Ninja Wizard V 13
By David
Author Notes and Disclaimer: HP and company does not belong to me. They belong to JK Rowling.
Ninja Wizard V 13
"Battle in the Ministry"
Harry stretched, feeling things pop inside his body as he contemplated the situation he was now. He sighed, and then did ten more sit ups in rapid succession. He heard footsteps approaching and he grinned. Now to have some fun here. He leaned back and pulled in a lot of air and let out a loud howl. The footsteps paused, and then came running. Crabbe and Goyle appeared in front of the jail style door and looked in to find Harry sweating and looking like he might lose it. Harry stood up and slowly shuffled to the door. Suddenly he grabbed Goyle by the front of his robes and yanked him into the bars on the door. He slowly licked his chops, and gave him a demented look.
"Lunchmeat," he growled. "Come to feed me?"
Goyle slipped out of his robe and he ran to the main door hot on Crabbe's heels, pausing long enough to slam the heavy door. Harry laughed his ass off and knew that Ron would love the memory when he showed it to him. He folded up the robe carefully after checking it carefully. Nothing in the pockets. He turned to the small mirror and cleaned his face off and combed his hair out into a neat ponytail and tied it off. He returned to the bed and waited. A moment later Snape appeared with Crabbe and Goyle behind him. He glared at Harry as he looked him over.
"Hey Goyle, you dropped your house robe on the floor," Harry said as he sat up. "I folded it up nice and neat for you. Here it is."
Harry held it out to the heavy set boy cowering behind Snape. Snape grabbed it as he snarled at Harry. He handed it to Goyle.
"Never ever leave your house robe behind anywhere, stupid boy!" Snape snarled.
Harry had looked away when Snape turned to confront Goyle not wanting to embarrass the other boy.
"Potter," Snape said, tapping the cell door and unlocking it, "move out and no tricks."
Harry nodded and left the cell and went to the main door with Snape behind him. They headed upstairs where two more members of the Inquisitorial Squad were waiting for them up on the main floor. Harry joined his friends at the end of Gryffindor house table and they started their usual breakfast ritual. The two from the Inquisitorial Squad sat down at the next table and watched Harry like a hawk. Harry opened the Daily Prophet and read it like he normally did, finding the special note to him in the middle of page five.
"People in place. Plan Alpha now commencing."
Harry nodded and then handed the paper over to Hermione. "There's the paper, Hermione."
"Thank you Harry," Hermione said and started reading it like she normally did.
She discretely slipped the note into her robe sleeve and kept on reading the paper. "Oh goody. The bookstore stock is up today."
Harry had advised Hermione to buy stock in the bookseller in Diagonal Alley and so far it was paying off for her growing her some gold. Harry wondered if she would ever become a major holder in the store by the time they graduated. That was a distinct possibility. Harry checked his watch and nodded.
"Time to go," he said, standing up and picking up his pack. "Potions first today."
The two Slytherins watching Harry stood up and followed him out of the great hall and down into the dungeons to potions. Snape glared at everybody as they filed into the room. Harry took his normal station in back and set himself up for the class. Snape slammed the door and then looked around the room. He strode to the front of the room and tapped the blackboard with his wand.
"There is today's potion. Now get started!" he demanded.
Silence descended on the as everybody got busy. Snape prowled around the room as he usually did peeking into caldrons and making remarks. Harry ignored the man as he stood there and ripped into him. Once Snape saw that he wasn't getting a rise out of Harry he moved on. Harry kept on going making a perfect potion. He poured it into an unbreakable vial and marked it with his name and took it up to Snape's desk. He put it into the waiting rack.
"Potter," Snape snapped as he picked it up and examined it. "Unacceptable."
Then he deliberately dropped it. Both of them watched it hit the floor and bounce a few times before stopping next to Snape's shoe.
"An unbreakable vial," Snape growled. "How very… fortunate for you. Now get out."
Harry turned around and picked up his pack waiting by the table he had used and walked out as Draco Malfoy scrambled after him, his potion unfinished. He managed to catch up to Harry at the middle point on the stairs. Harry didn't look at him or acknowledge his presence but continued on walking up to the ground floor. As Harry had about twenty minutes before his next class, he went into what he knew was the music room at Hogwarts. He stood there for a moment looking at the shroud covering the piano.
"Potter?" Draco called out to him. "What are you doing? Why are we in here?"
