Neptune: "Heave-ho, come on boys, just a little bit more! It's already shaking in its metaphysical boots!"

She cheered on her two lackeys without much care for the impossibility of their task.

Steamax: "It is more sturdy than expected."

Affimojas: "We require more power."

Neptune: "Just tear that sucka down! I don't care how many limit breaks it takes!"

Steamax: "General…"

Affimojas: "Say nothing old friend. We both know what must be done."

The blue and golden robots faced each other solemnly. They extended their metal hands towards each other and then started blinking all over. Sparks were flowing across their bodies!

Steamax & Affimojas: "COMBINE! Super mega ultra fusioooooooooon!"

Lightning shone brightly inside the room and as soon as the blinding light wore off, something new stood in its center.

Affimax: ""We are whole! You cannot beat us!""

Neptune: "Robots are freaky."

Affimax: ""Gun-saber BEAAAAAAAAAAAM!""

Neptune: "Is it a beam or a slash?"

The ultimate final special move hit the target with the force of a thousand collapsing suns! And thus it crumbled to dust. Alongside its destruction the newly formed 'Affimax' had spent all its power and shut down.

Affimax: ""We… did…. It…""

Neptune: "Good job boys. Go recharge your batteries in electric sheep heaven or whatever."

Nep saluted the collapsed hunk of metal and touched the edges of the destroyed area. She inspected it well and then nodded.

Neptune: "VIIR is a lame title, but the tweaks to the game look pretty gooood! At least add a NepNowa mode if you got cash to spend on VR rooms though!" She shouted into the gaping hole. She nodded satisfied. "Lookie here they actually broke the 4th wall. I knew it could be done~"

Noire: "WHAT have you done this time Neptune?!"

Out of nowhere Lastation's CPU appeared. Literally. What was this place anyway?

Neptune: "Nuh-uh! You will see in the replay that I didn't even poke the wall this time! It was completely out of my hand."

She shook her finger and rejected all blame.

Blanc: "This is getting out of hand alright…."

Lowee's CPU made a sudden appearance as well?! This wasn't in the script!

Neptune: "Blanny, how good of you to join this…. Whatever this is."

Nep patted her on the back jovially, to which Blanc reacted with an annoyed glare.

Noire: "There wasn't a title and the description is rather vague… oh no. I am doing it too."

She realized that she was being meta too and covered her mouth anxiously.

Neptune: "Too late to attach back to your little strings! The boundary has been crushed. Welcome to a whole new world. Let me show it to you."

She put a hand on Noire's shoulder and swiped her hand across the air as if showing her a sky full of stars.

Where was this going?! Why was this happening?

Vert: "Oh dear, the author is already reeling. Is this really how we want to end this series?"

Leanbox CPU elegantly phased into existence next to them as well. At this point this seemed to be the standard entrance into the scene.

Neptune: "It's fine! Totally daijoubu! If ya want an emotional or satisfying ending, read chapter 27 again. Or go back to the previous two epilogues."

She waved it off carefree as ever.

Noire: "Did you just say-?"

Blanc: "So what is this then?"

Neptune: "You know when the studio runs out of money or ideas at the end of a season? This is the recap episode!"

The other three looked at her with a mix of disgust and confusion.

Noire: "How do you even have a clipshow in a fanfic?"

Neptune: "Oh nonono, we ain't just copy-pasting passages or anything like that. We got enough of that in Blanc's flashback chapters."


Neptune: "This is the return of Nepstation!"

Suddenly a News show like jingle echoed inside the imaginary space and the room turned into the Nepstation set! And the group of goddesses all sat down at the main desk.

Neptune: "We are gonna have some fun with a few new segments today. Sorry about the peeps out there who were looking forward to Millionep, but too many players abused the save feature and online guides, so we were going bankrupt faster than Idea Factory and Compile Heart can crank out sequels."

Noire: "Who provided those credits anyway?"

Neptune: "We don't talk about it."

Her dark smile was discouraging enough for Noire.

Blanc: "So what segments are we doing…?"

Neptune: "Patience Blanny! You will get your turn eventually! Just like it took 3 stories to finally focus on you for a bit."

Blanc: "Can I punch her?"

Vert: "We both know that would be her victory."

The blonde CPU patted the smaller girl's head sympathetically.

Neptune: "Without further ado: Neptstation staaaaaart!"

A slow title crawl and music tune later the set was ready and waiting for the cameras to focus on Neptune and Noire, the usual pair.

Neptune: "Isn't this nostalgic? Somehow we always end up embarrassing you in front of some camera, aren't we?"

