The students of Class 1-A were silent due to their teacher Aizawa, who had just dropped a bomb on them. Apparently, the U.A's Sport Festival would be taking place real soon! After, a couple more seconds of a intense atmosphere and silence, the students began snapping out of their shock, and they started talking.

Kirishima was really excited, but then he spoke, "We just had that villian attack, are you sure this is a really good idea?" He asked while looking thoughtful.

"Y-Yeah..." Mineta stuttered out. "I don't think this is a good idea!" He was sweating and shaking nervously.

Aizawa looked at the entire class with his signature bored expression, "It must go on, think of it like this, if we do the sports festivals, it will show the villians that no matter what they do, we aren't scared, nor phased by them," he told the students, "On top of it all, compared to previous years this sports festival will have five times more police on watch... So yeah, this is the greatest opportunity you'll get to prove yourselves as upcoming heroes, and it will not be canceled because of a few villians," he finished.

"Aw man!" Mineta looked scared, after the villian attack, all he wanted to do now was to stay at home, comfy in bed, the safest place in the world! "If a villain attacks, I'm gone! That's all I'm gonna say!" He stated nervously.

Izuku, who sat in front of Mineta, turned and eyed him, "The U.A Sports Feastival won't be attacked that easily... A lot of heroes go watch it, so it would be suicide for a villain to even try it," He stated with confidence.

Momo, who sat behind him, nodded and spoke, "The top heroes of the nation will be there to try and scout us!" She stayed with excitement.

"Oh, great," Mineta muttered. Now he had to worry about making a good impression.

The U.A's sport festival was Japan's biggest event. The Olympics used to be the worlds biggest sporting event, but now each country had their own little sports festival involving quirks, and so U.A's Sports Festival was the most popular in Japan!

"Those pro heroes will be looking to hire us as side kicks after we graduate!" Denki said excitedly, while looking at his classmate Kyoka, "Though, most of those sidekicks will never make it heroes, and they'll be stuck sidekicks forever.." he continued.

"Sounds like something that would happen to you, ya dunce," Kyoka stated.

"As if!" Denki merly grinned at her, he didn't plan on being no sidekick!

Aizawa overheard their mini conversation and spoke up, "Naturally, you'll gain valuable experience and popularity if you're picked by a big named hero, so go out there and do your best... show those heroes what you're made of... you'll only get three chances to prove yourself before you graduate, this is an event you can't miss!" He finished saying, causing his students to fire up in excitement.

"Oi, oi," Naruto, who had been silent the whole time, spoke,"You might as well cancel the sports festival and just hand over the victory medal to me because I already won, no noob in this school can defeat me," he said with a smug smirk.

At that moment, everyone in the class glared at him. Yeah, some of of them had taken a liking to him, but he had just called them noobs and looked down on them in the most condescending way ever.

The blond continued, "Don't get me wrong, I love a good challenge, a good fight, but nobody in the school can give me that type of challenge," The blond said casually, "There's no point in me doing this," he finishing saying. "I don't need to worry about impressing some two-bit heroes, nothing will stop me from being the hero I was meant to be," he added with a grin.

Small explosions were heard and some of the students turned to Bakugou, who looked like he wanted to kill a mother fucker. The Baron of Explodo Kills, suddenly stood up and yelled at Naruto while glaring at him, "DON'T LOOK DOWN ON ME, BITCH! I USED TO KICK YOUR ASS AS A KID! I CAN DO IT AGAIN! I WILL BE THE ONE TO KICK YOUR ASS AND I WILL WIN THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!" He continued yelling.

"Bakugou," The blond said while turning to him, "The key word is "Used" you used to kick my ass as a child, but that was before I knew what my quirk was capable of... if you and I were to fight seriously now, let's just say some one would end up six feet below ground and it wouldn't be me," Naruto smirked at Bakugou.

