I spend the weekend and since Laura knows why half of the week in the hospital with Clare when she finally asks, "Why is daddy still sleeping?"
"I told you, princess, that daddy was really hurt and he needs his rest."
She nods her head as I finish braiding her hair thanking all heavens for once that I had sisters that loved to torture me with all their girly things. Laura has always been scary ever since I can remember.
Clare looks up at me, "Thanks, Der. Hair is so pretty. Am I a princess now?"
I smile down at her as I push the stray hairs away from her face. She's happy and calm until a nurse comes in I have arms filled with a shaking little girl.
"Shush… It's alright," I brush away her tears, "It's alright, she's a nurse. She's here to help you. I'll stay right here by your side. No matter what I'll keep you safe you know that don't you."
She nods her head as she looks at the nurse as she makes her way over, "Sorry, she only likes Melissa, but today is her off day. I'm just here to check her vitals and check some bandages." I nod my head as the nurse slowly makes her way over to the still frightened little girl. "Can I see your wrists sweetie?"
She slowly moves her arms so they can be looked at. Though her sides are still pretty attached to my own.
The nurse watches my interactions with the young girl, "You're really good with her."
I smile at her as I kiss my lil girl's head, "I'd hope so since I hope to spend as much time with her and her father as possible. They mean a lot to me. I love them both."
The nurse smiles as she checks the bandages before changing them, "They're lucky to have such a wonderful man in their lives."
I nod my head as I smile, "Yeah, but I'm luckier to have them in my lives. Yet I still need to have a chat with this little one's father whenever he wakes up."
Clare looks up at me, "You won't leave again, will you. Daddy's mad… he loves you. I love you."
I watch the nurse leave in the corner of my eye not sure why something was unsettling about her.
Still, I brush my fingers against her face as we lean back against her upright bed, "I love the 2 of you just the same. Look you know how I had changed right and how scared you were," I watch Clare nod her little head, "Daddy saw the same thing and it scared him just like it had you."
"I saw you, Der. Your eyes are pretty. I'm not scared."
"Really, even if daddy would no longer be scared I just think he doesn't love me the same way I love him."
"I love you, you Sourwolf," at hearing Stiles voice I quickly and still gently move Clare off me so I can go to his side.
I can't help the tears of relief fall from my eyes, "Stiles, you're awake I was getting so worried."
Stiles nods his head, "I was too. I mean I swear I could hear things here sometimes, but I could never wake up. Do you know what I was dreaming however long I was asleep?"
I shake my head as I move his hair from his face not being able to stop my wolf to physically check that Stiles is, in fact, awake and safe, "No, I don't. Not when you're awake. I don't care just please don't make me leave the 2 of you again. I love you, Stiles. I love you and Clare so much," I move my arms to around his waist as I bury my face into his stomach.
I feel his fingers card through my hair, "I know Derek. I dreamt that the 3 of us were happy. I just have to say I'm so sorry for how I reacted to your secret. I thought I was just thinking of Clare that I was keeping her safe from the big bad wolf, but I didn't. That what I was doing was doing the final thing to push you away before you'd leave me. Though I was scared Clare wouldn't be safe near you, but with how you came to save us and how you knew my wishes that if Clare was safe nothing else mattered. You got her out of there. You shielded her with your own body not caring what happened. Derek, Heather could have killed you?"
I move my head enough to look at stiles in the eyes, "I didn't care. All I wanted was for the 2 of you to be safe and happy. Even when I found out she was an alpha and could possibly easily kill me that didn't matter all I cared about was the 2 of you. I knew what you wanted, but I truthfully don't remember most of that fight. All I know is that I had to get to you and bring you to the hospital. All I knew is that I had to save you, Stiles. This is all my fault. I only bring bad luck to those I truly love."
I feel stiles hands move my head back to face him, "What do you mean? Your family loves you so much, Clare loves you like you were her father, my dad loves you as a son, sure Scott doesn't care for you for some reason but he'll get over it. The whole Heather thing wasn't just because of you, but because she was crazy. She probably just waited so long cause I had you by my side."
"Stiles, right son," at hearing my father's voice I let Stiles go and jump to my feet to face him as he keeps talking, "You're mother made some calls. It seemed that this Heather girl was turned by a rogue alpha herself shortly after she gave birth to Clare. It hadn't sat right with her and it drove her mad as time went by. She killed the alpha that turned her and then slowly she started to kill wolves. She took their claws hoping to take more power for herself. She came here for those 2, but also for a witch that came to Beacon Hills to seek our protection knowing we wouldn't miss use any magic she'd agree to lend our pack."
Stiles nods his head before he asks, "Who is he?"
My dad laughs as he looks at Stiles, "I guess Derek never introduced you to the family even with how long I think the 2 of you were dating. I'm Derek's father, Tyler Hale. It's really nice to finally meet the reason why my son was so happy for how many months now, but not so glad about the last week or so."
Stiles nods his head and all I can smell from him is guilt and from Clare, a little bit of fascination but also fear. I move to Clare's side glad that she's only connected to the bare minimum for hospital care. I move her IV and the wires hooked up to her heart monitor so I can pull her into my arms easily enough and carry her over to her father.
I watch as my father stands in the doorway, "Dad, do you need something?"
"No, um… it's just you've been here day and night we were getting worried. You missed Wyatt's birthday party."
I wince at the fact II missed my nephew's birthday. Fuck Peter might just kill me for that.
"Oops… Is Peter going to murder me?"
"No, luckily for you that was just for the public so to speak. The family one is this weekend where it won't be hectic I think. I'm sure the family will love to meet Stiles then."
Stiles looks at my dad, "Umm… Can I meet the immediate family before that? You know siblings and parents than everyone else?"
They look at me as I look at Stiles confused, "You want to meet my family."
"Of course, I do. I love you as you are Derek. Meeting your family is one of the few ways that I know to prove it."

"Okay, when I said I wanted to meet your siblings and parents I didn't mean bring them into the hospital the day before they let me out before the weekend?"
"I know. They just are excited to meet the people who are making me happy. Plus they're trying to get over the fact that I had gotten over being, as you been calling me, a Sourwolf. My family is happy to see me smiling again. Its something that hasn't really happened in a long time."
Stiles smiles at me as he stands up to hug me, "I'm glad you think like that. Cause if you ask my dad or Scott since I've been with you I've been really happy as well."
"I know. You're dad even said he'd whack you on the back of the head if you didn't pull your head out of your ass."
Stiles nods his head slightly, "I can see my dad saying that. I'm sorry for how I reacted and I hope that doesn't change the last couple weeks and such, but Derek I do love you and deep inside I know that I'll always love you."
I smile as I pull him towards me and kiss him like our very lives depend on it. It's almost like in movies or cartoons where a lil red string appears and ties us together.
Stiles looks up at me with wide eyes filled with awe, "What was that?"
"It's a mating bond. You love me, accept me, and trust me as I do you."
He smiles as he kisses me again and we hear the sweet lil voice of Clare, "Ewww… Daddy's is kissing Derek. Is Derek my daddy too now?"
Stiles pulls away from me as he smiles at her, "Do you want that, sweetie?"
Clare smiles as she nods her head running over to us. I catch her before she trips over her feet cause sadly she picked up her father's clumsiness. Stiles chuckles as he kisses her forehead then my cheek. I look at the door to see Stiles' father smiling along with a mouth gaping Scott, and last but not least my family.
"Well I guess introductions are to be given," I tell everyone as I look at the 2 of the most important people in my life that are now in my arms safe sound and accepting just who and what I am.