New chappie! Sorry this took so long! Enjoy it!

An unconscious Splinter appeared on the ground, groaning a bit, where Daimyo and the Ultimate Draco were.

"The Daimyo first! Then the rat!" the Ultimate Draco exclaimed, approaching the old man.

The Ultimate Ninja part stared at him.

"My... my son? Is that you? I thought I heard you voice..." the Daimyo muttered, eyes opening a crack.

Ultimate Ninja tilted his head. "Father?"

"Is that sentiment I hear in your voice?" Draco spat, looking up at his other half's face-mask.

"He looks so... frail," the red-masked face said.

"Do not soften on me now," Draco spat. Splinter, from the side, opened his eyes. "He must be destroyed!"

"Must he? We have all we want. We have power. We have the war staff. He is no longer a threat. He is old. And weak! We could let him live in exile," Ultimate Ninja tried again.

"We haven't come this far to simply let the Daimyo live! He must suffer! He must pay! All must pay! NOW!" Draco exclaimed.

"No!" Splinter exclaimed, jumping up and grabbing the War Staff. He was swung around like an unwanted loogie on a finger. "You shall not harm him!" he yelled as he got a better grip on the Staff. "No more harm! No more destruction! No more!"

Ultimate Draco swung the Staff at the ground, making Splinter grunt. But he held on.

"Fool! Have you so soon forgotten who is master in this realm?!" they demanded. "We hold the power! We command-"

The War Staff started glowing.

"What?! He has activated the War Staff?! No!" Ultimate Ninja yelled desperately.

"My sons! My sons!"

Mikey started spazzing again, and gasped. "No. No, no! Not now!"

The Super Turtles approached Mikey, who waved his hands. "Looks like I'm already on my way, guys! If they write a comic about this, make sure they call me the Turtle Titan!" he exclaimed, hands on his hips as he completely disappeared.

"Come to me, my sons!"

"Way to win a race, partner!" Falcon who'd been with Raph congratulated, shaking Raph's hand.

The hand started to faze out.

"Hey! It's happenin' again! It's pullin' me away from here!"

"Raph, listen! Just remember, that if you do nothing else in your life, you were once a planet racer! Not everyone can say that!" Falcon exclaimed.

Raph tried to put a hand on his shoulder. "And you remember; race with honor!" he exclaimed as he disappeared.


April dropped her bazooka and her head bowed in grieving. She then looked up as Don walked past her, turning away from the mess. "My brothers, my poor brothers. This world. This future. It's a nightmare."

"It was a nightmare, Don," April said, a small smile on her face. "But you, Leo Raph and Mikey," she continued as Don closed his eyes to fight tears from spilling, "you gave us back out future."

Don looked up, mouth slighly agape. But then he started spazzing. "April! It's happening again! Something's pulling me away! It's stronger this time!" he exclaimed.

"Donnie! Remember! There's always hope, no matter what!" she tried.

Don disappeared with a yell that echoed through the room.

"You are needed now, more than ever! My sons! My sons! MY SONS!"

The War Staff sent a blast of energy, and the three turtles appeared.

Splinter opened his eyes and looked at them.

"What da hell?" Raph asked, confused.

Don ran in front of both his brothers and hugged them tightly, nearly choking them. "Mikey! Raph!" he exclaimed with a smile in that gentle voice of his, "you're young! And alive!"

Don held Mikey's hands, confusing the younger turtle. "And Mikey - you have both arms!"

"Good to see you too, Donnie! I think," Mike said with a worried smile.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, RAT?!" Draco exclaimed, craching Splinter on the ground again. Splinter still held on.

"Whoa! Enough family reunion! Masta Splinta's in trouble! C'mon!" Raph exclaimed, leading his brothers toward the fight.

"Stupid rodent! Let go!"

All three turtles charged the Ultimate Draco at the same time, knocking him over as Splinter was sent away, War Staff still in hand. The Time Scepter was also sent to the side.

"No! My War Staff! My Time Scepter! No!" Ultimate Draco knocked Raph off themself. "No!" Mikey next. "NO!" Don was thrown away by their tail.

"We have to keep the Time Scepter out of his hands!" Don called to his family as Ultimate Draco reached for said object.

A green foot kicked the Scepter away from the evil being. "Yo, ugly!"

Ultimate Draco turned to the voice, and they both growled. Raph and Mikey were both holding the Scepter. "Lookin' fer dis?"

Splinter walked over, War Staff in hand.

"You fools! There is no way you can defeat us! You do not have the power to use the War Staff or the Time Scepter!" Ultimate Draco yelled at them.

"Perhaps not, but you will never get your hands on them again!" Splinter exclaimed. "I swear it! I-!"

