Sipping on a mug of hot chocolate Lincoln was lying in the bed of his room in the McBrides' log cabin. Wrapped in his pajamas with the blanket pulled up to his belly his laptop was, true to its name, resting on his lap. After letting the warm cacao reside in his mouth for a while he swallowed, letting out a sigh of satisfaction. "And now that his dads know Clyde can take care of himself, we can finally have some fun in the snow" Lincoln finished as he put the mug on the night table.

On the screen of his computer Ronnie-Anne, also wearing her bed-clothes nodded. "Seriously, Clyde is like the most careful guy in the world. Why did his dads think they need to worry about him so much? He only gets in dangerous situations when you drag him into them."

Lincoln frowned. "Hey!"

"But it's true! By himself, he'd never take any risks. I remember how he once checked out the seats in the bus to make sure a spring wouldn't pop out when he sat down on it."

"That's because a few days earlier my sister Luan pranked him exactly that way..."

Ronnie-Anne giggled. "When I listen to your stories, I wonder if your place isn't actually much more dangerous than any old ski-ramp could be."

"It's definitely just as unsteady. We're all surprised it hasn't collapsed by now."

The two kids laughed. "So how long until you go back home?" she asked.

"Until tomorrow. We'll take one last ride down the mountains and slopes with our sleights before packing up and driving back to Royal Woods." His blanket slid a little down his belly as he took in a deep breath, before letting out a sigh. "It's nice getting home, but I wouldn't have minded staying one or two more days. I've started to get used to the quiet…"

"Well that'll be over once you're back home" Ronnie-Anne snickered. "What do you think your sisters are doing?"

"As you probably know Lori and Bobby are on that ski-trip…"

"Oh I know" Ronnie-Anne murmured, rolling her eyes.

Lincoln looked a little confused at her, but shrugged it off. "Luna went to that winter rock-festival with her roadie Chunk and some of her friends. She wrote an SMS that it's rocking, although since it's open air she regretted not to have packed thicker underwear. Lana and Lola are on a camping trip with the Bluebell scouts. Both of them got five new patches already, though none of them got the same. Lana couldn't knit a scarf, and Lola didn't manage the bear wrestling challenge."

Ronnie-Anne's eyes widened. "What?"

"Just kidding" he said, winking at her. "But she did fail the snowball fight patch. And Lynn is with her hockey team at the junior league finals in Montreal. They managed to get to the quarterfinals, but then their team got kicked out. She didn't play in that match though since she's been in a liiiittle fight with the referee."

"She wrote you all that?"

"No, but someone made a video of it and put it online. It even created a small hashtag-meme: 'Mercywiththereferee.' Apparently she and the rest of her team have to stay in Montreal until all diplomatic issues are solved.


"The rest of my family stayed home over the holidays, I think." Looking at the environment around Ronnie-Anne, Lincoln remarked: "You're not home either, are you?"

"Nope" she said, sliding with her chair a little to the side. The room looked similar to the one Lincoln was in, though it resembled more a hotel room than one in a log cabin. "After Bobby told them he was going on a ski-trip with Lori, my family decided to also book a winter vacation and surprised me with it."

"Nice!" A grin on his face Lincoln leaned a little closer to his screen. "So how is your first vacation with a big family going?"

Though she moaned Ronnie-Anne didn't look unhappy. "Chaotic, but fun. We're constantly arguing about where we should eat, where to go and what to do, but in the end we're all having a great time. I just wish I could snowboard a little more on the harder courses. Because Carlota is spending a lot of time in shopping centers, I'm quite often forced to watch over her younger siblings on the children's courses. And I have to keep a sharp eye on them, especially Carl. He constantly tries to sneak off to the expert courses – and actually managed to slip past me once."

"Sounds like you have quite some adventures behind you already." A yawn forced its way out of Lincoln's mouth. "But I think I'm gonna hit the mattress now. You can tell me when I'm back home tomorrow."

"Whatever you say. Tomorrow's gonna be my last day here too, by the way. If there is no big traffic jam, we'll be home in the evening."

"Then call me once you're back."

"Will do. Smell ya later, lam-"

Ronnie-Anne's signature goodbye-phrase was interrupted as the door to Lincoln's room opened. "Hey, Lincoln!" Clyde said as he entered, dressed in his pajamas. "I just wanted to say goodnight." As he saw the computer on his lap he curiously walked to his bed. "Are you video-chatting with Ronnie-Anne?" Leaning towards the screen he waved his hand at her. "Hi Ronnie-Anne!"

Ronnie-Anne waved back. "Hey Clyde."

"We were just about to say goodnight to each other" Lincoln told Clyde, who nodded.

"Then let's all get to bed" he suggested. "After all, we do need our eight hours of sleep, or else it will have negative consequences on our health."

Rolling her eyes, Ronnie-Anne mumbled: "How could anyone ever think this guy could get into reckless situations?"

With a chuckle, Lincoln was about to close his laptop. He stopped however when he and Clyde could hear a familiar female voice call out on Ronnie-Anne's end. "Ronnie-Anne, would you finish up please? I'd like to go to sleep." A blonde head then leaned into the screen. Lincoln's eyes nearly popped up when he recognized her. "Oh hi, Lincoln" Lori said, smiling at him. "And hi to you too, Clyde!"

Staring at the image of Lincoln's oldest sister Clyde blushed. "L-L-Lori?!" he stuttered. A stream of blood ran out of his nose, landing right on Lincoln's blanket, before he passed out on the mattress.

Looking at his unconscious friend and the paddle of blood he lay in, Lincoln shook his head. "Great, now I'll have to carry Clyde into his room and get a new blanket." With a look of confusion, he turned back to the screen. "What are you doing there, Lori?"

Ronnie-Anne sighed. "Turned out we booked the same hotel as Bobby and Lori. And because of an error with the reservations, I'm sharing a room with my cousin Carlota and your sister Lori." As Lincoln looked closer, he could see three beds in the room, someone lying in one of them. "Before Carlota went to bed, she and Lori have been talking nonstop for hours about boys, boy-bands and a thousand other things that nearly made me barf…"

"Don't talk like that about your future sister-in-law!" Lori said, furrowing her brows.

"Lori, why didn't you tell me you were with Ronnie-Anne's family?" Lincoln asked.

Lori shrugged. "I figured she'd tell you about it anyway." A wide grin suddenly appeared on her face. "Oh by the way, did you know that in her bag, she carries around the picture her aunt Frieda made of you two-"

Panicked, Ronnie-Anne pushed Lori out of the screen. "Anyway I gotta go to bed now, goodnightandsmellyalaterlame-o!"

AN: And that was the last episode of season 2! Not sure if I'm gonna continue this with season 3, so I'll tag this as completed.

In any case, thank you for reading :)