Once they made it there, Ronan let down his hand and allowed them to walk out so they could meet the Wizard. Once they were back in the wizard's room, his hologram head reappeared.

"WHY HAVE YOU COME BACK?!" The Wizard demanded.

"Please, sir, we've done what you told us," Robyn said as she stood beside Dorothy with the broomstick. "We've brought you the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West."

"Dorothy melted her!" Tuffy piped up.

"It's true." Mo said.

"You liquidated her, eh?" The Wizard asked Dorothy.

"So you see, sir, we'd like you to fulfill your promises to us." Dorothy replied.

"Not so fast, NOT SO FAST!" The Wizard replied with flames. "I'll have to give the matter a little thought. Go away and come back tomorrow!"

"What?!" The group gasped.

"But I wanna go home now!" Dorothy narrowed her eyes assertively.

Tom's ancestor shivered nervously while Jerry's ancestor stormed toward the Wizard in a huff until he found the curtain.

"Do not arouse the wrath of the Great and Powerful Oz!" The Wizard demanded. "I said come back tomorrow!"

Patch growled as he knew what the wizard really was. Jerry's ancestor came over.

"I know, buddy," Patch said to the mouse. "The Wizard isn't as big and scary as he claims to be."

"He's not?" Jerry asked.

"Nope." Patch said.

Jerry's ancestor tried to move Tom's ancestor, but he was too frightened to even move.

"TC would have a field day with this guy." Tom muttered about his ancestor.

Jerry's ancestor soon had an idea. He dashed off to get the broomstick and soon came back with it and whacked Tom's ancestor with it. Tom's ancestor yelled out of pain and soon chased Jerry's ancestor out of rage. Toto saw the cat and mouse go in the curtain and soon went to join them. Patch simply let them do that.

The Wizard demanded for Tom and Jerry's ancestors to stop what they were doing and Toto pulled back the curtain to reveal him to everyone else. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" he then told them, trying to sound crude again like when they first met him, though that would be no use. "The Great and Powerful Oz has spoken!"

"Who are you?" Dorothy asked the man as she collected Toto.

"This is him." Atticus said.

"You?" Scarecrow glared. "Humbug!"

"Yeah!" The Cowardly Lion added.

"I'm afraid you're all right," The Wizard frowned. "I am a humbug."

Mo was about to say something.

"What about the heart that you promised Tin Man?" Scarecrow asked. "And the courage that you promised Cowardly Lion!"

"Don't forget the most important thing." Tuffy spoke up.

"You being tall?" Cherry asked.

"Not that," Tuffy replied. "He promised he'd get Dorothy and you guys back home to Kansas and wherever else you all came from!"

"That's right!" Mo nodded.

"YEAH!" Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion agreed.

"My diminutive friend, you've forced me into a cataclysmic decision," The Wizard told Tuffy. "The only way for Dorothy and the others to get back home to Kansas and wherever else is for me to take them there myself."

"Can you?" Mo smiled.

"Will you?" Robyn added.

"I will indeed!" The Wizard smiled back. "But first, I will fulfill my promises to each of you."

"Tuffy too?" Peep asked.

"Yes, he was going to ask you to make him big." Dorothy added.

The Wizard smiled and laughed. "Yes, Tuffy too."

"Wahoo!" The group smiled.

Tom's ancestor hugged Jerry's ancestor and Tuffy out of pure joy as Tom did the same with Jerry and Peep. Toto even licked Tom's ancestor's face which made the cat wince slightly out of disgust.

Later on, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Cowardly Lion, and Tuffy were all given their gifts. Robyn felt so happy for them and even hugged them since they finally got what they've always wanted. Cherry frowned as she knew what was going to happen next or at least what she remembered from the movie.

"I, The Wizard, am about to embark upon a hazardous journey to the outer stratosphere!" The Wizard told the Emerald Citizens.

The people then cheered in response as the others were ready to go in a hot air balloon.

"And I hereby decree that in my absence, The Scarecrow shall rule of his highly virtue by earning a brain." The Wizard then decided.

Scarecrow began to show how smart he was now. "The sum of the square root of any two sides is divided by an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining sign," He informed quite logically as he held his diploma. "Oh, joy, rapture!"

"Assisted by the Tin Man by virtue of his heart," The Wizard continued. "The Lion by virtue of his courage!"

"Ain't it the truth?" The Cowardly Lion smiled bashfully.

"And Tuffy the Munchkin Mouse, by virtue of his height." The Wizard soon concluded.

"I'm huge!" Tuffy giggled as he was on stilts.

"Obey them as you would me." The Wizard smiled to the citizens of Emerald City.

Tom's ancestor soon spotted a woman with a pet bird and was unable to resist going after it as the hot air balloon was just about to take off out of Oz.

"Oh, great." Tom groaned.

Jerry's ancestor smiled up to the Wizard until he then saw what Tom's ancestor was doing. The cat snuck off of the hot air balloon and reached out for the chick on the woman's shoulder.

"Tom, you get back here right now!" Toto barked before going after him.

"I was afraid of this." Cherry said.

"Toto!" Dorothy cried out before looking to the Wizard. "Don't go, I'll be right back."

One of the ropes soon came undone after Dorothy got off.

"Stop the ride, please!" Robyn begged as she tried to pull back the rope.

"I'll hold it in place." Atticus said as he pulled back on the rope.

