This was something I had in mind since I got the World of Nintendo Link figure. That's pretty much it, I thought of the central idea of the fic, the Great Sea drained and a foreign deity from another dimension invading Hyrule, a day or so after getting the figure. So basically this is a post apocalyptic fic in the adult timeline. So with that said, here it is.

From the diary of Elias the 3rd, 2/22/55

I remember when we were chosen.

Our world had entered a new era of stable, but fruitful peacetime, We had colonized the moon, the stars above, the planet s in our solar system, and even the oceans of our world and the skies above. Global crime has come to a standstill, our energy sources were no longer in danger of running dry, and we became able to control the very atmosphere itself. Unbeknownst to us, all of this was because of one being, whose power that was equal to a go We didn't know her name at the time, but she changed our world forever.

From the deep ravines of the Great Canyon to the dead plains of the Dark Lands that once called itself Hyrule, there was one thing that had been a constant for anyone in these lands, a structure synonymous with the technologial achievement and power the world gained in such a short time : the Tower of the Goddesses.

In ancient times, it had been a tower rising above the oceans and for the people back when the mountainous cities had been islands. it was a static landmark, never changing, and over the years it had been converted into a port for ships to rest at, then a trading center, until finally it became a major tourist spot and center of business. The Era of the Great Sea was well documented in Hylian settlements and easily searchable at any library. But like the sea, interest in the past had drained as technology marched on, and it all started with a golden light.

It had happened a long time ago, back when the sky and oceans were that strange blue color seen in old pictographs. The tower was bustling that hot summer day; there had been a sword tournament on the 1st floor of the tower, a submarine building contest on the second, a swimming contest at the base of the tower that ended at Outset, and a research symposium discussing the purpose of a strange blue mechanical head with large hands that weren't connected to it. Hundreds of people were in and around the tower, going about their daily lives and unaware what was about to happen.

A loud boom of thunder shook the tower from it's sheer force, and before anyone could wonder what happened, a golden light that enveloped the tower and the water surround it for at least 50 miles, killing every single thing that it touched. The light could be seen all across the great sea, dispelling storms, calming the oceans, and according to some reports, driving the ancient and extinct Rito race absolutely mad. The light was only there for an hour, and when it dissappeared, a new tower took it's place. It was bigger than the old one, reaching past the clouds and according to the astronmers of the time, into space itself! No one knew what happened, but it was at this moment that the era of peace that the Hero of Winds and his descendents had tried so hard to keep was at an end.

Everything started to go downhill after the tower appeared. What little military power the Great Sea had was bolstered when Queen Zelda the second and her trusted aide and train engineer lent their power to avenge those who were killed by the new tower's presence. Within 3 days, the entire fleet, 40,000 men and 500 ships, were wiped out by a strange, fish shaped object. 4 months later, the air had become toxic to some Hylians but especially to the Rito, killing the entire race within weeks. This also had the strange added effect of turning the sky green during the day and red at night and the sun a bright bubblegum pink. The once pristine, beautiful blue ocean water turned a gaudy, bright, yet still perfectly drinkable, pink, and quakes wracked the region as the oceans drained year by year until it was nothing but a pitch black chasm. What had happened to Hyrule was obvious to anyone who visited the Dark Lands, a truly sad mockery of once prosperous kingdom.

That was over 500 years ago. Now the Great Canyon flourished and peace reigned once more.. Roads for automobiles were paved to allow travel from the former islands to the cities made on the many levels of the canyon. Railroad tracks similar to the ones used in the ancient kingdom were laid out, allowing for even easier travel between these areas. Villages had popped up on and in the various rock faces and cliffs, the races of old that had once allied themselves with the evil spoken of in legends of the Great Flood integrating themselves into society and outnumbering the Hylians by an expontential amount. Lights lit up the darkness of the canyon, and the fumes made by the vehicles and trains were funneled by the tower before they could reach the atmosphere. Few people knew of the Dark Lands, but even fewer cared, writing it off as just some primitive waste that the Goddesses saw fit not to waste their time with. But it was from the Dark Lands that the one the Goddesses seeked would come. It was from the Dark Lands that the will of the true Goddesses would make himself known. And it was from the Dark Lands that this person would be the link between the savagery of the Dark Lands and the prosperous Great Canyon.

