Even though it still hurts Matt can't help but think of Foggy right now. Foggy would make a joke about Matt's character development even though it's not that. The PI (always PI, Matt prefers that term instead of the term, private dick, Jessica prefers calling herself) that Matt works with is a no fuss no muss beauty who loves leather jackets and is alcoholic. (Matt is not going to try to take a speck out of Jessica's eye when he has the same speck in his that he isn't going to try to remove.)

Her "questionable character" happened while Matt was dealing with Castle and The Hand (with Karen and Elektra). Matt still feels guilty for not being there for Jessica. For Hope whose case Matt would have taken (his gut had told him something was off) if he hadn't been dealing (and failing) with the Castle case and Elektra at the time. For Malcolm. When Jessica sees the look he gets over his face she always tell him to 'get your brooding ass over it Murdock. The Devil of Hell Kitchen can't hold every New Yorker's hands no matter how much you want to. You were dealing with zombie ninjas. That was your big bad to fight Matt. Mine was Killgrave. We're even.'

It takes time for Matt to realize that it's no longer just his city anymore. While the Avengers are off saving the world Jessica and him are saving New Yorkers.

They're polar opposites. Yet somehow they manage to work. It might have something to do with with the fact they are both broken and they do not care to fixed. Not even by the ones they love. Though Jessica denies loving anyone. She admits to caring about a select few (Tris, Malcolm, him, and a man named Luke) but she does not love them. She hasn't loved a person since the car crash that had killed her family is what she tells him when he has to stay in because of injuries and she graciously shares her ice cream, alcohol, and tv. It's a lie. Matt never tells Jessica that it is. Somethings are better left unsaid is a thing he's learnt in the past year.

When he "broods" (Matt thinks about his past, he does not brood) or is bullshiting himself Jessica manages to pull him out of his mind with her crass words of harsh truth. When Jessica is drowning in her demons he takes her out to patrol with him. (He will never forget and never stop finding humor in how easy it is for her to convince the people she's fighting that she has laser eyes too.) She flat out refuses to wear a protective suit even when he offers for Melvin to make one for him. After her refusal she mutters under her breathe how she will not be the Devil of Hell's Kitchen sidekick known as Camel Toe. While Matt heard her he didn't understand until Trish explains it after he tells her about the incident.

Matt doesn't have to ask for Jessica to tell him. Foggy is alright if you count drowning in paperwork for a legal case alright. Primarily Jessica nowadays does cases for Matt and his clients but she does occasionally do a job for Hogarth she always manages to check on Matt's former business partner who now works at the same legal firm.

He's the one Matt misses the most. The one that hurts Matt the most whenever the man thinks about the past year and the mistakes he's made. Jessica knows that Foggy means more than Matt lets on but Jessica never pushes to know about their past. Matt has never pushed about knowing Killgrave or Luke so Jessica leaves it be.

There is no easy way to put it. It just has to be said.

"Your pregnant," is the first thing he says to her when he walks into their office. He's spent the entire night thinking about this and what it means. He wants to rip the band aid off quickly and he has. A thud then the sound of paper scattering.

"Sorry." Malcolm apologies and Matt takes it that Malcolm dropped the files. The only sound Matt can hear in the room is creaking of bones as Malcolm bends down and picks up the pappers. Jessica is quiet. That is something Jessica should never be and never has been in all the time Matt has spent with her.

"How do you know?" Jessica asks in what can only be described as a small voice. She doesn't ask him if he's joking because she must know he would never joke like this.

"There's another heartbeat." Jessica shallows.

"I figured that the puking was bad alcohol and I brushed off my period as residue stress." She doesn't have to voice what had caused the residue stress. Everyone in the room knows just like everyone in the room knew how Matt spent his nights.

There's silence in the room. There's many things Matt wants to voice. I'll help. Are you keeping it? (Matt wants her to keep the baby but it's not his decision to make. And even if Jessica does get an abortion Matt will still be there as her friend no matter his religious believes.) But Malcolm beats him to it.

"If you decide to keep it you do know you're going to stop drinking?" It's probably a good thing that Jessica does not in fact have laser eyes because if she did Matt was willing to bet that Malcolm would be a pile of smoking ashes. Matt felt himself giving a genuine smile for the first time in months. He- no, they would be able to get through this together.

A/N: I own nothing but my love for these Netflix shows. This is crossposted on archiveofourown.

Title is a genderbent version of a Felicity Smoak quote.

These drabbles were inspired by Bluspirit92's series, Defensive Maneuvers, that I've fallen in love with.