l"Greg was fearing for his life as the daughter of the queen of hearts was sprinting full speed at him. His arms were raised in a cross formation in front of his face to protect himself. Greg braced for impact when he heard the clock tower chime 1 am, all was quiet and then he heard a voice."Greg? What are you doing up so late and secondly why am I here?" Beth questioned. Greg finally looked up at the other girl and could help but look confused as to why Beth's attitude had suddenly changed.
"Hello, earth calling Greg, come in Greg." Beth said. "Why am I out here and why do you have that look that says I was about to hurt someone." As Beth finished her sentence Greg finally realized what was wrong with the other girl.
""All those who wonder aren't lost." Greg said.
l""I'm sorry, what?" Beth said still confused.
""It's a story my mother used to tell me tell me when I was little. It was mainly to scare me, but she used the same thing on Ginny as well. The story went something along the lines of the Wonderlandian's and the curse that was invoked on them. It mainly affected the children of the cursed but once every blue moon, which in Wonderland was every 3 months, the kids would experience a pull that would make them wonder through the night and do sane things which is the insane thing over there." Greg finished his story.
""So, let me get this straight." Beth began. "You're saying that every 3 months I'm gonna be doing strange things, well more normal, this would only happen to me wouldn't it."
""I Know it's a lot to take in, but I know you'll be fine it's not like your gonna hurt anyone." Greg said standing up and holding out his hand. Beth took his hand and they began the walk back to Beth's room.
"You are forbidden to tell anyone about what happened here tonight." Beth said her voice in full on command mode. "I can't even begin to wonder all the kaka ill be in if someone ever found out."
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Greg said opening the door to her room silently as to not wake up Shelby who funnily enough was a light sleeper. After they said goodbye Greg ran back to his room ready to do some more work on his laptop and to hopefully learn why he wasn't affected by the Wondering curse.

Long Live

Evie woke up the next morning feeling like she had run a marathon, which made her laugh as to the fact of her and running, over her dead body was she gonna let something as trivial as sweat ruin her good looks. Looking over to Mal's bed she saw the daughter of the mistress of all evil sound asleep in her bed. Not wanting to wake the other girl she reached into her purse to pull out the mirror as to check her reflection. Upon looking herself, she saw that although just waking up her make up was done (And perfectly she might add.) Her hair was still a mess but nothing 30 minutes and a couple of pin couldn't fix. Once she had finished her hair and was walking out of the bath room Mal's 5th alarm finally went off and the sleeping lady of the court stuck out her arm to silence it and flung the sheets back. Once she had fully risen from her bed did she notice the other girl. Mal stood there for a full minute before throwing herself into Evie's arms.
"Evie, I'm so glad you are alright, you have no idea what what's been going on since you've been out, Greg's been saying some weird stuff an…" Mal could finish her sentence before Evie interrupted her.
"Yes Greg, he's in danger and we need to find him like ASAP." Evie said making a run for the door not even waiting to see if Mal was following her. Once she made it downstairs she scanned the crowd of students hoping to find the son of Mother Gothel. She finally found him sitting at a table with Jay, Carlos, Ben, Beth, Audrey, and Gaston Jr. as she made her way over she didn't care that she knocked the daughter of Tiana down and kept on going.

"Evie, what a pleasant surprise." Audrey started to say. Evie cut her off and she looked at Greg with a weird look in her eye that was starting to scare him./p
"Greg, we need to talk." She said. Greg looked at the blue haired girl and nodded. As if getting some unspoken hint, the rest of the group slid down to the other end of the table out of earshot.
"What's up Evie? Is this got to do with something that you said back in the hospital wing." He said hoping that it was going to be a yes. To his surprise the girl nodded.
"So, you know when I was in the coma or what ever it was." Greg nodded and let Evie continue. "Well, I might have met your father. Who under some random coincidence might actually be the slave in the magic mirror that my mother had from back in her glory days." She said hoping Greg was following her and believing her. She then began to retell the story she was told, and Greg's face went from pink to a paler shade of white.
"… And then Edward woke up and was staring at my mother from inside the dark interior of the mirror." As Evie finished her story she let Greg process it all.
"So, let me get this straight, my father didn't die but has been trapped in your mother's mirror all because of some revenge scheme that Beth's mom had concocted." Evie nodded.
"Well, can I see the mirror and say something to him." Greg questioned and watched as the blue haired girl pulled out her mirror. The moment both their hands touched the mirror the world flashed blue and everything went pink.

Chad was on his way down to breakfast when he ran into Mal who was talking to the last person in the world he wanted to see Shelby White.
"Oh, hey Glass Brain, breakfast is the other way, or do you have a different curfew before the magic wears off." Shelby said as Mal chuckled under her breath.
"As Chad glared at Mal, she just shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh, come on Charming it wasn't that bad. I have so much dirt on you and I chose to go easy on you." Shelby said as they descended the staircase and walked into the cafeteria.
"Well sometimes apple head, you need to learn that not all the apples fall far from the tree, or do we need to ask Vanessa, I mean the whole pregnancy thing is a joke right." Chad didn't even get to laugh at his insult before Shelby's fist was connecting with his cheek.
"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BRING MY SISTER INTO THIS." She yelled going in for another attack, but she was held back by Mal who knew more about the subject than she cared to admit and although Chad had it coming he didn't really deserve to be punched in public. Before anything could happen there was a giant flash of blue and the table where all their friends were had vanished into thin air.
"Oh my god, here we go again."

Evie was the first to open her eyes praying she wasn't back in the mirror, after he eyes adjusted to the light change she found she was still sitting at her lunch table, but she was outside and not in the familiar cafeteria. Looking around she saw everyone who was at the table before the flash with the added body count of Austin and Ally she was sure she knew where they were.