Dear Journal,

It's official, something is seriously wrong with me. Today when he looked at me, I got the strangest feeling. It was like my stomach was rolling in on itself and my heart started hammering so intensely I soon felt as if I was just one giant beating pulse and nothing more...

Beast Boy knew that if anyone were to get a glimpse of him right now, they would say he was smiling like a complete lunatic.

Lying on his bed, Beast Boy had Raven's journal propped up on his stomach and he was rereading all of her entries again for what must have been the hundredth time.

He just couldn't get over the fact that Raven felt these things for him.

He lifted his finger to turn to the next page - one of his personal favorites - when he heard loud frantic yelling and rushing around in the hallway.

Curious, he made his way to the door and pressed his ear up against it to hear better.

It was Raven's voice that was doing the yelling. She seemed to be just down the hall at Starfire's room. It sounded like she was questioning her about something.

Most of the conversation was muffled through the thick door, but the message was clear: Raven had lost something important to her.

That's when he heard the word "journal" filter through.

His blood ran cold.

'Uh oh...' he thought, sliding his eyes to where he had left it on the bed.

Knowing Raven to be highly intelligent he figured he didn't have long before she discovered it was him that took it.

He quickly hatched a plan to put it back in Raven's possession.

Waiting until Raven and Starfire had stopped conversing in the hallway, he then snuck out of his room with the diary tucked safely under his arm. Moving quickly, he made his way to Raven's room once more.

Once there, however, he soon realized he couldn't scuttle under her door now that he had her journal with him.

'Shit! What should I do...? Wait! I know!'

Beast Boy suddenly turned into a bug and crawled underneath her door, leaving the book in the hallway. Once inside, he turned himself into a human again and then went to her door, unlocking it and snatching up the book from the hallway.

Now that he had the diary back in her room, he looked frantically around her room as he tried to think of a place to put it that Raven might not have already checked. That way, she'd just think that she misplaced it...hopefully.

Deciding on the scary looking chest he saw the last time he was there, he quickly crossed the room and tried to open it only to realize it was locked with a huge padlock. With that option gone, he then racked his brain for a better spot, but soon he heard footsteps coming down the hall.

Letting out a loud yelp he threw it on a random bookshelf and turned into a fly, flying out of a crack in the slightly open window.

'Crap! Crap! Crap! I'm screwed! There's no way she isn't going to realize someone put it there!' Beast Boy thought to himself.

Somewhat resigned to his fate, Beast Boy flew back to his room in dread, knowing he didn't have much time left on this earth.

Meanwhile throughout all of this Raven had been questioning all of the other titans.

"You really haven't seen anything? Seriously? Nothing?! Fine! Useless creature!" Raven yelled, turning away from her interrogation of Silkie to find Robin watching her warily from the doorway of the common room.

"Is everything alright, Raven...?" He asked unsurely.

"You! Robin! Have you seen it?!" She demanded stepping towards him menacingly.

He took a step back.

"Woah woah woah! What're you talking about? Seen what?" He asked, concerned now.

Raven shoulders slowly sagged in defeat as it was clear Robin had no idea what she was talking about.

'It couldn't have been him. If it was, he would've known exactly what I was referring to.' She told herself sadly.

'I've already asked both Starfire and Cyborg. Neither of them have seen a journal around anywhere. Maybe Robin will have seen it at least?' She thought, small hope blossoming once more.

"Have you seen a brown leather journal around anywhere? It has gold lettering on the front, I lost it and I need it back." She said trying to stress her desperation to have it returned to her.

When Robin started shaking his head, Raven lost all hope once more and sighed, turning to leave the room.

"Oh. Raven, wait. I did see Beast Boy carrying around a book the other day. I took note of it because, well, when do we ever see Beat Boy holding a book? Maybe it's the one you're missing. Wouldn't put it past him to take it as some sort of prank." Robin said chuckling like this was some kind of joke.

Raven felt her heart drop as her worst fears were confirmed.

Both furious and beyond frightened that Beast Boy might know her darkest secrets, Raven was not in the mood to deal with the happiness of others.

She glared at him, shutting him up instantly.

Then she practically sprinted from the room barely uttering a "thanks" as she went to confront the thief.

Poor Robin was left standing in the common room alone.

"What did I do?" He muttered to himself quietly into the silence.

By the time Raven had arrived at Beast Boy's room, most of her fury had faded away and fear had taken over.

'What if he did read it? What if he knows-? No. No no no. That's not an option. Maybe he just found it lying around somewhere and has been holding it for safe keeping? For days? Without reading it at all...Oh for fuck's sake it has the word DIARY printed on it and this is Beast Boy we're talking about. If he got hold of it, he definitely read it. Please please please let Robin be wrong for once...'

Raising a slightly shaky fist, she banged on the door loudly.

After no response, she called his name repeatedly, still to no answer.

Feeling both equal parts anger at the lack of closure, and relief at delaying the inevitable, she stomped back to her own room and decided she'd confront him at dinner instead.


Back in his room, Beast Boy was curled into a ball underneath his bed.

When Raven had finally arrived at his door, he realized that he wasn't quite ready to die just yet.

Scrambling under his bed, his body had flinched with every loud knock that had rattled his door.

When she started yelling his name, he began to pray. There may or may not have been tears at some point during the event.

And when she finally left, so relieved was he, that Beast Boy fell asleep underneath his bed.


When Raven got back to her room after trying to confront Beast Boy, she immediately flopped onto her bed and put her head in her hands.

After a solid ten minutes of freaking out, she finally looked up.

Right away, she spotted her missing journal on one of her bookshelves.

Her relief was immense.

'Thank Azar, so nobody took my journal after all.' She thought joyfully. 'Nobody knows I'm in love with-ugh. Stop thinking about him, Raven!' She chastised herself in her mind.

As she stared at the book lying haphazardly on her bookshelf though, her good mood faded and her suspicions grew rapidly.

She could've sworn she had checked that shelf this morning...In fact, she was sure she had.

Could she have overlooked it?

No, definitely not.

Her blood ran cold as she decided that someone else had to have put it back.

But who?

'You know who, Raven', a voice in her head whispered.

She pushed the voice aside and tried to think rationally.

But the voice persisted as she let her eyes slide over to the Fifty Shades of Grey books on the same shelf.



But it was too late. She knew it had to be true.

'How else could he have gone from being so sad to so happy that fast? Unless he knew something...'

Shaking in fury and embarrassment Raven had made up her mind.

Luckily it was just in time for dinner. Now she would finally get the confrontation she desired.

And so help her, if she was right about this, he was going to pay.