The red eyed boy growled and before he could insult Naruto any further, their teacher, Aizawa finally spoke up again, "Naruto, you do make a good point, if we were to put you out there unrestricted, who knows what kind of damage you would cause during the sports festival... which is why, the school has decided to put some special restrictions on you for the sports festival," The bored looking man stated!

"Say what?!" The blond's eyes narrowed.

Aizawa continued, "A special suit has been made for you, it restricts and weakens the power of the quirk of the user wearing it, and on top of that you will have to wear goggles that are similar to mines, but your goggles will prevent you from activating your Sharingan," The teacher told him.

Naruto growled, "What the fuck?" He continued growling, "Let me get this shit straight, you're fucking nerfing me for the sports festival because I'm so awesome and powerful that I'll win in the blink of an eye? That's bullshit! Typical of society. You see someone awesome like me and you want to come down hard on them with restrictions! " He glared at Aizawa.

Eraserhead nodded, "That's the gists of it. I'm glad you get it." He turned to the other students, "As for the rest of you, you will not be allowed to use your hero costumes for the sports festival, to give a fair advance to the weaker students... so I suggest training without your gear for the next two weeks," He adviced as the studentos nodded.

"You know what.." Naruto spoke up once again, "It doesn't matter how many restrictions you put on me because I'm still going to win, believe it!" A wicked smirk spread across his face, as passion burned brightly in his eyes.

You can't stop Naruto Uzumaki that easily, believe it!

The period was over and it was lunch time for the students. As many of them walked out of class with their friends, they talked about the sports festival.

"I am so freaking excited!" Kirishima said loudly, "We will all be one step closer towards our dreams of becoming pro heroes!" He grinned happily.

"Heh," Denki smiled, "With my flashy quirk those pro hero eyes will be on me!"

"Yes, yes!" Tenya said happily as he did a little dance, he thrusted forward as he spoke, "It is time to show the world the power of our class!" He continued dancing.

Asui only said, "You have a weird way of showing excitement, ribbit, ribbit."

Deku smiled softly, "Everyone getting so excited is making me much more excited.." He look at his fist and clenched it. He would do his best!

"Iida, Deku..." Uraraka called the duo out, they turned to her and they ended up surprised. She no longer had her signature smiley face, but a fiery, game mode face. Her eyes were filled with passion, and she had the facial expression of a hardened warrior. "LET'S DO OUR BEST!" She then yelled.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!" Deku and Tenya could only say.

The brown haired girl only grinned, "I WILL CRUSH EVERYONE AND WIN!"

"Now you just sound like Bakugou, ribbit, ribbit," Asui stated. The brown haired girl was pumped and excited as well.

After some more talking, the trio of Ochaco, Izuku and Tenya found themselves walking down one of the school's hall and towards the cafeteria.

Deku was still surprised about Uraraka's determination earlier, he always saw her kind and sweet side, but this was the first time he had seen such fire in her eyes, and it only made him wonder why she wanted to become a hero in the first place.

"Hey, Ura," The dark haired boy began, "Why do you want to be a hero?" He questioned her. Uraraka who was walking happily, suddenly stopped walking, and she nervously said, "For the money, haha.." she laughed sheepishly.

"You want to be a hero for the money?!" Tenya looked at her in surprise.

Uraraka nodded sheepishly, "Ultimately, pretty much.." she looked down at the floor, "Yeah, I know not as noble as your reason Iida, or yours Izuku," she said in embarrassment.

Iida and Izuku looked at each other and Tenya quickly said, "There is nothing wrong with wanting money, but like why for money?"

"Y-Yeah," Izuku stuttered, "We we're just surprised... it was a bit unexpected.." he added while nodding his head.

"Well, my family runs a construction company that isn't doing very well, so uh, we are poorer than poor - please don't tell anyone - and when I was a young girl... I told them I could use my quirk to help them, but they said no.." Uraraka told them as she remembered the words her father told her.

"You want to work for the family?"