Noire: "I only remember seeing you make a fool of yourself in this studio. It had nothing to do with me."

She crossed her arms and stayed calm.

Neptune: "Righto, that was Ultra Nowa. I always mix you two up."

She stretched out her tongue and tapped her head like she was such a klutz.

Noire: "I don't expose my midriff like a weirdo!"

Neptune: "It's fine~ Some version of me gets to see more than your midriff all the time-BWARGH!?"

Noire's elbow penetrated Neptune's ribcage like a powerdrill went through a faulty energy barrier.

Noire: "Moving on, this new segment is called LOST DREAMS. An overdramatic title as expected of this author."

Neptune: "Gasp… your elbows are pointier than your rapier… cough… Brutality equal to dishonesty…."

Noire: "Get a grip and tell me what this is about."

Neptune: "Okay!"

Neptune instantly recovered at those words and held up her hand cheerfully.

Neptune: "This segment is the graveyard for scrapped story ideas!"

Noire: "Oh, I see… This is actually a more normal topic than I expected."

Neptune: "What kind of weird thoughts were you having my maybe rival, maybe girlfriend, maybe wife?"

Noire: "I don't have any weird-! Why are you talking like a moron?"

Neptune: "This timeline really makes no sense, that's why. Is this PM? AM? S&M? Either way we could be anything or nothing."

Noire: "…"

The confusion would only increase if she kept going down that road. Better to just get on with it.

Neptune: "Aaaand the first scrapped idea is all about none other thaaaan… Noire."

Neptune said in monotone.

Noire: "That explains why I am here… Hey why are you acting so disappointed!?"

Neptune: "It's always about you. Even this failure of an author is only looking at you all the time. Your twintails are actually parasites that tie people up and brainwash them, admit it!"

Noire: "I can't help it; I am just the most popular."

She gave Neptune a haughty smile, which made her all the more aggravated. Knowing that she couldn't best her right now even with her protagonist powers, she just pulled up the story on the teleprompter.

Neptune: "This stupid idea actually already has a completely finished draft. Talk about a last minute intervention."

Noire: "This isn't some substance abuse drama!"

Neptune: "Don't be too hasty, my fair Queen of tsundere kingdom. This story could only have been written under some kind of abuse. That or drugs."

She shrugged with a wry smile.

Noire: "I read here that it was a story about… Gamarket?"

Neptune: "Yeah when I said you, I didn't mean you you."

What a great clarification.

Noire: "So it was a story about my own game."

She seemed somewhat excited now.

Neptune: "…yeah a story about that other Noire."

Nep nodded and there was a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Noire: "Well what was it about then? I think by the end of that game everything returned back to normal with the four nations being separated. Am I going to conquer it a third time?"

One might think that two times of unification were enough to proof a point. But Neptune's sudden smirk made Noire shiver.

Neptune: "Nope! It's all about your harem."

Noire: "… my what?"

She was taken aback.

Neptune: "That other Noire is like a freak magnet for people. She got more Lily Points than was good for her, so the writers decided to throw a forced romance with some bland self-insert at her."

This was the reason Neptune had looked so chagrinned before, but now she was bathing in Noire's clouded face.

Neptune: "It's quite funny to think that Nowa would be the one with the harem, huh? The story goes something like this… The Generals wanted to gain more influence or accomplish their own goals, so they decided to get closer to the unrivaled sovereign of Gamarket: Noire."

Noire: "How is this related to a harem-"

Neptune: "The idea was that each one of them would get a try at making Noire fall for them, so they could totally exploit her for all she's worth. Hahaha! Now that's a fun plot."

The idea seemed to really amuse Neptune.

Noire: "They drew lots to decide the order…. Why would I go along with any of this?"

She pouted.

Neptune: "Because they said it was all about becoming better friends. And we all know that's your trigger word."

Nep chuckled.

Noire: "I-It's not! I d-don't have such an obvious weakness!"

Neptune: "Even the game devs can't make that line a reality. Anyway, the story goes that each General tries her best to make poor Lonely Heart theirs, but instead they end up falling for her one by one. Ironyyyy."

Noire: "I s-see… that's unexpected."

Neptune: "You may wonder where blandy McBlandface is during all of this. Apparently the plan was to have him attend some weird enlightenment course where he was supposed to learn to become a better secretary… but he ended up becoming a celibate monk who swore off all earthly desires."

Noire: "What the heck?!"

Neptune: "And by the end when the entire harem force goes after the distressed black hearted princess he arrives with the train and totally approves."

Noire: "How overly convenient! What about my- I mean her feelings?!"

Neptune: "Never you worry, that Noire is a total affection sl*t, so she likes everyone."

