Broken Trust Chap 1!

First, a little background info on me!

I'm a big fan of the underdog which makes me a huge Tim McGee fan. I'm also a huge McGiva fan. You know, nerdy guy gets the hot girl. I rarely write cannon so don't look for my stories to have correct time lines or order of events.

This is a Tim McGee story with a hint of McGiva.

Agent McGee wants to move forward with his career and does not believe he can do so on his current team so he requests a transfer. Director Sheppard forces him to explain his reasons for the transfer request and is pissed by what she hears.

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or any of their characters. In other words, I Own Nothing.

Chapter1: NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee

NCIS Director's Office

"Director, I would like a transfer please."

Jenny looked at her young agent trying to ascertain what had brought this sudden request on. She knew about his troubles fitting in on team Gibbs. She knew Dinozzo treated him like crap. She knew Abby treated him like her own personal property. She didn't know if Ziva treated him bad since she had not been on the team long and then there's Gibbs. His treatment of McGee was downright deplorable. But through it all, McGee had always kept a positive attitude and let all of their harsh treatment of him roll off his back. Something big must have happened for Tim to want to transfer.

"May I ask why you would like a transfer," Jenny asked.

"Well Ma'am, is it possible to get the transfer without saying why?"

"No," Jenny replied. "I need to know why one of my best agents is requesting a transfer." Jenny said with a smile.

"Well um, a recent situation has opened my eyes to the fact that I can't trust my team as far as my career is concerned." McGee stuttered.

Jenny had no misconceptions about what he was referring to. She was surprised it had taken him this long to seek her out about doing something about it.

"You are referring to Dinozzo telling you not to volunteer for the Iranian deployment?" Jenny asked.

"Yes ma'am, but its more than just that. That was just the last straw as far as my trust in this team is concerned." Tim stated softly.

"Ok agent McGee, tell me the rest," the directed ordered.

"I would rather not Director. I didn't come in here to get anyone in trouble or get some type of revenge. I just want to quietly transfer from this team and get on with my career ma'am." Tim stated

"I understand agent McGee, but I'm going to have to insist. I cannot promise you that I will not take action against any and all parties involved in what you are about to tell me but I will take into consideration your request to leave quietly without making waves. Now Tim, tell me everything and do not sugar coat any of it." The director once again ordered.

"Ok Director, it actually started before I was even assigned to the team. Norfolk was my first duty station and while assigned there as a case agent I had my first contact with team Gibbs. A case came up and Gibbs team was assigned to investigate it. I was TAD'd to the team while they were in Norfolk and"….

When Tim had finished giving his reasons for wanting to leave Director Sheppard was livid. Almost 4 years he had put up with this kind of abuse without saying a word. He had become a brilliant investigator in spite of the assholes he worked with. Jenny knew firsthand how hard agent McGee had tried to fit in with this team. She knew he hated being considered the weak link on the team. Hell, they didn't even know that he was the strongest link on their team. He had changed his diet to get in better shape and learned two types of martial arts to ensure he was fit and could defend his teammates if hand to hand combat was needed. He had completed dozens of courses in forensic science, investigative techniques, interviewing techniques and a host of other courses on his own time all designed to make him a better investigator. Jenny had one hell of a temper and right now it was at the boiling point. For the sake of her young agent, she was trying every to reign in her temper. After closing her eyes and taking several deep breaths, she finally opened her eyes and felt she could speak. The first thing she saw was her agent nervously watching her.

"Agent McGee, Tim, first of all, I am not upset with you at all. My anger is all directed at your ex team. I must say that I am blown away with your professionalism though. Anyone from the outside looking in at your work performance would never have guessed all this was going on. Your performance during your time here has been exemplary and even more so since you were dealing with this. Your transfer is approved effective immediately. I don't want you spending another day on that team. I don't know where you will be assigned yet but as of right now, you report only to me. I will try my best to accommodate your wishes to leave quietly but Tim; the things you just told me are borderline criminal offenses. Just about everything you told me goes against NCIS rules and regulations. As the director of this agency, I'm appalled and embarrassed that this type of behavior has been going on right up under my nose. I did know about some of the shenanigans that were happening but what you have just opened my eyes to is totally unacceptable. As I am also at fault, I want to extend to you my heartfelt apology for allowing this type of behavior to exist at NCIS."

"No director, I wasn't accusing you of" Tim started but was cut off by the director.