"Yeah! When I grow up I wanna help mommy and daddy! With my quirk, the company can bloom and you won't have to worry about money!"

"That's very sweet, but you know what would be even sweeter?"

"What daddy?"

"If you followed your own dreams, I want my little baby to follow her dreams, and one day when you have achieved those dreams, make sure to take daddy and mommy on a vacation to Hawaii!"

"That is why I will be a hero they can be proud of, a rich hero so that they can retire! Maybe I can also help other poor people too if I make enough money..." The brown haired girl said with determination once more. Once again, Izuku and Tenya were surprised, but before either of them could say anything, they heard some crying? Turning around they noticed tears rolling down Naruto's cheeks as he wiped some snot running down his nose.

"Sorry, I was heading to the cafeteria but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation!" The blond said as he appeared in front of Uraraka, who looked really embarrassed, "Your goal is so touching and noble!" He said as tears continued to roll down his cheeks. He grabbed both of her hands and looked at her eyes.

Uraraka looked at him. Naruto had a habit of occasionally mocking people, at first she thought that maybe perhaps he was mocking her, but he genuinely looked like he found her goal touching and noble.

"Uraraka," The blond then said as he continued looking at her eyes.

"Y-Yes?" The brown haired girl stuttered out.

"Can I have your autograph?" The blond suddenly said, "Your story moved me so much!" He told her as he pulled out a paper and a marker.

The brown haired girl looked suprised and then she nodded and smile, "Yeah, I guess," She took the paper and marker and she placed the paper on a wall before she started signing her autograph, "There you go!" She then said happily as she handed it to Naruto, who took it excitedly.

"Thanks! I gotta go put this in something before the paper crumbles up or rips!" The blond said as he turned around and started running off. The trio watched as he ran off, before tripping and landing on his face, but he casually got up and off he went.

"You know," Uraraka said while looking thoughtful, "Naruto seems to have a really childish and silly side too, huh?"

Izuku nodded, "Yeah, I kind of noticed just now," He stated.

"I suppose he does," Tenya nodded as well.

The trio turned around once again, only for this time to see All Might standing in front of them as he held a little box wrapped in cloth.

" like to have lunch with me, Izuku?" All Might then said.

"WHY DID YOU SOUND LIKE A SHY SCHOOL-GIRL JUST NOW?!" Izuku couldn't help but yell out before nodded, "Yeah, I'd love to.." he smiled happily. The dark haired boy quickly said his goodbyes to his friends before parting with them...

Shouto Todoroki, the son of the 2nd best hero, Endeavor was patiently waiting in line for his lunch, but as he waited he couldn't help, but overhear a conversation between Uraraka and Tenya, who seemed to be close with that Izuku fellow.

"Dont you find it kind of odd that All Might wanted to eat lunch with Izuku?" The brown haired girl asked Tenya.

"Not really, it's like Asui said the other day, Izuku's quirk is kind of similar to All Might's, perhaps he has taken an interest in Izuku because of it," Tenya told her.

"Yeah, you have a point," She said as the conversation drifted.

"So All Might has taken interest in Izuku?" Todoroki thought in surprise. It did make sense if you thought about it. Heck, from what he had seen All Might had also taken interest in Naruto as well, if it wasn't for the Symbol of Peace, Sharingan Naruto wouldn't be attending U.A High School!

"So during the sports festival I'll defeat both of them, to show that man that I can be greater than him using my own power!" Todoroki spoke to himself as he clenched his fists, "I will do what you could not do.." he continued to himself.

His father had been defeated by non other than Sharingan Naruto a while back. It was a loss that hurt his father's ego so bad that he had seen his father secretly crying about it, hell, Todoroki still remembered the words his father said that day when he thought Todoroki wasn't around.

"Dammit, How could I the great Endeavor lose to a fifteen year old brat?! How!? This is beyond humiliating, beyond disgusting... I lost to a boy, a fucking boy... just how weak am I to lose to such a foolish boy... how... how can this be? Am I getting weaker... agh, I must defeat that boy to gain back my honor and pride..."

