I do not own Skip Beat! But I would like to thank its creator for the wonderful characters and her creative mind. 8) I hope you like my new story. Not sure how long it's going to be, just running with it as I go.

The Fairy Kingdom

Chapter 1

This was splendid. She was more excited than she had ever been in her entire life. She stared at the script in her hand. It was for a live-action remake of a popular fantasy film by one of the biggest directors in Hollywood history. Takarada-san had told her the man had seen her skills and thought her look fit perfectly for the main, female protagonist of the movie. He was in Tokyo for a week, and he would be dropping by LME to meet with her in an hour. Her hands were shaking, and she had been sweating nervously. She felt like she was going to hyperventilate. If she chose to accept this roll she would be staying in America for at least six months and Takarada-san had told her he would make sure that she had other work while she was there.

Director Luke Jorge started his career in his late teens and had exploded onto the Hollywood scene with his creativity and insight. Now at 26 years old he was considered one of the most sought after directors for his vision. At this moment he was wringing his hands nervously. His latest project would involve a wood-elf queen who had fallen in love with a human warrior. He had his barbaric warrior; all he needed now was his beautiful little, nimble wood-elf. He had been exposed to her by a friend of his that had directed Tragic Marker. At first he wasn't sure if the girl that was disguised as Setsuka Heel was right for the part, but after he had seen Mio, Natsu and Momiji, he was convinced of her versatility and absolutely knew he had to have her.

"Yes, send her in please." Lory Takarada told his receptionist.

Luke felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he watched the strawberry-blonde little pixie enter the office. She was even more enchanting in the flesh. In his eyes, she was the elf queen. Her body movements were graceful and her presence was positively regal. He smiled to himself. He made the right choice.

"Mogami-kun... I would like for you to meet Director Luke Jorge." He introduced.

Kyoko smiled softly at the Hazel-eyed, man with dusty-blond hair tied neatly in a ponytail. "It's a pleasure to meet you Director Jorge." She told him in English to make him a bit more comfortable and bowed gracefully.

"Oh, please Miss Mogami... You may call me, Luke." His eyes sparkled, and he shook her hand gently before motioning for her to sit.

"Thank you Luke. You may call me Kyoko." She blushed prettily at the informality.

Lory cleared his throat. "So, Miss Mogami... What do you think?" He knew what her answer would be. She had been talking about similar roles since she had begun acting. This was almost her ideal.

"I would be honored to participate in the creation of this movie." She smiled excitedly.

"I thought you would say that." He told her as he handed her the big envelope that was sitting on his desk. "Your flight leaves tomorrow evening at 7 pm. I've made arrangements for your host family to pick you up when you land in Los Angeles. All you will need to do is in that envelope along with your plane ticket. Don't forget your passport, and you will have your interview for your work visa on Friday. Your host family will have all of the details. Oh... and your contract will be temporarily transferred to LME International this afternoon. All you need to do is go home and pack. I will send Ruto over tomorrow for anything you need to have put into storage and Luke will be leaving with you on your flight."

She felt faint. This was all happening so fast.

"Mogami-kun?" He was a little worried, she looked pale. She was smiling, however.

Her attention snapped to him in surprise. "Sorry Takarada-san... Luke. It's just... It's just all so sudden. I was just thinking of all the things I need to do and the people I need to say good-bye to."

Lory smiled at her proudly. He had been waiting for the moment he could introduce her to the world and here it was. He was so glad she had accepted the challenge.

She had been a little disappointed. Between boxing her things up and packing her clothing, she had attempted to contact all of her friends. She had only been able to reach Chiori to say good-bye. Moko-san was on location in Hokkaido, Tsuruga-san and Yashiro-san were in Okinawa and Maria was in Los Angeles with her father. She was only able to leave Moko-san, Tsuruga-san and Yashiro-san messages, but Maria had answered and was excited to know her Onee-sama was going to be there soon.

Ruto had stopped by an hour ago to pick up her loose belongings that she didn't think she would need anytime soon to put in storage until she requested them. Now she was spending what little time she had left in Japan saying good-bye to the two people that had made her feel like a daughter.

"Please be safe Kyoko-chan and don't forget to call us." The Okami-san told her, fighting back the tears. "Oh dear... You have been like a daughter to us." She started to sniffle.

"I won't forget. I'll send you postcards too." Kyoko told her as she hugged her and wiped a tear from her eyes.

"Never give up, remember that Kyoko-chan." The Taisho told her and pulled her into a firm hug.

She nodded. "Thank you so much for being here for me. I'm going to miss you so much. You're like parents to me."

The Taisho smiled softly at her. "Then you must address us as such." He told her.

She melted into a soft smile. "Thank you Otousan... Okasan."

The both hugged her again tightly and her Otousan helped Luke carry her bags to the limo while she checked her purse to make sure she had everything she needed.

On the way to the airport, she took in the scenery as it passed by and only regretted that Moko-san, Tsuruga-san and Yashiro-san still hadn't returned her calls. It kind of hurt. She really was going to miss them. Hopefully, she would hear from them when she got to LA.

"Kyoko? Are you alright?" Luke asked with concern. She looked a little down.

She sighed and nodded. "I'm just going to miss my friends. I wasn't able to say good-bye to them."

He gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm sure you'll hear from them." He gently rubbed her shoulder. "You'll be able to call them again once we get there. I'm sure your host family won't mind." He assured her.

"Did Mr. Takarada tell you who I would be staying with?" She asked out of curiosity.

Luke smiled mischievously and nodded. "It's a birthday surprise." He winked.

That's all he needed to say to her to pull her out of her funk and get her excited about the trip. She knew. There was only one person that it could be and for it to be a birthday surprise cinched it. Kuu Otousan had already told her on her 18th birthday when he called that she would have a special gift from him and Julie Okasan at the end of January. It was now the end of January.