A/N : Hi guys! I'm back with a new story and hopefully you will like it! Okay so this a new kind of story for me, so please be nice! Also, I would like to know if someone would agree to beta me? Please that would help me a lot, and make the story even better :)

I do not own the 39 clues books, if I did, Amy and Ian would be together since book 1.

That said, I wish you a happy reading!


Chapter 1

L.A USA 11 :00 p.m.

Jonah Wizard had just finished one of his many concerts and all he wanted now was to rest. Nothing less, nothing more. He loved his fans and his career, and wouldn't give it up for anything in the world, but screaming almost every night "Make some noise!", jumping and running on stage was simply exhausting.

He seated on his bed in his bus tour. He loved his fans; they were so nice, so patient with him. While his father and mother always wanted him to make more songs the quickest possible, his fans didn't harass him with pleading messages. They didn't ask him to make a new album when he just released a new one the day before. He frowned at that thought. Did it mean he was slowly becoming forgotten? He shook his head. No, that was impossible. His fans always screamed his name, wherever he went. His last album broke all the records possible. No, he couldn't possibly be forgotten. He was Jonah Wizard, after all. The Wiz.

Sighing, he laid down on the mattress, closing his eyes. He felt all his muscles instantly relax. He enjoyed the silence of the bus. Sometimes, just listening to nothing at all was pure bliss. Sometimes, the silence could make a beautiful symphony.

He wondered where all his people went. Maybe go grab something to eat, he thought. Anyways, he was glad they weren't here. If they were, they would ask him a lot of questions he didn't want to answer right now. He let his thoughts wander. Glimpses of faces flashed through his mind. Some were angry faces, while some were sad. He saw Amy crying over a body. Next to her were a lot of others bodies, all dead.

Jonah woke up with a start, heavily panting. He touched his face with shaking hands and furiously rubbed it. A lot of years may have passed since the Vespers, but even at 19, Jonah was still having nightmares.

Still upset about his bad dream, Jonah didn't notice the shadow on the floor, next to his bed. Neither did he notice the tall figure making its way behind him, quietly and furtively. The mysterious figure grabbed Jonah's throat, making him struggle, and put an old cloth on his nose and mouth. In only one second, the Janus agent was out.

Stupid little boy, thought the figure.

Thompson Falls; USA; 3: 15 p.m.

Hamilton Holt swore. Why girls had to be so… so… He couldn't even find the words to describe them. The Chemistry Class had just ended and he thanked God for that. His teacher, an old psychopath soon to be retired, who he hated with all his heart, had just teamed him up with a girl he couldn't stand. Her name was Malia, and she was a perfect Miss Know-it-all. She would always show you and make you understand that she was the best, and no one could ever be as smart as her. So when they were working on their project together and she refused to let him do anything but watch her do it, he just yelled at her. In front of the whole class. The poor girl had lost her confidence and exploded in tears, making her friends glare at him.

He didn't care what they thought of him or would do to him. But he did care about his teacher's sanction. Hamilton ended up with detention, and he couldn't be more upset. Now, he was forced to stay at school for two hours, in a boring room, watched by an even more boring teacher, and do boring stuffs. He thought that life was very unfair and horrible, and he shouldn't be the one to get detention.

Before, Hamilton could have thought she was the devil, the incarnation of the evil itself, but life had taught him to measure his words. After what he's been through, and what he saw, there was no way he could threat someone as such. He saw what the devil looked like. He saw what he what he did, and what he was capable of. Malia was not the devil, and compared to the Vespers, she was a sweet and caring angel.

Sighing and trying to get rid of these thoughts that kept haunting him, he made his way to the class room he was supposed to stay in. he pushed the door open and walked in. His professor wasn't here yet and Hamilton threw his fist in the air in victory. That gave him some time to relax and digest what had happened. He sat behind a desk and pulled out his phone from his pocket. After a few minutes, his teacher was still not here and he suddenly heard a noise coming from the other room. It sounded like someone shrieking and falling on the floor. Hamilton frowned and went to check what it was.

The noise seemed to be coming from the room in front of his. He slowly opened the door and what he saw surprised him, to say the least.

A weird symbol was painted on the wall, forming a black circle. He frowned. He didn't have more time to examine it any longer for he saw a teacher lying unconscious on the floor, arms and mouth wide open. He moved forward to help him, but something big hit his head. Surprised and confused, he slowly turned to see who it was, a bit dazed because of the hit.

Before he could have fully turned, a fist came hitting him right on the face, at the same time that a dart jabbed him on the arm. Instantly, all he could see was darkness.

London; ENGLAND; 12: 00 a.m.

Ian Kabra was wondering if it was the right thing to do. If he moved his face just a bit closer, he could kiss her very easily, without any effort. But did he really love her? It was hard not to. She was so beautiful. What he loved the most about her was her eyes. They were gorgeous and reminded him of the ocean, big, wild and blue.

Suddenly, the image changed to another pair of eyes, this time reminding him of a beautiful forest. The girl was laughing and gently smiling at him. He was just as close as he was one second ago, if not a little more, and the urge to kiss this one girl intensified. He moved his face a bit closer, only to jerk it to the side when he realized the girl's face had changed again.