The War Staff powered up, sending a blast of energy above Ultimate Draco. The Time Scepter did the same.

"What sorcery is this?!" the combined beings demanded.

"Master Splinter?" Mike asked heitantly.

"What's goin' on?" Raph finished.

"I do not know! I-!" The power grew. Raph and Mikey yelled out as they were lifted off the ground. "Hold on, my sons! Hold on!"

Leo and Usagi were next to each other, ready to defend themselves again.

"They just keep coming, Usagi!" Leo exclaimed, blocking a sword with his friend.

"Then we will keep fighting, Leonardo!"

There were now about a dozen and a half monsters, all waiting for a turn to attack them.

They disappeared.

"Huh?!" Leo asked, standing back up. Usagi did the same.

The tornado around them disappeared, and they found themselves back at the Battle Nexus.

"We're back," Leo muttered confusedly.

"This should not be possible!" the Ultimate Draco yelled as they were all transported back into the Daimyo's throne room. "You do not have the power!"

A black substance started to encase them (it?), making them start to disintegrate. They were separated into two different beings once more.

"Gah!" Draco exclaimed as his arm started to turn to stone. "I don't understand! How could this be?!" The stone spread. "No! NOOOO!" He was frozen in a screaming position.

Ultimate Ninja stood up and looked at the Daimyo. "Father? Father, forgive me! I-" The stone nearly immediately consumed him.

They both crumbled to broken piles.

"My son? Did I hear my son?" Daimyo asked deftly. "What is going on here?" he demanded when he saw the red and blue energy and the struggling mutants.

Don finally entered as Splinter and the warm-clad turtles were lowered to the ground.

Leo and Usagi entered from a doorway. "Master Splinter! You're alright!" Leo exclaimed with a huge smile as he ran over. "You're all OK!"

Don and Mike looked away from him nervously.

"Um, Master Splinter? What the shell just happened? How did we do dat?" Raph asked, glancing up at the Time Scepter.

"I..." Splinter started as Leo looked at the War Staff in his hands, "I truly do not know."

There was suddenly a flash of blue light, and a short man in a white and blue robe appeared. Lord Simultaneous. "It's quite simple, really." The Scepter gravitated towards him. "It's like I told your sons here when I met them the last time; this Time Scepter has a mind of its own. It read everyone's thoughts, weighted good against evil, and set everything to right! With a little help from the War Staff."

He then groaned and turned to the mess they'd made. "What a horrible mess! No one ever learns!" he exclaimed, floating to the ground as Leo stared at him in disbelief. They'd all just saved the freaking Battle Nexus! "I get so tired of cleaning up after megalomaniacs and madmen!"

He looked up at the Daimyo. "No! My son," the bearded man said pitifully.

Lord Simultaneous set his jaw and turned to the mutants and ronin. "Lemme show you the true and good powers of the Scepter, used by the right hands."

The blue energy started to make a form a few feet in front of Simultaneous. A young boy with short red hair and a blue outfit and brighter blue lacing and piercing green eyes appeared from it.

The boy shook his head. "Father! Father!" he exclaimed, running toward the Daimyo. He jumped up and hugged the Daimyo's shoulder, his entire body about as big as Daimyo's neck to his waist. "I had the most horrible nightmare! Oh, father!"

Daimyo looked up from his hand with tears in his eyes. "My son? Oh, my son!" he exclaimed, tears streaming down his face as he hugged the boy back. "Do not cry. I too had an awful nightmare. But it is over now. It's alright! It'll all be OK!"

The mutants, the ronin, and Simultaneous all smiled. The latter then turned back to the animals. "And it's high time I got you all back where you belong! You've given me quite a headache flooding all over time and creation like that!"

Leo turned to his rabbit friend. "Usagi, thank you," he thanked gratefully, and the two bowed to each other.

"Leonardo, it is a great honor to be your friend," Usagi replied.

"Until we meet again, Usagi!" Splinter said with a smile. "Farewell."

And with that, they all disappeared in a burst of blue energy.

Klunk jumped off the couch in surprise as the mutant family reappeared in the Lair. As if on cue, Casey, who had been working with Raph on the bike before they'd disappeared, came up to them. "Where ya guys been? I've been lookin' fer ya fer at least 10 minutes!"

Casey then chuckled at the family, who all stared at him confusedly. "You been goofin' on me? We playin' hide-n-seek or somethin'?"

Leo smiled along with Raph. "Yeah. Something like that," the latter chuckled, sharing a look with his brother.

"Let's just say it's good to be home," Leo finished.

There! Done! Who liked? Review, rant, flame, give requests, check out my community, and vote on my poll! BYE!