Harry didn't answer but went to the piano and pulled the cover off it and sat down at it. He started playing the piano version of "The Mountains Win Again" by the Blues Traveler. He got into it, letting the music wash over him as he sang the words to the song. He finished the song and then checked the time. Then he did "Long Winding Road" by the Beatles and took his time with it. Feeling better than he had in the last few days, Harry stood up and used his wand to cover up the piano once again and then headed to the door pulling his pack onto his back as he headed to his next class, leaving Draco standing there. The door slammed and Draco snapped to and ran after Harry just in time to see him going around the corner. He caught up with Harry and nodded to the next member of the Inquisitorial Squad and then headed off to his next class knowing that either Crabbe or Goyle would bring him his books for that class. Harry settled down in History of Magic to face Dumbledore, or he hoped it was Dumbledore. The old man had stayed clear of him lately and Harry was glad of that. Dumbledore nodded to the class.
"Good morning," he said. "Now we shall pick up from where we left off last time."
The subject had been the Goblins and how they became bankers. Harry settled in to listen.
The morning had gone well so far and now Harry was sitting in the great hall having lunch. He glanced up at the high table and saw Malfoy talking to the Toad as she was now known. Harry knew just what the subject was: Harry Potter. Harry turned back to his broccoli beef and glanced up at Hermione as she plucked one from his bowl and ate it. Harry smiled for a moment and relaxed. The Toad may have eyes on him but she couldn't interfere with his wanting to be with friends and Hermione. Hermione began talking about transfigurations and Harry listened to what she was saying. He found that by listening to Hermione she made the subject a bit easier to understand. Harry had the feeling there were different eyes on him this time and he looked to where he felt the killing intent came from. Whoever it was looked away at the last second. Harry nodded and turned back to Hermione as she continued on with what she was talking about. Then suddenly the bell went and it was time to get to the next class. Harry sighed and stood up. He helped Hermione with her bag and they headed off to their next class with the Inquisitorial Squad behind them. Only one was in the class they had so Bulstrode followed them into Charms and took a seat so she could watch Harry. Harry stopped up at Flitwick's desk to turn in a paper he wrote on something that had stirred his curiosity.
"Thank you Mr. Potter," the tiny man said cheerfully with a smile.
Harry had to smile back. Flitwick usually made his day with his very positive outlook on life.
"Are you all right?" he asked out of concern.
Harry nodded. "I am just fine. Nothing I can't handle."
"Good. Carry on then," Flitwick said as he turned to his podium.
Harry took his seat next to Hermione and the class got started. Harry had no problem with this class as he had more than just a passing interest in the class. He listened, took notes, followed along with the various wand movements, and wrote down something that had piqued his interest. He was allowed to have his books with him and since they couldn't touch his pack without getting jazzed big time as Harry had placed some security charms on it he was able to get whatever he wanted into his cell with him. He made sure not to pull the wrong thing out in front of them as he didn't want the Toad to grab his pack. On second thought, why not? A fried toad would make a lot of people happy. Harry smiled at the thought. He told Hermione what he had been thinking once class was over and she had to laugh at that.
"Oh, are you coming to study in the library tonight?" Hermione asked.
Harry groaned at that. "Yeah. I need to finish that essay for Snape. The properties of some kind of plant, I forget at the moment."
"Neville will be there, he can help you with that one," Hermione said.
Harry breathed a sigh of relief. "Of course, why didn't I think of that?"
Hermione smiled at him and Harry had to laugh. "You're amazing, Hermione."
They headed down to dinner.
The month dragged by with no relief in sight. Harry was ready to throttle any of the Inquisitorial Squad who followed him all over the place. It was starting to get to him, that and being locked up in the cell in the dungeons every night. Harry finally reached his breaking point after Malfoy got through to him with some wisecrack. Malfoy saw the deadly look in Harry's eyes and decided to shut up. Harry sat on the bed of his cell listening to a CD with a group of monks singing Gregorian chant. It was working, it was relaxing him and calming him down. He did not see Snape watching him from the shadows but he knew the man was there as he sensed him through Getsumi no Michi (ninja discipline). Someone had asked Harry why didn't he just fight back and get his revenge?
"Revenge is much more fun when you smile at them and they drive themselves nuts trying to figure out what the hell you are planning," Harry had said, immediately thinking of one of the tenets from Miyamoto Musashi's book The Five Rings.
