Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin.

Chapter 1 – Lancelot du Lac

Arthur didn't know if he was more tired or annoyed as he followed his uncle through the corridors of the citadel. He'd been woken in the middle of the night and told that there was something of the utmost urgency he must attend to, though he was told no more than that, meaning it couldn't be an attack on Camelot, and so he was tired and annoyed that he'd been woken up. As they continued walking Arthur recognized that they were heading towards his presence chamber. What of import could be in there at this time of night he did not know, though it became painfully obvious when they entered the chamber. There, on the far side of the room was Guinevere, his Guinevere, his soon-to-be wife, with her lips locked with Lancelot's. He wasn't even aware of the anguished cry that left him nor that he'd unsheathed his sword, until the clang of metal against metal rang out as Lancelot defended himself. The two fought for a few moments until Arthur finally got the upper hand and was preparing to strike Lancelot down, until the woman he loved got in the way.

"Please stop!" She implored, standing protectively in front of Lancelot. "Stop, please, this has to stop." Arthur was hurt that she protected another, but that wasn't the only emotion he felt: anger was most certainly present. As he stared at her he saw their life together disappear, the future they had planned gone. With it he thought his love for her went as well, given this betrayal, only that wasn't the case. He wouldn't be hurting so much if his love could evaporate so easily, and the mere thought of never seeing her again, never holding her or kissing her felt like a knife to his heart, and he knew that he couldn't bear that. Grabbing Guinevere's arm he pulled her towards him and held her close, though it wasn't the comforting embrace she was used to.

"Guards!" Arthur shouted and though none were stationed outside at this time of night, he'd been loud enough for those patrolling the halls to hear him. "Take him to the dungeons." He knew the guards would draw their own conclusions and it was exactly that which he was counting on. The scene before them seemed to speak for itself. Lancelot standing there with a bloody nose, the absolute fury in their King's eyes as he held his tearful betrothed close; they would assume Lancelot had attacked Guinevere and Arthur had come to her rescue. This suited Arthur's purpose – the specifics of which he was currently uncertain about – just fine. All he knew was that he couldn't lose Guinevere and so the truth could never get out or he would have no choice but to send her away, or worse; the people of Camelot would never stand for a Queen who'd betrayed their King. The guards dragged Lancelot away with far less care than they would any other prisoner, given what they thought this man had tried to do to their soon-to-be Queen. The commotion had also drawn the attention of Sir Leon and Sir Gwaine, who'd been doing their own patrol nearby when they'd heard their King's shout. They barged into the presence chamber with swords drawn in time to see their fellow Knight dragged away.

"Sire?" Leon questioned, looking between Arthur and a still crying Guinevere.

"Take Guinevere to my chambers." He instructed, gently pushing her towards the Knights. "My chambers are closely guarded, she will be safe there." He offered as a brief explanation, again allowing their own conclusions to be drawn, this time being the assumption that something had happened to put her in danger. The two Knights nodded and led Guinevere away. They said nothing as they walked the corridors and when they arrived at the royal chambers she was placed inside with the utmost care and unwarranted looks of worry and sympathy. When she was finally alone, Guinevere fell to her knees and allowed her sobs to overtake her. She closed her eyes and pulled her knees up under her chin, rocking back and forth. When she next opened them, she saw the bracelet Lancelot had given her and with a strangled cry she pulled it off and threw far away from her, unaware in her sorrow that her thoughts were no longer filled with Lancelot, but with Arthur.


"Far be it from me to advise you on personal matters, Sire, but this is also a matter of state." Agravaine said to his nephew once Guinevere was gone, leaving just the two of them in the presence chamber; neither counted nor worried about Merlin who stood off to the side. "You've been made a fool of, and you must respond robustly. Of course, in the days of your father, adultery in noble families was punishable by death. And as for Lancelot, death's too good for him. He must die but…painfully." Merlin listened, outwardly the good servant awaiting his master's orders, but truthfully eavesdropping on Agravaine, and also wanting to keep an eye on him. He did not trust Arthur's uncle, knew him, in fact, to be working for Morgana, but had no proof.

"I love her, uncle."

"Regardless-" Arthur held up his hand to silence him.

