have an actual secret girlfriend!

"Why don't you head home, dear." Airi offered once near.

"But I still have thirty minutes left."

"I'll count today as eight hours, consider it a reward for a good first day."

"Thank you very much for the opportunity and the kind offer." I bowed appreciatively, finding that I did enjoy working for Airi. Unlike Sojiro, she wasn't a rude, snippy boss and she let me handle things on my own.

"You're welcome. Go change and spend time with your boyfriend." She shooed me away once more with strength that shouldn't belong to a dainty woman like her.

Ah, someone else made the same assumption.

Clearly, I was being given divine missives that I should act on.

I removed the apron and throughly cleaned my hands, moving on to check my dress for dirt. My hair still looked presentable in the braid Akira did for me. Finding no issues with my appearance I rushed out the store, waving to a grinning Airi and latching onto Goro.

"What're you doing here? Weren't you busy?" My elation at seeing him in person couldn't be contained.

"Getting you back like I promised I would."

I tilted my head inquisitively at his sneaky smile.

"Oho? This should be good." I crossed my arms haughtily. "Give it your best shot, Detective Prince."

"As you command, Princess." Goro's term of endearment combined with his flirtatious tone caught me off guard and already a blush was fighting its way onto my cheeks.

Him offering me a bundle of gardenias destroyed the last of my resistance.

"T-These are for m-me?" I gingerly accepted the gift, keeping my eyes on the white petals instead of the handsome boy basking in his triumph.

"Is the lady pleased?"

"Y-Yes…" I used the flowers to hide the lower half of my red face and dared to look at Goro.

The victorious smirk morphed to tenderness. "Joking aside, I hope this makes up for my behavior. I finally read all of your messages. This week's been tough for you, hasn't it?"

I didn't want to get into all the things I spilled in those messages, I wanted to bask in this surreal moment a bit longer.

"Did you pick these?"

The sweet scent drafted through my nostrils.

"No, your manager did. She said gardenias would express my sentiments."

"What sentiments?"

"How much I cherish out time together. And were it in my power, I'd devote most of it to you." Goro frowned in concern. "That is the appropriate flower, yes? I'm not versed in floriography as you are…I can buy something else if you'd like?"

I shook my head rapidly. "I love these!"

His sentiment made me happy, even though it was spoken with friendship in mind. Goro had said something similar to me on different occasions when I'd complain about the distance separating him from Akira and I.

Unfortunately, he didn't see me any differently than he had when were children.

"I'm glad you like them."

I giggled and looped my free arm through his, leading us upstairs to Shibuya.

"What do gardenias signify?" He quizzed me once we were at the secluded bench I'd taken my break at.

"Hmm, do you really want to know?" I teased as I played with the white petals.

"I would, actually. Next time I buy you flowers I won't go in blind."

My heart fluttered at the idea receiving more flowery gifts.

"If you must know, darling…" I paused in suspense and looked him dead in the eye.

Payback was coming.

"Gardenias are a symbol of secret love and are used to convey how lovely a woman is. Typically, males give them a woman they have a long history with."

Airi, the schemer, chose well.

Cue the brunette blushing and flailing about.

"You could've told me how madly in love you are with me, Go-Bear." I smiled demurely and held the flowers close to my face, blushing like a sweet maiden. "If you're that serious we can run off into the sunset. Right now."

"L-Lower your voice! People are staring." Goro waved his hands, trying to quiet me without resorting to covering my mouth.

A few people were staring, mainly envious girls.

"You can't wait that long?!" I gasped, disregarding his pleas. "Oh, what am I to do in the face of such passion?!"

"Homura!" His face was the same shade as his burgundy eyes.

"Goro!" I cried back, opening my arms like I expected him to pick me up and carry me off into the sunset.

He gave up on quieting me and switched to snatching my hand and running from the onlookers cooing at us.

The detective lamented his misfortune and wondered out loud if public humiliation would become the norm with me. He leaned tiredly against a building.