Noire: "I feel like you just went way over the line, but the fact that you are jealous of me is even more concerning."

Neptune: "Me? Jelly? Please, I prefer pudding."

Nep whistled innocently.

Noire: "So it doesn't bother you… at all? That I am with so many other girls…"

For once Noire looked a little sad. Whatever they were right now (rivals, girlfriends or wives), to think Neptune cared so little about her getting taken by other lovers… even if it was another dimension… it hurt a little.

Neptune: "Heehee. I knew you'd be worried about stupid things! Here's some extra twist for your tear-shake! On the only off-days from deepening 'friendship' with the Generals, Noire hangs out with us other CPUs. She is way more relaxed and herself during those events and she seems to be secretly crushing on a certain perfectly cute main character material goddess."

Noire: "….you knew this the entire time!"

She protested, but Neptune just laughed at her creeping blush. After play fighting for a bit, Noire cleared her throat to regain the serious mood. But her barely hidden happy expression undermined that notion a bit.

Noire: "But why was this story cancelled if it was pretty much finished?"

Neptune: "It totally didn't fit in anywhere in this trilogy. And making an entire new story for some spin-off idea wasn't really a priority."

Noire: "Look at you actually giving a serious answer…"

Neptune: "I just read that cowardly author's excuse actually."

She held up a small note with glee.


Neptune: "The title is self-explanatory! Here we go gals! I love Nowa!"

She yelled into the non-existent studio crowd.

Nepgear: "Uhm… it's not that kind of confession Onee-chan."

The pure hearted sister explained with a weak smile.

Neptune: "Ooooh suffixes and Japanese word fixes! This really is a mess!"

She seemed delighted though.

Nepgear: "I-I'm sorry if I did something wrong… My mind is a little bit hazy."

Neptune: "It's daijoubu. That's probably the culture shock. It stops hurting around the time you can sing an anime opening word by word~"

Nepgear: "I don't really understand-"

Neptune: "I knew that it wasn't about confessions of love silly sister o' mine, but it feels good to shout your feelings to the crowd."

Her chest was puffed out in pride about her openness.

Nepgear: "Matters of the heart are important."

She nodded as if she had actually understood her sister!

Neptune: "The real reason for this corner is to reveal our darkest and most embarrassing secrets though, so here we go. You start Nep Jr."

Nepgear: "Eeeeeh?! I n-need to start?"

Her eyes turned weird and her mouth square shaped.

Neptune: "Out with it! Tell us your darkest secret. With my demure little sister this ought to be quite adorable."

She slapped Nepgear's back familiarly and pushed her forward. Nepgear looked down at her hands with sweat drops rolling down her face. Whatever went through her mind right now seemed to burden her greatly. But this segment was unavoidable. The forces of unreality were despotic indeed and she would be made to talk eventually.

Nepgear: "I… I made a few robots… of people I know."

She admitted with pressed words.

Neptune: "Wow you really love that thingamajig and your tools. Enough to sell out your poor Onee-chan even."

At this point Neptune was still in a joking mood. But…

Nepgear: "I made an Onee-chan that actually worked and was serious. In the simulation she took over the world in two weeks. And then I made her praise me lots and lots."

The words now started to flow almost automatically. And there was no stopping them. Neptune's smile froze and her eyebrows twitched.

Nepgear: "Then I made a Uni bot that I could practice confessing to. She kept bugging out for some reason so I had to turn her more obedient…"

Her eyes were now dulled over as she told of her exploits. Neptune backed away on her chair.

Nepgear: "After a while she turned more obedient and I added tear solution so her cries would be more realistic. She needed to be more realistic if I wanted to practice kissing on her."

Neptune was already running out the exit.

Nepgear: "Why wouldn't she confess back to me?! I programmed her over and over, but Uni-chan's personality overwrote it each time! Just like the real Uni-chan! Just kiss me already and stop crying!"

In the distance one could hear the sound of a sprinting Neptune. Then a crash as she hit something metallic. After a few seconds she was dragged in through the door by Nepgya. The robot threw her back in the chair.

Nepgear: "So that's my embarrassing little secret ehehe. You aren't going to tell anyone, right Onee-chan?"

She cutely stretched out her tongue and smiled with flowers around her head.

Neptune: "S-segment change! Right now pleaaaaase!"


Neptune: "Oh my me, that was close."

She wiped some sweat off her brow and exhaled.

Uzume: "Something wrong Nepsy?"

Neptune: "Potentially terrifying revelations about the future of the franchise… but other than that everything's peachy. It's great to finally have you at Nepstation Uzume~"

Uzume: "Yeah I never knew there was a channel like this!"

