Epilogue – Canticle of Victoria

One year later

EDI watched with amusement as Trev and Miranda were searching for the blonde's dress uniform. Well, Trev was searching in mild panic while her wife indulged her, mildly irritated that she was dragged from her work.

The Trevelyans' relationship was always a point of interest for her – she observed it from the very beginning and that didn't really stop. At first it was a curiosity, another facet of human emotion she could not really grasp but she filed it away nonetheless. When Trev had called a friend for the first time, her interest about her affairs grew, after all that was what friends did. She read it on the extranet. She herself continued evolving until she actually felt close to the former templar and she began being invested. Her talks with Trev and Shepard helped, answered many of her questions but not all, and observation had always been her forte. Miranda she had considered an interesting external factor and was puzzled by her friend's response, her sensors were could pick up everything no matter how good a poker face. It was a friendship first, she could see the parallels to her own relationship with the noble. She only got secondhand information about how friendship morphed into something more from their messages while she was for all intents and purposes in Alliance custody. Even when such a crucial piece missing she continued observing and it was fascinating. Especially in contrast to Shepard dealing with her former flame and then with her developing romance with Traynor.

Fascinating. Humans, organics, were fascinating. She understood quite a lot after observing them for so long but now? Now she understood. The Crucible changed everything for her and even if it was unsettling at first, she couldn't imagine going back.

"What are you thinking about?" Sam chuckled form beside her.

"That our hosts should have a better laundry system" EDI answered with a broad grin, eyes sparking with green.

Traynor laughed "Yes indeed. But since they have graciously allowed us to stay with them while on Earth, I think we should refrain from mentioning it."

"Should I also not mention the uniform in question is actually in the guest room we are occupying?"

"EDI, you fiend" the comm specialist grinned.

The AI shrugged "I guess if they don't find it I'll tell them tomorrow, before the ceremony."

"Synthesis Day" Sam rolled her eyes, "Could've done better with the name."

"So much has happened, I imagine it had been hard choosing an appropriate designation"

"Point. Although even if I know Shepard would've hated something like 'Shepard's Day' I think she should've been incorporated more"

EDI hummed "She was a hero and now she became a legend. I think she would appreciate that at least the name isn't so on the nose."

"I guess" Traynor said sadly.

This was one of the things, or pretty much the only thing, that EDI hated about her newfound understanding of organics – the crushing feeling when someone she cared about was sad or disappointed. Well, only Sam. Sam, was… well, after their three-month stint cut off from everybody when the Relays were destroyed, they got close. Her best friend currently onboard, even before Jeff. It was her that consoled the specialist when she was told the news about her loved when they got towed back to civilization. They still worked together, saw each other every day. And it was then that EDI realized just how much things changed for her. EDI once more looked at the arguing Trev and Miranda and sighed, this time not in amusement but envy. "How are you doing?"

Sam snorted "You mean like one year to the day my girlfriend died and changed the fate of billions? Peachy."

EDI looked down "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry" the specialist put a hand on her friend's shoulder, "I'm just processing. Still, I know."

"You should take as much time as you need to grieve and let nobody tell you otherwise" the AI said sharply.

Sam smiled "I know, but thank you. It means a lot. It's just… you know, it wasn't a break-up. Nobody got dumped. She died. And to be perfectly honest I am a little bit pissed about that. She just goes and dies. Because commander fucking Shepard had to be the hero."

"It's not…"

"I know, I know. I don't mean it really - I mean we are all alive because of her. Doesn't mean I'm not pissed though"


"Could use a hug though" Sam batted her eyelashes.

EDI chuckled and opened her arms "Very well."


"Told you Evelyn. Now can I please go back to my work? The lab has sent some new findings and they are far more interesting than your treasure hunt for a uniform that was, please note my shock, in a closet"

"Ha, but the guest room closet! Totally different"

"Yes, dear"

Sam chuckled but didn't step back from the hug "I'm glad those two survived and got married. Something utterly mundane among all the change."

EDI nodded and relished in the prolonged contact "Yes. Though from what I heard Trev almost didn't make it. Sheer luck and good timing, that's what Miranda said."

"Hmm. Garrus said Tali got really lucky too, that it was really close. Speaking of them, I'm looking forward to seeing Tali without her suit. I thought it would take years"

"Well, our knowledge level skyrocketed after synthesis, the species of last cycles helped in every aspect"

Sam finally ended the hug and beamed "Yes, it's still amazing even after a year! I mean we almost reconstructed everything and far surpassed it in some cases. And I can't wait till Polis is finished. I saw the designs and it looks far better than the Citadel ever could. It helps that this one isn't an enemy construct though."


