OMG last chapter! This story went by so fast. Thanks to all for supporting me, this has been great to write, (I won't say fun, because the last 5 chapters were absolutely horrible for my Snowbert heart) and I'm so glad you all enjoyed it. I had a bit of a problem finishing up this chapter, because I wanted people to know Killer Frost was not evil, she was actually good, but there couldn't be 2 people alive, so...oh, you'll find out when you read it.

"Good work, Frost," mumbled Julian awkwardly as the white-haired beauty walked inside, victorious.

She looked away shyly. "Thank you. All of you helped me catch him."

Wally sped in the cortex. "Nice work!" he congratulated the other meta-human.

"Thanks." Her face finally stretched into a smile. "You did pretty well with Rogue, too."

Wally chuckled. "I was pretty cool."

Frost laughed slightly. "Well, bye. I'll see you if you need me."

Her blue eyes lingered on Julian, and her smile faltered. She muttered, "I - I better go."

The blonde watched her silently as she walked away. "Dude, what was that about?" Cisco asked.

Julian blushed, remembering the kiss a few weeks ago. "Nothing. Nothing."

"Yeah, you and Frost are kind of...awkward now," Wally pointed out.

"Well, everytime I look at her, I'm reminded of Caitlin," admitted Julian.

"And..." prompted Joe.

"And, well, a few weeks ago, we, er, kissed."

"And that was when things became awkward," concluded Cisco. "Well, more awkward."

Julian nodded. "Yeah."

The CSI missed Frost's smile. If only she hadn't kissed him, and if only he hadn't kissed her back.

So he texted her, telling her to meet him at S.T.A.R. Labs the next day. That night was spent in preparation. He armed himself with a speech in case things got awkward, and he wore a pressed and tidy shirt. The next day, he entered the cortex. Frost was already sitting on one of the chairs.

"You're early," he said.

She shrugged, facing away from him. "You told me to meet you here at five in the morning; so I thought, why not kick it up a notch and come here at four?"

Julian tried to laugh, but his throat had gone dry.

The meta-human continued, "So what did you want to tell me?"

The Brit tried to state his rehearsed speech, but he found he had totally forgotten it. He cleared his throat.

"Well," he began. "The team has been saying that things between us have become rather...stiff."

Frost blushed. "Their point?" she mustered.

"They" he struggled to come up with a reason. "They said may cause our team to fall apart or get compromised. And, I, uh, agreed that I would fix things between us."

The meta-human stared at the bandage around his injury. "I'm sorry."

Julian sighed. "So am I."

Frost looked wounded. "You're sorry that you kissed me?"

The Brit reddened. "No! No, that's not what I meant!"

"It seemed like it," said Frost stonily. "Look, tell the team not to meddle with our personal lives. Or, my personal life."

Julian tried to apologise. "Frost, I didn't mean - "

"No, I get it." Frozen tears trailed down her pale cheeks. "You fell in love with Caitlin Snow, not me. It was a simple mistake. Anyone could've made it." She turned to go.

Julian caught her arm and crashed his lips into hers. It was beautiful, but Frost pulled away. "Julian, no! I'll hurt you, like I did before."

The blonde simply said, "I trust you." He kissed her again, and this time it was shy, soft, and unsure. But it was blissful for both of them. Julian could feel the cold creeping it's way inside him, but he didn't care. He trusted Caitlin Snow to come back.

All of a sudden, the lips he was touching turned warm, the hand combing his hair turned gentle, and his body stopped shivering. They broke apart. Julian couldn't believe his eyes.

Caitlin Snow was standing in front of him, with brown hair, hazel eyes, and a warm smile. "Hello, Julian," she whispered.

"Caitlin!" He almost screamed in joy. Instead, he enveloped her in a hug, as the brunette buried her face in his shoulders.

"I never got to say this," she murmured. "But I love you, too."

Julian felt tears well in his eyes. "Ready to come home?"

Caitlin smiled. "Yes." Then she held up her hand, that had a thin layer of frost going out. "And I can walk around without worrying about Frost trying to break out."

"Frost wasn't evil, you know."

"I know." The doctor sighed. "She would've been a great hero. It's just..."

She looked at Julian Albert, the man she loved. The man who never gave up on her. "It's good to be home," Caitlin Snow finished.

Thanks for reading! I have other half-written Snowbert fics, so there may come a time when FFN is overloaded by Snowbert fics. I mean, more than it is already. XD