The ancient Samurai knew what the hell he had said as he had learned it and now Harry was using that very principle to win over them. But it was slowly taking a toll on Harry and he was starting to break from all of the pressure. Something was bound to happen sooner or later. It finally did, and it was in the library late at night. Harry had been working on a paper for McGonagall and exhaustion finally caught up with him and he slowly nodded off. The Slytherin watching Harry from behind a stack of books noted Harry nodding off. He never saw the shadow in the far corner point a wand at Harry and never heard the whispered spell. The dream of Sirius in some kind of strange room being tortured by the DE's sprang up in Harry's mind and the castle defenses went to work to contain the dream in the area that was reserved for such things. It was so real and convincing to Harry that he believed he was there. It wasn't until Ron shook Harry awake that he realized it was just a dream.
"What?" Harry spluttered, sitting up in his chair.
"Quiet!" Ron hissed. "You want her running over here?"
Ron was referring to Madame Pince who ran the library with an iron fist, daring people to speak out loudly or damage any of her precious books. Harry looked around and saw a dark shape lying on the floor in the far corner.
"What's that?" Harry asked quietly.
Ron had to smile. "A friend I know you want to talk to."
Harry snapped to. "Good. What about the watcher?"
Professor Flitwick came around the corner followed by Hermione and Harry had to smile.
"Our Slytherin friend in napping," the short man said. "Now Mr. Weasley said that you have a very secure place to ask our friend some questions?"
Harry grinned. "I do, and now is the time to get those answers."
Harry went over to the now obvious person lying on the floor covered by his black cloak. He pulled the cloak back to reveal a Sixth year Ravenclaw by the name of Tim Custer. Flitwick growled as Harry sighed. Harry then picked up Custer using a fireman's carry as Ron pointed to a door that appeared in front of them. Hermione opened the door and held it open allowing Harry to go first. The door closed behind Flitwick and vanished as it never had been.
"Now I know for sure the castle is working for the right side," Flitwick said.
Hermione turned to the professor. "Do you think the castle is sentient?"
"After centuries of magic being done here I would not doubt it, Miss Granger. It seems to know just what is needed and reacts to those needs," Flitwick said. "As for my being in the library, I was in the restricted section looking for information when I noticed Mr. Weasley casting stupefy on Custer while he had his wand pointed at you. I took care of our Slytherin friend. Naturally Mr. Crabbe will be blamed for falling asleep on the job."
Ron laughed at that. Harry grinned as he turned to see where he was going. There was a light up ahead and it grew brighter as they approached it. They stepped out of the dark hall into the Chamber of Secrets. Flitwick blinked at the sight of the huge place.
"My word," he said. "Is this the Chamber of Secrets?"
A deep voice answered Flitwick. "My home, sir. My refuge."
Flitwick turned to see the form of a man shimmering into sight. He was tall, well built, black hair pulled back into a ponytail, black beard trimmed neatly, and a very intense look in his eyes.
"Master Slytherin," Flitwick bowed.
Sal as he preferred to be called, nodded to Flitwick. "Well met, sir." He turned to Harry. "And what do you have there?"
"Someone who will answer questions," Harry said as Ron pulled a heavy chair over.
Harry put Custer into the chair and Hermione cast incarcerous, tying him to the chair with conjured ropes. Flitwick approached Custer and waved his wand.
"This is the person responsible for casting images into your mind, Harry?" Sal asked.
Harry nodded as Carter started coming to. "Yes, and we need to find out why."
Custer finally looked up after realizing just kind of positions he was in. His eyes narrowed as he growled at Harry. Flitwick stepped up next to Harry and Custer suddenly looked nervous.
"Why?" was the only thing Harry could ask at the moment.
Custer sneered at Harry. "Because my master wished me to for he seeks a prize that only you can retrieve for him. If you wish to save your precious Dogfather, you will go get it for him tonight. No matter how hard you try, Potter, he will be victorious over you, and then, the magical world!"
He sat there with a proud look on his face. Harry sighed and turned away from Custer. Hermione saw the look in his eyes.
"Harry," she began.
Flitwick performed an obliviate and put Custer back to sleep. "I will take care of this… traitor."
The hallway appeared once more and Flitwick disappeared into it with Custer floating behind him. Sal stepped up to Harry.
"Whatever it is you plan be very careful," he said.
Harry nodded. "Yes sir. We need to get back to the library before we are missed."
Another doorway appeared and the three of them stepped back into the library where they had started from. Harry turned to see a smooth wall where the doorway had been.
