Welcome everyone to the First Book of a Five part series. Modeled after the five senses. I thought about this long and hard and reviewed my inspirations and such. Hopefully you enjoy these types of things. I plan to stay on a consistent schedules so this will be a Monday release. Hopefully I can increase the days I can update and find a Proof reader. If any of you are interested let me know and I can send you the files to proof. In addition to this there are several other fictions planned that may take up slots on any other day. For now, just enjoy this Lancaster fic.


Chapter 1: I Fell In Love

BEEP BEEPBEEP. Ruby groaned and she swung her hand around trying to hit her alarm before a loud smack echoed throughout the room and the beeping stop. Ruby was a small girl of 15 years old, her jet black hair with red highlights was bundled in a mess as she rose from her bed. Stretching as she woke up Ruby looked at her clock to see it read 6:10. "Ugh, why did I allow myself to wake up at this unholy hour." Ruby mumbled to herself and she got out of bed.

Dressing herself was simple, the usual skirt and blouse with a cape to go with it. Sure she looked like a Gothic superhero but she didn't care what others thing, no she was a big girl and she could dress as she sees fit.

Brushing her teeth before heading downstairs Ruby looked over to see her Dad reading the morning paper and her Mom cooking something. "Hey Mom, hey Dad good morning to all of you." Ruby smiled and her mom turned around to face her, likewise dad lowered his paper.

Before her stood Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose. Qrow grumbled about something in the morning papers but Summer just smiled and brought over the bacon and pancakes to Ruby. "Excited about your first day of high school Ruby?"

"Oh am I ever... Thanks for breakfast." Ruby thanked her mom and she tore into it. "My little reaper, if you do that then you can't enjoy it as much. We want today to be memorable. Now are you sure you don't want me to drop you off at school, I mean we all go to the same place anyway." Summer offered and Ruby crossed her arms and turned her head and exclaimed. "For the last time mom, I don't need you guys to drop me off, its embarrassing".

"Okay okay, just making sure, do you remember where your bus stop is then?"

"Sure its on the corner next to the green-haired boy's house. The time to get there is 6:38 right?"

"You should be nicer, the kid's name is Sage" a gruff voice spoke up and the duo turned to the new speaker. Qrow had put down his paper and was finishing a toast when he commented. "I know you don't like to hang with boys when you are obsessed with those weapon catalogs but still I'm sure Grandma would love to see some grand-kids someday.

Ruby blushed a deep shade of crimson which almost matched her highlights and Summer smiled and prodded Ruby a little. "Come on, its almost time. Grab your bag and have a nice first day. Its sad that you're not in either of our classes."

"As much as I want to take Cooking, I'm not going to be babied by my own mom, and I don't know how Computer Science is good in weaponry."

"Oi, you won't know till you take my class. Don't you know that most things today are computers. Even some of the more fancy weapons that you like are run by computer programs" Qrow argued and the other two giggled.

"Alright Ruby see you after school" Summer said and Ruby grabbed her bag and went out the door.

Her neighborhood of Patch didn't have to many kids, There was her cousin Yang, Sage, and some other people. Even the entirety of their town Vale didn't have to many people. The 9th grade class alone was only nine kids. Due to the low amount of kids per class the classes were shared between the grade levels.

Stopping at the end of the curb next to Sage's house Ruby observed her surroundings. Sage was by the sign reading a book in the dim light that the lamppost provided. Not to far away was a pink haired guy in yellow and white alongside a red-haired girl in blue. She knew Yang would probably be late, no one woke up Yang early, not after that last incident which almost burned that the entire neighborhood. How Yang managed to get her hands on a flamethrower, much less stash it under her pillow of all places was still a mystery to her.

Ruby snapped out of her thoughts when the dainty paint-peeling yellow bus pulled up. Bus #226. Ruby made sure to remember the number and she chose a seat near the front. There was around six other kids on the bus but it was to dark to see who exactly was on, their outlines were shrouded in shadow.

Ruby settled down and looked out the window as the bus was beginning to move again. She hoped to get to Penny and Nebula soon. Penny and Nebula was Ruby's best friends and had been with her for most of their lives. As small as Vale has been it was common for kids from across the town to become friends. Nebula and Penny met with her in 2nd grade and they've been fast friends with each other ever since.

