Caroline sipped her coffee as she waited, it was just gone twelve, the time Jeremy said he'd be there but he'd also noted that he might be a little late because he had to close up the Grill last night.

But to Jeremy half an hour wasn't a little late so the blond took out her phone.

The number you have dialed can not be reached.

Ok so maybe Jeremy had been tired enough that he hadn't charged his phone last night and was still asleep. Caroline downed the rest of her drink and started the short walk to the Gilbert home.

The door was locked so she used her key.

The house was silent, the only sound the buzz of electrics but there was no breathe, no heartbeat, it was as quiet as the world ever got to a vampire.

"Okay Caroline, keep it together, he's probably just with the Mikaelsons." She made herself relax but couldn't get rid of the dread that had taken a hold. She just hoped it was Mystic Falls' brand of paranoia.

She decided to use her vampire speed to reach the Original's home.

She knocked, breathing as evenly as possible to the point someone would think she were a human sleeping but she was far to anxious.

Elijah answered the door smiling at her but there was a question in his gaze.

"Hey Elijah, is Jeremy here?" She forced her leg to stay still rather than jigging up and down.

"No, he hasn't been here for a few days."

Caroline bit down on her lip, her foot starting to move as she hugged herself. Firm hands, rested on her shoulders, blue eyes looking at her with concern and lingering worry.

"He was suppose to meet me for lunch and he said he might be a little late, that's five or ten minutes, not half an hour. I called and it went to voicemail and when I went to his house, there was nothing. I mean I just thought he might have slept in and forgotten to charge his phone because he closed up at the Grill but..." She trailed off, biting on her lip again as her eyes darken to black in fear for the first time.

Elijah brought his hand up firmly cupping her jaw so their eyes met.

"Calm down." The compulsion had the desired affect and she took a deep shuddering breathe as she looked at the original. "Go to the boarding house and see if Elena has anything to do with this and ask miss Bennett about tracking Jeremy if we can't find him." Caroline nodded her head and left without question while the original decided to visit the Grill, apparently the place had been closed up normally but dread settled in his chest.

Jeremy's things had been taken except for one thing. As Elijah left holding the teens sketch book he knew Jeremy hadn't left the bar voluntarily, to an artist like him, his sketch book was an extension of himself. Jeremy would no more leave it behind than Niklaus would forget to take his painting tools when he relocated.

Already the bar was swarmed in other scents, not to mention the ones from yesterday so instead he decided to do something all the Original siblings had promised never to. He pulled on his reserve of magic, feeling it pull the strength from the earth and his last feeding as he cast the spell. He could feel something on his chest, a rune that helped to centre his magic, making it far less taxing and it brought a little smile to his lips.

The world around him faded until darkness wrapped around him like a blanket. The Grill was empty except for Jeremy and the elder Salvatore and as he listened to their banter, their voices sounding as if they were underwater, he couldn't help but smile at hearing the sharp and cheeky wit the Gilbert didn't often use with him, it was usually reserved for Niklaus and Kol instead.

He saw as the vampire moved inside at their fastest pace, hands gripping Damon's head and giving a sharp twist, Jeremy only just had enough time to realise that the vampire had been hurt and Elijah snarled as he looked at the attacker.

It took everything he had to remember that this was the past, that he couldn't just rip their throat out and save his lover. He pulled it all together in time for the night to return to day and to anyone around him it would be as if nothing had happened, time had not even passed from the start of the vision to it's end.

He held onto the burning fury and desperate hunger as he walked past all the humans until he could safely us his vampire speed and make his way home.

He could feel the beast pushing forward, wanting to feed but also destroy, to find their human and rip the vampire who had taken him apart.

The first of his siblings he met was Kol who took one look at his older brother and realised what he'd done. The younger stepped closer, arms circling his brother's waist as he tilted his head to the side, exposing his throat.

Elijah trailed his fingers over the exposed flesh, feeling the shiver it invoked, the human smiling as the beast purred in satisfaction and it was all the more satisfied as the rich blood of an original burst onto his tongue.

A single arm circled the lithe frame in front of him and pulled him closer, biting down a little harder, where the blood flowed thicker and the skin more sensitive.

Kol shivered, the sharp spark of pain feeling incredible as he let his arms curl around Elijah's broad shoulders and enjoyed the thrill of pleasure it shot through his veins. He moaned, head dropping forward when a blood warmed tongue flickered over the wound, fangs gone and soft lips ghosting over his throat.

Elijah pulled back with a small chuckle, they did enjoy torturing their little brother.

"Elijah, why did you use your magic?" Rebekah approached, Finn and Niklaus behind her and it sobered the noble vampire, the beast inside snarling louder than ever.

"To see what happened to Jeremy." That caught all of their attention and they coiled like the animals they were, ready to spring and destroy the threat. "Miss Forbes was here earlier, he missed a prier engagement, and she wasn't able to reach him on his phone nor was he at home. I cast the spell at the Grill."

He felt the beast rise up again, so close to snapping and harming someone, even if it wasn't the person he wanted. He felt the beast calm as Rebekah nuzzled into his shoulder, hugging him tightly.

"His sketch book was still there. Katerina took him last night after snapping Damon Salvatore's neck." He growled a little, squeezing Rebekah tighter, like an anchor in the storm.

"What did she do to him?" Finn's eyes were completely black and his tongue ran over the sharp fangs.

"Snapped his neck." They all snarled before Kol grabbed Finn's hand and pulled the sketch book away from Elijah's grip before they made their way upstairs. Niklaus instead decided to use his contacts to see if he could find where the former doppelgänger was hiding and everyone of them felt dread twisting their hearts as they prayed to the goddess for their humans safe return.

None of them were quite sure how long it was until Kol's cheer came from upstairs and the relieved laugh from Finn before they rushed downstairs, both quickly drinking a few blood bags before turning to their siblings.

"We know where he is."