"Thank you," he whispered, patting the wall.
He turned and headed back to the table where they had been sitting at and sat down.
"Harry, what are you going to do?" Hermione asked.
Harry studied the page in front of him. "I need to break into the Toad's office and use her fireplace to call Sirius and make sure he's okay. If not, then I need to go to the Ministry and rescue him. Before you say anything remember this, the only unsecured fireplace is in that woman's office as all of the other ones have monitoring spells put on them."
Hermione sighed as voices started up. They looked to see Crabbe getting yelled at for being asleep. Malfoy glared at Harry. Harry beamed brightly at Draco and waved hello. The blond seemed to be having a hard time trying to keep his temper in check and then suddenly marched over to Harry followed by four other. Malfoy whipped out his wand.
"Stand up Potter," he snarled, "I'm taking you to see Umbridge."
Harry nodded and brought up his hands, showing that he wasn't holding his wand. Malfoy looked at Hermione and Ron.
"Bring the mudblood and the blood traitor with you," he snapped.
Ron started to lunge at Malfoy but Harry held him back. "Easy there, Ron. Here and now isn't the time. Wait for a better time to take him on. Just you and him, nobody to interfere."
Ron slowly relaxed as Malfoy laughed in his face. He pointed to the door and Harry nodded. Harry went first, Malfoy right behind him with his wand pointed at Harry's back.
As they walked through Hogwarts, Harry's mind was busy trying to come up with a plan to fight Malfoy and his suck ups. He eventually decided to just see what happens and go from there. Harry relaxed and led the group right up to where Umbridge had her office. The moment she took over from McGonagall Hogwarts had reacted, locking down the Headmaster's Office tight. Harry's theory was that Umbridge wanted in there in the worst way wanting to discover what secrets Dumbledore had been hiding in there. Harry had the theory that Dumbledore had things in there that he did not want to come to light and left them there. No way would McGonagall ever break through to those hidden caches. From what reading he had done, it was the current headmaster of headmistress that had the right to name their successors, and McGonagall hadn't named Umbridge. On very rare occasions Hogwarts had named people who were to lead Hogwarts.
"Knock on the door," Malfoy demanded.
Harry did so and the door opened. "What is going on here?" Umbridge demanded.
"We found Crabbe unconscious in the library and these three were in the immediate area. We think they did something to Crabbe to make him fall asleep," Malfoy stated.
Umbridge perked up. "So you assaulted a member of the Inquisitorial Squad? I shall have to punish you for that! Get them in here."
Malfoy jabbed Harry in the back with his wand and Harry moved forward. Millicent Bulstrode walked Hermione in while Goyle had Ron. Umbridge drew her wand and pointed to a chair on the other side of the office as Malfoy closed the door.
"Sit," Umbridge demanded. "I have been wanting to interrogate you for the longest time. Now that I am head of Hogwarts, I can do so without reprisal. Now then, let's start with the incident in the library. Why did you attack Crabbe?"
Harry looked at her very calmly. "I did not attack him. He fell asleep on his own."
Umbridge glared at Harry. "You are a liar. It is obvious that my detentions have not worked on you. I will give you another chance to confess. Why did you attack Mr. Crabbe in the library?"
Harry knew from the maniacal gleam in her eyes she would do something nasty to him. He set his spirit and soul ready for what he knew would be a magical attack against him. He took in the office, and where everybody was standing, calculated the number of steps to each person and where Umbridge was standing and where she would end up when Harry acted out being hurt when he dropped onto the floor from her attack.
"I did not attack him," Harry said very calmly.
Umbridge sighed. "If you will not confess to your crime, then I suppose a little bit of persuasion will have to suffice. It is on your head now, Mr. Potter."
Harry watched the wand come up and he stared at the end of it that was pointed at him.
"Crucio," she intoned, and Harry watched the spell race at him.
It struck his invisible shield and Harry play acted being affected by it. He dropped to the floor and began rolling around while screaming.
"STOP IT!" Hermione screamed at the toad as she sneered at Harry.
Malfoy, Goyle, and Bulstrode all laughed watching Harry writhing under the spell. The spell stopped and Harry gasped for breath.
"Let's try something else," Umbridge snarled at Harry. "What is Dumbledore up to?"
Harry rolled onto his right side and didn't answer. Umbridge raised her wand again and cast crucio at Harry. Harry felt it hit his shield and went into his act, screaming and thrashing about on the floor. A moment later the spell stopped. Harry blinked as he moved like he was really in pain.