And this link would not even know of his own destiny.

It was happening again; the same exact dream, every day on January 14th. The rain was falling in the same way, the wind sounded like it always did, and once again he found himself in front of the Tower of the Goddesss.

It was just as awe inspiring and terrifying as it always was; large and white, reaching past the pitch red night sky and blue clouds. Hundreds of bridges going in and out of the tower at different heights, connecting the building to different parts of the Great Canyon. Thousands Windows lined the walls of the tower, bright green lights coming out of them that could be seen for miles. And in front of this tower was the same girl that had always been there, floating in the air. She was quite odd looking to Link, who had never seen another of his kind, and he'd be damned if that freaky stalker of his counted. This strange dream girl was far prettier too. Her skin was pale, not a single blemish on her face. Her hair reached to her hips, long and luxurious despite the intense rain pelting her body. Her ears were pointed like his, and she wore a simple white dress, her deep blue eyes staring into his black ones.

"Again with this?!" He yelled, still not used to having his own voice even in his dreams. "Who are you?!" Even in his dreams he dreaded being in front of this towering monstrosity. The fear of Din's Frailty or heaven help him, Farore's Cowardice jumping down here was worse than anything he could imagine

"..." The girl spoke, but no words came out, just like the other times.



The wind was blowing louder and louder. "STOP MESSING WITH ME!" He yelled, his demands being drowned out by the wind. The image of the tower and the girl began to disappear, his vision filling with white as he began to wake up.


Link woke up, a feeling of dread in his stomach as the pink rays of the sun shined through the hole/window of his hut. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and stepped onto the wooden floor, confused and irritable. This happened every single day on his birthday. He'd start the previous day feeling extremely happy, often times scoring more kills than his friends Mo and Bini, then he'd go to sleep and wake up feeling lousy and horrible just like now, and with no idea why. By the time he was aware of this trend, he started to change how he did things, eating healthier the week leading up to his birthday, exercising longer,, and made sure he went to the bathroom as many times the freak said he should. But he always woke up on his birthday feeling awful. This was his 10th birthday, and the unpleasantness going to get worse.

Link walked to his wooden table where last night's dinner was kept, Octorok noses packed to the brim with Cucco meat and fried to a crisp, sat down at the table, and began eating it. Sure it was chewy and slightly hard from being out in the air for so long, but as long as there were no bugs on it, he didn't care. He effortlessly chewed through the tough meat like it was nothing, gulping It down within seconds before slapping himself in the face to wake himself up. "Oughhh.." Today was not going to be a good day.


The blonde perked up, walking to the bed sheet curtains that covered his door. He opened the curtains to reveal the massive abs of a large, black dog Moblin. He was quite large, eight feet tall and twice as large as the doorway, which meant Link could only see his abs and the black pants made from the feathers and skin of the Guays who tried to steal last week's harvest.

"Ah, you're up!" He said happily, his voice deep and cultured, which for many Blin species went a long way to explain his more refined state of dress. "I was worried I'd have to open up your hut again and drag you out! I know how you get on your birthday!" Link just yawned in response. Dad was always doing things like this, breaking his stuff when he got lazy and making him repair it as punishment. "Come on boy, get your little sissy clothes on and let's go!" Link rolled his eyes and knocked twice on the wall of the hut to say 'yes'. His clothes were not sissy!

-z- -z- -z-

The village of Whittleton was where Link's clan made their home. The Blins didn't really name the place, Link did in order to make himself feel more comfortable after he found a rusty sign in the mud that said 'Town of Whittleton'. It was just so much better than trying to pronounce it the way his fellow clansmen do. Even if he could speak, just trying to copy those pitches would be murder on his throat.

