Ellie Peters was a shy and quiet 13 year old girl who lived with her mother in Massachusetts, and she was almost never allowed to do anything other than Reading, Chores, and yes, MORE reading and MORE chores.
She was short and skinny with a small face, and she was a very nervous person when it came to most people that she was forced to talk to. Except for her best friend, Harley Diaz...

Ellie would give anything to stay with Harley for more than a few hours. She could ALWAYS do WHATEVER she wanted, however she wanted to! Ellie couldn't even be downstairs after the sun went down...
Ellie usually thought about Harley during most of her free time. Harley didn't know it, but Ellie had a strange..."feeling", for her best friend. Ellie wasn't even sure of WHAT she was feeling, but she knew it was there. She wanted to be close to Harley, and...she wanted to be all over her at the same time.

Unfortunately, Harley could never feel the same way. Ellie knew it deep down- and it wasn't just an assumption.

It was 9:03 PM in her town, and the only light in Ellie's bedroom was currently a small candle that she was using for a bit of night-time reading. Her mom had put her on lockdown for the night, because Ellie had tried to eat an extra piece of cake from the fridge.

Just then, Ellie's cell phone begins buzzing repeatedly, prompting the young girl to pull it out of her pocket and investigate. She'd gotten a message from Harley:

"look out ur window" said the text.

Ellie's heart began racing as she read it, and she quickly rushes over to her bedroom window! Down near the ground, the dark silhouette of a teenage girl is waving her hands above her head wildly!
"No..No, No!" Ellie says, grabbing the bottom of her window and shoving it wide open!

"Finally! I've been out here for 10 minutes!" Harley yells up to the little pre-teen.

"Get. Out. Of. Here." Ellie slowly says, her voice shaky with fright. "My mom'll see you and then I'll be in even more trouble..." she says. Although that was partially why she wanted Harley gone.

"Oh, El! Drop your Christmas lights and help me up...trust me, she won't even know that I'm here." Harley says, flashing Ellie a cute smile "Besides, I want to talk to you." she says. Ellie most definitely couldn't resist the tempting charm of Harley Diaz - especially when she was throwing her some beautiful smiles. "Jesus...oh, I shouldn't have said that..." Ellie quietly says to herself. "Harley..."

"Please?" Harley asks, pressing both of her hands together and bringing them close to her chest. Ellie couldn't help but notice that Harley was just beginning to develop...well...breasts. They were small, but they were there.

"F...fine." Ellie says, retreating back through her window and into her bedroom. Moments later, a straight line of Christmas lights get thrown out of the window, and Harley easily catches the tail end of the lights below! "Nice throw! I must be rubbin off on ya!" Harley cheers! "SHH!" Ellie hisses! "Please don't let her hear you."

"I'm as quiet as my old pet mouse, El." Harley smiles, grabbing a hold of the Christmas lights and beginning her climb up the side of the house. The neighbors were surprisingly unaware of the secret operation, and both of the girls were hoping that it would stay that way.
Soon enough, Harley climbs up to the edge of Ellie's bedroom window, and pulls her body straight through! She hits the floor with a loud thud, but jumps straight back up as if nothing had happened. "Wew! That was a piece of cake."

Harley was barely 13 years old, taller than Ellie, and she had dark flowing hair that reached down to her sides. She has a pair of dark sweatpants on, and she was covered with a dark sports zip-up jacket. The ultimate shady appearance. Her personality, however, was the opposite of Ellie's. Harley was social and easily liked by a lot of people, so it was easy for Harley to say and do what she pleased.

"Harles, WHAT are you doing here? You're going to get me in more trouble." Ellie nervously says.

"Well, Daphne told mom on me for taking that $20 bill, and...ugh." Harley begins, pushing her long hair behind her small head. "I asked mom if I could sleep over here tonight, and she said yes. I don't even think she knew what I asked, she was so busy with dad, like ALWAYS..."

"Oh...well, I wouldn't be mad at Daphne. It must be nice to have a sister..." Ellie responds, sliding her left hand up her right arm.

"Trust me, it's not." Harley defends. "So, waddya say? Wanna have a secret sleepover, bestie!?" Harley quietly squeals! She claps both of her hands together happily, flashing Ellie a bright and beautiful grin! Ellie's heart immediately melted at the sight of yet another one of Harley's smiles. "Uh..." Ellie says, dumbfounded.
"She won't know, trust me. I'll leave in the morning, before she wakes you up for school." Harley says with a pouty face.

"Oh...I usually wake up an hour before she comes in so that I can cry it out." Ellie responds. Harley giggles as if she had just heard a really funny joke, and playfully punches Ellie right in the arm. "I'll sleep with you if it makes you feel any better."

"Yeah, I'm cursed." Ellie thinks to herself. "Uh...promise that you won't get me in trouble?" Ellie asks, wincing.

"Duh! Who do you think I am? Georgie?" Harley teases, jumping forward and wrapping her arms around Ellie's shoulders! She pulls her into a light embrace, which sends tingles up Ellie's body. "We're gonna have so much fun!" Harley exclaims!