This was inspired by the mind of a fellow FanFiction author. They have an idea where Ash grows up in Alola. They told me several other things about their idea of Ash growing up in Alola, but I won't say anything else.

I have to say, their idea is interesting, so I thought I should make some one-shots.

Anyway, I'm doing that author a small favor, they want to see if their idea will be highly recognized .

For those who came to see if there is some Aureliashipping because I'm quite known for writing about that shipping, don't worry for there will be some.

This AU because you will be seeing typical scenes from the anime High School genre. Also, slice-of-life.

Now, this is just like "Love Through The Years" only it will not switch from future to present, it will all be set in Ash's high school life along the people who are important in his life.


"Yes, Ash?" The young man with shaggy green hair replied.

"Why do I have the feeling that I'm being watched?" His brother asked.

"That is because you are being watched," The older brother answered. He looks around before adding, "By basically every one of our male classmates in class."

"Well can you tell them to stop?" Ash asked nervously.

"" N said, also fearing for his life.

Kiawe, who is Ash and N's senior by one year, came inside the classroom of Professor Kukui. High Hau'oli Academy do not have a rule that regulates all students to wear the standard high school uniform, so students can wear whatever they want just as long they follow the regulations.

Thankfully for Kiawe, he can go around school shirtless while wearing a pair of red shorts.

The raven haired teen calmed down along with his adopted brother when they saw their friend appear. Kiawe is basically the most feared student in the entire school, all due to the following facts.

For one, he is a Z-Move user which works well with his specialty in fire-type Pokémon. Also, his grandfather is a Trial Captain and the man takes great pride in his grandchildren; so should someone insults Kiawe or his granddaughter, Mimo, they will feel the wrath of a living volcano.

"Hey, Ash." The fire-type specialist called. "I'm going to be needing your help today."

"Well I got nothing to do tonight." Ash said. "So sure. What do you need help with?"

"One of the Tauros at my family farm broke the barn. My parents need my help to fix it up, but I also got deliveries to do after school. Can I rely on you to do my deliveries?"

"Sure." Ash said with a nod and a smile. "Flying around Alola will be great practice for Pidgeot."

Kiawe return the smile as he said thanks to Ash. The fiery trainer was about to leave the classroom when he saw the glares from the male students.

"What's up with them?" Kiawe asked. Normally he would try to yell at them to stop, but the reason for the glares perked his curiosity.

"That's what I want to know." Ash said as he shrank in his seat. "They have been glaring at me since break started."

Kiawe gave Ash a sympathetic look, which did not last long when his eyes wondered to what was on Ash's desk.

A bento box wrapped in a sky blue cloth. Kiawe sweat dropped. There is only one person in the school who uses that exact color.

"I see Concordia made your lunch." Kiawe said. The glaring males growled which proved Kiawe's theory.

Ash did notice though. Instead he smiled at his lunch that his younger sister made for him. He felt his stomach growl in hunger.

He licks his lips, "Yeah and boy does it smell good." Ash was about to open it up, but Kiawe took it from before he could. "Hey! Tha-!"

"What's that, Ash?" Kiawe acted as he walked over the trash bin. "You're not hunger? Well then, I guess I'll just throw this away. What a waste of good food made by your sis-."

Before he could even finish that sentence or throw away the contents of the bento box, one male student swiped it from him. The young male felt victorious, but it did not last long as another male tackled him.

Soon a fight ensued for the bento box. Kiawe stepped back to avoid being dragged into the fight. N looked away; being a pacifist, he tries to avoid violence as much as possible.

Ash sweat dropped as he stood up from his desk.

"Is my sister's lunch that good?" He wondered. Not wanting to involve himself in a fight, he decided to buy lunch instead.

Kiawe and N deadpanned at Ash's retreating form.

"He does realized how popular Anthea and Concordia are, right?" Kiawe asked rhetorically.

"He has been here for only four days now." N reminded him, defending Ash.

"Oh yeah. That's right. Mallow told me your brother studied abroad at Kalos for the past 6 years."