Link came out of his hut in his 'sissy clothes', a brown tunic made of chainmail with cowhide, leather boots, and black gauntlets with spikes on the end that came from the mouths of defanged Miniblins. His blonde hair was messy, dandruff lightly falling out of his ratty golden locks as he scratched his head, and two little cowlick stuck out of the top of his head, making it easy for his fellow clansmen to pick him up. On his back was a scabbard with a sword inside it and a shield attached to the back of the scabbard. The sword and scabbard were made by him, the scabbard made out of the hollowed out bones of a raiding Miniblin tribe his father killed and the sword smelted from their weapons, but the shield...he didn't know where it came from. His father, whose name he couldn't pronounce in his head even if he tried, says that the freak had it with her when he was a baby living in the village his clan destroyed. It was quite the excellent shield too, the base being wood and the top layer a very durable metal. It was brown in color with silver rims, the image of a golden triangle above a strange winged beast painted onto it. Whoever made this must have been quite the mage before his clansmen killed them, as the paint and the shine of the shield never seemed to fade, no matter how much damage or blood he wiped off of it. All in all, he was quite proud of what he had, even if the sword was too short for his liking. After taking in a deep breath and yawning, he began to make his way to the meeting center to discuss the hunt.

Whittleton was quite small when you compared it to other Blin or Darknut lands, but it was a prized location for settling down; the fertile blue grass and clean pink drinking water would make it the perfect spot for the Miniblins or in the worse case scenario, the Lynel tribes, to store their mounts or graze, but the fact that the trees around Whittleton were home to monsters that could rip the little freaks in half and the Lynels were often fighting Hylia's army and the Darknut tribe let his clan, the only other Moblin clan within miles, settle here unhindered. Since the living spaces for most Moblins consisted of where they peed or pooped, there were only four buildings in the settlement; his house, the main meeting place where the clan's leaders met, that building where the tank was stashed in, and the freak's house, who was hopefully off annoying someone else today.

As such, he weaved his way through the foul smelling grasslands and cliffs of Whittleton, greeting the Moblins that lied in their territories eating their fresh kills, or using said kills for things his father said never to emulate until he found a mate, probably not with a corpse going by what his fellow clansmen were doing with them. As he passed by the various territories, making sure to cover his nose, he greeted the Moblins, many of which didn't respond positively to his intrusion. Some of the ones who could talk beyond barking or oinking greeted him amicably, often asking when he would capture himself a mate or just get with the freak, both options boring and revolting to think about. The Moblins had learned first hand that trying to eat him, something that had been a pastime back before he could wield a sword, was not a very prosperous idea. Already he had killed thirteen of his dad's most pathetic men who attempted to cook him in his sleep. Needles to say, Link was well fed for the months after the fact.

Twenty-five minutes of walking later, he came to the meeting place. it was built into a large tree, it's brown oak still healthy and living despite being mutilated and hollowed out. The large skull of a Helmaroc King was embedded deep atop of the hole that functioned as the door, it's ribcage lining the sides of the door and it's legs and talons being used as candles. Link walked into the meeting room to see his father sitting at a finely lacquered wooden table, stolen from the village Link was found at, with two other Moblins, a red, obese pig Moblin to his right whose girth caused him to stand a foot away from the table, and another dog Moblin, a poodle a bit taller than him, to his left. The red pig Moblin was the oracle of the clan, who often predicted the weather and warned them of invading hordes thanks to his powerful nose. He never talked, and unlike Link he couldn't make sounds either, so he wrote his predictions out the best he could with his thick, plump hands.

The female Moblin was his mother, and her fur was even blacker than his father's, was quite thin for Moblin standards, and judging by the blood on her lips, had just recently eaten. She wore grey armor like Link's, only made from the metal of Darknut swords and chestplates. A cape made from the feathers of the Helmaroc King that was skinned to make the door decerations hung from the hood of her armor, and on her hands were larger versions of the gauntlets her son wore, only with Darknut fangs instead of Miniblin teeth. Link knew what surprises were held in each of those hand length fangs, and he was quite thankful the clan had so many antidotes on hand.

"Ah Link, you're here!" His father said happily as the young blonde took a seat opposite to him. "I trust you're not going to have one of our men for dinner for the next three weeks, right?" Link shook his head. He had no problems killing his felling clansmen. If they tried stealing from him or tried to eat him, their lives were fair game, as was his life if he tried the same. "Good, good. And you're wearing your sissy clothes too! Excellent! Now then, let us go over our hunt!"