Neptune: "There isn't."

Uzume: "….eh?"

Neptune: "The next scrapped idea is all about the Zero Dimension's greatest warrior!"

The purple haired girl pointed her hands at her guest with grandeur. Uzume scratched her cheek embarrassedly.

Uzume: "What story could you write about me? Is it about how I fight some badass villain?"

Neptune: "If that badass villain is yourself, then I guess we can give that a soft maybe!"

She said with a shrug.

Neptune: "This short was supposed to be about how Uzume hit her head really badly."

Uzume: "Wha- how did that happen?"

Neptune: "Who knows? This one's a stub. Maybe you tripped down the stairs."

Uzume: "At least make it something cool! Like taking a blow for a friend or getting hit by a meteor…"

Neptune: "You'd be dead! And then Kurome couldn't take over your body."

Uzume: "Nani!?"

Neptune: "More gratuitous Japanese, huh? Anyway, that's the plot. Uzume gets in critical condition and Kurome takes over her body somehow."

Uzume: "That won't happen."

She said firmly.

Neptune: "Er, it's just a what-if, its not supposed to be all that serio-"

Uzume: "It will never happen. We settled our score. She will never come back."

Uzume's words had some incredible finality to them.

Neptune: "Uh… well it was about how Kurome had to take over for Uzume and gain everyone's trust before sacrificing herself to make Uzume's consciousness return… very touching and all that-"

Uzume: "She accepted it. I beat her with my own hands. She is gone."

Neptune: "It's really hard to deal with such a conclusive character arc! I guess that's why the story was never written."

Uzume had clutched her fist and looked up all determinedly like she was holding an awesome inner monologue at the end of a movie.

Neptune: "Well this segment was kind of a bust, so let's slalom straight into the next one."


The text magically changed. Uzume watched it with a whistle.

Neptune: "You got some skeletons in your closet Uzume?"

She jokingly prodded her with her elbow.

Uzume: "I don't really… ah, wait. There is something we swore not to talk about."

Neptune: "Let's talk about that then!"

Uzume: "So remember how the other Nepsy, MAGES. and I went to Gamarket to overthrow Arbore?"

Neptune: "Yep, that was a really random side-plot in 'Best Friends Forever?' the first story of this unintended trilogy."

Way to be subtle.

Uzume: "Yeah yeah! We went there one more time after you guys defeated Arbore in the Hyper dimension. The people there wanted us to become the new rulers, but we couldn't really do that. The kids at the Zero dimension were waiting."

She explained seriously.

Uzume: "I dunno if they got CPUs later on, but before we left we told them how to become strong enough to defeat evil on their own."

Neptune: "Wowsers, you taught them some secret special technique like that?"

Uzume: "Ah… not exactly… that's kinda the thing. I totally drew a blank. Didn't know what to tell them. MAGES. and Nepsy also didn't seem to be into it."

She rubbed the back of her head and sighed.

Uzume: "We told them that to power up they just need to kiss each other on the cheek."

Neptune stared at Uzume. Then she stared some more. After the red-head did not say any more or revealed this all to be one grand joke, she finally burst into laughter. She slammed her fist on the Neptstation desk repeatedly and finally sank unto the floor holding her hurting belly.

Neptune: "Ahahahha! N-no w-way! Hahahaha… they bought it?"

Uzume: "Sorry… I think they are still doing it to this day."

She seemed to feel really guilty.

Neptune: "The power of pecking! This is the best hahahaha~!"

She wiped her laugh tears off and rubbed her hurting face muscles.

Neptune: "That's a good one! More of this and less creepy singularity stories please."

Uzume: "I don't get you sometimes Nepsy."

Neptune: "Thanks for trying."


Neptune: "Hey, where's Blanc? She is even in the title, but instead I got a healthy serving of Plutie!"

Plutia: "I'm not Blaaaaanny."

She agreed lazily. For a few seconds they just both looked really dazed. Then Neptune's head snapped back.

Neptune: "We don't have a tsukkomi!"

Plutia: "Ehhhh? What's a tsuki… tsuko…"

Neptune: "Don't break your sweet head over it. I guess this segment's actually about some loose ends."

Plutia: "It's really bad when you leave loose string after sewing the plushie. It gets tangled aaaall up and then tears the poor plush. That's noooo good."

For some reason Plutia was really serious about sewing! She gave them her best scolding look, which was still as soft as the thawing snow during a winter morning.

Neptune: "Seriously, what happened to the Ultra dimension though? We saw you like 4 times during the entire trilogy."