"You mistake my words for an argument, but I am not arguing with you, uncle. I am King, and I am telling you how it is to be…at least so far as I've gotten for now. I will not be separated from Guinevere. The wedding will continue, and tomorrow she will be my Queen. As such, the truth must never leave this chamber. None will believe Lancelot should he speak when it is his word against mine, nor will Guinevere say anything. That just leaves you who knows the truth and so allow me to make myself plain: if people begin talking, if I hear rumours, if I even suspect that you have uttered even a single word of this to anyone…it will be your life, Lord Agravaine, do you understand?" This is not how Agravaine had hoped things would go, nor would the Lady Morgana be pleased with him at this turn of events, but seeing the look in Arthur's eyes, he knew that to speak would see him dead and so he merely nodded. Arthur took his leave then, closely followed by Merlin, and made his way to his chambers. Leon and Gwaine stunned him by actually standing guard outside the door, though he shouldn't have been surprised for he knew they cared for Guinevere and thought her in danger.

"Thank you, Sir Leon, Sir Gwaine. That will be all." Arthur said and the two departed with a bow. "You will leave us too, Merlin."

"Sire-" Merlin did not like the idea of leaving Guinevere alone with Arthur at the moment. He knew his friend would never hurt her, but he also knew Arthur to be impulsive when angry and there was all likelihood he would say something he would regret later, once all the facts were found out; he did not believe Guinevere would ever betray Arthur, especially like this, and so there must be a reason.

"Now." Although he wasn't happy about it, Merlin left as commanded, though he didn't go far. Once he was certain no one was nearby, Arthur took a deep breath and braced himself to face Guinevere. He opened the doors and looked for her, finding her sitting against a nearby wall, though she sat up onto her knees when he entered, head bowed in shame. "What are you doing on your knees?" He asked. "Am I just your King? Get up, for goodness' sake. I was to be your husband." She did as instructed and when standing dared to look him in the eyes. "What happened, Guinevere?" She tried to answer, but no words would form. "We were happy. I know we were happy." She settled for nodding when words still failed her. "You felt it too?" Again she nodded. "But you love him? You've always loved him?"

"No" She said finally.

"All those times you said you wanted to be with me-"

"I meant every word." Arthur wasn't buying it.

"Tomorrow is our wedding day."

"I know…"

"If you had worries-"

"I wasn't worried."

"If you had doubts-"

"I didn't have any doubts." Finally he lost his temper.

"Then forgive me, because I must have been really stupid!" He shouted. "What were you doing?" He came forwards and grasped her arms, shaking her as he looked on her tear stained face with furious eyes. Her whimper of pain stopped him from shaking her again and he moved back with a muttered apology.

"No. No, it is I who should be sorry." She said. "You mean everything to me, Arthur. Once, there was Lancelot, a long time ago. But I haven't considered him in that way for many years. I thought he was dead, I thought I would never see him again. And then when I did…I was overwhelmed. I was drawn to him. I couldn't stop myself. I don't know why." She cut off as another sob escaped her. "I love you! You mean everything to me. All these years I've waited for you."
"You only had to wait one more day." He snapped, though it came out more anguished then angry.

"All I've ever wanted was to be your wife. I still want to be your wife." Arthur merely looked at her for a moment.

"Good. Because you will be." She seemed shocked, having not expected nothing to change, and by the look in his eyes she was right to assume things would be different, just perhaps not in the way she'd originally thought. "I will not be made a fool, Guinevere. I will not have my people laughing at me behind my back, gossiping about how I've been deceived, and fool that I am, I believed the deception." He knew that was not the truth, that honestly he just did not want to lose her, but his pride as King would allow no other answer. "So tomorrow we will become man and wife, and you will be my Queen, just as everyone expects."

"Arthur-" He cut her off, not wanting her to speak.

"To the world we will be happy and in love as we always were, and you will do your duty as both a queen and a wife. You will not go anywhere alone, you will have a guard with you, if you leave these chambers without me by your side."
"I'm to be a prisoner in my own home?" She blurted out, a sinking feeling growing in the pit of her stomach with each word he said.

"Not a prisoner, Guinevere. I will not keep you under lock and key or dictate your every move, but I cannot trust you. Not after tonight. I will not risk you running off to him, or any other man, so yes, you will be watched."

"And how are we to appear happy and in love when you set a watch dog on me?" She felt some anger rise as he stripped away her freedom, though he said he wouldn't, but it didn't last long as she remembered tonight's events and knew he was being more than generous when he could have her put to death.

"With Morgana intent on destroying us the people will simply see it as a loving husband wanting his wife safe from a madwomen, and taking the necessary precautions." He replied with a shrug. The two looked at each other for a moment, each coming to terms with what did, and would, happen. Finally, Arthur had had enough and turned to leave.

