Disclaimer: I don't own anything.


: Boku no Hero / My Hero Academia


: All Might x Kagome


: She was a civilian he had saved and didn't realize she absolutely did not need to be saved until. Poor All Might, love at first sight is painful.

Presence of Purity
Chapter Five: The Hero, Purity
(Part One)

x . . . . x

"Give me your damn wallet!"

There was a scuffle and an irritated cry. A bystander walked by and called the police.


All Might's ears twitched as he surveyed his city. He could hear the screams of several civilians fill the air. His smile grew as leapt from the top of the building he had been occupying and hit the ground with enough force to crack the side walk and send the few people walking nearby clothes' fluttering. He took off quickly, kicking up dust and debris as he did and ran toward the disturbance which was only getting louder as he came closer.

"He's going to hurt her!"

"I hope a hero comes soon!"

He was coming quicker to the scene and as he turned the corner, his cape fluttered upwards and he made quick observations. A young woman was sitting on the ground, as though she was thrown there, her eyes glassy and unseeing. The villain stood above her, a sneer on his leering face as small pebbles floated above an outstretched hand. His other hand held her purse and All Might turned to the crowd that watched on with horror etching their features. When their eyes landed on him, their fear turned to relief and he smiled brightly toward them.

"Never fear! I am here! Stand back, citizens, I will take care of this!"

And take care of it, he did.

It was over in seconds, All Might appearing behind the villain and knocking him out cold before anyone realized what was happening. As the villain fell to the ground, All Might took control of the situation, the first thing was to tend to the victim after he secured the villain with capture tape. He stood before her and crouched low. He did not get a good chance to look at her, just a quick sweep when he arrived to ensure that she was not severely injured.

Now he took her in.

A pair of jeans, dirtied and torn at the knees from where she fell. Her floral shirt was short enough that it showed a flash of skin and a toned stomach. She was wearing a pair of heels and expensive earrings. Her blue eyes were dark and still glassy as though she was not seeing him, and her dark hair had been pulled into a messy ponytail. The woman was lovely with a heart shaped face, light pink cheeks and red lips. Her purse had fallen to the side when the villain had let it go when he dropped so he grabbed it, ready to hand it over to her.

"Ah, miss, everything is okay now! Here is your purse!" he told her, his tone somewhat gentler then its typical boisterous sound. She blinked once and life returned to her face, he wondered if she had been in a state of shock. When the sparkle in her eyes returned, his smile faltered because wow did that do something even more beautiful to her face.

She blinked several times and the color in her cheeks darkened and when she spoke it was in a sweet and gentle tone, "O-oh! Thank you! Thank you so much for saving me!" She smiled and it was like someone was squeezing his heart as his stomach did flip flops.

All Might stood and offered her his hand. She took it and her hand was warm and soft and so small. She was tiny as she stood in front of him, reaching just under his pectoral. "As is my duty, citizen! The police will be here shortly to take your statement." He could hear their sirens as they came down the road. She pulled her hand from his and he didn't realize he was still holding it, "So sorry! I didn't mean to – "

She cut him off with a warm smile and said, "No, my fault! But thank you again!" She bowed quickly and police swarmed the area. The medical team that came tended to the young woman and All Might did not see her again.

The woman became just another lovely woman saved and he did not give her a second thought until their next unexpected encounter.



Heroing alone was what he did best.

But natural disasters were an "all hands on deck" situation. He could carry out bodies, lift heavy objects, but he didn't have any healing abilities. When disasters occurred they usually split into groups with someone that had some type of healing ability.

Natural disasters were terrible, people died, the scenes were chaotic, and All Might knew that not everyone was saved. But he also knew with him on the scene the chances of people coming out alive were much higher than without. An earthquake had hit and tore down buildings and set fires. Water was being spouted from hoses and quirks to settle any fires and any heroes that reached the scene immediately went to the man in charge. In this situation it was the disaster hero, Overcome, who had led hundreds of disaster recovery missions.

His eyes met the other heroes and he immediately yelled, "Good! You're here! We need more heroes with your abilities. I have a support hero but she needs someone with strength!"

All Might nodded toward Overcome who was holding a map. The older man, turned to the right and gestured to a woman to come over. He heard the twinkling of bells and he turned to look over at the woman that was creating the noise and he paused. It was a priestess in traditional robes. At her ankles were small bells that was causing the jingling. He met her eyes and he couldn't stop his expression from morphing into shock. Despite the grim expression on her face, he recognized her as the woman from several weeks ago that he had saved.

"What can I do to help?" she asked and her eyes met his and a smile flashed briefly across her face before she turned her full attention to Overcome and they were each directed to their portion of the map he held in his hands.

"You two have section F, G, and I. Take this com device and keep in mind that we have recovery stations outside sectors A, D, and H." They both took a device and hooked it to their ears.

All Might turned to the priestess and he grabbed her quickly around the waist and in a leap they were gone. He had expected her to possibly scream (he always found that part amusing) but she didn't, instead she was surveying the area below them as he soared through the air to section F. He wanted to talk to her, ask her why she didn't tell him she was a hero, or why she hadn't saved herself that day. Instead he asked, "What's your name?"

She turned her almost too blue eyes to him and her steady features were soft as she smiled, "Purity, and you're All Might, right?" He nodded, oddly tongue tied. "Well, let's save some people, All Might." The way she said his name made him falter but he caught himself and he concentrated on the task at hand as he landed and let her go.