Deep in thought, Ruby didn't see the person sitting next to her until they tapped her on the shoulder. Ruby gave a strangled cry when she was startled out of her thoughts which earned her the look from almost everyone on the bus. Ruby wanted to apologize but she knew if she said anything further she would only be rambling.

Instead she shifted her focus to the figure next to her. A girl with cream skin, orange hair and a bright pink bow. "Friend Penny!" Ruby exclaimed, earning her more looks, and she tackle hugged the girl as best she could in a bus seat. "Friend Ruby, its good to see you, sorry that I've been away but Atlas was so much fun. The snowmen were adorable I wonder how they live in the summer."

Ruby chuckled as Penny started to talk about her summer in Atlas. Ruby threw in comments here and there, namely that snowmen were just things created by humans and how skiing was something she always wanted to do.

"I can't wait to tell Friend Nebula" Penny smiled glowed. "What about you Friend Ruby, what have you been doing this summer."

"The usual, I went to a gun show, and this time with permission. Also there was the concert by the band Guns'N'Roses it was the best, two of my favorite things into one."

The duo chatted happily until the bus arrived at the school. Both of them got up to get off. Ruby looked up at the majestic school with the giant clock tower in the center. Ruby stared as she kept going, her ears ignorant to the pleas of her friend who tried to stop her. But alas it was to late.

A collision between black and white and two figures were sent sprawling onto the ground. "Who dares" a girl dressed in white shrieks, her white dress now crinkled and dusty from the sudden tumble. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Ruby apologized but the girl huffed. "Oh so its my fault for standing still."

"Yes, I mean No. Maybe? Ugh what I am trying to say is that I am sorry and it won't happen again" Ruby was flustered. The girl gave her an eye before she huffed and stomped off. With the drama done and gone the people around them started to dissipate. A hand was extended and Ruby grabbed onto it while she dusted herself off with the other hand. "Thanks Penny." "I'm not Penny" a masculine voice spoke back and Ruby looked up into orbs of deep sapphire.

Her heart started to jump out of her chest and she felt her brain go blank. A mini Ruby was running around trying to organize all the scattered thoughts and shove something down to her mouth and without thinking she said whatever the mini Ruby put into process. "Your beautiful."

It was like a pin dropped. The blond kid gave an awkward smile before he rubbed the back of his neck. "Geez thanks, I don't suppose you can stop clinging to my hand, its making a scene" the kid said and Ruby snapped out of her daze and she backed away and shyly looked at the ground.

"Anyway thanks for helping me..." Ruby started and the kid finished. "Jaune, the names Jaune Arc. Short. Sweet. Rolls off the tongue and the ladies love it."

Ruby visibly deflates and Jaune panics. "I mean, they will, when i get to talking to more girls that is heh."

Ruby smiles as he floundered. Ruby said a garbled of words before she departed in a flash to go back to Penny, now with Nebula alongside her.

"Look at this, our little rose is becoming a big flower, hope you remember us seedlings" Nebula joked and Ruby groaned. "I get enough jokes with Yang, lets head to the garden."

At the garden Ruby collapsed onto a bench as the other two hovered over her. "Well?" they both asked and Ruby gave them a confused look. "What is it guys?"

"Come on, you totally like the guy"

Ruby blushed again and she started to ramble "Hwha... what!" she practically shrieked. "You must be absurd I don't have a guy on no crush."

"Young love." Nebula teased and Penny put a hand on her shoulder, don't worry Ruby we are at that age to fall in love."

"I'm telling you guys its not like that" Ruby pouted and the other two laughed. "Sure whatever you say." Nebula wiped a tear from her eye.

"I have English first period what about you guys" Nebula said after everyone calmed down.

"I have it too" Ruby piped up and the duo squealed.

"Sorry friends, I got Cooking" Penny slumped forward with a sigh. "Ah you got my mom as a teacher, say hello to her for me" Ruby said and Penny brighten up. "I will complete the mission." Waving goodbye to Penny, Nebula and Ruby went toward the English class.

The two talked to each other about the latest trends, for Ruby it was guns and weapons, for Nebula it was the stars. Sitting down in a wooden classroom filled with books a whiteboard facing the door. The two students sat down and Nebula asked Ruby a question. "Hey you know that boy you ran into this morning?"



"What about him?"

"Oh just wondering what made you like him in the first place?"

