naruto (c) masashi kishimoto, no profit gained from this fic

I like the idea of Madara/fem!Hashirama, so I wrote down some drabbles and decided to crosspost it from AO3. Non-linear, may explore canon theme several times and may contain AUs. None of these drabbles are related to each other unless i say otherwise.


"I will destroy what you built."

They no longer skipped stones or sparred or ran; those were the dreams of her childhood, eerily quiet days between the clashes of blades. She still dreamed they could go back to that day, but her brother would tell her to stop dreaming and act properly as a leader of the Senju.

She returned his greeting by bringing forth a forest. Its roots and branches shot forward, grasping for a lone wandering leaf across the river.

He dodged them all. She knew. He took a deep breath. She knew. When his fire spread wild and massive, she was prepared with a wooden dome. They had fought too much and too often to her liking; her entire body and forest knew well how he dance.

They were equal after all.

[ "How symbolic," he commented in the past once, in the battlefield, already forsaking whatever bond she tried to salvage between them. "Fire is the archenemy of the forest. What can you do against a hundred of Uchiha?" ]

They clashed blades again, and she saw madness in his (brother's) eyes. Perhaps her brother and heir had been true, but she refused to believe it.

"If you destroy what I build," the first Hokage screamed back, her hair flared with chakra. "I will rebuild and regrow my forest."

Even if it means I have to bury a dearest person in its soil.