Purity was no doubt a support hero.

She was a healer and savior.

She was an angel among the carnage and wreckage. She did not flinch when she came across the broken and too gone bodies and she did not falter when she tended to gruesome wounds. Her power flowed through her a soft pink and healed lacerations in seconds, bones were set the best they could be, and emotional victims were met with soothing tones and someone to hold. She was covered in dirt and even blood but All Might found it hard to take his eyes from her. The sweat on her brow the concentration in her features. She was dedicated.

Purity was not the most beautiful woman he had ever seen but there was something about her that caught his attention and most importantly… held it.

He did his part and helped right by her side. Citizens saw him and they cried with relief as he pulled them from buildings, giving them his fearless smile and soothing them the only way he knew how, by being an overwhelming force of positivity and ray of proverbial sunshine. He would shine light on what was their darkest day.

He and Purity worked through their sections with an efficiency that was unsettling to him. She anticipated what he was doing and adapted to him and in turn he was prepared to assist her as she needed it. He adapted well to others, but others did not adapt so well to him especially people he had not worked with before, some overwhelmed by his hero status and others shunning him because of it. She did neither, she just… worked well with him. When their sections were done, Overcome was surprised to see them again and assigned them new sections.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Until everyone had been saved.

At the end of it, there was always paparazzi, always news anchors. They had worked through the night and into the morning but All Might still smiled and met the cameras.

"How many people did you save?"

"Did you come across casualties?"

"Who was the hero you partnered with?"

He laughed boisterously, "When a disaster of this magnitude comes, only those worried with their reputations keep count of how many people they have saved! It is my duty to save people, not keep tally of how many people I saved like a competition!" His tone gentled, "There are always casualties and condolence to those who may have lost someone today." His smile returned full force and he looked around, "As for my partner – there she is over there!"

As though sensing she was being discussed, the priestess turned to him and saw the news anchors. Her cheeks crimsoned and she made a run to one of the hero recovery tents as cries from the news went out, "MISS PURITY! WAIT!"

All Might laughed as they tried to infiltrate the tent but were kicked away by police and he took that as his own chance to escape… to the very same tent Purity took off to, only he took the backway. As he entered, he encountered a smack to his chest that did nothing to him but it made him pause. He looked down and met glittering hues and puffed out cheeks, his usual smile grew.

"I don't like cameras!" she bristled out at him and All Might chuckled.

"How can one be a hero and dislike cameras?" he asked and she narrowed her eyes at him, he held his hands up in the air, "It won't happen again!"

She turned her nose into the air and began to walk away, "It better not!"

And she was gone again but now this time… he had a name.



She worked for the very prestigious Matsuda Agency.

Probably second only to his agency and they cranked out heroes that were second only to each other and him. They were known to have agents that had similar features but odd quirks and features usually ranged from claws, fangs, animal ears, and tails. It was interesting to see her work for them when she did not meet the usual criteria.

On his day off, he found himself in front of the agency. He would be stupid if he didn't admit that she was intriguing and he was curious about her. And he was definitely a curious creature so he found out where exactly the agency was and headed there. It was flashy and screamed expensive, a building simply called Matsuda Tower.

He walked through the front door and a receptionist looked up and her eyes widened, "M-Mr. All Might, what are you doing here at our agency?"

"I am here to look for someone! I heard a Miss Purity works here!" he struck a pose, his hands on hips and the receptionist squealed.

"Kago – I mean Purity is upstairs at the moment! I'll page her down!"

All Might took a seat and waited until the elevator doors across the way opened up and Purity walked through them and toward him, her brows creased. He stood and she stopped in front him, bowed and then straightened. "All Might, I did not expect to see you here."

He tucked his hands into his pockets and leaned down, "I try not to be predictable!" The receptionist was squealing again. The Priestess smiled and she gave him a look that was clearly curious.

She tilted her to head to the side and questioned slyly, "Well, what brings you to the Matsuda Agency? Looking to convert?"

He chuckled and shook his head, "Not today, Purity! Today, I am looking to invite you out!" The squealing came to a stop and turned into a gurgling sound and he looked over to make sure she wasn't dying, she wasn't but Purity choked as her face turned crimson.

She squeaked out and the image she made was rather adorable, "L-Like a d-date?"

He nodded his head, "I've never seen you before, never heard of you, and I am curious! Let us go out and learn about each other!" He jerked his hands from his pockets and stood straight, "We worked well together!"

Her face went from pink to normal in a second and she crossed her arms over her chest, "So not a date, more like a let's be partners and talk kind of thing."

His brows furrowed, "When you say it like that then it doesn't sound very fun anymore… or like a date."

The priestess garbed hero rolled her eyes, "Because it isn't. No thank you." And then she turned with a 'hmph' and began to walk away.

"W-Wait! Was it something I said?" The receptionist came back to life and began to cackle.

As she hit the elevator, Purity turned to him and said, "Try again and do better next time."

Thus was the first time All Might faced rejection.

And so began the most followed love story in recent history thanks to the receptionist snapping some pictures and sending it to the media.




'Gome Yuki:: I have been dying for this pairing. Dying. This is before All for One. Part One. There will be a part two but I am working on several things right ow including a Dazai x Kagome (Bungou Stray Dogs) and more the next chapter of my Levi x Kagome. Also, anticipate a Deku x Kagome because Deku is SUCH a BEAST. I love it.