Coincidently, he brought us to the street across from Beef Bowl. Had he unintentionally brought me to my brother for a trade-off?

Was I too much to handle?

"Expect to be humiliated the next time you try to upstage me. I am the queen of theatrics, remember that, plebeian." I boasted.

Goro exhaled deeply and glared at me. "Then this is to be the start of a competition. I'm going to get you back for this."

"I meet your pitiful competitiveness with glee. As I said, I'm the master." I puffed myself up.

Grey met red in a determined stare down.

"I'll be generous and say that we stand at a stalemate right now." I fluffed my hair and posed heroically, channeling my inner Gloriana.

Queen Elizabeth Tudor knew no equal as the Golden Queen of England, and I would know no equal in the art of overcoming my foes.

"Haha, you will kneel in defeat, this I know."

The brunette established some distance between us and chuckled. "Goodness. You sound like a villain."

"What?! I'm emulating a hero!" I laughed boisterously to defend my declaration.

"You sound the furthest from heroic. Playing the villain is too ingrained in you, I'm afraid."


Akira and Goro couldn't take me seriously when I pretended to be a villain during our games and now I couldn't be taken seriously as a hero. I just couldn't win with these guys.

"Weren't you swamped at work? How were you able to come see me?"

"When I returned to my desk most of the cases had been taken. My coworkers told me to be my age and fool around with my girlfriend while she still liked me." Goro was too engrossed looking off into space to notice me cackling. "They've never been so generous before…in fact, they enjoy dumping tedious desk-work onto me. What caused the change, I wonder?"

"Hehe. All it took was for you to get a girlfriend for a little special treatment at work."

"You think so?" He frowned. "It was all very odd…"

No, what was odd was how unused to kindness Goro was.

Those coworkers of his should do more for him. He deserved it after so many years of neglect and mistreatment.

Gah! Scratch teddy bear, my detective prince was a sad puppy caught repeatedly in the rain.

"H-Homura?! What're you doing?!" Goro pushed against me, making me strengthen my hold on his waist and bury my face in his chest. "Are you already starting the competition?"

"Forget that for a second. I'm hugging you because I want to."

He tittered uncontrollably and tried to hide it by acting like nothing happened. I lifted my head enough to look upon him, but kept my mouth pressed to his shirt.

"Does this make you ticklish?"

"No." Goro lied with no issue. I hummed, forcing him to bit his lip to continue the deception. "This is highly inappropriate. You must let go."

"I don't want to."

A struggle ensued with the detective losing since he kept physical contact to a minimum.

A tangled mess was how Akira found us.

"Why are you harassing, Goro?" My brother deadpanned, too tired from work to put up with me.

"Why are you instantly making me the bad guy?!" I harped back, out of breath.

Once Goro got serious the struggle moved in his favor, but my resistance was a worthy match. From our current stance, the dectective had a death grip on my shoulders and I was hunched lower on his stomach, clinging to the area.

We both were ruffled and panting.

Miraculously, my flowers had been spared as he made sure not to knock them out of my side-bag.

To a stranger it looked like the brunette was trying to force me lower for something improper. It was a miracle the police hadn't approached us yet.

"He's the one manhandling me. Defend your sister!" I pointed derisively at the boy straightening himself up.

The jerk was way stronger than he looked. Either I was weak or everyone else was freakishly strong.

I was betting on the latter.

"I know he's too polite to do anything. You are another matter entirely." Akira bopped my nose in quick succession. "I've told you to behave like a lady. Stop harassing poor, Goro."

I bit his finger before it could hit my nose again.

"Are you kidding me?!" He yelped and yanked his finger out my mouth.

"Gross, you taste like beef bowls."

"Gross?! I should be saying that!"

"Now this…" Goro sighed as Akira and I descended into an argument. "Good grief…what am I inviting into my life with these two?"

Chaos is what he courted by interacting with the Kurusu twins, but he loved us to death anyway.