A/N: Hello everyone! Just a quick author's note to get things started off. First thing to note is that this will be my first story. So with that, there will be the obvious grammar errors and the like so do be mindful of that when reading. Secondly, this will be rated for two reasons. One, there will be some dark content including gore, blood, and foul language. Two, there might be lemons? We will see. Without further ado, enjoy!

Chapter 1


"Ugh, where am I?" My voice resonated throughout a room of sort. I was lying down on something cold, flat and smooth. Slowly getting a feel for my body, I began to lethargically move my body. Fingers, check. Toes, check. Head, check. Arms, check. Legs… Legs? Well that is a thing apparently. Finally having enough of having no function of my legs I open my eyes to figure out why the hell my legs aren't working. However, imagine my surprise when I'm met with blackness, just sheer dark terrifying blackness. Now let it not be said that I am not afraid of the dark. It is my belief that everyone, has some inkling fear of the dark. It is unknown and terrifying. Though I suppose I should do a brief introduction before I continue my story.

My name is Jackson Zelle. Though most people refer to me as Zel or Jack. I am a twenty-one year old college student studying Computer Engineering. I had just recently finished my third semester while working a job as a computer technician on the campus I was attending. It was easy and very fulfilling life really. Just another year until I was done. Then I died... wait what?

Going back through my memories I realize that yes, I did in fact die. As I was walking back home from my shift at work, a man had attempted to rob me, telling the person I had no cash. Which was true since I'm a college student and have to make tons of payments to get by. However after some more threatening from the man I hand him my wallet. Then I heard a scream followed by a gunshot. The last thing I remember was feeling the blood leave my body as sirens echoed in the background.

That means this must be purgatory or some nonsense like that? I was never very religious, so this would make the most sense, I suppose. "Hello, anyone out there?" I called into the thick darkness. Seriously, wherever I was, it decided to use possibly my worst fear against me. On that thought, maybe this was hell? To be surrounded by eternal darkness and silence for all eternity. Before I could continue my pondering a loud ding resounded throughout the quiet and a blue box, with white text appeared in front of my face.

[Congratulations, you have been selected as the next gamer, do you wish to accept?]



This gave me a pause. This box appears and tells me I'm not a gamer? Bitch, I'm already a gamer. I've probably got more hours on League of Legends than this box has got pop-up menus. Feeling spiteful, I click [No].

[Are you sure?]



Pondering on what would happen if I pressed [No] again, I tap it only for the original screen to pop up. Smiling, I realize I could amuse myself with this for some time, or at least until feeling returned to my legs. So with that in mind I began my merry pressing of the blue box, feeling satisfied with every ding.

I must've pressed it at least 30 times before a bright red screen with black text appears that simply said, [STOP], accompanied by a loud blare. If I had been standing I probably would've fallen over, though seeing as I was on the ground, I did the next best thing. I flailed around and totally didn't scream. Though shortly after my not scream, it turned back into the now familiar blue screen taunting about my lack of gaming prowess. Feeling intimidated by the glowing screen in front of me I quickly press [No] followed by a [Yes] when it prompted me for my assuredness. What came next was amusing.

[The Gamer has denied Gamer start. Protocol dictates I reluctantly offer you a new start option. Which start would you like to take?]





[None of the Above]

Feeling a bit insulted at the box for telling me that I denied my own "start," whatever the hell that means, I attempted to press the 'None of the Above' button. So what if I'm acting like a five year old? I am vindictive damn it. Though to my surprise there was a sound, resembling an error when you tried to click something on the internet. After a pause, I tried it again. Receiving the same result. "Well, shit." I say aloud. "Look at you Mr. Box, forcing me to make a decision that I have no idea in how it affects me whatsoever, good for you." I continue on sarcastically.

[Help: The Gamer Rebirth Program allows people from System 87 to be reborn into a new life at a random age between the ages of 0-18. There the person will have abilities and will grow in a similar manner as that of a game. However players shall not be forced into the gamer position and instead may choose their start, however once the Program has been initiated, then a start must be chosen.]

"Oh." Was all I was able to say. I just had the chance to become a real life gamer, complete with whatever the hell it gave me, and I just past it up. I reacted appropriately. I began smashing my head against the ground though it didn't feel very hard and didn't quite cause the pain I was looking for to try and rid myself for my oversight. "Ok, so you react to voice commands then. What do my options entail?" I decide to ask.

[Unknown command given]

Of course. Things were never easy. So, I'm stuck with 4 options going into apparently a new life. Adventurer, Hunter, Merchant, and Wayfarer. By the way these options sound, I might be going to a fantasy world, because I highly doubt Adventurers and Wayfarers exist on earth. Though this is just a ball park guess. For all I know it could throw me into space. I'm not exactly sure of the capabilities of this "Rebirth Program." Well typically when I play games I go with the merchant option, simply because you can build up lots of loot and sell it with high charisma scores, however I feel like that won't work quite the same since I've already denied the gamer option. So being a merchant is out. Wayfarer just sounds lame. That leaves me with 2 choices. Thinking on it, I really couldn't go wrong with either of them, so I did what any indecisive 21 year old would do.

"Hey, window thing. Do you have a coin?" I ask.

[I am equipped with money from virtually everywhere]

Now it's responding, lovely. "Can you flip a coin for me and if it's heads I'll be an adventurer, tails a hunter." I respond.

[… You are leaving the fate of your new life in the hands of a coin flip. User, I recommend you reconsider your choice.]

Is. Is this window getting snarky with me? Holy shit, this is some high level shit right there. However, I decided to go ahead and let it know that I'm serious. "Yeah, you won't tell me the details so just do it." I would've created Shia Lebouf's, just do it movements, but I felt that laying on my back while trying to do it was just inappropriate.

[As you wish user]

[Processing coin flip…]


[User has chosen the Hunter start]

[As a Hunter, the user has unlocked their ability to use an Aura and Semblance, the amount of Aura is dependent on the strength of the users Will going into rebirth and the Semblance can be decided before entering. Would you like to choose your Semblance now? If you choose no, you may choose it within one week]



Aura and Semblance? Those words seem somewhat familiar? Where have I heard those from? After pondering for a few minutes and drawing up blanks I quickly dismiss my thoughts. Might as well ask. "Can you tell me what Aura and Semblance are." I ask. Shortly after two screens appear displaying my desired information.

[Aura is the culmination of one's soul. It is used to enhance a human beings capabilities far beyond normal. It protects from physical attacks, allows for faster healing, and can be used to enhance one's strength and dexterity.]

[A semblance is the manifestation of one's Aura. This projection allows for an ability unique to the user. An example is an elemental manipulation semblance. Where a user is able to manipulate a very specific element to their needs as well as being near immune to effects from their own element.]

Well that is actually very helpful. Now I'm pondering this, while elemental manipulation seems like the most amazing thing ever since sliced bread, it seems like this system expected him to choose it by giving him this example. So, now thinking. What is the most generic super power in existence? With that in mind I had my decision.

A/N: No, this is not a gamer fic. To explain why he was being dumb, he was not taking anything seriously. If something was just like, hey, you died and are being reincarnated, I would think that I was having some weird dream and would most likely attempt to fuck with it. As we see above. So please don't hate too much on this matter.