Nep scratched her head and her eyes turned into lines. Her disappointment was directed at a certain idiot who definitely felt bad about it, okay?

Plutia: "Hmmmm… I played looots with Peashy-chan… and then we napped, but got scolded by Noire."

She tranquilly recalled some events.

Plutia: "Ohh… and then we had a cooking contest… the food was sooo yummy."

Her eyes lit up.

Plutia: "There was also that time Histy was reaaally busy, so I had to work until my fingers went ouchie."

She held up her ten fingers as if to show it off.

Neptune: "Fascinating."

She didn't have it in her to say anything that could darken that innocent smile on the comfy girl's face.


Neptune: "This is awkward."

She looked down towards her new guest: Ram.

Ram: "Where's Rom-chan? Where's Blanc? Where's Nepgear?"

Her inquisitive gaze was truly destructive.

Neptune: "I know we don't hang out much in the main story, but can't you at least pretend to get along…?"

Ram: "What is this boring place?"

Neptune: "If I knew that they would probably have to silence me for knowing too much."

She mumbled, but then turned back to the small CPU Candidate.

Neptune: "Guess what? The reason you're here all on your lonesome means there was a story planned just for you!"

Ram: "Really?! That's awesome!"

Neptune: "Yup! It's about something with you doing something about something and then something happens. Apparently it's about something with Rom too."

Ram: "You sound really dumb Neptune."

Neptune: "Thanks for pointing it out… this is nepping great, I am looked down on by the munchkin. It's not my fault that this page is almost blank!"

She held up the plot summary of the 'story'. There was a line at the start and one at the bottom of the paper.

[And then they kissed.]

Ram: "…"

Neptune: "…"

Blanc: "Let me get my hammer."

Neptune: "Be my guest. No, seriously, be a guest already."

One deserved hammer festival later…

Neptune: "Geez can they even still type like that?"

Blanc: "I left one finger unbroken."

Her cold glare was enough to turn the weather outside into a snowstorm.

Ram: "Onee-chan, why did it say I was gonna kiss-"

Blanc: "Ask C-sha."

Neptune: "In that case let's move to another segment!"


Neptune: "It's no secret that you and Vertsy got some issues, but what about the issues is a secret?"

Blanc: "Should have known you would go there."

Her lip twitched ever so slightly.

Neptune: "The public deserves to know! You were worse than Nowa! At the very least she confessed back a dozen chapters later. You got two years and still didn't!"

Blanc: "It's complicated..."

This shy Blanc was a treat. And Nep was good at unwrapping those.

Neptune: "Even an idiot can figure their feelings out after play testing a game for 2 years. Your little act at my wedding was quite delicious- I mean surprising, but there's gotta be more."

Blanc: "I don't want to… talk about it."

She looked down with a hint of rouge on her cheeks. Fancy.

Ram: "Onee-chan and Vert are totally weird. They always argue, but then kiss."

Neptune: "An unexpected assist from the backseats!?"

She spun around on her chair and saw that Ram was still there! Of course she was, why did they forget about that anyway?

Blanc: "Ram…!"

She glared her sister down as if she had been betrayed. But the pink wearing twin didn't back down.

Ram: "Rom-chan always says that she is sad when you aren't honest. When Rom-chan is sad I am sad too. Stupid Onee-chan."

She was looking like she was holding back the moistness in her eyes.

Neptune: "A big sister should be a good example to her siblings."

Blanc: "You little-"

Neptune: "Ah-ah-ah. I never said I am the perfect role-model. But at least I always say how I feel for real."

In some strange twist of logic… Neptune actually sounded convincing.

Blanc: "…er…"

Neptune: "Turn that volume up just a bit tech guys."

Blanc: "I like that big oaf a lot alright?!"

Blanc exclaimed with more embarrassment than Neptune had ever seen on her face. It almost made her heart skip a beat. She punched her chest repeatedly with the force of a jackhammer.

Neptune: "Bad heart! Swaying so easily even if this is a weird out of sync reality!"

That ship wasn't even entertained in this story.

Ram: "Vert Onee-san is mean sometimes, but she always looks at Onee-chan with those happy eyes."

Somehow the little sister was superior to her older sister in every way right now!

Neptune: "I wish I recorded that… ahem, so do you LOVE her though?"

She pressed on, but there was a point where even the most weakened lioness would fight to the death. Blanc's claws were less sharp, but they were enough to stretch both of Neptune's cheeks painfully.

Neptune: "Owowow I give…! I'm tapping out…!"


Nep snored.

Plutia: "And and and… then I had a dream about picking flowers."