Endeavor was a petty man that could hold a grudge for a long time. Todoroki knew this first hand, so no doubt about it, he would one day fight Naruto again! Now it was Todoroki's turn - he would fight Naruto during the sports festival, and he would win! He would defeat the boy that defeated Endeavor, and then he would laugh at his dad.

It would be some sweet ass revenge.


"That mother fucker looking down on me! I'll fucking show him!" Bakugou yelled as he made a loud explosion with his hands. The red eyed boy had skipped lunch, and instead he decided to train at one of the school's training ground.

Bakugou would fucking show Naruto not to ever fucking look down on him, ever again! He would go God of War 3 on that blond bastards ass! He would decimate Sharingan Naruto during the sports festival!

Bakugou had let Naruto Uzumaki disrespect him and look down on him for too fucking long now! How dare Naruto lump him with the students at U.A, huh? How dare Naruto say nobody in U.A could defeat him?!

Well, Naruto was about to be proven wrong by Katsuki Bakugou!

"Fuck him!" Bakugou yelled in rage as he gasped for air.

One thing Katsuki knew very well was that he would not be able to defeat Naruto that easily, he would have to go beyond all out, beyond Plus Ultra! Beyond infinity and beyond. But, Katsuki knew he could do it! He would train like his life depended on it for the next two weeks.

Then Katsuki would win the sports festival as number 1. Nobody would get in the way of his victory, not fate, not Izuku and certainly not Naruto.

He would win!

Believe it!

Now it was back to ruthless training, bruh.

School was finally over, and since it was over Naruto wanted to go home ,maybe eat something, watch some tv, and then catch some Z's, but after class was over Aizawa told him to head to the teachers lounge, where All Might would be waiting for him.

"I wonder what he wants?" The blond asked himself as he arrived to the teacher's lounge, he opened the door to see All Might standing there, looking all heroic and shit.

"Naruto, my boy, you're finally here! Took you a while?" All Might stated.

"Yeah, some kids from the other classes were blocking our path and shit," The blond haired boy told him as he noticed All Might holding a orange suit.

All Might noticed that he noticed and he held the suit up, the suit looked like the typical U.A school gym clothes, the blue and white ones, but this suit was orange with the words U.A in white.

"Aizawa already told you that you would be restricted during the sports festival, and this suit was especially made for you," All Might told him, "It was designed to make it harder for you to use quirks, for example, right now if you wanted to make a sun sized fire ball, you'd only be able to do a golf-sized fireball," The blond haired teacher stated as he handed the outfit to the blond.

As Naruto grabbed the new outfit, it dropped to the ground like a anchor, and the blond dropped to the ground along with it, "Oi, what the hell?"

"Oh right, it has these seal weights on it as well, to prevent you from using that yellow flash teleporting quirk so easily during the exam, or any speed quirks for the matter," All Might said with a grin on his face, before he threw some goggles that looked similar to Aizawa's at the blond.

Naruto caught them and All Might spoke, "Those are goggles that will prevent you from using your Sharingan," he stated. Naruto put on the goggles and he tried activating his Sharingan, but found himself being unable to.

"Oi, I don't like this one bit! Why so many restrictions?!" Naruto asked All Might, "I understand why the school wants to restrict me to some extent, but this is ridiculous and you know it!" he continued.

All Might sighed, "This isn't something new, the school evens things out during the sports event to make it more fair for the weaker students. Naruto, you already know that you are on a level of your own, we can't just put you in the competition as you are, you will ace everything in the blink of an eye."

"So what?" Naruto glared at All Might, "Life isn't fair! You can't just restrict everyone that's better than you and expect people to be happy!"

