Batman glided into through a waterfall which lead into the Batcave. Batman headed to the Batcomputer, pulling the remote he found after he and the Justice League defeated the Legion of Doom, from his golden utility belt.

"You were gone longer than usual Master Bruce," Alfred said, greeting Bruce.

"It was Justice League business. We almost captured the Legion of Doom for good this time Alfred, then they just disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Alfred asked, confused. Bruce showed the remote to Alfred.

"Lex Luthor used this to teleport himself and his colleagues before we could bring them to justice. I also decided the Justice League needed more members, we weren't as efficient as usual, so after I finish finding out what this remote has to reveal, I'll be recruiting."

"I suggest you get some rest and eat first Master Bruce," Alfred stated.

"Fine, but first I'll find out what this remote's hiding," Bruce said as Alfred nodded, walking up the stairs to return to Wayne Manor. Bruce set the remote under the batcomputer scanner. A few moments later the screen read; This teleportation device was created by Lex Corp. It was built for an one time use only and can only teleport seven people, destination to where teleportation device sends passengers is unknown.

"Dammit!" A frustrated Batman slams his fists onto the remote, destroying it. Bruce shutdown the batcomputer, changing out of the batsuit and into his night robes. Bruce shutdown the Batcave as he entered Wayne Manor.

A few days after the Legion of Doom had escaped, Batman called for a Justice League meeting to explain what he found out about Luthor's teleportation remote, but more importantly, to see what the recruits had to present themselves. Wonder Woman, Superman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, The Flash, and Martian Manhunter walked down the steps from Wayne Manor and into the Batcave. Batman lead the group to a circular stone table, it was the Justice League table, the only thing Batman could salvage from the destroyed Hall of Justice. The table was placed in the Batcave's sparring room, which was under the Batcomputer, and behind the waterfall of one the caves' many entrances. Each member took a seat in one of the seven chairs.

"So I found some information about this," Batman said, sliding the single button remote onto the table. "This was built by Lex Corp. obviously, and was meant for a one time use and could only carry seven passengers. Unfortunately, it did not reveal where the destination was that Luthor had set on the device."

"Maybe Lex had Cheetah use her magic to power the device somehow," Wonder Woman suggested. "Cheetah does have her ways with magic…"

"We can't be too sure about that Diana, we can't really be too sure about many things. But one thing we can be sure about, is that the Justice League will soon be stronger and able to protect Earth more efficiently." Bruce reassured the team.

Superman cleared his throat, "While I was out recruiting with Barry and Hal, I stopped by S.T.A.R Labs to see if they could build us a new headquarters."

"Did they have any ideas for us yet?" J'onn wondered.

Clark nodded, "They said it'd take a year to complete, but it's a Watchtower and will be placed over Earth's atmosphere."

"That's nice and all, but let's start with the real reason why we're here," Aquaman said.

"Learn some patience will ya?" Flash remarked. Arthur glared at the speedster.

"Barry!" Hal said, looking at Flash, reminding him that Aquaman is a king just incase he forgot.

"Enough," Batman ordered. "The new recruits will be here shortly, I've set up a simulation for them so they know what they'd be going up against in the Justice League. Remember though, we are a team made up of the best, so don't expect them all to make the cut."

Shortly after Batman hushed the Justice League, he set the holograms in the sparring room to the simulation he set up for the recruits on the Batcomputer. Shortly after Batman and finished everything up, a large jet appeared through the waterfall entrance of the Batcave. Landing on the platform across the sparring room and Justice League, a large group of people emerged from the jet, crossing the bridge from the platform to the sparring room where the Justice League observed them. Some of the recruits were young, old, small, big, but all of that didn't matter, they believed in themselves that they could protect the world with their lives.

"Green Arrow, Black Canary, Shazam, Atom, Red Tornado, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Zatanna, Firestorm, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Doctor Fate, Vixen, Captain Atom, Power Girl, Plastic Man, and Black Lightning, you have all been presented here today to show us what you have to defend your world from any danger." Superman started.

"I've set up a simulation that will prove which ones of you have the ability to become a Justice League member. Also, another thing to note to yourselves, not all of you will become Justice League members, so do your absolute best." Batman finished. As Batman and the Justice League seemed to fade away, the lights in the sparring room shut down, soon being replaced by scenario Batman setup for the new recruits. A large bulky figure leaped in front of the group.

"HA! Only one opponent for all of us?" Blue Beetle broke the silence, while everyone was backing away or getting in their stances.

"You fool, it's an android that can use our powers against us when we fight it!" Red Tornado informed them.

"Then how do we take this thing down?" Vixen wondered.

"We obviously have to work together, and think better and faster than this thing!" Shazam declared.

"Enough talk, let's take this down," Green Arrow shouted, explaining a strategy and leading the group into battle against the android.

The Justice League stood in a hidden room which was mostly covered by glass and stone behind the sparring room. The original seven league members watched closely how well the recruits worked together and how their plan to defeat Amazo was executed. A while later, the recruits had eventually defeated Amazo, and the simulation shut down, the Justice League re entered to sparring room to announce which recruits would join the Justice League.

"While we watched you battle Amazo, showing off your skill and intellect, all seven of us have finally came up with list of which ones of you will become members." Wonder Woman started.

"Vixen, Shazam, Doctor Fate, Atom, Power Girl, Captain Atom, Red Tornado, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Plastic Man, and Black Lighting, you've been chosen to join the Justice League." Superman announced.

"Zatanna, Blue Beetle, Firestorm, and Booster Gold, we apologize, but you four do not qualify to become members of the Justice League," Batman told the four disappointed recruits.

A few hours had passed after the Justice League selected which recruits would be able to join. The recruits unable to become members were sent home, while the new members stayed in the Batcave to have their first meeting as Justice League members. Things finally seemed as if they were going right for the Justice League, the new recruits guaranteed a strong future for Earth and new headquarters would be built soon.