Hello everyone! This story will show what would have happened if Ember didn't leave Chloe. If you like to know more about my oc's (Ember and her parents) the detail's will be in the original story along with Ember's back story since at this point Chloe will already know. Thank you and enjoy!

Ember's Pov- Today was it, my last day in Arcadia Bay and the last time i might ever see Chloe again. These last four day's with her have been the best. I haven't felt so happy and free since Emily's death Chloe pulled me out of that dark place and i was there for her to. I didn't want to go, Chloe's lost so many people in her life and now i feel very shitty because i'm leaving her now. I was now standing in her driveway. Chloe was standing infront of me she had a brave but fake smile and my parents were both in the car waiting to finish my goodbye.

"Thank's for the good time hot stuff I hella needed it."

I smiled sadly. "I'm glad..and thank you for everything Chloe."

She smirked. "Does that include the steamy hot sex?"

I couldn't but laugh. "It was alright i suppose." I teased.

she rolled her eyes. "Please you should consider yourself blessed being able to get me in bed."

We both laughed for a moment then went silent. "But really though Ember...thank's..i'm not good with mushy shit so..

She stepped forward gave me a soft kiss and i happily returned it. When we broke apart she gave me a small smile. "That was for the road."

I smiled back. "Thank's..good luck finding Rachel i'm sure she's out there somewhere."

Chloe replied. "Yeah and when i find her i'm going to kick her ass...bye hot stuff."

She turned away and i noticed she was trying to get in the house as quickly as possible without running.

God i felt like shit. I stood there for a moment till i heard a horn. "Come on Ember we gotta go!"

"Coming dad!" I wiped my eyes before i could shed any tears and got into the back seat of my parents red SUV and we took off. We've been driving for 10 minutes now we were just about to leave Arcadia Bay. My parents were talking but i didn't know what because my mind was racing. This felt so wrong i feel like i just abandoned a new born kitten in a ditch. My mind was racing with the memories of these past four day's.

'is it alright if i call you Hot Stuff?"

"Let's go to the beach i'd like to see that sexy ass of your's in a bikini."

"Oh come on chicken shit i double dare you to smoke this cigarette."

"Welcome to my home away from hell i don't show to many people this place consider yourself honored."

"This truck may be a piece of shit but it's my piece of shit."

"Hey Frank back off my friend before you get hurt!"

"That was amazeballs how you knocked Nathan on his ass!"

"These scars don't mean shit i think they are hella bad ass you shouldn't be ashamed."

"Ember i want you so fucking much right now..please take the pain away even if it's just for tonight."

"Everyone always abandons me so don't worry i'm used to it i can manage on my own."

I had tears going down my cheeks. "I can't, i can't do this!" Dad stop the car!" I yelled. My dad pulled to the side of the road just right on the edge of town.

Both my parents looked back. "What's wrong sweetie?" My mom asked.

I tried to find my voice to say the words. After a few deep breaths i finally said. "I can't leave, i just can't...i can't leave Chloe..not like this please mom dad..i want us to move here. She needs me...and I need her." I couldn't even look at my parents because i was sure they would say no.

But after what felt like a minute i heard someone dialing a cell phone and heard my dad speak. "Hey Joyce it's Alex...Yeah i know right? Listen i got a huge favor to ask, Is it alright if Ember stays with you for a few months till me and my wife get everything settled, Ember is being a little impatient for the surprise."

I looked up in shock. My dad was smiling as he spoke on his phone and my mom was giving me a sweet smile. "Oh my god are they really?"

"Thank you so much, i'll be sure to send some money to help you support her...no no it's alright it's the least i can do...oh yeah i'm sure they will...so true, thank's again Joyce see you in a few months bye." click"

I didn't know what to say did that really just happen? My dad turned around towards me and smiled. "Want us to drop you back off?"

I beamed and wiped the tears away from eyes before replying. "No i want to walk back..surprise her...mom dad..i love you both so much thank you!" I leaned forward giving them both an awkward hug since the car seats were in the way.

"Be good to Joyce and David alright? Stay out of trouble."

I nodded. "I will dad i promise."

"I'm going to miss you so much sweetie but right now someone else needs you more than i do."

I"m going to miss you to mom...i love you."

They both smiled at me and told me they loved me as well. then my dad teased. "Go get her tiger."

I laughed. "I will dad, goodbye and see you in a few months."

I got out of the car grabbed my two luggage bags and my back pack with my laptop and waved at my parents as they drove off.

I smiled all the way back to Chloe's place. "I'm coming back Chloe you will not be abandoned again."

Chloe's Pov- I was sitting in my room smoking. The lights were off and there was no one in the house it was as quiet as quiet can get. The only light was the setting sun shining through my window. My mind was on one person right now. Ember. When i first bumped into her i thought. "Wow she's to damn sexy to be from here." We got to talking and we instantly became friends. She was so different then the other friends i used to hang out even Max and Rachel. She was as carefree and wild as i was it was so damn hard to embarrass her and she always joked back with me. Then i found out she was only staying for a few day's. I didn't want to get attached to her after finding that out but it was hard she really understood me. I was able to tell her about my damn problems. And she shared her story as well. We even fucked..well not fucked but...i don't know it felt nice like...i actually mattered to her. Then just a few hours ago she left...just like everyone else. I shouldn't be surprised by this point.

I took a drag from my blunt and that's when i heard the doorbell. "What the fuck? Who could that be?" I put out my blunt and walked downstairs to answer the door and when i did my heart stopped for a minute.

Ember was standing there with a big dumb smile on her face. "Hey there blue's clues miss me?"

I blinked a few times to make sure i wasn't seeing things. I was in to much shock. "Ember? wh..what the hella are you doing here?"

Her smile changed and walked to me and enveloped me in a hug. "Well my parents are moving to Arcadia Bay and i thought while they were doing that i thought it would be rad to hang out with you while they sort out everything."

I could feel my body tremble i won't cry Chloe Price never fucking cries. "Or maybe it was because you couldn't resist my sexy punk ass." I teased and hugged back.

She chuckled. "Well...guess a part of me was like that to."

Then she whispered. "I'm not going to abandon you Chloe..i promise."

I didn't bawl but i will admit i had some tears rolling down my face. God damn it i hate mushy moments. "You better like sharing a bed then."

I could practically feel her smirk. "That's sounds like fun."

I smirked and pulled away a bit. "I can show you fun Hot Stuff."

We didn't say anything after that. She brought her bag's in set them by the door and i closed it and immediately brought her up to my room. I pushed her roughly on the bed and got on top of her kissing her like there was no damn tomorrow. "She came back for me, This sexy tanned flame headed woman fucking came back for me."

I now know what it was that happened last night when we were in bed..we made love. A feeling i haven't experienced in years, and i don't ever want it to go away.