This time, her eyes were the exact copy of his, and they were full with tears. She was looking at him as if pleading, but for what he didn't know. The girl looked exactly like him, and she seemed to be in a horrible pain. Her body was shaking, and she was clutching her chest with both her hands. She seemed to have difficulties to breath, for she was deeply inhaling and exhaling.

"You were supposed to save me!" she cried, tears running down her face.

He tried to touch her cheeks, just to wipe her tears, but she automatically backed away, not allowing him to. He wanted to scream, tell her it wasn't his fault and he would have preferred to die instead of her, but he couldn't make any sound.

So instead he looked at her, watching her slowly disappear, powerless.

Ian woke up panting, desperately trying to catch his breath. He found himself on the couch of his living room, an empty glass of wine beside him. He didn't drink much, but today was a special day. Today was his birthday. Even if he was alone, he decided not to waste this day and celebrate.

He picked his phone up with one hand on the coffee table and checked his messages. A lot of people had sent him messages to wish him a happy birthday, but only two really caught his attention.

The first one was from Cara Pierce, a friend of his who helped him a lot after his sister's death. She was always there for him and he couldn't be more grateful. He opened the message. "Hello birthday boy ;) How does it feel to be 19? I hope to see you soon. Xoxo."

He smiled. She was so adorable.

He opened the second one. This time from Amy Cahill. "Hey, Ian :3 I hope you're having a good day. I wish you a happy birthday. I'll give you your gift when I see you."

Ian grinned. Cara may be adorable, but Amy was lovely. He couldn't wait to see her again, he missed her so much. Just when he was about to answer, he heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen. He frowned. There wasn't anybody with him. He made his way to the source of the noise, carefully. He entered the kitchen but didn't see anything. He searched for his dart gun, which he always had with him, but only managed to grab some air. His eyes widened in realization. He quickly turned around and was faced with a silver gun aimed at his forehead. He only heard a snicker before everything blacked out.

Boston; USA; 6:00 p.m.

Sinead starling and Amy Cahill were training in a sport hall, a thing they didn't do a lot. They thought that going to a place full of people instead of their private one would only do them good and maybe make them socialize a bit.

With everything that happened, they thought that socializing would only be a benefit. Unfortunately for them, there wasn't anybody, but since they were already there, Amy insisted on staying.

It was only after two hours of intense training that the girls decided to leave. They had packed all of their things when the lights went out. Thinking it was a simple breakdown, Sinead went to fix it.

"Wait." Amy whispered, grabbing her friend's arm.

"What? It's only a-"

Just as fast as they went out, the lights turned back on.

At least seven men stood around them, surround the two girls. They were all dressed in black, and the only part of their body visible was their eyes. They were all holding a saber, ready to attack.

"Are they…" Amy began, frowning.

"Please tell me they're Dan's friends."

As if on cue, the ninjas began running at them. Not expecting this so quickly, the girls didn't react immediately.

They ducked the attacks, but a ninja still managed to cut a part of Amy's hair.

Kicking one man in the tibia, Sinead grabbed Amy's hand and made her way to the exit, not caring to take their bags. No time for that, she thought.

The ninjas tried to block their way, but Amy didn't let them. Kicking one in the guts and on his head, the black man fell on the floor, unconscious. She took his saber and turned around, facing the other men. Along with Sinead, she slowly moved backwards. When she noticed the men starting to come towards them, she let go of the weapon and sprinted towards the elevator, at the end of the corridor. She pressed the button to go down and waited.

"Why the hell did they build this in a tour?" Sinead panted.

When the doors opened, the ninjas were already there, waiting for the girls. Sinead quickly pressed the button up and kicked the hands that were blocking the doors.

A few seconds later, the elevator opened his doors once again, to the third floor.

"What do we do now?" Sinead asked, worry written all over her face. It was like in her nightmares. Her being trapped and not being able to do anything.

"There!" Amy cried. "A window."

At the end of the corridor was indeed a huge window, letting the light of the early night in.

"Yes Amy. Let's jump from the third floor and kill ourselves."

"Do you have any other idea? I'd love to hear them."

Groaning and not having any other, Sinead just followed her. She opened the window and pecked outside.

"Wow," she breathed. She looked over at Sinead. "Okay. It's not that high, but make sure to bend your knees before landing on the ground."

She nodded. She could already hear the men coming to get them. Amy jumped without a second thought, and Sinead had no other choice but to follow after her. The landing was not comfortable, but at least they were alive.

They ran down the street, before a black SUV stopped right before them. The passenger's door opened to reveal Nellie Gomez, a worried look on her face.

"Come on, girls! We don't have time."

They climbed, surprised and even more confused.

"Nellie, what-"

"Ian, Jonah and Hamilton have been kidnapped."

A/N : Thank you so much for reading! Please please tell me what you thought by leaving a review : you can point out all my mistakes, tell me what you liked and didn't like...

Bye guys!
