Sam immediately noticed when a teenager burst through the doors. He grinned at the secretary, who let him pass. Sam supposed he probably had some reason to be there, but Dean stood up. "What the hell!? You let some random twelve year old go through, but not us!?" Sam sighed. Of course his brother would have this fight. Ever since Dean took the Mark of Cain, he had been picking more pointless fights with anything that breathed (and some things that didn't). And he had done that a lot, even before the Mark.

"I'm fifteen!" Came the indignant cry from the kid.

The secretary really seemed to dislike Dean, and Sam couldn't exactly blame her right now. Hell, he really disliked Dean at the moment. "Mister Parker is part of the Stark Internship program. He has access. You two, however, don't."

The kid looked at her. "Um, Valerie, should I, uh, get Mister Stark to send security?"

"No thank you, Peter. I can take care of myself." She sent a menacing look in their direction, and Sam was almost terrified.

Peter got upstairs and went to the lab before heading to the gym to get hand-to-hand lessons from Natasha. It may have partially been because in every session he discovered new ways to feel pain, and anything to put that off was helpful. He peeked into the lab. "Mister Stark?"

"Peter? I thought you were supposed be sparring with Natasha right now?"

"I am, it's just that there are two people who wanted to see you, and they seem to be bothering Valerie, or at least, being nuisances. Do you want Spider-Man to do anything to them?"

"I know you just want to get out of training, and I can't say I blame you. I'll just meet with them to spare her." Peter nodded and headed to the gym, or as he thought of it, Natasha's Pain Dojo.

The front desk lady answered the phone when it rang, and Sam sighed. This was getting boring. She eyed him and Dean.

"Are you sure, sir?" A pause, and she looked towards them again, this time less menacing. "Well, if you think that's best." She hung up the phone. "Mister Stark says he might as well see you. The elevator will take you to the meeting room where you will meet with him." She sighed, and glared when Dean smirked at her. Sam elbowed his brother, who was honestly a child.

When they got out of the elevator, Tony had his back turned to them and was sitting at the room's bar. "Could you get this done quickly? I left Darcy and Fen alone in the lab, and that is something that should never be done."

Sam grinned. "Well, we just wanted a bit of help for our hunt." He said.

Tony turned around, surprised. "Well if it isn't the Winchesters! What can I do for you?"

Dean pulled the images they had out of his pocket. "We were wondering if you could find a woman who looks like this?"

Tony walked forward, and gasped slightly when he saw them. "That looks like… She didn't."

He turned on his heel and headed towards a doorway. Sam stepped after him. "Wait, what?"

"Come with me."

When the trio got down to the lab, they were met with an odd sight. There was a woman, who looked similar to the one in the images, and she was wearing an Iron Man gauntlet. Next to her, a teenager was standing with the Iron Man mask pulled over his head. Tony seemed stunned for a moment. "What are you two doing!"

The woman looked startled and slightly apologetic. The teen immediately pointed to her. "It was Darcy's idea!"

She looked at him, betrayed. "What- you little liar! It was Fen's idea, I swear!"

Tony's eye twitched, and he looked exasperated beyond all Hell. "I don't care who's idea it was, why are you two wearing my armor!?"

The boy, Fen, shrugged. "It would be fun."

Tony looked like he was going to say something more, but Sam tapped on his shoulder. "Stay on topic." He nodded.

"Lewis! Have you been hurting people?"

She looked contemplative. "What is hurting people? How would you define 'hurt'? What if someone asked me for one of my cookies and I said no, I wouldn't have been trying to be mean, but they still might be hurt. Or do you mean-"

Stark threw his arms up. "Trickstering! I mean Trickstering!"

"Oh. Then yes, but all of those people deserved everything they got. And it wasn't like I killed anyone."

"Well, now you've got the Winchesters here. At least try to be subtle? I don't want every hunter in the country coming here because you can't be discreet with your magical karma shit."

"Fine. I was overdoing it a bit." She blinked. "Wait, did you say Winchesters? Holy shit. Winchesters." She turned to Fen and stage-whispered. "They're taller than I expected."

"So you've heard of us." Sam said.

"Everyone's heard of you! You've been on the FBI's most wanted list several times!" She practically shouted. She looked a bit contemplative for a moment. "Although for some reason the records keep being messed up and most signs are pointing to SHIELD doing it. And, ya know, the Tricksters warned me to stay off your radar, but-"

Dean furrowed his eyebrows angrily. "Wait, Tricksters, plural? Who do you know?"

"Coyote, Eris, Loki, some others. Why?"

"Please tell me you can make Coyote leave, he just shows up sometimes and pranks everyone. Except Fen, because Coyote loves him." Tony begged.

Fen grinned. "I am pretty great."

Sam sighed. "I knew he was still alive, Dean."

"I never doubted you. That ass would find a way to come back no matter what."

"He didn't need to find a way to come back, I helped him fake his death." Darcy said.

Dean scowled. "But why have you been harboring a Trickster in your tower."

Darcy snorted. "I've fully human, thank-you-very-much. I just have friends in high places."

Sam looked at his brother. He raised his eyebrows in a way that communicated to his brother. 'Should we even kill her?'

Dean gave a faint nod. 'Yes.'

Sam's frown became a little pinched and he angled his head towards her a little. 'She's human. And it's not like she killed anyone.'

Dean scowled, but nodded. "Well if we find out you've killed anyone…" He trailed off, glaring at her. She scowled back.

Sam smiled, trying to be more welcoming. "If you don't mind, we need to speak to your boss for a moment." She continued glaring, but pulled the kid to the other end of the lab.

Woah I'm actually updating shit. a double update too. who is this person.

I mentioned to my friend (who also has been a great help with this story) that Bruce refuses to be alone in the lab with Darcy and Fen and asked her why she thought that was. Her immediate answer was 'several thousand sticky notes, each with a penis drawn on' and it is an amazing thought.