"So this is to be our life now?" Guinevere all but whispered sadly. He paused by the door, turning to look at her one more time.

"Perhaps one day I will trust you again. I am sorry, Guinevere. I am truly sorry."


The following day things went exactly as Arthur said they would. Before the entire court – and the throngs of cheering people that had crammed themselves into the courtyard – Guinevere stood before Geoffrey of Monmouth and pledged herself to Arthur as his wife, before immediately being crowned Queen of Camelot. They smiled as the crowd cheered, and though they both appeared happy, there was a distance between them that had never been there before. Guinevere was still wracked with guilt concerning last night while it was clear that Arthur was still angry, the coldness she felt from him being a clear indication of that. The feast that followed was as merry as any other though it quickly became clear to those closest to Arthur and Guinevere that something was amiss. Merlin, of course, already knew the truth, while Leon had known them both long enough to see through the happy masks they had in place, having seen them many times before. Even Gwaine and Percival knew something was up, as did Elyan, who while having known his sister all his life, had been absent for many years and so could not say they were as close as they once were. A quick look to each other had them agreeing to find out what was wrong, though perhaps the wedding feast was not the right time to do so, as Merlin silently indicated to Leon. As the night wore on, Guinevere grew more and more nervous, knowing that while the feast may end, her night would not. She had not forgotten that Arthur had essentially commanded that she not only be a dutiful queen, but a dutiful wife as well, and while she was indeed still a maid, she knew that part of a wife's duty was to please her husband in bed and give him sons. When the time came and several ladies of the court ushered her from the room, Guinevere had worked herself into quite a state, and it was this state Arthur found her in when he came to their chambers a little later. She was pacing before the fire when he entered and looked at him with worried – near frantic – eyes; it did not take a genius to figure out why she was worried.

"Did he ever touch you?" Those were not the words Arthur had planned to say. Upon seeing her worry he had instinctively wanted to comfort her, but knowing the reason she was worried had planted the image of her and Lancelot together in his mind and his jealousy had quickly risen.

"What…?" She asked surprised, not having expected that question. "No! He never…we…it was just one kiss." She wasn't sure if he believed her, his face gave nothing away, but she'd unknowingly relieved him for he could see the truth in her eyes.

"Then why are you so worried, if it is not because I'm about to discover my bride is no maid?" She didn't answer him and his eyes narrowed. "Do you not wish to lie with me? Are you concerned I would force myself upon you?" That thought did not sit well with him; regardless of what had happened, she should know him better than that. She gasped and her gaze, which she'd previously been averting, shot to his. "After all these years, Guinevere, you should know by now that I would never force my attentions on one unwilling, not even on my wife. Especially not on my wife."

"That is not what I thought!" She insisted. "I know you would never force anyone."

"However…?" She averted her gaze again and looked down at her hands.

"However, I admit a part of me did wonder – only for a moment mind you – if after what happened you would…insist." A part of him wanted to rant and rave at hearing that even if it was only for a moment she thought him capable of that. However, he remembered the previous night when in his anger he'd grabbed her, shaking her hard and even hurting her some, having been unable to control himself. Seeing the genuine worry in her eyes, he supposed it wasn't too far a stretch to think that he might be angry enough still to not be completely in control of himself. Forcing his anger down now, he sighed and went to remove his crown and cape.

"I would never harm you, Guinevere, please understand that. And that includes harming you by insisting we consummate our marriage. We will do naught but sleep, unless you so wish it." Their eyes met once more and Guinevere could see the sincerity in his and felt her worries disappear. It was not the act itself she was worried about, she'd certainly thought enough about what being with Arthur in that way would be like and had even been somewhat excited at the prospect. It was his state of mind after recent events that concerned her, and seeing now that even if he could not forgive what she had done he would not bring that anger to their marriage bed, she calmed greatly. Coming forward, Guinevere began to help remove his armour, being quite adept at it as a blacksmith's daughter.

"I said I wished to be your wife, and I meant it. In all things." Taking but a moment to see the sincerity now shining in her own eyes, Arthur hesitated no longer and scooped his wife into his arms, carrying her to bed.

A/N - New Merlin story! My musings on if Arthur had married Gwen anyways. He's not going to become cruel to her or anything, I don't think he would and I will try to keep them in character. He is angry though, understandably so.

Review please!