"Who is in the illegal club you started?" Umbridge screamed at him, fury on her face now.
Harry moved his head slightly. "Don't… know… what… you're talking… about."
"Don't you lie to me!" she shrieked at him. "I know all about it as I was just recently informed about it! Tell me!"
Harry knew it was time to end this as she was moving into the spot he wanted her in. He slowly got to his hands and knees in front of the Toad as Draco Malfoy's voice spoke up.
"Finally!" he crowed. "Finally he had learned how to show proper respect for his betters!"
Umbridge cast Crucio once more and Harry acted like he was in serious pain. Then he did the unthinkable. He rushed Umbridge and his right shoulder caught her in the gut and lifted her off the floor and into the wall. Hermione didn't hesitate. She ran her right elbow into Bulstrode causing her to let go of Hermione. Hermione spun and lashed out with a right that caught Bulstrode on the left side of her face. Bulstrode was a large girl and looked like she could possibly give anyone a good wrestling match, but the force of Hermione's punch put her into the wall. Hermione then put both hands together and hit her on the left shoulder with what could be called an ax handle blow, dropping her to her knees. Hermione then ran Bulstrode's face right into the wall and knocker her out cold. All in the space of a few seconds. Ron had moved the moment Hermione had reacted by pulling away from Malfoy and used an open palm strike against the center of Malfoy's chest, causing him to gasp and start to bend forward. Ron hit him twice, and the blond hit the wall and then slid to the floor, knocked out cold. The only sound in the office was a clock on the table in the corner ticking.
Harry groaned as he stood up and stretched. Hermione turned to Harry once she was done casting incarcerous. Ron placed Malfoy's wand on the desk along with Bulstrode's. Hermione picked up Umbridge's wand and put it with the other two. Harry turned to the fireplace and tossed in a bit of the floo powder.
"Paddy's Doghouse," he intoned. "Sirius? Are you there?"
Keith's face appeared. "Harry? That you mate?"
Harry nodded. "Yes. Is Sirius there?"
"No, he stepped out to the Ministry about an hour ago," Keith replied. "Remus isn't here either. What's going on?"
Harry growled. "I have reason to believe that Sirius is being held hostage in the Department of Mysteries by a small group of DE's. I'm headed over there to check it out and possibly rescue him."
Keith nodded. "If Remus comes back I'll pass that on to him. Be careful, Harry. I don't know about this. Gotta bad feeling."
There was a knock on the door and Ron reacted, going over to it. Hermione took up position behind it with her drawn wand and nodded to Ron. Ron opened the door to find Neville, Ginny, and Luna standing there with their wands drawn. Ron heaved a sigh of relief. The three of them immediately entered the office and closed the door.
"What's going on?" Neville asked.
Ron filled them in as Harry scratched his face for a moment thinking and then nodded his head.
"I'm going to the Ministry," he told them. "I need to rescue Sirius from the DE's. I can't ask you all to go with me as this is going to go very badly. I'll be the one in trouble, not you guys."
"We're wasting time, Harry. We need to go now," Ron said.
Hermione stepped up to Harry. "We are with you on this."
"Come on, let's go," Neville said, heading towards the fireplace, Luna behind him. "We can floo directly into the Ministry from here. The only person who will get into trouble will be the Toad for allowing students through the floo network."
Harry turned to Neville. "I like that idea. Let's go!"
Harry went in first, followed by Hermione, Ron Ginny, Luna, and Neville. They paused by the entry and looked to see where they were. Harry and Neville were the only ones who had ever been here, which surprised Harry as he looked at Ron.
"Your Dad works here, and you have never been to his office?" Harry asked him.
Ron sighed. "No, never. Like the Twins, I was never really impressed by the Ministry and can't see myself working here as much as Mum wants me to. Sorry Harry."
Harry sighed. "Okay, no problem. We need to find the Department of Mysteries and get down there. We need to find out where it is."
"The guard's desk would have that information," Neville said as he moved out from the protection of the floo station and headed over to the guard's station. "The only way into the ministry is past the guard station."
The group followed Neville to the guard station and looked around for the guard and found him curled up underneath his desk asleep. Hermione checked him out and then turned to Harry.
"He's been stunned," she reported as Neville looked around the desk for maps of the ministry.
Harry nodded as he pulled the Potter wand. "That means they are here."