Ruby blushed for the hundredth time today and she muttered in a whisper. "It was like love at first sight, I wanted to be dragged into his embrace and hug him. Those caring strong arms to hold me and keep me safe. I feel as if he was the one"

Ruby got out of her trance and looked at Nebula who was trying hard to compress a giggle from escaping her lips. Her cheeks were puffed and both hands were gripped in a cross over her mouth. Her eyes betrayed her though as they were laughing joyously.

"Oh what a classic, all this from one look and encounter, are you sure he isn't different from what you described him as" Nebula grinned and Ruby argued. "I may not be a master in love but I can tell if I like someone thank you very much."

Nebula made no gesture to reply, instead she tapped Ruby's arm and then gave a head flick towards the door. Ruby, confused by this sudden change in attitude turned her head toward the door to see Jaune standing there.

"Please don't have heard me" Ruby prayed to whatever god would listen to her at the moment. Thankfully it seemed like one god was merciful as Jaune brushed past Ruby and co. to talk to Sage who was sitting near the front.

"He has English with us!" Ruby tried hard to conceal a squeal.

"Lucky girl, who knew he was acquainted with Sage, Sage doesn't interact with anyone" Nebula said and this made Ruby think.

A guy who doesn't interact but only interacts with another guy, that means they were close, but if Jaune was the only one then maybe they were...
At this point Ruby's mind blew up and her face became hot. "Earth to Ruby, Is anyone there" Nebula waved a hand in front of her friend's face but to no avail did she get even a hint of activity.

"You shutdown again huh." Nebula said and took out her water bottle before she poured a cap full of water down Ruby's shirt. The coolness of the water seemed to cool Ruby down enough to get her to function. "i'm up, I'm up don't drown me." She shrieked, which earned her the stares of all the boys in the room. It wasn't hard, there was Jaune and Sage, and then the other two students a large burly man with light-brown hair and a kid with scars, his eyes milky white.

"Geez girl, you have something against all waterkind?" Nebula joked and Ruby playfully smacked her. "Its not funny Nebula, this is the third time today that I yelled out."

"First day jitters if you ask me, I mean its high school, its Beacon who wouldn't want to go here."

Ruby went to respond but the bell rang and a man walked in. "Good morning everyone, I am Mr. Tukson and I will be your teacher for English. Today we are doing a simple survey and then we shall partner you up. Everyone come up and grab a form, we will begin when everyone is seated and has a pen out."

"Talk about this later okay, I'll grab the paper for you" Nebula winked and she got up from her seat leaving Ruby to sulk.

The class didn't take long, after the survey was to get a book from the shelves and read it by Wednesday.

The bell rang and Ruby looked up from her book "The Man with Two Souls" and placed it in her bag. She looked towards Nebula who had flushed cheeks and tapped her shoulder. Nebula jumped up and quickly packed the book.

"What were you reading there?" Ruby asked and Nebula gave a hesitant look to the side before she replied "Just a book, don't you have class?"

"Yeah its Art class, you?"

"I'm in Band, see you later Ruby and forget about the book okay I mean it"

Ruby was doubtful that the book was normal so she had to remember to ask the teacher what book Nebula rented out. Getting her bag Ruby heads off toward her next class, Art.

Feeling as if someone was following her, Ruby turns around to see her knight in shining armor Jaune Arc following after her. "Wha wha... What are you doing?" Ruby asked him nervously and Jaune simply replied "Going to Art Class, why am I standing to close?" Ruby thanked the gods that she also had a class with him next.

Ruby couldn't concentrate and walked into the door. "Are you okay?" Jaune asked and Ruby giggled to herself "I'm fine, perfectly, no need to worry about little ole me"

"If your okay then great, be careful though, I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

Ruby was giddy from all the attention she was receiving. She practically skipped into Art class and was shocked to see that there was only two other students not including herself and Jaune. Hey its the pink-haired guy from the bus-stop. There was another guy playing with a baton. 'He must be in Band' Ruby thought to herself before she sat herself down in a spot near Jaune.

The man sitting at the desk cleared his throat. "Welcome to Art, I am your Instructor Mr. Hazel Rainart. To test your knowledge we are having a pop quiz."

Ruby and the class groaned but she took out a pen to take the quiz anyway. Much of the period passed in silence as the four students took their quizzes. The bell rang before Ruby could finish so she had to turn it in quickly before dashing for her next class.

Math, ugh how she hated it. Ruby's mind was always flitting about, and her attention could never be kept around long enough for her to solve a complex math problem. The teacher was even the infamous Jacques Schnee who would fail anyone who did not maintain at least a high B in his class.

