A/N: Thank you for taking your time to look at this: I hope you may enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. Those who can find the original story where this one is based onto get virtual Soda. And a big hug for WizardGirl.
Chapter one: the begin….
Arceus longed for something: this something was actually someone. A small boy that lived outside the regions: this boy was powerful in his own way and still had a pure soul….but Arceus knew that his soul wouldn't stay pure if he stayed where he was.
One might ask themselves why Arceus would be interested in a boy outside the regions, outside his domain: that's very simple Arceus had once seen a bright future for the regions a future so bright he could only dream of it, but that future would be given to them by a small boy also from outside the regions. But alas this child grew bitter of the world around him as soon as he knew he could never have a child of his own: the boy still did his best to get where he had been Professed to be, but as he turned bitter his goals became unclear to him or better said he lost his focus on the how and started to turn destructive…..
But Arceus had everything planned out: he would interfere. He would return the youth to the professed one and gift him a fatherless child to love…with the hopes that the pureness would return to him and to keep even if it was only one child away from the Darkness.
Even so Arceus had some work to do with the both of them before they would be ready for each other…
A small boy the age of 6 named Severus Tobias Snape laid afraid under his bed: the small boy wasn't afraid of the monsters that might or mightn't be hiding in the shadows and darkness, no that would be silly this child feared something sinister more real…..He feared his own father, the man that had sired him and should love him, he feared the man's: harsh cruel words, his fury, his cold eyes, his fists and his belt. The skinny boy had the only decent blanked he owned around his shoulders in the hope of stop shivering, the cries from downstairs could be heard louder now, he closed his eyes willing the world away while he hugged a small leather satchel (that held his most treasured objects) to his chest.
Small tears streamed down Severus sickly pale face: he had ink black lanky hair the same color as his eyes and a cute button like nose the rest of his facial features where rather sharp and angular: especially his jaw and his cheek bones. When he heard heavy footfalls on the old staircase he started hyperventilating: HE KNEW HE HAD TO GET AWAY FROM THERE! HE KNEW HIS FATHER WAS COMMONG FOR HIM! HE WISHED WITH ALL HIS SOUL HE COULD BE SOMEWHERE SAVE!
Severus didn't have the time to complete his thoughts before Arceus decided that NOW was the moment he should take the boy away from his awful fate: with the help of the boys magic he took the, now, unconscious child away: just in time too.
As soon as Tobias Snape reached his offsprings' room he felt a strange unnatural energy in the room: this enraged the man more than he already was. Letting out a deafening roar he ran into the room, breaking the door in the process, he started to turn everything upside down and breaking things as he couldn't find Severus.
Tobias had been so drunk that he wasn't aware of the amount of sound he was making: that was the night that one of his neighbors decided that enough was enough and called the Police…. Sadly the police only found the body of Eileen Snape nee Prince and only dried blood in the boys room…. That same night an Amber Alert was pulled out for one Severus Tobias Snape-Prince, age 6, born 06 of January of 2000…
Arceus through that this specific location would do the boy some good while he was busy planning the meeting with his new father. Arceus didn't spend much time with the human cub, but enough to make his memories almost impossible for him to reach, change his eye color, his skin color and other things to make him unrecognizable to his kind: Arceus was aware that the magical kind from farther away the regions could be truly vicious and he wanted the boy save and happy. Before he left Arceus blessed the child…..
A large snow white furred, green eyed, green gemmed, male: Persian was taking his usual night stroll when his whiskers told him something was off in his part of Viridian Forrest. Following his instinct he found an odd dump, when he got closer to inspect it he saw: that he had found himself a skinny, black haired human cub…A hurt one if his whiskers where right. To the Persians surprise the cub was too young to be traveling on its own and shivering on top of it even if he was wearing clothes (too big for him) and had a thick blanked wrapped around him. Knowing that the night would be too cold for the youngling he opened his massive maw and gently took the cub with him to his den…. The next morning he would ask the other wild Pokémon too look out for humans looking for a cub.
After the male Persian had talked with the other Pokémon at dawn and they had promised him that they would look out for any humans that were looking for a cub with the description he gave them. When the huge Persian reentered his den he saw that the cub had woken up so he went for some Oran berries: the child had to eat after all. He left the berries at the boys feet before laying down himself. The raven haired boy blinked…confused.
"These are for me?" Asked the boy not daring to touch the food offered to him: he didn't know why, but something told him not to.
"Of course they are yours cub! I don't see anyone else…." Answered the Persian: not knowing that the raven haired boy could actually understand him.
"Thank you, sir! I thought that they might be yours." Said the boy before he took a berry, at this the Persians eyes opened comically.
"You understand me?" Asked the feline Pokémon.
"Should I not?" Now it was the child's turn to be confused.
Persian shook it's massive head before he started talking with the human cub: to his immense surprise it seemed that the cub had hit its head and lost his memories, because he didn't even knew what Pokémon where nor where he was! The Persian explained the boy everything he could the best he could and so they spend the first few days while the child was healing like that with the occasional help from some Pokémon that had been owned and on a journey before.
After some time the wild Pokémon came to the conclusion that the human cub would stay with them as its parents weren't looking for him and the Persian who had in those weeks been named Ariel was happy for it. The boy who he had started to call Rush, because the child was in a rush to do everything and anything and because it had remembered that his named had an R, suffered from night terrors where he begged its sire to stop hurting him or its dam to help him…. Not that the other Pokémon knew that because Ariel only shared his den with Rush.
Rush had grown during his time with the Pokémon and was often found playing with the younger ones or cooing over the just hatched ones, but none of the Pokémon that where parents envied Ariel for he often had to chase the boy down after he had gotten himself into some havoc or another. The Rattata and Pidgey often helped getting Rush clothes (stealing them from unsuspecting trainers that slept in the forest) and other things like books and such they believed where a must for human cubs.
It had been over two years now that Rush had been found by Ariel that cold night in the woods and he had grown. Ariel could almost every time of the day by Rush side making sure the youngster didn't get hurt: like right now.
"So? When I'm 11 years old I'm old enough to start my very own Pokémon journey. You're coming with me aren't you?" Asked Rush wearing some blue swimming trunks, a white T-shirt and shoeless looking at the ground for some nice stones to add to his collection: his collection was always in his leather satchel that hung around his neck and that never seemed to fill or become heavy.
"Nothing is gone stop me from staying with you and making sure you don't cause trouble." Stated Ariel calmly his eyes shining with amusement: he loved to teas Rush now that he didn't take everything in the literal sense.
"Oh well if you only stay with me for that reason I should make sure that I get into enough trouble: that way you wouldn't get bored." Stated Rush seriously not showing his happiness at the fact that his best friend wouldn't leave him.
"BRAT!" Growled Ariel playfully as he shoved Rush into the river, knowing that the child could swim.
"Hey! Ari look what I found in the river!" Exclaimed the child happily holding a blue-ish stone up. "Do you know what it is?"
"Do I look like someone that would?" Asked Ariel voice dripping with sarcasm this owned him a nice splash off cold water from Rush.
Rush hurriedly climbed out of the river only to take off giggling his head off while Ariel followed him at his heals: all the while happiness filled his heart even if there was a hollow feeling there as if he was missing something. Live was good in Viridian forest, very good.
A/N: PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! To tell me you liked it or disliked it: doesn't really matter I want to become a better writer so tell me what you think.
And anyone interested in Beta'ing this story is welcome! Giovanni will make his appearance in the next chapter….