The entire duration of the segment Plutia had kept telling everyday stories. And she wasn't slowing down. That is, if she could even get any slower than this.

From behind the set Nepgya stomped over. Then she extended some weird wires from her fingers. They attached to Neptune's drool covered face. Then the ominous 'NEPGYAAAA' sound reverberated through the air and electrical energy was shot into Nep's cheeks.

Neptune: "Holy 80% off sales on Steam what the nep is happening?!"

She was shocked so thoroughly awake that she almost fainted again.

Plutia: "Are you okaaay Neppy?"

The easy-going CPU actually seemed concerned.

Neptune: "What… year is it?"

Plutia: "What's a year?"

Neptune: "If I had ever seen a calendar anywhere in Gamindustri I'd be able to tell ya. Sorry Plutie, were you done yet?"

Plutia: "Done with whaaat?"

She tilted her head. Neptune facepalmed.

It was time to summon someone a little more focused. She clapped her hands and suddenly a twintailed goddess appeared in their midst.

Completely naked.

Ultra Noire: "…"

Neptune: "Wussup?"

Ultra Noire: "I know exactly who is at fault here. I just don't know how I will punish you yet."

Plutia: "Were you taking a bath Noiiire?"

Unlike the increasingly pale Neptune, Plutia seemed happy to see her Noire around. The raven haired girl noticed Plutia only now and immediately went red. She hastily stripped Neptune and put on her hoodie dress. It was a little small for her, but it did its job of hiding her girly bits.

Neptune was now in her striped underwear and looked rather dead inside.

Neptune: "I am supposed to ask questions, but I don't feel like it."

Ultra Noire: "I… I was taking a shower and then you just dragged me to this random place."

Plutia: "Ehhh? Isn't this the basement?"

The two other girls looked at her in bafflement. Did Plutia think Nepstation was in her Basilicom's basement?

Neptune was pretty sure that there was something else in that basement. Horrific traumas tried to escape their mental cells, but somehow the sanity inside Neptune triumphed and shut them down.

Ultra Noire was not so lucky, as her dead fish eyes and shivering shoulders told.

Neptune: "…like, what happened in the Ultra Dimension recently?"

In the kindness of her heart she managed to ask a question that distracted from the trauma.

Ultra Noire: "R-right… The Seven Sages took care of an empire calling itself the 'MSX'. And I'm still number one in the Share race."

She caught herself with some effort.

Neptune: "Not like you got much competition."

She shrugged and then turned more mischievous. With a slight pull she exchanged the sign above.


Neptune: "Time to confess!"

Ultra Noire: "Wha-wha-what the heck?! Y-you said this corner wasn't about actual confessions!"

Neptune: "True, but we both know that the darkest secret is also the loveliest, so fire at will."

Plutia cocked her head in wonder at Noire's troubled face.

Neptune: "I really wondered how that little triangle worked out. You can't dodge around forever!"

Ultra Noire: "I… I can't talk about this without Blanc."

She whispered.

Neptune turned towards the screen as if to say 'Are you seeing this?'

She flicked her fingers and suddenly the one and only Ultra Blanc was in their midst. She was currently wearing her pajamas and sleeping cap.

Ultra Blanc: "Mmrhm… zzz… huh? What the f-"

Her awakening was rude, but the fact that her head was resting on Plutia's lap and the rest of her body on the crushed Noire was making her stop short.

Neptune: "I swear this is out of my power. You just attract butts."

She looked under the desk where Noire was lying. She was the ultimate landing platform. Soon even jets might land on her twintails.

Neptune: "Aaaanyway, this is actually the perfect opportunity. Here we go~"


Neptune: "According to this here paper you three were the stars of your own side-story that would have spanned way too many chapters."

Plutia: "A story for uuus?"

Ultra Blanc: "It… can't be…"

Neptune: "But it can! It was a story about your weird love triangle!"

Ultra Noire: "Gyaaaah! Don't say it out loud!"

She squirmed below Blanc.

Neptune: "This is sort of weird, because it actually happened off-screen, so it's not exactly scrap. You wanna come out with it or should I read this?"

The trio seemed sworn to silence.

Neptune: "My my, apple-pie. Alright then. Apparently due to something happening in 'Best Girlfriends Forever!' the second story in the trilogy, some sort of domino chain was set off which led to Ultra Blanc realizing that she had feelings for both Plutia and Ultra Noire. Due to some overly long and complicated plot that I am too lazy to read, she confessed to Noire first, which put her into a really tough situation. She didn't really feel the same way, yadda yadda, Plutia seemed to realize that those two were acting weird and Sadie poked some holes into them, which lead to all feelings coming bare. Somehow Plutia managed to not be dense and said that she also loved both of them, though who knows how romantic those feelings are, it's Plutia after all. Despite her reluctance, Noire starts to see some merit in Blanc as well and despite their fierce rivalry there seems to be something else blossoming..."

