
Click. Click. Click. "Emily!" She almost falls out of her chair but remained silent knowing the brunette didn't care.

"Yes Mona" , she said calmly.

"Hannah wants you" , instantly spinning 180 degrees and speeding in the other direction. Emily gets up from her chair and starts walking toward Hannah's office. She pondered on how Mona acted like the boss when she was the executive assistant. She reaches the office and peaks her head into the door. "Would you like some coffee before you talk to me?" Hannah's face lit up in excitement, "You read my mind! Thanks Em". Emily started the machine and hummed a random tune. Emily thought about how much she enjoyed working for Gems magazine, for Hannah in particular. She remembered being a senior in college and sending Hannah her portfolio. Hannah wasn't sure about hiring her but she still gave Emily a chance because she wanted "young minds" , which is how her best friends, Spencer and Aria also got the job. She handed Hannah the coffee and sat across from her desk. "So, I have some news for you". Emily waited for her to finish but she too busy chugging the coffee down. "I swear every time I drink it, it gets better". Her comment made the brunette dip her head in embarrassment while Mona rolled her eyes and left the office. "Anyway, I don't want you to plan anything from August 10th to the 20th. There is a chance you will go to Morocco. We need a photographer and you are one of the best workers we have here". After a couple of seconds of being in shock, Emily was still speechless. She had only worked there for a year and Hannah was thinking about her for a trip to Morocco. She looked up and saw Hannah waiting for a response. "Wow. I don't know what to say...thank you so much. Nothing will stop me from proving to you that I'm the perfect for the job", she replied enthusiastically. Hannah nodded her head and gave an appreciative smile. Emily stood up slowly to refrain herself from jumping around her office. She quickly walked across the hall ready to tell her best friends the news, knowing nothing would get in her way.


"Are you sure that this is what you want to do?"

"Relax CeCe, I'm working at a magazine company not giving away a kidney"

"Don't get sassy with me. I just want you to know how much responsibility you need for this job."

"I'll be fine" ,Alison replied slightly annoyed. She knew how CeCe loved to worry about her and mainly because she knew Alison best. In three days, the blonde would be an employee at Gems magazine. She remained confident because she already knew Hannah Marin loved her work, which left her with nothing else to worry about. "Sure you will. Just go to sleep". Alison looked at the clock and saw the small hand at 10. "It's only 10 o'clock and I start in three days". "Exactly. Your sleeping patterns are horrible and you'll need a lot of rest with your job", CeCe responded. Alison rolled her eyes. "And don't roll your eyes at me. Good night Ali". Alison giggled which lead the both of them to start laughing. "Good night CeCe", and she ended the call.


It was noon when Hannah came in the middle of the office. "Can I have everyone's attention?", she said loudly. Within seven seconds everyone's eyes were on her or the blue-eyed blonde standing next to her. Emily walked closer to get a better look at her. "Thank you. This is Alison DiLaurentis and she will be working in our photography department. Feel free to ask her questions. Her room will be next to Emily's on the left side". Hannah looked at Alison and gave her a hand gesture to speak. Alison smiled, "Good afternoon. I'm very excited to work with all of you. A little about me is...I'm 25 years old, I speak French and some Spanish, and I love fashion so if you need any advice give me a call", giving a quick glance at the woman next to her with a long yellow dress. "Alright", Hannah said clapping her hands together, "Back to work lovelies", walking off to her office. Allison started walking toward her new office. As she got closer Alison caught Emily's eyes staring at her. Emily froze scared for the reaction of the blonde. She sauntered toward Emily with a smile. She wore a black dress that was slightly below the knee and hugged her curves just right. She stopped three feet away from where she stood, "Hey, it's Emily right?" Emily nodded her head, "Yup. That's me". She hated herself for sounding cheesy when she was nervous. The blonde smirked, "That's cute. I hope we both enjoy the experience of being coworkers".

"Me too. It's not every day we get someone around your age here." Alison raised her eyebrows in interest. "Really? So mostly everyone is middle aged or older?"

"Yeah, but they're still cool and we have a lot of fun".

"That's good to hear. Well, I have to start setting up my office but it was nice meeting you". Emily gave her a wide grin, "You too, and if you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask me. "Thanks", she gave one last smile and entered the office. Emily plopped back in her chair and sighed deeply, not having a clue about what would be in store for them in the future.