"Isn't there always supposed to be at least five or so Aurors on duty in here?" Ginny asked.
Luna nodded. "Daddy once told me about getting a tour of the Auror stations in here for an article he did a few years back. There's always a few of them in here. One in the command office, two in the monitoring room, one down here, and two on roving patrol. There's supposed to be two down in the holding cells anytime they have prisoners down there."
"If he's down," Ron indicated the sleeping Auror on the floor, "that means there's DE's in here."
Harry relaxed and let himself go into Getsumi no Michi. Hermione recognized the signs as she saw Harry relax. Harry let his senses go and felt other people in the ministry asleep in their chairs. The DE's obviously used a heavy sleep charm on people in here.
"The guard isn't the only one napping," he informed the others.
Neville shivered at that. "That's not good. If a handful of DE's can take over the ministry, think about what they could do to the Magical World."
"Not a good thought," Ron said.
Luna held up something. "I found a map to the Ministry."
She spread it out over the desk as the others crowded around. Within moments the Department of Mysteries was located in the lower levels of the building. Harry nodded and they headed off to the elevators just past the guard station. They boarded one and Ron hit the button to take them down into the lower levels. Harry peeked around the wall once the elevator stopped to check for DE's and saw none. His senses told him there was a small force of them inside the Department of Mysteries, but not where. Luna led the way down the hall to a wood door that looked very strong. Harry pushed on it expecting resistance and didn't get it as it opened on its own.
"They knew you were coming," Neville whispered.
The others looked to their wands and followed Harry in. The room they walked into was a round room, a number of doors around the wall. Each door was unmarked and matched the door they had just come through. Hermione turned and tapped the door they had just come through.
"So we know which door to leave here by," Hermione whispered.
Harry nodded and turned his attention back to the doors in front of him.
"Which one?" Ron asked.
Harry closed his eyes and stretched out his senses. Each door gently rebuffed his attempts to find out what was inside that particular room.
"My senses are being blocked by the magic on the doors," Harry informed them.
Ron sighed. "That means we're gonna have to open each door to find the right room."
Hermione went to each door and cast her spells in an effort to try and find the right door. She growled in frustration and shook her head.
"Pick a door and off we go," Hermione said.
Harry picked a door and it opened to reveal a room full of tanks with something swimming inside them. They backed out and went to the next door. The room was dark and there were colored balls floating in mid air and moving in orbits.
"A planetarium," Hermione said.
Ron looked like he was going to ask but didn't. He led the way out of that room and picked the forth door down and it opened up into a very large room with lots of shelves. On each shelf was a round glass ball sitting in a depression to hold it in place.
"The Hall of Prophecy," Luna said. "Daddy and I have heard about this room from other people and have always wanted to get in here. Now I can confirm its existence."
"How do we find the thing?" Ron asked.
Hermione read the closest plaque. "By dates. From Harry reading his parent's diaries we know roughly the date in which it was supposedly given."
"So we read the plaques until we find the right one," Neville said.
Luna stepped past the group and read the next one, and the hunt began.
It took them nearly an hour to find the right shelf. They walked down the length of the shelf to approximately where it should be and it was Harry who found it. The others gathered around Harry as they stared at the small prophecy ball, the white colored mist swirling around inside of it. Harry frowned at the initials on the small plaque beneath the ball.
"It was given to Dumbledore by Trelawney," Hermione said softly. "You are the only one who can touch it. If anyone other than you, Dumbledore, and Trelawney touch it, they could die."
"Very good," a voice spoke up from the darkness in front of them.
The group turned to see Lucius Malfoy step out of the darkness with several other DE's behind him.
"That's why we needed Potter to get it for us. Once he's taken it off the shelf, he can hand it to us without any harm to me," Malfoy smirked.
Harry reached for it and took it in his hand. "It feels so warm, so alive."
He moved his left arm and the sleeve of his sweater covered the globe for just a second and then Harry raised his hand once more to show the globe to everyone.
"Hand it here Potter," Malfoy ordered Harry.
Harry looked at Malfoy. "I don't think so."