Neptune threw the pile of papers - that might as well have been a short novel - away. It was way too complicated and the conclusion felt half-assed.

Neptune: "What a joke, amirite? Like that could ever happen."

Her sly grin was greeted by the cabaret of emotions that was the Ultra trio. Oh how very fun it was to see their reaction to the summary of their exploits.

Plutia: "Neppy… bullying is baaaad…!"

Even Plutia was slightly red. This was the same as the red tinge on the sky before Armageddon though. Neptune realized her mistake just a moment too late.


Vert: "What in limited special edition's name happened to you?"

The blonde goddess asked Neptune with a raised brow. Planeptune's CPU was a wreck. Her body was covered in marks of lashes. She was still in her striped underwear too.

Neptune: "That's… what I'm s'pposed to ask…"

She slowly pushed herself up on the desk and held her stinging head.

S-sha: "Not interested."

Vert: "No need to be so tense S-sha."

Neptune: "That's her looking tense?!"

The silver-haired girl seemed incredibly calm, even disinterested.

Vert: "Fetch yourself a new change of clothing if you would Neptune. I will take over things for a bit."

Neptune: "Thx Vertipoo…"

As she said so she left for backstage.

Vert: "Fufufu. All the power of this realm at my fingertips. The things I could do."

S-sha: "And you're going to use them to do exactly as the program demands?"

Vert: "Indeed."

Her smile was genuine. There was nothing special she really wanted to do with this power. All her wishes had been fulfilled over the course of the trilogy.

Vert: "So what have you been up to during those long breaks between appearances if I may ask?"

S-sha: "I'd prefer you didn't. But you won't be satisfied by that. All I did was follow E-sha's wishes."

Vert: "As expected. But what is included in those special wishes?"

S-sha: "At one point I made a movie… with the help of the others."

Which was clearly referring to all former Gold Third members.

Vert: "I would have loved to see that. Did it ever get released?"

S-sha: "…no. We kept a copy each and promised to keep it safe. And in a few years we will watch it together to see how we have changed and how much fun we had."

Although her words sounded apathetic on the outside, Vert could tell the deep emotions behind that calm mask. S-sha was not overly emotional if it didn't concern E-sha, but the truth was that she cared a lot more than she let on. She considered herself lucky to count S-sha as one of her friends as well.

Vert: "Can you perhaps tell us about those changes then? I am aware that K-sha has become Noire's secretary, but what of the rest?"

S-sha: "C-sha has become the guild master of Lowee's hunting guild."

She seemed to be wary of talking already, but Vert's blue eyes kept her locked in place.

S-sha: "B-sha changes jobs all the time. I think she amassed enough riches to invest in her own company, but she doesn't seem to care yet. If she keeps fighting crime in her alter ego she might become some sort of billionaire super-hero."

That line was probably straight from the horse's mouth. B-sha would totally exaggerate her own career this way.

S-sha: "And I keep doing what I can…"

…to live life for E-sha. That was certainly what she thought. It was her mission to experience lots of things for the other soul inside her. To the point where Vert wondered if S-sha even lived at all. But the fact that she still thought of her friends and genuinely enjoyed the memory of their movie gave her hope.

Vert: "Thank you for sharing this with everyone. I am aware you are busy."

S-sha: "No… it's fine."

She averted her eyes. A rare cute reaction. Vert decided to mark this day in her calendar later.

Neptune: "I'm baaaaaack~"

Vert: "Hmhm, we are done here too. This seat is a little too hot for me after all."

She moved over from the host seat and S-sha got up to leave altogether.

Neptune: "Woah, I am gone for five minutes and this place suddenly has this heavy, wholesome atmosphere."

She crossed her arms and looked displeased.

Vert: "Must be your imagination."

Neptune: "Ohhh that's it! I'll make you squeal in the Confession Corner!"

Neptune: "...she might be a better protagonist than me. I didn't wanna admit it, but it's totally true. And even Nep Jr.'s got the harem powers. Does this mean I just don't have the touch?!"

Neptune was laying her soul bare in front of Vert and confessing everything. The blonde CPU crossed her legs ladylike and nodded understandingly.

Vert: "Perhaps you are mistaking a harem attraction with a good protagonist. Several shallow relationships are generally inferior to one strong bond."

Neptune: "You sure?"

Vert: "There is no certainty in matters of love, but you have been the protagonist for many games, while all others only got a single chance. Does it not appear to be the case?"

