As a reminder I make no money as they belong to other people. I promise to put them back when I am done, so others may play with them too.

Gibbs sat down with a groan as his knee made a creaking sound. He looks up as Tony pulls off his sweat soaked tee shirt, then takes in half a bottle of water in one go.

He can't help but look at his exposed chest, looking at the scars that cover his chest and side. It's a history of his working life. Knife wounds, bullets, road rash from more than one tackle of a suspect. The list is endless as are the scars that are visible.

"What?" Tony asks hearing the unspoken thoughts.

"You should take better care of yourself."

"Okay pot, to my kettle, you do the same."

Gibbs just chuckles softly at the smart ass response that Tony gave him. "Where did you learn to do construction work?"

"I don't call what I did construction work, you did the roofing I just did the hauling and lugging. You know I had to pay my way through college. The scholarship only went so far. After I broke my leg well good-bye scholarship. Tending bar, singing and playing piano only makes so much money. Beside they are night jobs, grunt work for the day that is were I made the real money for books and tuition. The night money paid for food, clothes and fun."

Tony sits next to Gibbs on the steps on the cabin, letting out a soft sigh, he rubs his shoulder , then rotates his neck. "I'm getting too old for this shit."

"Why didn't you ever tell me about the.. ."

"You mean the fact that I'm sterile?"


"It was personal, I didn't want or need anyone sympathy. It wasn't like I had ever planned on having kids. I learned a long time ago that cops who die leave too much heartbreak behind, wives, husbands and especially children they never really get over it. I would never do that especially to a child."

"But Tony not all cops or agents die in the field. Some do granted, but the majority don't."

"You have seen my file right? How many undercover mission have I gone on? Too many to count. I take risks I shouldn't I'm also willing to die to protect an innocent bystander."

The head slap wasn't unexpected, but he ruffling of his hair was. "You are a very good agent, but you are a better man."

"Thanks Boss."

They had cleared the air about a lot of different things in the last week and a half. It felt good to be on an even footing. They were no longer Boss and underling. Just friends.

Later that night as Tony places the plate of baked potato and a bowl garden salad, Gibbs is putting the platter of his famous cowboy steak on the table as well.

Half way through the meal Tony puts his fork down and licks his lips, before he reaches for his beer.

"You know I'm going to retire next year. I've got my twenty in I've done my part. I'm thinking of buying a small bar it has a great kitchen with a wood fired grill and oven. A band stand would be ideal for a small jazz band even open night for amateur singers. Needs a little work though."

Gibbs stops eating and just stares at him. "Can you afford that, I mean."

"Without a loan? Yes. I've got a trust fund it didn't come into fruition until I turned forty. Good old Uncle Clive he set it up with my mother that way, and no my father has no idea about it. So I have enough no need to worry about that."

"If I do get it up and going do you know anyone that would like to run the kitchen, bar food plus steaks and ribs nothing fancy, No frou, frou, except a garden salad I'll call that the Ducky special."

"You'll need good ventilation so the smoke can't get into the front of the house. Sound system too should be top of the notch, old time jazz sounds good when the sound carries smoothly. McGee can do that for you."

"I suppose he could if I do decide to get the place. Security upgrade too."

"You'll get it, in fact I bet you've already lined up on paper that is people to give you estimates."

"You know me so well. So how does the name The Blue Badge " sound to you?"

"You'll need a contractor, someone you can trust unconditionally." Gibbs tells him firmly.

"I thought that was you."

Gibbs tips his head only slightly. "Next year you say? If I start six month earlier I can get a head start on bring your baby to life. Make no mistake on it this bar will be your baby."

One year later.

Gibbs groaned as he watches Tony and his wife, as they tend the bar. He knew it was going to happen even before they did. They first time she came into the bar dressed in jeans , work boots with a pad of paper, a tape measure clipped to her hip, and a pencil behind her ear. It was love at first sight he could have swore that he saw twinkles in their eyes. She came to give her estimate on the job, a former Marine she held nothing back a straight shooter.

She won the job and Tony's heart. It was a win-win for everyone. Now he just has to figure out a way to get them to adopt a child or two. You don't waste good and Tony would be a great father, he already is a good man.