When Kura awoke a few hours later, she found the texture of a cushion embracing her back and a soft cotton blanket on her. She was on someone's bed. And from the feeling of it, her left leg had cotton pressed against the cut, along with the cut on her right arm.

As she was about to open her eyes when she heard the door to the side of her open.

"Granny, where do you think she got those wounds?" a man with a strange voice asked. She noted how feminine he sounded, not as much a Clear though.

"Shut up and talk lower, Aoba! She's trying to rest!" an old lady's voice shouted, "It looks like it was scratched open by a sharp object, so be quiet!"

Kura wondered if it would be a good time to wake up, but she was scared of them. Who were these people and where was Clear?

She shot up and grabbed whoever she grabbed, and held him in a chokehold. Feeling a sudden pain in her legs and arm, her body began to ache. She found that she was in a small room.

"Hey, what are you doing--?!" the man, who she believed was named Aoba, yelled in shock. She didn't want to hurt him, but she just wanted to get information about this place. She didn't even know what she was doing and she was scared of what they were going to do to her.

"You shouldn't move around so much!You're wounded!" the old lady said with concern. Kura was slightly startled by her exclamations, causing her to face an old lady who had pink hair that's divided into four parts and being held up by decorative sticks. She wore a cream colored dress with a belt around her waist. Her sky blue eyes meet Kira's, causing her to shake.

As she could tell, she didn't want to hurt him by the way Kura's arm was shaking.

"W-Why am I here?" Kura spouted out shakily at the lady, "Where is this place?" Tears were escaping her eyes, and she was regretting for ever escaping her home. If she hadn't left, she wouldn't have gotten these stupid wounds because of her clumsy self.

"Calm down, my dear, and I'll explain to you where this is." she said, "I don't want anyone else getting hurt." Yuuka was shaking uncontrollably and was scared. She didn't want to show it, but it showed, nevertheless.

She let go of Aoba, and he stepped away from her, catching his breath. Kura wiped away her tears and took in deep breaths as she sat down on the bed. He was in shock of what just happened, but he knew she wouldn't hurt him too bad despite how strangely strong she was. She was shaking so much and Aoba could tell she was frightened.

"Have you calmed down a bit?" she asked as her breathing gradually calmed, wrapping the blanket that fell on the ground when she got up. Kura nodded after a few seconds.

"I-I'm sorry, but can I get a cup of water, m'am?" asked Kura, getting up, her legs shaking.

"You're not leaving that bed, young lady. Those wounds of yours still need to heal and I can't have you walking around in pain."


"I'll have my grandson get the cup of water, okay, dear?"

Not knowing how to respond, she just thanked her and Aoba as he left the room. When he exited out of the room, she spoke.

"You're staying in this home and it's final. I don't want you hurting yourself even more." Tae said kindly. As much as Yuuka felt ashamed, she felt even worse by her kind offer.

"..Thank you." She bowed, feeling a sting of pain in her leg.

"Oh, how rude of me. I haven't introduced me or my grandson," Tae spoke, "My name is Tae and the man who just went to get your cup of water was Aoba."

"It's nice to meet you, Tae." Kura said, bowing her head.

"I'm a nurse so your wounds are in good hands. Just be sure to take care of yourself in the future." Tae said softly, "You're a lady, after all."

She smiled gently upon those words and thanked her again.

"We are living in Midorijima currently, a island in Japan. Before your awakening, I cleaned and sewn up your cuts." Tae said, "You're a deep sleeper, aren't you? I'm surprised that you didn't wake up when I had to clean your cuts with alcohol."

She was confused when she heard that she was a deep sleeper. Usually any creak or noise would wake her up, so sleeping through the entire cleaning process of cuts was strange. Just before she was going to speak, Aoba walked in with the cup of water. As he passed the cup to Kura, she spoke.

"It's nice to meet you, Aoba, and thank you for the water." Kura said, bowing to him.

"Oh, it's no problem." he replied, smiling. He was glad that she had a sense of courtesy when speaking. "Do you remember anything about yourself?" Aoba asked.

Kura nodded, feeling safe with them, and went on to explain herself. "My name is Kura Ume and I'm 19 years old and I'm born on August 13th. On the night of my 16th birthday, I got captured."

"What do you mean you got captured?" Aoba asked.

"Well... The woman broke into my room and captured me? I'm pretty sure that happened because once I woke up, I was in a different room. After I had figured out I wasn't home, a lady came into my room and said she was my new caretaker. I'm... not really sure what happened, but that's how I think it went out. Along with the new lady, who I called Silvia, was her husband. Silvia was a nice lady. Her husband, however... he was a different story."

Kura trailed off. When she went quiet, Tae and Aoba glanced at each other pitifully.

"Was he abusive?" Tae asked carefully.

"..Yeah, he was. He used to beat me almost everyday. It was worse when he was drunk, which was probably once every week. After he'd hit me, his wife would always come afterwards to treat my wounds. She was... kind of like my father. But she was much more quiet than my dad which made it difficult to start a conversation."

'But I don't see much wounds on her legs or arms. Rather, I just see bruises.' Tae thought, 'Are they on her back?'

Aoba's expression darkened as he heard about him. "Those wounds.. are they from him?"

"..Oh. I'm not sure how I got them." Kura said as she lifted her arm to look at the wound covered with cotton, "I think it was when I ran away and had to go through some bushes. I'm really quite careless."

She laughed heartily because she knew it was true. She couldn't deny that she was a careless person, so the wounds she got was normal to her. Tae looked sympathetically towards her, but Kura merely gave her a comforting smile. Aoba was stunned. This was the same person that tried to attack him earlier.

"You should probably get some more rest so your wounds could heal." Tae said as she walked out of the room, "She'll be sleeping in your room, Aoba."

Aoba nodded and turned to Kura with a smile. "Since you're already in my room, do you need anything?

"..Where are you going to sleep?" Kura asked, "I don't want you to sleeping uncomfortably."

"I have a futon stored somewhere in my closet, so don't worry. I'll be fine." Aoba replied, "You should be more worried about yourself since you're injured."

Kura looked down to the wooden floor and frowned. She didn't really care what happened to her. Even if she was injured, she was fine. Her body was just sore, that was it.


I wonder who's going to be introduced in the next chapter?