-z - z- -z-

Farming was still a major industry throughout the Great Canyon; after all, it was vegetable oil that was used to make fuel for the automobiles and trains, and the Bomb Flower plants held the Dodongo tribe were perfect for making houses, if one was skilled enough to skin the plant without it exploding in their faces.

And nowhere was farming more important than on the cliffs of Outset Mountain, a heavily forested and rocky region, home to the Deku Royal Family and and the second major source of commerce next to Windfall. The cliffs and rock faces were home to hundreds if not thousands of Deku, all of them farmers working their leaves off for the annual harvest at Great Skeleton Mountain. Hundreds of them loaded their harvest onto the train at Outset Station west, the pink sun shining happily on them, when all of a sudden a large, menacing figure dropped down on top of the train, not making a sound or even denting the train despite it's large size.

"I-It can't be.." A Deku Scrub squeaked fearfully, dropping a cauliflower out of it's snout. "Goddess Farore!" The Goddesses were the most well known parts of the Tower, many people having seen them jump from the heavens and onto the earth. Weight and distance were irrelevant to them, as they didn't even pick up wind as they jumped from location to location. Farore was the most well known of the Goddesses, having spent the most time outside the tower. She was around 18 feet tall, and shared the same design aesthetic her sister Din had: a slim frame with black, almost latex looking armor that showed off their somewhat flat, feminine frames, thick metal armor on their boots, smooth and sharp at points and as thick as a Goron, and a single blue lens for an eye with a purple triangle as their 'pupil'. Farore had green armor, a large shell over the topf of her body that looked hollowed out. Starting from her ribcage and resting just above her head, the thing could fit over 23 Darknut pups in it. Unlike her sisters, she didn't have arms. No, she had a thick green rectangular generator for a left arm that had pincers on the end made of electricity. In the center of it's palm were three vents. No one knew what it was for, but judging by the vague accounts of what happened to the previous settlement of this island, The Deku didn't want to find out. Her right arm was a thirty barrel cannon launcher that shot out cannonballs and strange golden energy that could vaporize a house from just shooting out of one of it's barrels. He should know; it was all over the news channels. The strangest feature of Farore, aside from the fact she could jump so high, was that her arms just floated next to her left and right sides with nothing connecting them to the main body.

"M-my Goddess!" The Deku stuttered out, him and the rest of his fellow farmers bowing so hard that their heads slammed into the ground. "W-what may we do for-"

(Cease your talking, creatures) Farore ordered,her lens turning red as the top half of her body separated from it's bottom half.(I am not here for you.) The Dekus kept quiet as her parts searched around the station, going in and out of the train cars, and just floating above the wooden creatures for seemingly no reason. Whatever she was doing didn't take long, as all three parts flew back to their original positions within three minutes,, her top half connecting to her bottom half with a loud clink. (Hmm, nothing..) She muttered, sounding dissapointed. (Oh well. Return to your activities, wood creatures.) The Deku watched as she jumped to another section of Outset.

"What was that about...?"

"We recently discovered a Rupee deposit within Geozard territory." His father began, handing Link a map of the known parts of the Dark Lands and pointing to a lake. "From what Fi had gathered from the remains of Hylia's men, there is an estimated 40 tons worth of the stuff."

Link sighed in annoyance. Why did the freak have to be so useful?!

"Naturally we couldn't carry all that stuff, even if we bought every one of our men to do the job. That's why we're going to bust out our most recent acquisition. Fi had completed the repairs on the thing and she should be able to control it." Link's eyes widened at the meaning of his father's words. "Yes, Fi will be your commanding officer, and if you protest to me-" He showed Link his fangs. "Of course, talking her ears off is fine to me. Can't stand the freak myself."

"Me neither." Link's mother chimed in. "She's far too condescending for my liking. How can you stand her constantly stalking you and belittling you without wanting to feed her to some Deku Babas?" Link looked at her in shock. Did she really think he would try that? That wouldn't get rid of her! "I'll tell you what; to make the trip less stressful, bring Mo and Bini along. Bini needs some new Rupees to power his body anyway."