Ron was the first to react, his wand coming up and shooting off the stupefy spell. Two of the DE's fell before anyone could react and the fight was on. Hermione, Neville, and Luna ran back to the aisle and took off in different directions. Harry's wand popped out of his right sleeve and began shooting off offensive spells as Malfoy barely managed to get a shield up in time. The DE's behind him backtracked and went after the three who had run in an effort to catch them. Harry and Neville backed up as they alternated between defensive and offensive spells, one protecting the other as the one attacked. It worked to a point before Bella LeStrange appeared and went full out offensive on them. It took a lot for Harry and Neville to hold her off as they backed out of the aisle to get into a bigger space so they could start fighting back more efficiently. Harry and Neville played leapfrog until they reached the large space in front of the door they came in and then moved to setup an efficient attack and defense. Unfortunately Harry was the only one with real battle experience over his friends and it didn't take the DE's long to figure that out and start putting pressure on Harry. Harry couldn't go all out on the DE's as he would have a very hard time explaining to people how it all happened. The only way he could pull this off was to do hit and run tactics and switch back and forth to and from his ninja identity. Harry had trained in switching back and forth in and out of his ninja gear to the point where he could do it in seconds and not have to think about it.
The door behind them popped open and Neville backed out first followed by Harry. They discovered another group of DE's in the main room and saw his friends splitting up and going into other rooms. Harry knew that gave him opportunity to strike as the ninja. If any of the DE's were captured they would say that they saw the ninja attack them. Harry hoped his illusions would work here in creating an illusion of the ninja crossing paths with him so anyone would say that they saw Harry with the ninja at any given time. Now he had opportunity to pull it off. The bombarda spell landed in between Harry and Neville, the shock wave pushing them in opposite directions. That gave Harry opportunity to pull a fast switch and appear as the ninja and take out a DE behind Malfoy with a poisoned shirikin. Malfoy's mouth dropped open and he blinked at the sight of the mysterious person in black. He did however, have the thought in his mind to move fast away from a pair of shirikins that Harry threw at him, both of them missing Malfoy completely and disappearing after striking the wall behind him. By the time Malfoy recovered, Harry had popped up out of hiding and attacked with a chain of spells. Malfoy managed to get his shield up in time to keep from getting hit by the spell chains. The various battles see sawed back and forth for a time, Harry engaging the various DE's sometimes on his own or with help from the others. How they managed to hold their own amazed him.
Things did change for the worse when one of the DE's, a man by the name of Dolohov attacked Hermione in front of Harry as he took on Malfoy and another DE. The man grinned at Harry as his spellfire pushed Hermione into a corner. He turned back to her and managed to overcome her while casting a long chain of spells before Neville was able to silence him. Dolohov grinned at them before turning back to Hermione and cast silently once more. One spell managed to get through her defense and cut her open from her left shoulder to her right hip. That was enough to push Harry over the edge. He attacked Dolohov with a fury he's never felt before as Neville fell over her after Dolohov cast a bone breaker on Neville's left leg, making Neville break his wand and nose as he landed on the floor. Dolohov somehow managed to protect himself from Harry's spell chains as he went after the man. Suddenly the door flew open and help arrived in the form of Sirius and Moody. Both men went after three of the DE's in the room, Sirius after his cousin Bella and took her on. Harry turned to Hermione and tried to stop the bleeding. Tonka appeared next to him and cast something over Hermione and then dropped something on her as she pushed Harry away. She tapped the unknown object and both of them disappeared. Harry turned back to Dolohov and increased his attack, his rage giving him the fuel he needed. Dolohov fell back as he desperately tried to protect himself. He slipped on something and Harry was on him in seconds, his right fist leading the way and nailing the man on the right side of his face, stunning him. Harry grabbed him by the neck and his belt and dragged him over to the Veil in the corner. The veil started to move.
Everybody knew what the Veil was. It was something that the Ministry threw all convicted criminals through. Nobody knew what was on the other side as nobody had ever come back out of it. Now Harry could hear the whispers from it as he dragged Dolohov closer. The man began to fight back but Harry kneed him in a bad spot and he curled up from the pain. Harry didn't hesitate.
"For Hermione. For all of those you killed," Harry snarled as he managed to throw Dolohov through.
The man's screams stopped the second he passed through. Harry turned just in time to see Bella tag Sirius with a cutting curse. Harry attacked as she laughed at him. Malfoy slid past them and out the door. Harry stomped Bella down as he followed Malfoy out the door, firing spells at him as they went. Malfoy Sr. managed to get into an elevator and head up to the main floor. Harry got into the next one and followed Malfoy Sr. up into what was a hot battle. Dumbledore was there and he was taking on Voldemort. Harry battled Malfoy Sr. as the man moved backwards before bumping into a shocked Fudge. Malfoy immediately grabbed the portly minister.