All Might knew he had a good point, the Symbol of Peace sighed and continued, "Originally, when we had the meeting with the principle, he just wanted to restrict your Sharingan for the sports festival, but some of the other teachers said that maybe it was also a good idea to restrict you from using more than one quirk, and someone even argued that since you destroyed the entire school and everything around it with that Crash Quirk, that it would be wise to restrict, and so here we are. Some of the decisions were based on your recklessness, we wouldn't want you to accidentally kill another student because you got carried away," he finished saying.

Well shit, some actions really do have consequences.

"Oi, I still don't like it!" The blond told him.

"That's only natural young Naruto," All Might grinned at him, "But just look at it as training... You always rely on your Sharingan and on being able to use more than one quirk to counter anything thrown your way, but what if one day for wherever reason you lose these abilities or something happens and you can't use them? It will do you some good, you can learn a lesson from this," All Might gave him a thumbs up.

"OIIII, THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOME MAJOR FORSHADOWING IN WHICH I LOSE MY AWESOME ABILITIES!" The blond yelled at him, "There's like no way I will be nerfed up like those typical overpowered stories where the main character ends up being nerfed by the author because the author realizes he fucked! Like no way!" the blond said confidently.

"Haha!" All Might laughed and then said, "You have two weeks to get used to the suit and to not using your Sharingan, so good luck, young Naruto!" he gave the blond his signature smile and thumbs.

"All Might, can you do me a favor?" The blond then only said.

"And what would that be my boy?" All Might cocked an eyebrow.

Suddenly, a stack of All Might posters appeared on Naruto's hands, and he handed them to All Might, "I want you to sign your autograph on all five hundred of these posters! Heh, they are for uh my family and uh friends, yeah! They are huge fans of yours," he told All Might.

"Why do I have a feeling that he's lying?" All Might thought but nodded slowly...

Naruto grinned and he looked at the suit in front of him, he would have to train for the next two weeks and it would be a bitch, but even with the restrictions. The blond haired hero promised himself he would the U.A Sports Festival.

Believe it!

To be continued...

A/N: Yo. It's been a while again, but I have updated. Bwahahahaha! not much of a chapter, but its gonna start the ball rolling up once again. Woot woot.

So what did you think? Good? Bad? Ehhhh? Like always please give me your thoughts on the chapter. I hope it was enjoyed!

Now to talk about a couple of things. YES YES, I KNOW, I KNOW! Some of you probably didn't like that I had Naruto's abilities restricted for the sports festival but I wanted to be unpredictable. Maybe some of you saw it coming but yeah. I didn't restrict him for the sake of restrictions and I even gave some decent reasons why it happened. WORRY NOT THOUGH. It's going to be a very rare thing. I don't plan on nerfing Naruto or giving him constant restrictions. Those who read my stories know that I don't go back on what I say, so again fear not dudes.

Two, some of you told me Naruto is overpowered as fuck, and yeah I know. When I first started writing for my hero academia I realized it that overpowered Naruto doesn't mix in well with my hero academia since the heroes in my hero academia can pretty much be one shotted by baby Naruto lol so trying to make a decent overpowered naruto is a challenge that I must face. I will do my best with it, and any suggestions and ideas are welcomed.

Third, someone said Naruto acted like a spoiled brat, and hell, a couple people have told me in a pm that he acts immature. YES. That my friend is my intention! Originally, I was going to make Naruto a mature fifteen year old who mentors his class mates, but I realized that shit would be too fucking boring for me. Plus, it annoys me when authors make a really mature Naruto that speaks like he has the answer to every fucking problem, like yeah we get it bruh. NARUTO is fifteen years old, I was a fifteen-year-old male once, and a lot of us are immature and childish at that age so I also wanted him to act somewhat his age, etc. Plus he's already overpowered, he needs some flaws. That's a mistake many make when writing op naruto stories. They forget to give him challenges and flaws. So that's another reason I restricted him for the sports festival. I wanted to give Naruto a challenge, etc.

So yeah that's it for now. I do not wish to make this any longer. So I hope ya enjoyed and like always follows and favorites as well as reviews appreciated.

