Atop the snowy point of stood a lone male figure, starring down intently at the snow covered ground.

The figure sported a white long-sleeved shirt, a thick black hoodie, black jeans and black boots, his hair was slightly long, enough to cover his almost empty brown eyes.

"its been almost a year Pikachu, can you believe it?" he asked a small yellow rodent on his shoulder, moving his gaze to the sky as he closed his eyes, thinking back to the day that changed his life, the words still fresh in his mind as if he had heard them yesterday.


"Your the worst pokemon trainer ever!" That line had come from the boys longest traveling companion, Misty waterflower. He though at first she was just kidding around, it wouldn't be the first time the water pokemon trainer had questioned his ability to train his pokemon, but the amount of hatred he could hear in her voice, and see in her eyes made him almost cry.

"Give up on your dream, you'll never be a pokemon master!" The second insult came from his long-time rival/friend, Gary Oak. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, Gary had always been a bit of a jerk, but did he really think so little of him?

"your such a kid, even your pokemon known that your a failure!" The familiar "kid" line came from Iris, one of his two companions through Unova. Those words almost hurt the most, he knew he wasn't the best trainer in the world yet, but he always tried hard, and always cared for his pokemon, they couldn't really think he was a failure, could they?

The rest of his "friends who didn't say anything just stood and nodded in agreement, hard glares on there faces.

"sweetie please, maybe its for the best..." The last remark hit Ash hard, really hard as it had come from his own mother.

-end of memories-

Shaking his head in anger and hurt, Ash reached to his belt and released his 10 pokemon, 5 of them being some of his originals who hadn't given up on him.

Out of the first poke'ball came his Hoenn starter Sceptile. It stretched its limbs before fishing out a twig and setting it in its mouth. Looking towards his trainer and friend, Sceptile nodded in understanding, knowning that Ash was thinking about them and what they said. It shook its head in anger, never understanding how his loving master could be betrayed by anyone, or how any of his pokemon could have given up on him.

Out of the second poke'ball came his Sinnoh starter Infernape. Looking around, the fire type nodded to Ash, giving him a thumbs up in reasurance. Back when the rest of Ash's pokemon left him, Infernape almost saw red, nearly burning up Oak's carral before Sceptile stepped in and calmed down the ragging fire starter, who couldn't believe anyone would betray or hurt the human who had shown him so much love and attention.

From the next two poke'balls came the two pokemon that viewed Ash as there father: Scraggy and Donphan. Over the year, the two had become like brothers, sharing in their anger at the people who would hurt there father, trainer and friend.

The last pokemon that had stayed with Ash was none-other that his loyal Bayleef. She shook her head with a smile, running over to nuzzle againest her bestfriend.

The last 5 pokemon consisted of pokemon Ash had caught over the past year, including an Umbreon, a Zangoose, a Hitmontop, a Houndoom and a Rhyperior.

Smiling down at his friends/family of pokemon, Ash whistled softly to get there attention as he crossed his arms, "Listen up guys, its been a year since we came to this place, now, its time we go back and show those traitors just how strong we really are!" his annoucment rewarded him with shouts and cries of agreement, causing the boy to nodd and return his pokemon once more.

Turning to his long-time partner and friend, Ash rubbed the side of Pikachus head whilst turning away from the mountain, unteraing three words,

"Time to destroy"