Hey there... So um, this is my first attempt at writing a fic that I intend to complete. I do have a tendency to use commas and apostrophes where there not needed. That's where my beta teenagegayfangirl comes into play. I have to thank her for the help on this and to also thank her for dealing with my idiotic ways. Anyways, the pairing on this will be one that has been done before, but not in the way that I am going to go about it (If that makes any sense). The pairing is Naruto x Kyuubi(Kurama), but instead of Kyuubi having some human form or something, this is going to be a fic where he has ONLY his fox form, and this is NOT going to change. You can call me sick and fucked up in the mind, but I'm a writer, and i think outside the box. Alright enough of me, onto the story!
DISCLAIMER: I totally own Naruto, and I'm totally not just some guy who sits in a corner crying about how I don't own shit... Totally.
Naruto had always wondered why everyone seemed to hate him. When he asked all he would get was a 'You know already so stop acting!' or a 'you're not fooling anyone demon!' So he got his answers by listening to what they said when they beat him. Every time that they managed to get a hold of him they would always scream at him that he was a demon, that he took away their loved ones and sometimes they would even scream that he was a demon fox.
The first time he heard them call him a fox, he was confused. He was pretty sure that he was a human and not a fox. Course, they then proceeded to stab him; then hit him with either their fists or some other blunt weapon. When he woke up in the hospital, he was able to think more about it and came up with a few ideas. His first idea was that he was a fox wizard from another dimension and had made ramen rain down from the sky which then proceeded to suffocate some people in its awesomeness, before he somehow turned into a newborn and lost his memories.
He discarded that when he came up with his third or fourth theory. This theory was a much darker one, which he truthfully had avoided, not wanting to think about it. It was a stray thought that had hit him when he was lying in the hospital bed thinking about some of the history he had learned in his classes.
Most of the time he was kicked out of class, but when it came to history, he was allowed to stay for some reason. He stopped and thought about it for a sec before remembering hearing that it was more painful for him to be forced to sit through a boring subject than it was for him to be sent out.
He pulled his thoughts away from that and thought about one of the lessons about the fourth Hokage. It was about how he had defeated the bijuu that was attacking the village. The history book that the teacher was reading from had said that the fourth had fought a long and hard battle before defeating the Kyuubi. Then it said something that made him frown. It was impossible for a human to kill a bijuu, so humans had found a way to seal them away. For most of them, they could be sealed within an inanimate object, but for the eight and nine tails they have to be sealed within a human.
The 'eight and nine tails have to be sealed within a human' wasn't part of the text, but it was what Naruto had come up with on his own. He had been led to believe this when he heard 'Most of them can be sealed within an inanimate object. The word 'most' was what gave it away.
He at first didn't believe it when he thought that the nine tails could be sealed inside him, as he hadn't seen any markings on his body, but that changed when he was meditating and he accidentally opened his eyes and looked at his bare torso. There, covering his stomach area was a complex set of seals that made up the one seal that kept the demon from escaping. Naruto froze.
'I- it's a seal.' Naruto was beginning to see some truth in the villagers words, 'S- So they were right. I am a demon.'
A few weeks of thinking about it later, he came to the realization that he wasn't the demon, but instead was a jailer. He found this out when learned that he could see chakra.
When he was 3 years old the Hokage had said to him that meditating was something that made you a better ninja. He wasn't exactly excited about it, and did try and make excuses to put it off for bit despite no one making him do it, but eventually decided that if it made him a better ninja then he would do it; no matter how much he hated sitting still. A few things happened when he began meditating.
One was he could 'see' the people around him, even if they were out of site, and were on the other side of Konoha.
The second thing that happened was actually a side effect of the first thing. Because he could 'see' others when his eyes were closed, he decided that he had something special and was going to train it. This led to him thinking about what the limits were, and he realized that he had yet to 'see' himself when he was meditating and wondered if it was even possible.
Naruto focused his 'sight' to look down towards his stomach. Now, when he 'looked' at someone, he would see different shades of blue that would surround the person. The amount of the 'blue stuff', as he had yet to realize that it was chakra, that would surround the person seemed to vary from person to person, and most of the time there was a very little. The exceptions of this self-made rule were the ninja and jiji.
