Hello everyone and welcome to a new devil fruit oneshot! However, this will probably be one of the last chapters, since this is a oneshot story it'll probably be on hiatus until by some miracle I'll write one. So that's that. I'm also focusing more on my other story Reborn, and that's another reason. I also apologize for any errors, because I can't access One Piece Wikia to check.
But say no more because this oneshot will be about a devil fruit that's NOT on the canon universe! Kind of. It's the Gold-Gold Fruit from Tesoro, the villain from the movie GOLD. This will also contain a pairing so be warned! Without further ado let's get going!
One Piece is owned by Eiichiro Oda
"Is this your house?" Asked the raven-haired boy, who was sitting on a chair. Nami then walked out of the kitchen with a tray of sandwiches.
"No, I don't live here, all of the villagers escaped the village when Buggy attacked" She said, while putting the tray on the table.
"Oh, so you're just robbing the house?" Luffy asked while eating.
"I don't rob people! I just rob from pirates!" Shrieked Nami, while putting her hands on the table.
"Aren't all pirates human?" Asked Luffy. He noticed Nami grimacing while looking at the side. He also thought she muttered something, but decided not to push it. "Well, these sandwiches are great, it reminds me that I need a cook for my crew." Nami's ear perked up at this statement.
"Yeah, crew. I need a navigator thought. Say, can you navigate?" Asked an eager Luffy. Nami swelled up her ample chest and proudly said.
"Of course I'm good! I'm probably the best navigator you'll ever find!" Luffy's eyes started to widen.
"Really! Then do you want to join my pirate crew?" He asked. Nami's mood started to deteriorate after hearing that despicable word.
"You're a pirate? Then forget we talked I'm not joining your crew." She said while crossing her arms.
"Why not?" Luffy sulked, while doing a pout. For a second Nami thought how adorable it looked, then shook her head of the weird thoughts she was having. "I'll even help you buy that village you were talking about."
"How? You don't look like you have any money." Said a confused Nami. Luffy just grinned and lifted his hand. Suddenly gold started to gather in the house, scaring Nami.
After the performance, Luffy closed his eyes. A few seconds later he opened them and said "197,640,545 berries. It's all the gold that exists on this town, including the gold from my boat and Buggy's." Nami was quiet for a while.
"How...How did you do that?" She asked, while trembling and with her bangs shadowing her eyes.
"I ate the Gol Gol no Mi, which made me a gold manipulation human. I can access all of the gold in my surroundings, control it and transform it into any shape I want." Luffy said, while showing a statue of Nami as an example. Nami, who was panting from the shock, quickly grabbed Luffy from the collar and looked at him with crazy eyes.
"YOU. ME. MARRY. NOW!" She grunted, while Luffy was squeaking. Before he could protest she lifted him up and thrown him to the gigantic pile of gold, only to join him later.
Zoro was calmly walking on the streets while searching for his captain. As he turned to his left (while he actually went right) he heard noises.
"Hmm, what's that sound?" He muttered to himself. As he reached the window to check it out he quickly turned red and released a nose bleed. "THAT HORNY MONKEY!"
And that's that! As you can see the quality is decreasing because my ability to create a proper ending is garbage (and also because of perverted jokes). I'll probably just write the wolf fruit then bury this story in the depths of my computer. I've also been thinking about making another story, mainly because I've been inspired by a good idea that I've saw on a crossover. However, I don't know if I should do it because as I could see from writing Reborn, having to look chapters to then chop unimportant parts and copy them, while at the same time adding my own ideas, it's incredibly tedious (thank god for Spotify). I've also thought of creating an AU, but it would involve High School and you guys would probably hate it (the concept I thought is really interesting though).
So, I guess I'll see you next time! This has been PortugueseRonaldo, and see ya!