She sat herself down next to Penny who gave her a wave. Unlike the other class the room was stacked full of students. There was mainly groups of twos but there was singular people and a group of three.

"Penny how did you fare today?" Ruby asked as she slumped in her seat. "I did splendid. Mrs. Branwen was impressed with my musical ability. Your mom is also delighted to see me in her class, she gave me cookies to share with you" Penny smiled and handed over a bag of cookies to Ruby who snatched it and ate a cookie instantly.

Ruby's face melted into bliss as she mumbled incoherent words. "How was your day today?" Penny asked and Ruby groaned. "Ugh I got nothing but tests, tests and more tests. It's not fun, these cookies are exactly what I need." Ruby reached for another only to find them missing. She glared around the classroom to find a tall, straight-back man with the cookies in his hand. His white hair and mustache gave a cold aura and his eyes seemed to penetrate her as if it can see all her secrets.

"Now now... Miss Rose is it? There will be no food or drinks in this classroom ever. I'll have to throw this out."

"No please Mr. Schnee I didn't know, can I put them away and make sure this never happens again" Ruby pleaded and Mr. Schnee sighed. "Since its the first day I would normally let you go, however I need to set an example to the rest of those failures so I am sorry Miss Rose".

Ruby deflated and she just hid at her desk.

"Sorry Ruby, Should I have given it to you at lunch time?" Penny was concerned and Ruby waved her off. "Its fine, I can just cook something during lunch"

"Now as Miss Rose had so clearly broken a rule, let me start by explaining the rules around here, also we are having a quiz to get an assessment on what I have to teach you all"

Ruby groaned in her chair "Today is going to be a long day.

Fourth Period was slow, Dr. Arthur Watts was busy explaining many procedures and the four students in the class, the pink-haired guy from the bus stop, A pompous girl in white and a monkey faunus with an exposed chest was in the class. Since three of the four of them were in the higher years, Dr. Watts decided that they can jump right into higher level science and laws.

Ruby restrained herself from giving a cry of joy when the bell rang for Lunch. Ruby went over to the cafeteria and saw the crowd trying to get in line for some food. Deterred by the wave of people Ruby noticed her cousin Yang and went to go join her. As she sits herself down Ruby starts with a greeting only for it to end with a growl when she locked eyes with the white-haired girl sitting next to the girl with a black bow. "You." both of them exclaimed jumping up from their chairs.

"What are you doing with my cousin?" Ruby asked as the other girl said "Why are you here you little menace"

"I'm visiting my cousin" "These are my friends" both replied and they both glared daggers.

Ruby was ready to pounce over the table to start clawing at the girl when the girl with a black bow slammed her book shut. "Some people... are trying to get some peace and quiet, settle this elsewhere."

"Aw Blake you party pooper, I wanted to see a good cat-fight" Yang pouted. "You're own cousin vs one of your best friends?" Blake blanked and Yang grinned. "That is what makes it even better."

"I can't believe you even said that."

"Aw live a little Blake."

"Well, It was nice seeing you Yang, I gotta head back to my friends. Bye" Ruby waved as Yang waved. Ruby walked over to Penny and Nebula. "Hey Ruby, where is your lunch?" Nebula asked and Ruby gasped. Wasn't she suppose to go to the Cooking Class and make herself something. Ruby's stomach rumbled as if letting her know that she did indeed forget the plan. "Well look who decided to show up" Nebula giggled and Ruby rubbed the back of her neck with embarrassment.

"Come on guys, lets head to the Cooking classroom and make something to eat, I promise it will be good." Ruby offered and the other two nodded and stood up.

"Are you sure its you who is cooking or your mom." Penny asked and Ruby gaped at her. "Of course its going to be me, I can't bother my mom for everything."

"Didn't you tell us it was because she would baby you?" Nebula said and Ruby gave her a glare. "What its a thing you told us long ago, all with that drivel about, and I quote from you, "I'm already grown up, I drink milk."" Penny tried to suppress a giggle, the key word is tried.

Ruby stared at the floor trying to hide with her cloak as her two friends laughed their heads off at Ruby's shenanigans. "Come on, if we continue like this we won't make something in time" Ruby exclaimed and ran off before anyone could retort. "I think she means, she won't get something to eat" Penny whispered.