Looking at himself, he saw a HUGE amount of blue which actually forced him to look away almost as soon as he 'looked' at it. Other children had very little of this blue stuff, and yet he had more of it than what most of the ninjas he'd seen had.
When he got the courage to look again, he made sure that he blocked out some of the 'light' as he didn't want to have the headache that came when he looked at it the first time. Looking at it closer this time he saw that there were hints of red that seemed to originate from his stomach. That was what led him to believe that he was the jailer and not the demon.
Now why don't we go and see how our 5 year old Naruto is doing.
"And stay out!" the matron of the orphanage yelled.
"Fine then." Naruto muttered as he stood up.
Naruto looked around, wondering what he was going to do. After thinking about it for a few seconds, he decided that he would go to his hideout.
'Why does it have to be all the way on the other side of Konoha?' Naruto complained to himself.
The 'hideout' wasn't a building or abandoned shed that he found, but rather a tree that was hollowed out.
Smiling, Naruto thought back to when he had stumbled across the tree along with finding others who loved him like a mother would... Even if she was a fox.
Flashback No Jutsu
(4 ½ years old)
Naruto ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. The matron of the orphanage had kicked him out saying that 'demons aren't allowed to be comfortable'.
Minutes after he had been kicked out, the rain started. "It can't get any worse than this." Naruto thought to himself as he huddled inside a cardboard box he had found in an alleyway.
"Hey look Kiki, it's the demon." Koui whispered to Kiki. Both he and Kiki were promoted to Chunins a few weeks ago, and thought that they were stronger than the Hokage because of this.
"Why don't we show it its place?" Kiki whispered back.
"Sounds good to me"
Naruto turned his head towards where he heard the sounds of shuffling feet, fear gripping his heart. 'Oh no, the last time I was found outside alone, I nearly died from the beating that I received!'
The two Chunins slowly approached the cardboard box that Naruto was using as a temporary shelter from the rain when suddenly the 'demon' shot out of the box, and shot off around the corner.
"GET HIM!" Koui yelled as they both took off after the so called demon.
Naruto knew that when he was running away from pursuers to never look behind him. Every time that he did that he would get caught because he wouldn't have the time to look for an escape route.
'I need to get away!' Naruto thought to himself, 'If I don't, then- then…' He couldn't finish that thought, too afraid to think about what would happen to him if he were to be caught.
Naruto quickly rounded a corner and hopped the fence that surrounded a giant area of trees. He had run into the forest before, but that was when he was being chased by civilians, not ninja. Normally they wouldn't continue the chase once he was in the forest, but it seemed that luck was not on his side today.
"It's going into the forest of Death!" Kiki spoke, "We shouldn't go after him; it won't be able to survive in there anyways"
Koui looked at his friend like he was speaking another language, "Bro, were stronger than any other shinobi in the village, and you're chickening out because of a stupid forest? We should make sure that he doesn't survive, and besides, think about it. We would be famous for killing the demon!"
"Ye- Yeah, you're right."
Naruto normally stopped running when he was about 30 trees in, and today was no exception. Panting, Naruto laid a hand against a tree.
'It looks like I lost them'
Standing up straight, he turned and was about to start walking back towards the fence, at an angle of course, when he heard an odd sound. Pausing, he tilted his head towards where he thought the sound was coming from.
'It must've been my imaginat- There it is again!'
Closing his eyes, he concentrated on his surroundings. 'I may not be very good at this but at least I can somewhat see what's around me and out of sight.'
After a second of blackness, the world seemed to light up in a blaze of blue, with hints of green, black, and other various colors. Naruto quickly tried to focus his sight to where he was hearing the sounds, and what he found made him turn and run even deeper into the forest.
'What the hell are they doing?! Nobody has ever followed me into this forest!'
Naruto ran and didn't stop, even when he knew that he was going into a part of the forest that he shouldn't be.
'I think this is far enough' Naruto thought as he collapsed.
He was in a clearing and had no idea where he was in relation to where he had hopped the fence. Going to lean against a tree, Naruto flailed his arms when he met no resistance.
"Ahhh!" Naruto yelled in surprise.
Where he had thought there was a tree trunk was in fact a tree. Looking up from where he lied, he saw what seemed to be a curved ceiling (is that the correct spelling?). 'What is this?'