Neptune: "Yeah, but if we followed the main timeline I wouldn't even be able to love Noire openly either."

Vert: "Thus is the fate of a franchise build on subtext."

Neptune: "…!"

She slapped herself several times until her cheeks were red.

Neptune: "What's this painfully serious conversation!? I was totally dragged into your pace!"

Vert chuckled and then stood up.

Vert: "I have found my own answers, so I feel that I owe something to those around me. That's all."

Neptune: "It's worrying that you still didn't let go of Nep Jr. even after grabbing Blanc on the side. Do you actually have the harem hands too?"

Vert: "A harem of little sisters would not be so bad… I'm joking of course."

At seeing Nep's expression she giggled.


Neptune: "Aaaand the final lost dream is here."

Uni: "I don't think you are talking about us, huh?"

Rom: "…"

She hid behind Uni's dress.

Neptune: "Actually this dream isn't about you two anyway. But we gotta have everyone appear at least once."

Uni: "Gee, thanks for thinking of us."

Neptune: "Noire Jr. you really can't complain. You got more screen time in these stories than Uzume and Blanc."

Nep grinned and winked.

Uni: "T-that doesn't have anything to do with this! Thanks for reading about me though."

She muttered a curt thanks towards the screen.

Neptune: "Why did you not come as a package before?"

She looked at the still hidden Rom. She should have appeared with Ram.

Rom: "R-Ram-chan said she would deal with the scary show host…"

Neptune: "Neppu?! I'm not scary!"

Rom backed away at her outburst. Uni looked at Nep as if she was something vile.

Neptune: "I really ought to level up my affinity points with all the kid sisters. It looks like I'm some creepy aunt."

Uni: "Technically you are my weird sister-in-law now."

It was a fact, but also not. This realm was without a proper timeline. But it still hit Neptune straight in the neps.

Neptune: "I'll make you my cute honest sister yet! Even if Nep Jr. already has two hands in that pie."

Was it a threat? It really sounded like a threat.

Uni: "What's that final scrapped story about?"

She sighed and moved the plot along just like her older sister would. It made Neptune feel… strange.

Neptune: "This one's a doozy. Nowa gets stuck in Black Heart mode for some reason, but her emotions are reversed. So instead of becoming all bang-bada-bang! And boom shakalaka! She becomes super meek and frail. Kinda like the shortstuff over there."

She pointed at Rom.

Uni: "O-onee-chan… like Rom?"

The very concept was blowing her mind.

Neptune: "What a shame this one was cut. I would have loved to tease Nowa for this. The best part is how attached she becomes in that story. Did I mention that she treats you like her big sister?"

Nep's words were fire and Uni's mind was a dry wheat field. In seconds it was set ablaze.

Neptune: "But I guess Rom-chan is actually courageous, while that Nowa is a total softie. It apparently ends with her getting angry at some idiot who forgot her promise. Then she returns to being herself and switches off HDD."

Rom: "Who broke the promise?"

The blue wearing twin inquired curiously.

Neptune: "It really doesn't matter, righto? All's well that ends well!"

Her laughter was somewhat coarse.

Uni still looked off into the distance with a longing expression. The words 'Uni Onee-chan' echoed inside her head.

Neptune: "We finally made it! A big applause for the magnificent host of this Nepstation special- UNGH!?"

Neptune was pushed to the side by the army of girls that was filling the screen. Every single main and minor character had showed up.

Noire: "Now that we are free of that whacko's control I want to say thanks for reading these what-if stories."

Vert: "It's been a long journey, but it was certainly fun, yes?"

Blanc: "Who would even read this far if they didn't care at least a little?"

Nepgear: "Gosh, this is so nerve wrecking. Uhm… We went through a lot, but the adventure never truly ends. Even if we must part… er…"

Uni: "Don't get hung up on it. It's not like this was a big deal."

Ram: "Read something where me and Rom get to be the heroes!"

Rom: "T-there are many… cute stories out there."

Uzume: "I don't really know what to say, but you can always find new things to look forward to. And old memories don't just disappear. Take it from an ex-amnesiac."

Neptune: "Ouch… stop pushing…! Hey, don't close out without me! If you gamers and readers out there feel like you need more Nep in your life, just replay the games! Buy two copies of each while you are at it, one for yourself and another one for a friend. If we get this avalanche in motion everyone in the world will play Neptunia games by the end of the century-"

Noire: "Stop pushing sales on people."

She smacked her head lightly, but there was a smile on her face.

Neptune: "Oh well. It's over when it's over. See ya on the other side of the screen~!"