"No agent McGee, I am at fault and I know you would never accuse me of that. Unlike your ex teammates, I know you very well. I have watched you grow from a nervous probational agent into the superb field agent you are today. I know that not only are you an extremely effective agent, not only are you a scholar and a gentleman but you are also just a damn good person. Your high standards and morals are what make you unique. Regardless of what others think and say, that is not a bad thing and it does not make you weak."

The director looked Tim directly in his eyes as she was saying this. She was trying to convey to him how important it was for him to not change for anyone.

"Agent McGee, before I bring this meeting to a close, I'm going to need a promise from you." The director started.

"Yes Director?" Tim responded.

"You are going to go far in this agency. I have no doubt what so ever in your abilities. The promise I need from you is this. You will not change who you are for anyone. You will not change your ideals. You will not compromise your morals. You will not give in to the status quo. You will do everything in your power to ensure no one ever has to endure what you have had to endure. You will not let higher ranking personnel in this agency as well as other agencies intimidate you into doing anything that you know is legally or morally wrong. I want to hear you say you promise these things. You are a man of your word Tim. I don't need a piece of paper signed and notarized to hold you to this promise. All I need is your word."

Tim didn't know what to say. No one had ever said these things to him before. No one had ever had such confidence in him before. He was flabbergasted. Then he thought of the woman before him who he respected more than anyone he had ever come across. He had watched her command this agency with strength of character that stupid men, who thought she was just a pretty figure head, and had found out the hard way that was not the case. He had also watched her gain the respect of just about every agent in NCIS. She backed her people up no matter who she was talking to. Tim felt proud that this magnificent lady had this kind of confidence in him. He knew there was no way he would ever let her down. He made a silent vow to himself that he would never do anything that would make her disappointed in him.

Agent McGee looked the director straight in the eyes and in a clear strong voice the director had never heard before but liked very much, he said;

"Director, there is no one I respect or admire more than you and SecNav. You both have attained the high ranking positions you both hold while having the extra burden of having your intellect and abilities questioned and disrespected by ignorant men just because you are women. I respect both your intellect and judgment. Because you are confident that I can do this that settles it for me. I promise director, that to the best of my ability, I will stand firm to all the things you have requested of me. You have my word on that."

Jenny very much liked what she saw and heard in her agent. She also had butterflies in her stomach after the glowing praise he had just given her. She mentally told herself to stop it. She was a grown woman in charge of a high level agency not some young school girl getting hit on by the star football quarterback. Even though Jenny was mentally chastising herself, she couldn't stop the blush from forming on her face or the smile that was threatening to split her face. She had to end this meeting before she embarrassed herself and jumped his bones. She almost laughed out loud as that thought crossed her mind. Trying to put some professionalism back into her hormonal thoughts, Jenny used Tim's professional title when addressing him.

"Agent McGee, this is Thursday evening. Take off tomorrow and next week to start putting your affairs in order. If you have any leases or contracts that cannot be broken without a penalty, bring them in and give them to my assistant and NCIS will cover the cost of the penalties. I will have some options for you next week. Don't worry about Gibbs or your ex team, I will deal with them tomorrow. I will also let them know, in no uncertain terms, that they are not to contact you. You also have carte blanche to call me anytime. You are dismissed."

Tim shot up to his feet. "Yes ma'am, Thank you ma'am."

As Tim started to leave, he stopped at the door and turned back to the director

"Director, there is one other thing I didn't mention that I admire about you". As he said that, his ears started to turn red.

There go those darn butterflies again Jenny thought. "And what is that agent McGee?"

Tim's whole face was red by this point. "You are very pretty. Good night Director."

Tim practically ran out of the door.

Jenny sat there in astonishment. Her young shy agent had just told his director she was pretty. No, he said very pretty she thought. Those damn butterflies had turned into bats in her stomach and she had a warm feeling all over her body. Now that McGee was gone, the smile that had threatened to split her face before came out and it was a good thing he was gone because there was no way she would have been able to hold it back this time. After sitting at her desk basking in the compliment agent McGee had given her, her thoughts turned back to all the crap this team had put him through. Her anger came back with a vengeance. School girl Jenny retreated as Director Sheppard resurfaced. Unsuspecting Team Gibbs was about to get hit by Hurricane Sheppard and there was no telling how many broken careers would be left littered across the floor when she was done.

***** Next Chapter – Flashbacks*****