In the Cooking classroom, Summer was busy preparing the produce and ingredients for people to identify next period when Ruby came in. "Hey mom" she called and Summer waved. "Ruby dear, how nice of you to drop in and check on your mom, how was your day?"

"Ugh, all I did today was tests, and then Mr. Schnee took away the cookies you baked for me."

"That rough huh, don't worry we can make something together, I can write you a pass for the next class, who do you have?"

"Hmm, Workshop with Mr. Shopkeep."

"Alright, he is an understanding fellow, do you girls also want something, what are your next classes?"

"We both also have Workshop" Penny and Nebula said.

"Perfect, then how about some Chicken Burritos? Quick, easy to make, and very filling."

"Yes" the three students chorused and Summer smiled. "Coming right up, just prepare the filling you want to use while I heat up the oven"

The three students moved to a station and grabbed ingredients for their burrito. Since the main ingredient was chicken they had to get the sides for it. Penny went with triple cheese and oregano. Nebula went peppers, salsa and pepper-jack cheese. Ruby went for spinach, sugar and marinated onions.

The three bowls were set on the counter as Summer finished kneading the dough. She rolled out three circles and put each bowl of content onto the circles and rolled them up. "Alright should be finished in 10 minutes, when its finished you only have a few minutes before class starts, it would be a shame to miss on the first day so hurry along."

"Thanks mom, what can we do to repay you." Ruby asked and Summer looked around. "First of all you can clean up your workstation, and be sure to fill up the ingredients that you used; I don't want people to complain that they ran out of cheese." Summer gave an eye to Penny who tried to go out of sight.

"Alright, you heard her girls, lets go clean up." Ruby cheered and she dashed over with a rag. Nebula and Penny also gave their thanks before going over to clean up their own stations.

By the time they were finished the burritos were coming out of the oven. A heavenly smell wafted through the room and Ruby's mouth became a waterfall. Ruby reached a hand forward instinctively, as if she was going to claim her prize. However, an obstacle appeared in her wake. Summer Rose glared at them. "Wash your hands first and then we inspect your stations."

The three friends dashed over to the sinks and quickly but cleanly washed their hands as Summer went to each station.

"Good, thanks for the help you three. Here is the burritos and some passes in case you are late to the next class." Summer told them and waved them off.

The girls happily chatted and ate their burritos with fervor and glee.

Arriving at the workshop Ruby freaked out and hide behind Nebula.

"What now?" Nebula asked and turned to look to see Jaune walking with two girls. One of them was an orange-haired girl in pink and white. She was loud and boisterous, waving her hands in the air as she told a story. The other one was a red-haired girl dressed in red and gold. She was off to the side with a smile as she stared at Jaune. Ruby felt warning signs flashing across her brain and she gazed at the trio.

Jaune gave the red-head a hug before she left down the hallway. Jaune and the other girl entered the Workshop classroom.

"I can't believe it, he as Workshop too?" Ruby was giddy with happiness but she kept thinking about the other two girls. Why did he smile so brightly when he was with them.

"Nothing to worry about Ruby, I'm sure he is friends with them as well. Ruby had an uneasy feeling but she went into the classroom after her friends.

The Workshop had multiple desks and and in a separate room all the saws and tools that the students would be using. The teacher was an elderly man with grey hair on the side with a bald top. He was waving over all the students to pick up a packet from the teacher's desk before he motioned for everyone to follow him into the workshop.

Ruby went and stood near Jaune as he talked to his orange-haired friend. "Jauney I'm glad we're able to have the same class despite being so far apart in years." the girl said and Jaune gave a laugh. "Nora please, even I would feel down if I didn't get a class with you, Ren or Pyrrha."

"I think you share a class with Pyrrha, I mean she was pretty happy lately."

Ruby thought about what they had meant, Nora and Jaune weren't the same age. So different grades? Then who was the Pyrrha girl? The Ren girl? Who was the red-head? Was she Pyrrha or Ren? Ruby had so many questions that she didn't notice Penny waving her hands in front of her face.

"Earth to Ruby. Hello is anyone in the friend?"

Ruby snapped out of her daze and looked toward Penny.

"Come on friend whats wrong? You've been having multiple accounts of muddle-headed stupor which is unnatural of your usual behavior" Penny said with a worried concern. "Penny..." Ruby said weakly and Penny observes her friend. "Have you eaten anything weird lately, or is it from this morning?"

Ruby thought back to this morning and blushed deeply.

