AN: First, I always hated that scene in 13x19 where Meredith cancels on Riggs because I think they should be more understanding of each other. Nathan should accept that she has to take care of her sister, and Meredith needs to understand that of course he will be disappointed by her canceling. I don't know... I always just felt like they were rude too to each other in that scene. So yeah, this is an alternative version of 13x19 hence the lame wordplay of this fanfic using the title of the episode "What's inside?".

"She's not fine, she's a mess."

"Ok..." He honestly thought that Meredith, once again, was using Maggie as an excuse to not go out with him. She had probably just changed her mind. He was getting tired of her excuses.

"You're mad." She judged from his facial expression.

"No, I'm not mad, I'm..." At first he couldn't figure out what to say, but then he found the right word "...I'm just disappointed." He crossed his arms.

"I know that it may seem like I'm always using her as an excuse, but I'm not... Or at least not this time..." She saw that he didn't believe what she was saying, so she tried to be more straight forward. "Are you free tomorrow?"

"You're not going to cancel on me?" He asked, because he really doubted that she wouldn't cancel on him.

"I'll do my best not to." She said with a smile since she knew that her promises weren't worth much at this point.

"Not very promising, but ok, we can reschedule for tomorrow. Just remember that a guy can only handle a certain number of rejections before he gives up."

"You're not going anywhere." She said with her famous sparkly eyes.

"I might." He said and stepped closer to her.

"Then I better remind you what you'll be missing out on." She said and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her closer. "Yeah? What exactly is that?" He said and she closed the distance between them by placing her lips on his. He gently pushed her body against the door without making any noise. He knew one thing for sure, he did not want her sisters to interupt this moment. She deepend the kiss and ran her hands through his hair. His hands were all over her body. He placed a few kissed on her neck as he whispered "You look absolutely stunning" into her ear. He pulled away, she looked disappointed. "You should probably get back to your sisters." He said and used one hand to cup her face.

"Right..." She said and leaned in for a quick and sweet kiss.

"I'll see you on our date tomorrow." He said and let her go.

"Drinks, not a date." She replied.

"Keep telling yourself that." He said with a wink as he turned and left.

Meredith just stood there watching him leave. She was still leaning against the door and she had a huge smile on her face. But then she remembered Maggie. She had broken her promise to herself to not let things get any further with him until she had told Maggie. She went inside slightly annoyed with herself, but also with a warm feeling inside. She liked him more than she intended to.

AN: Let me know what you think, I'm up for continuing this if you continue reading. :)