Link's eyes widened, a gleeful smile on his face. Mo and Bini were his two best friends, the only Moblins his age that bothered to even hang out with him without trying to take a bite out of his flesh. "Fi seemed really enthusiastic about this mission, demanding that you come along. I know it's a shock, but anything that gets that pale freak to show any emotion must be worth a lot of gold, and if we share this Rupee bounty with the right clans, we should have enough left to forge some charms to make an expedition into the ruined castle without the Darknuts bothering us."

Link stared at the map, taking in every detail. It showed all the Blin territories, Whittleton marked 'you are here' in Hylian for his benefit. The various train tracks and car roads were drawn, as to where they lead, and what Blin settlements were in their path. Their target, Lake 14, was smack dab in the middle of Geozard territory. The fish people were quite large, at least 12 feet at their tallest and capable of crushing a Moblin skull treads with their teeth. He looked to his father and made noises similar to that of explosions. "Sorry boy, no bombs. Hylia's troops've made camp in front of the Bombling nest we've been using. And if they're there, then the Lynels will be assured to come."

Link gulped in terror. Out off all the clans in Hylia's territory, the Lynels were the most dangerous and frightening. Even Fi feared them, even if she didn't show it. Intelligent as any of the other races, faster than a tank, strong enough to uproot a tree, and with magic rivalling the former Hylians that lived in this land. They were quadrupeds with the legs of a horse and the body of a man, and the heads of Wolfos. They were chimera creatures, and they were the only beings strong enough to contend with Hylia's army and their strange energy shooting projectile launchers. "We marked all the locations they've been seen with red dots and had Fi make a route to avoid them entirely" Link realized that the route planned would take them at least 3 days to get there, when a direct path would only take them one. "I don't know why the accursed creatures are so active, but the last thing I want them to do is gain their hands on more of Hylia's weaponry." Link nodded in agreement, sweat forming as the memories of the first time he encountered a Lynel entered his mind. "The route will take you right in the middle of a transport convoy for Hylia's soldiers. From what Fi had told me, it's filled with food that you can heat up and cook in an hour!" Link stared at his father in disbelief. "Yes, I don't believe it either, but food is food, and if you can't eat it, well, we certainly won't let it go to waste. The hunt begins in 3 hours. You can do whatever you want until then but be at the shed." Link nodded in acknowledgement. "You may go." Link walked out, and the second he was out of hearing range, his father sighed. "Damn that blue haired witch!"

"I have never met anyone more reprehensible than her." Link's mother said sadly. "If it wasn't for her, our boy wouldn't have developed into who he is today. But she wants..wants to..."

"I know.." His dad said solemnly as his wife began to cry. "As good as life is under Hylia, the freak has never steered us wrong before. And if she's right about the sudden Lynel activitiy, then we need what's at that temple at Lake 14."

"It is the only way, I'm afraid." The oracle said gravely. "I can smell it in the air, the blood of the Lynels. It's strong. Too strong. I'm sure the oracles in the other clans have picked up the scent. Change is coming my friends, a change that will spell the end of our way of life. Loathe as we are to admit it, that boy must once again embrace the lineage of the devil that slaughtered our ancestors."

"That is if his mind isn't warped by the experience." His mother said. "I truly despise that blue haired monster."

-z- -z- -z-z

Farore's search of Outset proved completely worthless. The Deku Royal Family was as full of hot air as ever, and the Koroks had already been searched last year. She stood on the top of Outset, taking in the deep and wide expanse of the Grand Canyon and the Tower of Hera in the middle, normally pitch black to anyone with normal eyes, but for someone like her, it was sprawling with life. (So the search proved fruitless. Just like I thought.) Leaving calculations and estimations up to humans was a tool for the lazy, something her and her sisters were guilty of being for the past year when they just wanted to relax. Seeing as how Hylia was getting impatient, Farore figured letting her internal CPU perform the calculations.

She opened up a 3d map of the Canyon and it's highway and railway systems, zoomed out with red, green, and blue icons showing the possible locations for her target. (Interesting... I might have to force a traffic jam if she's using the highway to travel.) With the locations saved to her databanks, Farore jumped into the Great Canyon, her search renewed.