Getting up from his position, he walked out of whatever he was in and walked around it. All the trees were extremely thick, but the tree that he had fallen into took it to a whole other level. It was about 15 feet in diameter, and was hollow. Not only that but it had what could be called a 'doorway'. The 'doorway' however, was hidden down close to the ground and blended in to surroundings, making it seem as if it was just a very thick tree.
'I think he went that way.'
'No, he went that way!'
Naruto turned in fright, looking around and trying to locate where the voices were coming from. He was about to just up and start running again when he realized that if he were to get a bit of shrubbery and cover the entrance of the tree, he would have a chance of being able to hide.
'Hey Koui, I think I found his tracks!'
'They're closer than before!' He had only a few seconds before they would be on top of him.
Making a split decision, he grabbed a few branches that were lying on the ground, and dove into the tree. Turning back towards the entrance, he set the branches that he had in what would seem to be a random pile that covered the entrance.
'Hey Kiki, I think I heard something!' Naruto froze. The voice had come from directly behind the tree that he was hiding in. He moved himself back until he was what he believed was the middle of the tree, sitting so that he was facing towards the entrance, and was hidden in the darkness.
Holding his breath, he waited in silence. For a few moments, there was no sound. Then- He heard it. It was so soft that if he didn't have sensitive hearing, he most likely wouldn't have noticed it. The sound of two sets of feet greeted his ears.
'Are they the ones who are growling?' Naruto wondered to himself
The footsteps had stopped. Naruto had been too caught up in his thoughts to notice it, and now that he did, he was wondering if that was a good or bad thing.
The growling got louder and he heard one of his pursuers' breath in sharply.
"Kiki, please tell me that was your stomach." He heard the man speak with a hint of fear in his voice.
"What are you talking about?" Kiki responded, "There's nothing out here but the demon."
Naruto stiffened when he saw a pair of feet appear in front of the entrance. 'Don't look down don't look down don't look down." Naruto silently chanted in his head.
"KOUI LOOK OUT!" Kiki suddenly screamed as he saw a giant thing jump out of the brush that surrounded the clearing.
Koui would never know what killed him.
Kiki turned and ran when he saw that his friend was dead, knowing that there was nothing that he could do. Kiki didn't stop to think that maybe there were more of those things nearby and ran.
He was looking over his shoulder to see if it was chasing him, and that was what caused his downfall. Kiki ran straight into something, knocking him down onto his ass.
Shaking his head to clear his mind, he noticed a pair of grayish silver paws in front of him. Ever so slowly, he raised his eyes, looking at what seemed to be a giant fox.
His eyes stopped when he reached the things eyes, knowing that he was dead.
Naruto was frozen where he was. Lying in a pool of his own blood was Koui, who had his throat ripped out. This wasn't why Naruto was frozen. Naruto was fine with blood, as he saw it every day coming from himself. No, what made him freeze was the giant fox.
After it had killed Koui, it began to look sniff the ground. This wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for that fact that it was now looking at him with its head sticking in through the entrance.
'S- Stay away." Naruto whimpered, closing his eyes.
The fox wiggled its way through the small opening before standing up to its full height.
'Is this how I die?' Naruto thought to himself, before releasing a choked sigh of resignation.
When the pain he was expecting didn't come, he cracked an eye open, wondering if he was dead already, or that the fox was just his imagination. What he saw made him scoot back till his back hit the wall. The fox had moved forward while he had been cowering, and had moved its head down till its face was directly in front of his.
Now that he was further away, he finally got a good look at the fox. Its fur was a pure silver color, with a slight hint of white stripes running along the length of its tail. Its eyes were a piercing bluish color, unnerving and deadly.
Naruto's breath hitched, wondering if this was it. The foxes breath was powerful, and ruffled his hair.
"Friend or foe?"
Naruto's head snapped left and right, looking around for where the voice originated from. "Wh- Who's there!?" Naruto called out in fright.
"Friend or foe?"
"Where are you?!" Naruto called out, "I- If your asking if I'm going to hurt you, then no."
"Friend?" Came the voice again, this time phrasing it as a question.
Naruto hesitantly turned his head to the fox in front of him. "Are… Are you speaking to me?"
Naruto turned his body to the fox looking it in the eye
"F- Friend?"
Naruto and the fox stared into each others eyes for what seemed like eternity, before he couldn't take it anymore and turned away. As soon as his eyes left the fox's eyes, it lunged forward at him. Naruto's eyes widened and thought for a moment that he was dead.
