Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers: Animated, it is owned by its rightful company (I wish I was on said stock holders). This story is purely fiction and was written as such. And the plot was actually based from a comic from a hell of a talented artist on deviant art called JazztheTiger. Go check out her stuff!

Warnings: Before you read any further, I would like to point out this story has been rated 'M' for a reason. There is heavy mention of abortion and if this offends you, I ask you kindly leave now. This story does not reflect my persona views on the matter, nor do I wish to discuss it any further. More warnings will be placed as the story progresses (IF the story progresses).


Written by: Beloved Shadow

Original Plot/Inspiration by: JazztheTiger

The evening was serene; most of the citizens of Detroit were sleeping, the hustle and bustle of the Robotic City quiet and peaceful, not even the wailing of a police siren was audible. Far along the outskirts of the city sat the abandoned automobile manufacturing plant, but even the occupants inside were deep in sleep as well.

A figure in one of the "rooms" shifted in his sleep, the blanket pulled up to his neck. His vents cycled air quietly, optics off-lined, but while from an outside appearance he appeared to be in peaceful recharge his processor was replaying memory clips. The figure shifted but only slightly, slipping even deeper into recharge and enjoying the dreams.

Strong servos held him easily, his own stabilizers wrapped around his waist firmly, his engine purred as the mech holding him continued to kiss him, glossia twined around his own. His servos clutched at his helm, vents hitching as the large servos caressed metal platings, slipping beneath them and rubbed at the sensitive wires. His system was starting to overheat, he could feel it in the other mech as well but before it could go any farther they pulled apart. He knew this was wrong, this relationship was never supposed to happen, but it had and he didn't want it to stop.

"Starscream…" he breathed out, servos sliding from his helm to his shoulder plates.

He smirked, pressing their helms together, gazing into his soft blue optics. "I have something for you," he said quietly, brushing his servos along the wires, his smirk growing when the mech shifted against him, engine purring louder. But he lowered him down, setting him on his peds before pulling back. "I'll be right back, wait here." Without waiting for an answer he turned and took to the air, thrusters sending him flying. Neither of them ever noticed a pair of optics watching from the forest surrounding them, focusing jealousy and anger on the yellow mech.

Bumblebee smiled softly as he watched his lover fly off, wondering what the surprise could be but he had his own surprise to tell him as well. This was a dangerous and risky thing he was doing, and yet he wanted to continue this for as long as he could. Would it be so wrong to just be selfish and finally have something he had always wanted? He was taken from his daydream when he heard rustling in the bushes and turned but it was a clicking vocalization that made his entire body stiffen.

"Bumblebot does not deserve such happiness…" it hissed angrily, the rustling growing louder until a large green form with red-purple wings emerged, wings bussing angrily as it stalked the yellow mech. Its cruel reddish-optics glared at the scout with such venom, the words stung as though they were made of acid. "Not when he ruined Wasp's life!"

"Waspinator…" he breathed, trying to get his body to move, to get his peds to run far from here, even to transform but he felt as though he was in full stasis. He couldn't even get his processor to send out a distress signal to Starscream. The techno-organic looked huge, bigger than Megatron and even more terrifying as he stalked towards him.

"It's time to ruin Bumblebot's life," he hissed and swiftly brought his clawed servo up, catching the unsuspecting mech in the face, helm snapping back with a painful shout. He watched as he fell back onto his back, stunned but he wasn't going to give him a chance to escape as he crawled over him, his wings folding back. He relished in the fear of his enemy/prey, the pink-lavender liquid seeping from the claw marks across his face oozing slightly. There was fear in his blue optics, and he relished in it as he loomed over him, but he wasn't going to outright kill this bumbler. Oh no, that would be too easy. Too quick. "Starting…" His claw reached out, trailing over his faceplates, down his chassis, brushing over the protruding protoflesh just beneath. "… with this."

Bumblebee's optics widen and he could feel an icy fill rapidly fill every cable in his body. The sparkling was growing more with each passing cycle, but it would be several orbital cycles before it was ready to be brought into the world. He cringed when Waspinator trailed a single claw over the sensitive mesh plating, realization hitting his processor as the icy feeling grew.


A silent plea escaped the quiet room, barely making it out into the hall. This late in the evening no one would have heard the barely audible cry. But one mech was pulled from his meditation, helm tilted silently, listening intently. Had he misheard the cry?

"No! Please!" Bumblebee begged, clutching at the sharp servos as they gripped the protoflesh none-too-gently. But the larger bot ignored his cries, in fact he seemed to relish in it and pressed the struggling mech into the soft ground. Grabbing his failing servos he held them roughly in his other large servo, not the least bit worried that the small Autobot could stop him but it was annoying. He continued to lightly trace the pliable flesh with a single claw, pressing in harder with each stroke.