"So this is where you're hiding" Trev startled them.

"Hardly hiding" EDI rolled her eyes.

"Just like you were not hiding my uniform?" the noble smirked.

"Not our fault you forgot where you put it"

Traynor laughed "Besides, don't tell me you didn't do it just so you could drag Miranda from work for a bit."

"I'd like to say that but no, I really couldn't find it" Trev cleared her throat uncomfortably, "But it was a welcome bonus. I mean she was always a workaholic but with all those new things she really took it to a new level. Can't blame her though, it is rather fascinating stuff. Plus she's really happy so…"

"I agree! Just a year ago QEC technology was cutting-edge, now? Nearly obsolete. Well, it will be once we can adapt…"

"Please" Trev whined, "Later? I already listened to something similar today."

"Sure" Sam laughed.

"Is Oriana coming to the ceremony tomorrow?" EDI changed the subject.

"She is" the blonde grinned, "With her booooyfriend. Can't wait to see how Miranda reacts. And it will be great to see Garrus and Tali again."

"And Liara?" Sam cocked her head to the side.

Trev shrugged with a sigh "I have no idea. I saw her at the hospital when I was recovering but then she just disappeared. I know she survived and she sent me congratulations on our wedding, but nothing since."

"I tried to contact her as well but got no reply" Sam frowned.

"She did have hermit tendencies" EDI shrugged.

"Well, as long as she's alright" Trev nodded uneasily.

After a beat of collective pensive silence Sam's head shot up "That reminds me I need to call Hackett about something."

In a moment the specialist was gone and Trev arched an eyebrow "How did that remind her of Hackett?"

"I have given up on trying to understand people" EDI shrugged.

"Probably smart. Oh, while I have you alone – did you make any progress?" the blonde's eyes twinkled, a green spark flashing briefly.

"On what?" was the dry reply.

"You know"

EDI rolled her eyes but replied "She's mourning Shepard."

"I understand that, just saying you could still make a little bit of progress. Besides, she was attracted to you even before she ever met Shepard"

"She just thought my voice was 'hot'"

"Last I checked your voice didn't change"

"So how is your speech coming?" EDI blatantly changed the subject.

Trev sighed but let it go, knowing full well how being pressed on matters of romance was irritating "I have it. Although I don't know why I have to speak."

"Hackett will be speaking on behalf of humanity, but you were Shepard's second in command so you will speak about her"

"I still think Garrus should do it"

"He won the coin toss"


EDI smirked at that but shrugged "I hope the following years the celebration will change. Shepard would love it being a party."

"True. And it probably will – this first one is special"

The AI nodded. Then she hummed and cocked her head to the side "So what's next for Commander and Doctor Trevelyan?"

Trev glanced at the doors to the room her spouse was currently occupying "Miranda has been mentioning a kid a lot. Something that more than mildly terrifies me."

"There have been perfectly safe births and normal children after synthesis"

"That's not what terrifies me, although that is indeed great news"

"Well, we do need a population boom" EDI smirked.

"Right, exactly the reason to do it" the blonde rolled her eyes.

"I think little Trev would be adorable"

"Please don't" big Trev whined.

"Why? We both know you can't say no to your beloved"

"That I can't. But I'm perfectly comfortable with 'maybe later'"



"Are you really?"


"So let's discuss names"


Centuries or millennia from now there even might be some star child that would learn of "the Shepard" and the day on which everything changed. The great war would be little more than a story, a tale of great heroes.

But that is too abstract.

Everything that will have led to that hypothetical moment where the child would ask for this tale, is more tangible. More real. It requires hard work of real people, times of conflict and times of calm, life.

But I guess a good story is not bad either.

And the story of commander fucking Shepard is a damn good one.

Aaaand that's all folks.

I chose synthesis because I just couldn't let EDI die. So did Shepard. I mean we saw her grow a lot during ME2 and ME3 and I especially loved writing her. That is also why I decided to make the epilogue a little bit about her.

So that's it.

The end.

Loved writing it and I hope you have enjoyed reading it. Thank you for all your reviews, favorites and follows and I hope to see you in Lights in the Shadows – the ME2.5

On that note, Lights in the Shadows will get its second chapter some time after New Year's. In the meantime have a nice Yule or any and all equivalents.