Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Power Ranger.

Chapter 1: Black's Tear.

It was a warm June day. Sirus Black was sitting on the sofa in his room at Lupin's home. There was tear in the man's eyes. This day was a sad and happy day all in one. Because it was his son's birthday, no know that knew that Sirus ever had a son. There was one that knew that Sirus had a son, but she died sixteen years ago. That was Lilly Potter. She was the only one knew that Sirus had a son and was married. Lilly was there at the birth of Sirus's son. She promise to keep the secret of him being a father and husband until time were better safer for to reveal his secret. He said in a sorrowful voice, "Lilly, can't believe it been sixteen years since I held him in my arms and his mother. I should have been there for them. I should have never let that bastard of a rat ever be your Secret-Keeper. Because of his betrayal went to Azkaban. That night I went to check on him. I left my sweet Victoria and my son alone. They attack by DeathEater. They burn my burn my home," Sirus throw his glass of apple cider at the wall. The glass broke to thousand pieces. "Their bodies were burned. I promise you Victoria that my love for you will never die. I will find that rat and he will know the kiss of a dementors."

He got up and pocks the fire. He looks into the fire. After a few minutes looking into the fire he turn around went to lie on the bed. The bed was a four-post bed. The bed had huge gold pillows. Also, sheets were red. This room was done in Gryffindor colors. As laid on the bed he thought of the son he never knew. He thought, "Today you would have been sixteen and in your final year of Hogwarts. I know you and Harry would have been best friends. Just like James and I was. You like me would have disgust potions. " Tears fell down his face. Then he thought some more, "You would be great at Quidditch like me. I would not care if you were not Head Boy. But, to just have you in my arms would make the world for me. I wonder what you would be like? Would you look like me or would you look a lot like Victoria. Maybe even you would combination of the both of us." He leans over the bed and pulls a shoe box out from under the bed. The box was old. In the box were papers and teddy bear. The papers were his birth certificate and his marriage certificate. He took out the teddy bear and put the box back under his bed. He said to the bear, " Well Mr. Falcon, I see to need you this night. Just like you did for my son so long ago comfort me this night. I remember when I gave you to my son. You made him smile. He would not go to bed without you. I remember his first word. It was Falcon." Sirus smiled. "Well time for bed Mr. Falcon." He laid the bear on one the gold pillow and cried himself to sleep.