Rose walked into my room as Julia helped me with my dress. "Done," Julia said, stepping away. I let out a soft sigh and Rose smiled, "Look at you." I smiled softly at her and she placed her hands on my shoulders, "All pretty for Mr. Dawson," She teased, making me blush.

"Rose," I whined quietly but my maid and my sister just giggled. "It's clear to me that you like him," Rose said. I glanced down, trying to hid my red cheeks, "I'm not."

"You can fool me, dear sister," She said with a smile. "Mother doesn't seem to like Jack," I muttered. Rose sighed, nodding, "Yes, it's seem like it," She agreed sadly, "But don't worry about that."

"She's right, miss," Julia spoke, making both me and my sister to look at her. "I mean, you never really listen." Rose and I let out a chuckle and she continued, "You should listen to your heart. I can see that just by thinking about Jack, you smile and blushing."

"No I'm not," I disagreed, looking down. "Mmmm-mmm," Rose hummed sarcastically and I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but to let a small smile escape my lips. "Oh yes," Rose said, turning to Julia, "She doesn't have any feelings to this man at all." The three of us let out a chuckle before I let out a soft sigh, smiling.

After finally Rose and I finished getting ready, we went to meet Caledon and our mother outside and then headed to the fancy dinner hall. Mother was walking in first, with Caledon and Rose behind her with their arms linked, and I was behind them, looking around for Jack.

We all walked down the steps and I stopped when I saw Jack standing at the bottom of the stairs, he was wearing a first class suit and had his hair slicked back with gel. He gave Rose a nod and she smiled before nodding up the stairs to my direction, before walking past with Caledon and mother, who both didn't pay any attention to him.

Jack turned back and meet my eyes. I smiled softly as he stared at me, making my cheeks slightly turn pink. I walked down the stairs towards him, and he took my hand, gently kissing it.

"I saw that in a Nickelodeon once, and I always wanted to do it," He whispered, letting out a smile. I giggled before he offered me his arm. I smiled and linked my arm with his before he stocked out his chin, making me giggle as he lead me over to mother, Rose and Caledon.

"Mother, Rose, Caledon," I said, making the three turn to me and Jack, "You remember Mr. Dawson." Caledon looked at him up and down, "Dawson?" He chuckled, "It's amazing, you could almost pass for a gentleman."

"Almost," Jack replied. "How extraordinary," Caledon muttered and I rolled my eyes before smiling at Rose, who smirked at me and Jack, and she gave me a quick wink before Caledon offered his arm to her and they walked away with mother.

I gave a small smile to Jack before we both followed them to D-Deck. After we walked down the stairs, I gave Jack the brief synopsis of the people around. "There's the Countess of Rothes," I said, nodding to the woman that was with mother, Rose and Molly earlier. "And . . . That's John Jacob Astor, the richest man on the ship." I discreetly pointed to the man in his early thirties, escorting by his wife Madeline, who was at Rose's age. "His little wife, Madeline. She's at Rose's age." I looked back at Jack, "And in delicate condition." I looked back at the couple, "See how she's trying to hide it?"

Jack smirked as Madeline kept her hands over her stomach. "Quite the scandal," I said as I looked back at Jack before away to another man, "And, that's Benjamin Guggenheim and his mistress, Madame Aubert. Mr. Guggenheim is at home with their children, of course. And over here, we have Sir Cosmo, and Lucile, Lady Duff-Gordon. She designs naughty lingerie, among her many talents." The couple waved to me and I waved them back with a smile as Jack let out a chuckle. I looked back at Jack with a smile, "Very popular with the royals."

Molly approached to us, dressed in a beautiful dress, "Alexis, darling, look at you," She said with a smile and I smiled at her as well. "You look stunning than ever."

"Thank you, Molly, you look beautiful," I complimented. "Thank you dear," She said before turning to Jack, "Care to escort one more lady to dinner?"

"Certainly," Jack said before offering his other arm to her. I smiled as she took it and then she turned to me, "I hope you fine to share your man with me," She teased. I smiled, "With you? I don't mind," I said and she laughed.

We started to walk to the dinning room as Molly spoke to Jack, "Ain't nothing to it, is there Jack?" He shook his head and she continued, "Now remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine, and you're in the club." I smiled softly at the kind woman as she assured him.

"Hey, Astor," Molly called as we saw John and Madeline. The two smiled at us, "Well, hello Molly," John said warmly, "Nice to see you."

"J.J., Madeline, I'd like you to meet Jack Dawson," I introduced. "How do you do?" Madeline asked as she shook her hand with Jack's. "Pleasure," He said. "Hello, Jack," John said as he shook hands with Jack, and he frowned, "Are you of the Boston Dawson's?"

"No, the Chippewa Falls Dawson's, actually," Jack said. "Oh yes," John said before we said goodbye and walked away. I smiled softly at Jack, I could tell he was nervous ever since I saw him by the staircase. But now, he was easily getting into the roles of being first class actor.

Everyone else so far assumed Jack was one of us - or to say, like them; the heir to a wealthy railroad fortune, maybe. Obviously of new money, but still member of high society. So far, everything was going well.

We sat down for dinner at an opened table. I sat between mother and Caledon while Jack was sitting opposite me with Molly, and Rose sat between Caledon and Mr. Andrews. As soon as the Countess, Mr. Guggenheim and Madame Aubert, Mr. Ismay, Colonel Gracie, and the Astor's joined us, mother spoke to Jack, "Tell us of the accommodations in steerage, Mr. Dawson. I hear they're quite good on this ship."

"Best I've seen so far, ma'am," Jack said, "Hardly any rats." Everyone at the table laughed and I smiled before it slowly faded away when Caledon spoke, "Mr. Dawson is joining us from third class. He was of some assistance to Alexis."

"It turns out that Jack is quite of an artist," I complimented, "He was kind enough to show me some of his work today."

"Rose, Alexis and I have differ somewhat in our definition of fine art," Caledon said as he took a bread roll from a waiter who was passing a tray around and looked at Jack after, "Not to impute your work, sir." Jack shook his head, waving him off.

"So, Mr. Dawson, where is it that you live?" Rose asked and I smiled. "Well, right now, my address is the RMS Titanic," Jack said, "After that, I'm on god's good humour."

"And how is it you have means to travel?" Mother asked. "I work my way from place to place," Jack replied, "You know, on tramp steamers and such, but I won my ticket on Titanic here in a lucky hand in poker." He looked at me, "A very lucky hand." I glanced down, smiling as I felt my cheeks turn pink slightly again.

"And you find that sort of ruthless existence appealing, do you?" Mother asked in disgust before taking a sip of her champagne. Molly glared at her before looking at Jack as he spoke, "Well, yes ma'am. I do . . . I mean, I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love walking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or, who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night, I was sleeping under a bridge and now here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people."

Everyone chuckled and Jack continued, "I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you - here you go Cal." He tossed Caledon, who had a cigarette in his lips, a lighter. "To make each day count."

"Well said, Jack," Molly said. "Here, here!" Colonel Gracie agreed. I smiled and raised my glass of champagne for a toast, "To make it count," I declared. "To make it count," Everyone agreed, raising their glasses as well. Jack could only smile as he raised his glass as well.