"Lucius!" Fudge yelled. "What in the name of…?"
Malfoy punched him hard in the face and then turned him slightly to reveal Voldemort.
"This is what's going on," he said in his aristocratic voice. "I am here to help my master rule over all of you worthless sheep."
Fudge did what he was the best at. His face turned a pale white and then he fainted. Malfoy looked smugly at Harry.
"It's been so much fun, Potter. Time to go," Malfoy Sr. beamed at him. "My Lord! I have the prize we seek!"
Malfoy then unleashed a chain of spells at Harry and Harry used his gymnastic skills to avoid them and ended up next to Dumbledore. Harry immediately took a defensive position and cast a number of shields against the incoming spell fire as Dumbledore went on the offensive. Voldemort swatted them away as Malfoy disappeared into the remaining floo. Voldemort backed up until he stood over Fudge as the man slowly came too and blinked at the sight of the Dark Lord standing over him. Voldemort smiled as he put up a shield that Harry and Dumbledore tried to break. Both of them missed the slight nod that Voldemort gave Umbridge. He looked down at Fudge.
"Avada Kedavra," Voldemort whispered softly.
Fudge never had the chance to scream. The green light flashed and Fudge was no more. Harry and Dumbledore surged forward in an attempt to stop Voldemort but the snake like man smiled at them and turned on his left heel and disappeared from sight. Harry turned the moment he heard spell fire and reacted, throwing up Protego just as Sirius and Bela appeared, throwing spells at each other. Sirius managed to tag her with a cutting curse, coming close to cutting her wand hand off. She screamed out in pain and turned on her left heel to apparate out, leaving a bit of her blood on the floor.
The silence lasted for a few minutes before Umbridge spoke. "Secure the ministry. Now."
The Aurors that were with her reacted as she turned to Harry and Dumbledore. "Take all of them into custody. I want them interrogated."
Dumbledore swept Harry behind him as Neville, Ginny, Ron, and Luna came up behind him. Harry noticed a short piece of rope in Dumbledore's hand. Harry and the others grabbed it and Dumbledore whispered something and suddenly the world around Harry changed. The next thing he knew was getting dumped into the lobby of St. Mungo's hospital. He got to his feet and ran up to the admitting desk. Before he could say anything Tonks appeared next to him.
"Follow me," she snapped as she grabbed his upper right arm.
Tonks dragged Harry through a set of doors and down a hall to a room. Harry pushed Tonks away and then raced into the room. One of the healers working on Hermione noticed him there.
"Get out!" he demanded.
Harry glared at him. "No. She's my girl."
"She's losing a lot of blood, we have to stop it, she needs blood right now!" the man said. "You are getting in the way!"
"I'll give her blood," Harry said.
The man looked at Harry for a moment as another healer waved his wand at Harry's back.
"He's compatible," the healer announced.
Harry found himself getting shoved down into a reclining chair and before he knew it a needle had been inserted into his blood vein. The other end went into Hermione's left arm. Harry relaxed and projected love to Hermione, willing her to live. The clock in the room ticked loudly as people worked on her. Finally the head healer stepped away and nodded.
"She's going to make it," he announced, looking at Harry.
Harry closed his eyes and sighed.
Voldemort's Lair, Location Unknown
Voldemort sighed as he sat down on his throne in the middle of what was the ballroom in Riddle Manor. The DE's looked on and wondered what was to happen next. Voldemort raised his head and smiled at them.
"My faithful," he began, "we were successful. The prize I have sought is mine. That useless wizard Fudge is dead. Umbridge is now in a position to assume his place. The Ministry is ours."
The room burst out into cheers as Voldemort smiled.
"Where is Malfoy?" he asked. "He should share in our happy moment."
Peter Pettigrew trembled as he eased himself in front of Voldemort. "He is seeing to his wounds, My Lord. He shall join us in a moment."
The door to the ballroom opened and Malfoy strutted in proudly as the DE's there applauded him.
"Well done, Lucius. Well done," Voldemort beamed at him. "Now then, the prize."
Malfoy reached into his robes and brought out the orb he had taken from Harry in the Prophecy Room and held it up for all to see. Suddenly it slipped out of his hand and headed for the floor. That was the last thing Malfoy Sr. and two dozen DE's ever saw at the orb hit the floor and exploded.
To Be Continued