The cry was louder, fearful, begging. He was not imagining it but who was awake at this hour? Who was calling out for help?

"Please don't take it!"

Prowl usually considered himself a bot of patience, preferring to think before he acted, even during these warring times, but he was out of his room, heading for the source of the cry before his processor could process what was being shouted, or why no one else heard the plea.

"Please! St-AAAAAHH!" The tip of the claw dug into the protoflesh, more of the pink-purplish energon spilling as the claw slowly tore a long slit across the large bump. Waspinator ignored the futile struggles of the carrier, the way he continued to arch and shy away from him, trying to pull his servos free from his tightening grip. He gritted his dental together, pain receptors going critical as he felt those same claws slipping beneath the bleeding "skin", digging inside, purposely scratching his insides. "Nnnngh!" Bee couldn't help but whimper, body arching as he felt the servo wrapped around the tiny form inside.

Prowl pressed himself along the wall, listening to the pained sounds. His shuriken held carefully between his servos, ready to be thrown as soon as he located the threat. He was surprised and confused when he peered into his teammate's room, no visible threat but the canary yellow scout was in the throes of a terrible defrag, or "nightmare" as the humans called it, body arching as his servos clutched at his berth tightly.

Waspinator smirked cruelly as he slowly began to draw his fist out, ignoring the energon that covered his servo. The sparkling was small, a tiny thing with the beginning of wing nubs on its back, a future seeker, some of its inner circuits and wires still visible, optics completely closed, not quite ready for the world. He caught the bot's optics and grinned, watching the fear in them grow as he began to tighten his servo around the helpless form, feeling the too soft protoflesh begin to give into the pressure.


"Bumblebee!" Servos grasped his shoulder plates, shaking them in hopes that the scout would awaken. He did with a loud scream, bolting into a sitting position. Prowl was surprised no one came running at the cry but perhaps it would be for the best. He watched with concern as the scout panted heavily for air, his vents whirling rapidly, he didn't seem to notice he was there as he quietly sat on the edge of his berth, reaching out to lightly rest his servo on his knee and the other stroking his back plating in what he hoped was a comforting and calming gesture. "Calm down… it was just a dream," he said calmly, watching him with a great deal of concern.

Bumblebee couldn't get the image out of his processor, his sparkling held in Waspinator's servo, watching as the digits began to tighten, seeing the cruel look on his faceplates as he screamed for him to stop, being weak and powerless to stop him. He shuddered his optics a few times, aware that his vents were working on high but he looked to the side and noticed the ninja-bot was trying to get him to calm down. He wanted to question what he was doing, why he was here, instead he turned and drew himself against his chassis with a weak cry.

"… Prowl." He couldn't help it, he tried to be strong, but the nightmare still had their claws in him and his processor refused to let him go anytime soon. He shut his optics as tightly as he could, ktching sounds escaping his frame but there was nothing he could do to stop them. Nor could he stop the almost violent tremors as the Cyber-Ninja wrapped his servos around him, holding him close instead of pushing him away or demanding an explanation.

"Please don- *ktch* … Don't let them take it!" he begged him, burying his faceplates into his black and gold trimmed chassis he tried to forgot the nightmare but the image was so haunting he let out a low whimper, clinging to the other bot even tighter.

Servos never stopped as they gently and calmly stroked warm plates, listening to his fans clicking off one by one. He had never seen the scout in such a stake, even after countless battles with the Decepticons and facing Megatron he had never seen him this shaken up. But as his hitching began to slow down his processor went over the words he had just said—no, words he was begging of him.

"… take what?" The only answer he received was a quiet whimper of fear. Instead of pressing for an answer he drew the scout even further into his embrace, tightening his servos around him as he pulled the sheet up to wrap around him. It didn't take long for bumblebee to drift to sleep but when Prowl made to get up and leave him to rest he clung to him, or cried out for his nightmares to stop. Venting softly he continued to hold the scout to his chassis, his body curled between his stabilizers. Leaning his head back against the wall he off-lined his optics, falling back into a light meditated state he never noticed as Bumblebee's servo wordlessly drift down to his stomach plating, digits protectively stroking the slight bulge that was growing.

Author's Notes: If you're reading this, then I hope you took my warning at the beginning to heart. Again I was inspired to write this about reading a comic of the same title by the artist JazztheTiger. I have never written anything like this, but if I want to grow as a writer I need to branch out.

I also mentioned earlier that I may or may not continue this. I actually have a story in mind, so if I continue this I will be posting warning of certain chapters. So, please tell me what you think but please no flames or comments about how sick I am. I gave a warning in the beginning, and I was also raised that if you have nothing nice to say you don't say it at all.

To JazztheTiger, I am a big fan of your stuff and I wish I could draw as well as you! I hope you like this ^^