"Ah it confirms it then."

Ruby gave a cry and everyone turned to look at her again. Ruby was sure she would shrink into the ground from all the embarrassment she was receiving today. "Why is it today of all days, why is it with him here" Ruby mumbled to herself on the floor.

Nebula and Penny gave an apology to everyone and went to go drag Ruby to the nurses office so that Ruby can cool down.

"Whats wrong girl, you had a mini-meltdown in there" Nebula asked and Ruby groaned. "Geez I'm so embarrassed, and in front of Jaune too..." Ruby slumped and her two friends stumbled. "Come on help us out girl, we're going to collapse" Nebula complained and Ruby reluctantly got to her feet and walked with them.

"If you have problems then you can confide in us friend" Penny said simply and Nebula quickly agreed "Yeah, we aren't your best friends for nothing, how about we head over to that ice cream place after school, Neo's was it?"

"I love Neo's but I don't think I'm in the mood, maybe next time" Ruby was downtrodden. Nebula and Penny exchanged glances and they left her in the infirmary as the 6th class bell rang.

After a few minutes, the nurse had gone somewhere and hadn't returned yet, Ruby felt good enough to got to Sixth period and went down the hallway toward it. Slipping into the classroom full of drawings and sketches as well as materials of different kinds Ruby saw three girls and two guys. One of them was a black-haired faunus as she was drawing on the board. "Ah you must be Ruby Rose, glad for you to join us. Take a seat by Pyrrha over there" she waved her hand to the red-haired girl sitting at the table and Pyrrha waved.

"Hello" Pyrrha greeted and Ruby awkwardly greeted her back. The two sat in silence as they listened to Professor Kali Belladonna as she explained the basis of what Design class was and what they would be doing.

"Hey you know Jaune right?" Ruby asked and Pyrrha glanced at her.

"Yes I do."

"Whats your relation to him?"

"Oh, curious now, do you like him?"

"What! Psh, no. I just want to get to thank him for this morning."

"Uh huh"

"What, you don't believe me? I'm serious you know"

"He likes X-ray and Vav if you're wondering."

Ruby wanted to squeal since Jaune loved her favorite series but she kept it in. She was an adult. She drank milk, now was not the time to be squealing like a fan girl.

"However, I want to let you know he will be taken, so stay out of his way" Pyrrha warned and Ruby deflated. Ah the dream was to good to be true, but she said will so he wasn't taken yet. The thought gave Ruby hope. If it was a girl who liked Jaune then she had a chance. However, if it was Jaune who was liking someone then she had no choice but to give up.

"Thanks for the help Pyrrha, hope we can become great friends in the future."

"It is a possibility." Pyrrha smiled, Ruby was to naive to notice the fake smile.

The bell rang and Ruby bolted to her next class. One more class and she would be home free.

Entering the room there was raised platforms so that people could sit in rows and see over each other's heads. A green-haired man was whizzing around as he wrote stuff on the board. Ruby entered the room and felt a bundle of papers enter her hand.

She stared at it and then the green blur as it handed out more papers.

Ruby decided to look around the room before she noticed a black bow and she sat down beside the person who was engrossed in their book.

"Hello Blake" Ruby said and Blake jumped. She noticed Ruby and quickly closed and stored the book.

"What are you reading?" Ruby asked and Blake blushed.

"Its not important, so you are in History with Oobleck right?"

"I'm here am I not, that means we're partners for this class!" Ruby exclaimed and Blake rolled her eyes.

"So the little sister graces me with her prescense, you know history isn't a class that requires partners right."

"That won't stop me, it doesn't require but no where in the rules does it say we cannot be partners" Ruby smiled and Blake groaned.

"I'm stuck with both of them" she mumbled to herself as Ruby cheered about having a friend in class.

"Welcome to History. I am Doctor Oobleck and we will be discussing our syllabus. Turn to page two and you can see..." Dr. Oobleck words exited his mouth at the rate a machine gun would expel bullets. Ruby tried to keep up but she was loss on the blur of a man and she started to feel dizzy.

The last thing she remembered before collapsing at her desk was the blur frantically scribbling on the board.

I feel like I could do better, how will this play out? Will Ruby get Jaune to love her back. Or will she fall from not being loved. See how the story progresses next time on When I See You. A story of how Ruby Rose sees Jaune Arc and falls in love.

Expected Release Date: 7/3