'Looks like this really is it." Naruto thought to himself, closing his eyes accepting his fate. He felt the fox knock him down onto his back and felt the weight of its paw on his chest.
"I'm not an 'it' you know. I do have a gender and a name"
Naruto was confused. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the fox who had him pinned.
As soon as it- "I'm not an it!" saw his eyes open, it leaned down and licked his face.
"Wha- What are you doing?!" Naruto sputtered in shock. "I'm cleaning you." Was the answer that he got, "And so you'll stop calling me an it, my name is Fang and I'm a she."
"Wait, I haven't said that out loud!"
"And?" Was the amused answer he got as she leaned down and drug her tongue across his hair.
'What have I gotten myself into?' Naruto wondered if this was normal. He was always the outcast, and didn't have a clue about what 'normal' was.
"No this is not normal."
"Can you read my mind!?" Naruto sputtered, honestly confused. He hadn't said anything and yet here she was answering him as if he had voiced what he had said.
"Yes and no. I can hear what you're thinking, but if you were to hide your thoughts by covering your thoughts with an image or phrase, then all I would be able to see or hear would be that image or phrase." Fang responded, "However, if I truly wanted to I could force my way into your mind and see your memories. Not only that, but I can move things without touching them. That is harder for me to do as I don't have much strength with that power."
Naruto's eyes seemed to become giant saucers. He quickly donned what would become his most fearsome jutsu. The dreaded 'Puppy Eye Jutsu'.
"C- can you teach me?" Naruto asked. When she hesitated, he decided that he would use the big guns.
Lowering his head for a second, he looked back up with his eyes watering, and a pout on his face. "Pweas?"
Fang tried to hold out but knew that when he put on that face, she couldn't say no. Fang wondered if this was going to be OK with the others. For years they had been hunted down by ningens for their petty hate towards foxes. This led to them killing any ningen that stumbled across their territory.
Fang lowered her head till her eyes were level with Naruto's and stared into his eyes.
Naruto's breath hitched as he looked back. He knew that she was looking for something- what, he didn't know- and knew that if she found something that she didn't like she would kill him.
Slowly, it dawned on Naruto that he was sitting maybe 3 feet away was someone that he didn't know and had just asked if she could teach him something that was probably meant to be kept a secret.
"Very well, I shall train you." Fang spoke as she turned around.
"Wha- what? Really!?"
"However," She continued as if he hadn't spoken, "I still have to ask the other if they are fine with it. After all, your parents will come looking for you and that would put us all in danger."
Naruto lowered his head and muttered something that Fang couldn't hear.
"Come again?"
"I said I don't have any parents!" Naruto snapped
Fang froze mid step, not having considered that maybe this boy that she had come across was an orphan. Turning her head to look at him, she felt like she could kick herself. His clothing was just barely hanging onto him. His shirt had bloodstains on it, and had a large hole in the back while his pants had holes around the knee area along with bloodstains around where his ankles were.
"O- oh, I'm sorry." She muttered, "I didn't know."
"It's fine. I got over it a long time ago." Naruto mumbled, not meeting her eyes.
"Where do you live?"
"I was given to the orphanage and I've lived there for as long as I can remember." Naruto replied wondering why she was asking.
After giving it some thought, she decided that it would be to risky to set up a time for him to come and train. After all, he was probably being monitored by the matron when he was there. That would make it harder for him to get away unnoticed.
"I want you to come to this place when you can. When you come I will begin training you." Fang decided that this would be the safest way to go at this, "But you need to make sure that you aren't followed or that your caretakers notice you leaving. If they do then it could lead to us being discovered and we wouldn't be able to see each other anymore. You wouldn't want that now, would you?"
(End Flashback)
Naruto smiled as he made his way to his hideout. Now that there was no reason for him to come back, he could finally be with those who care about him. After all, even though he was going to protect this village with his life, there wasn't anyone in the village that he cared about,
'Minus Jiji.' Naruto thought to himself with a smile. He knew that it was because of him that the villagers were never able to 'Finish the job' so to speak.
And that's a wrap! I'll see ya guys in the next chapter. Please Review and tell me what your thoughts are so far.
May the Will of Fire burn brightly in you all.