Ronan knelt down and decided to help even though Atticus pretty much had this. Tom's ancestor was just about to eat the chick until Toto bit on his tail while Dorothy came to sort out her pets.

"Whew!" Mo sighed out of relief.

"Boys, please, we don't wanna keep the Wizard waiting." Dorothy said as she took the chick from her pet cat.

"You kinda look like Tweety Bird." Cherry said as she looked at the chick.

They soon saw the rope was breaking.

"Oh, crap!" Atticus yelped as he tried to keep a strong hold.

"Atticus, it's breaking!" Cherry told him before she soon realized that this was supposed to happen. "Atticus... Let it go."

"But we'll be stuck here and not get back home!" Atticus told her.

"Just let it go, there's another way to get home." Cherry replied.

"If you say so." Atticus said before letting go of the rope.

The Wizard was soon going off after Ronan also let go of the rope.

"Cherry, why did you tell them to do that?!" Robyn asked. "Now we'll never get home!..." she then looked as sad as she did when she first met Tom and Jerry. "Now I'll never ever see my daddy again."

"Robyn, calm down, help will be on the way." Cherry told the young girl.

"Really?" Robyn asked.

"Just trust me." Cherry replied.

Dorothy begged and pleaded for the Wizard to come back only for him to leave without them. Jerry's ancestor scolded Tom's ancestor since it was his fault that they wouldn't get back home to Kansas.

"Just wait for her to appear." Cherry said.

"Her?" Robyn asked.

"Trust me." Cherry replied calmly while everyone else felt distressed and worried, especially since Dorothy was so upset.

Glinda was soon appearing.

"Look!" Scarecrow pointed to the pink bubble. "Here's someone who can help!"

"It's Glinda." Cherry beamed.

"Ohh, her," Robyn smiled. "That's who you were talking about."

Glinda soon stepped out to come and help the others back home.

"Oh, will you send us home?" Dorothy asked the good witch. "Can you?"

"You don't need me to help you," Glinda smiled. "You've always had the power to get back to Kansas."

"She's right." Cherry said.

"Now, those ruby slippers will take you home in two seconds." Glinda giggled.

"Tom and Jerry and Toto too?" Dorothy asked.

"Tom and Jerry and Toto too." Glinda nodded.

"Come on, Dorothy, time to say goodbye." Cherry told the farm girl since Glinda was going to help them get back home with a simple clicking of the heels.

"I know, but saying goodbye is just so hard." Dorothy frowned.

"Just tap your heels together three times and think to yourself 'There's no place like home'." Glinda instructed Dorothy almost in a maternal way.

Dorothy closed her eyes and began to click her heels and told herself over and over again 'There's no place like home', and where, this started to work.

Tom and Jerry's ancestors even joined in as Dorothy smiled while being sent back home, though in a rather strange way which would seem like all just a dream when she would be back to her aunt and uncle on the farm.

They were all now soon back in Kansas. Jerry's ancestor woke up as he found himself in his and Tom's ancestor's bed with wet cloths on their foreheads since they were a little ill due to the damage caused by the tornado. He then woke up the cat since they were now back home, safe and sound, but the cat didn't seem to want to wake up. That was, until Jerry's ancestor threw a water pitcher on him. Tom's ancestor yelled out since that water was rather cold and made his fur shiver.

"Keep it down." Tom groaned.

"Tom, I think we're back." Jerry told him.

"We are?" Tom asked, sitting up before holding his head with his paw. "Ugh! My head hurts..."

"Must've been that bowling ball, but at least you're strong enough now to beat up any bully dogs." Jerry smiled to his feline friend.

"Yeah ,that's true..." Tom agreed.

"I'll work on some aspirin for you, Tom." Peep decided since she was a Martian and had advanced studies than Earthlings did.

"Thanks, Peep." Tom replied.

Dorothy soon woke up and she looked to her family as she told them about what she experienced, but Em told her that it was just a dream. Atticus and the others were soon starting to go back to their real home.

Everyone opened their eyes and they were suddenly back in the living room just as the movie was ending.

"What an amazing journey!" Patch smiled before sighing. "I'm a little sad that it's over. Cherry, were there any sequels of the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy goes back to the Emerald City?"

"Hmm..." Cherry paused to think since she was a Wizard of Oz fanatic. "Not that I know of."

"Hmm..." Patch pouted.

"Oh, well, it was fun anyway, Patch..." Robyn soothed as she hugged the Dalmatian. "I'm just surprised that this Wizard of Oz had its own Tom and Jerry in it. I mean, what's next?"

"Who knows?" Patch shrugged.

"Thanks for the movie, Patch," Robyn smiled. "It was a lot of fun."

"Sure thing, Robyn," Patch smiled back. "I love adventures with you and Tom and Jerry."

"And me too, right?" Peep asked.

"Of course you too." Robyn smiled to Peep like when she first met Jerry and included him.

"Thanks, Robyn." Peep smiled back.

The others smiled while Cherry gave a small smirk.

"So, what's next?" Patch asked.

"I guess it's time to go home, boy." Atticus suggested since it was almost dark outside and the movie was over.

"Okay." Patch said.

"We'll see you next time, Robyn," Mo told the younger girl and looked to Tom and Jerry. "Behave."

"Yes, Mo." Tom and Jerry replied, though of course, the chasing between them would never stop, though they were officially friends now since Robyn was their new owner and she was much nicer and more loyal than their old one who didn't even come back for them after they moved out of town to never be seen or heard from again.

The End