Thank you all for checking out my story! It's kind of a short first chapter but I am pleased with it! I hope it gets you hooked, and I promise at least Kurogane will be introduced in the next chapter. This story will also have a little bit of Syaoran/Sakura at some point so hang on for that too! This story assumes (as do I, maybe I am confused but CLAMP doesn't really give great concrete answers) that xxxholic takes place in the same world as CCS, though I don't plan on doing much with Watanuki. I apologize if you are very attached to CLAMP universe canon but I had fun filling in the gaps in terms of the logistics of Yuko's shop.

There was something wrong. Tomoyo had no magical powers, but she had tagged along with Sakura enough times to understand what the strangeness of magic felt like in a largely non-magical world. Although she had her cell phone to call Kero-chan and Sakura right away, for some reason today Tomoyo hesitated. She heard the wind rustling through the trees above her but felt no breeze and the fallen leaves at her feet were still. She wasn't anywhere particularly abnormal. Just walking home from one of her private singing lessons. The team of bodyguards probably wasn't far behind her, always discreetly following in a plain but high class sedan, so as to give the "young miss" some sense of freedom in her teenage years, though it was by no means a secret. As such Tomoyo did not feel afraid for her safety, just strange… off somehow.

Despite her bodyguards, Tomoyo also knew that they could not be much help against any kind of magical force, so she kept her thumb on the "call" button of her cell phone just in case. Tomoyo did not often stop to take in the commercial buildings along her route home, but she liked to think of herself as an observant person, and most people would say that would be an understatement. However, when she looked to her left, she stopped mid step, caught off guard by the traditional house and grounds in the midst of their town's business district. She had a sneaking suspicion that the reason she had never noticed this place before was because it hadn't been there before. Or at least it hadn't appeared to her there before…

But before she could press the button to dial Sakura, a low female voice called out to her.

"Young girl!"

Tomoyo raised her eyes from the traditional japanese manicured gardens to the figure standing on the front steps. A formidable figure indeed, she was very tall and slender, with black hair as long as Tomoyo's own, though the woman's was completely straight.

"Don't make that phone call. Come join me for tea instead," the friendly tone of her voice did not disguise her meaning. It was not a question or an invitation. It was a summons. Tomoyo hesitated at the property line, but as soon as her toe crossed over, it was like she could hear the cogs of fate clicking into place. Yuko smiled.

Tomoyo was led through the smoky greeting lounge and beaded doors to the tea room by two exuberant girls who were almost identical except for their hair, and now she was seated across from Yuko at a plain round table with a simple silky white tablecloth. The woman never actually introduced herself, but Tomoyo heard the girls, Maru and Moro, say, "What tea today, Yuko?"

To which she replied after giving Tomoyo a long once over, "How about the golden oolong?" Which happened to be Tomoyo's favorite...

Now, after having been served their tea in western style elegant porcelain cups Yuko finally spoke to Tomoyo.

"You must have a wish, you wouldn't be here otherwise."

"I have a feeling I wouldn't be able to be here otherwise."

The woman in the black kimono with a butterfly motif and fringe accents fascinated Tomoyo, not only because of her impeccable style, but her half lidded red eyes seemed to hold many secrets.

Those eyelids closed and Yuko smiled, put her elbows on the table, laced her fingers together and propped her chin up before she opened her eyes again; now they were twinkling with what Tomoyo hoped was amusement.

"I see I must not underestimate you…"

Tomoyo didn't know how to answer, but was very well bred of course so she sipped her tea politely, waiting for Yuko to take the lead. Yuko seemed totally at ease, content to just watch Tomoyo, her graceful fingers curling around the tea cup now.

"Nevertheless," Yuko continued, "you do have a wish. One that you have held deep in your heart for quite some time now."

Tomoyo didn't blush, but did feel a twinge of shame and looked down into her tea cup. Sakura's smiling face flashed in her mind. Tomoyo! Syaoran wrote me from Hong Kong! Sakura's tear stained face now, He says he won't be able to come for Golden Week. I know I shouldn't cry, I'll be alright with such wonderful friends like Tomoyo-chan and Kero-chan!

"I have always wished for my friend's happiness over my own," she answered simply.

"A dangerous wish," Yuko replied, "it's hard to predict what your friend will do with the energy offered by your wishes. If they disappoint you, it is easy to succumb to despair and regret." Now she fixed Tomoyo with a sly gaze, "But nothing happens by coincidence, everything is inevitability."

Tomoyo paused, digging deeper into her heart's dearest wishes. I wish I was Sakura's greatest happiness. More than anyone else… I want to be by her side. Tomoyo had never lied to herself in this regard. She was in love with Sakura. But it was utterly unrequited, and she knew it, besides the fact that they were cousins.

"I… have decided that whatever Sakura's choice, I shall support her, because it has always been her smile that has brightened my world. And she has made her choice. I could never be comforted by her smile again knowing that it was only because of a spell that she loved me and not her true happiness… So my wish is, in essence, one that could never come true, not by any power, except of course, Sakura's."

Tomoyo didn't know why she was telling this woman all of this, but Yuko's mischievous eyes softened a little, considering her guest carefully again, before she said,

"Once again you have shown yourself much wiser than expected."

Once again I have no idea what you're talking about, "expected?" Tomoyo thought, but again she kept quiet and sipped her tea.

"Are you not bored with the day to day routine? Never being the main character in your own story?"

Tomoyo was caught off guard, "Bored?" she asked, without really expecting an answer.

"It seems to me that someone as beautiful and intelligent as you, with the resources that your family can offer, could do anything she wanted in the world. Yet you stay here making costumes for your unrequited love. Am I wrong?" Yuko answered with more questions.

Tomoyo wanted to say, "you're wrong!" right away, but the words caught in the back of her throat. Never mind asking this strange woman how she knew all these intimate details about Tomoyo's life.

In elementary school making costumes and filming Sakura seemed like the only thing she wanted to do. But now that they were both in high school, thinking about universities and futures beyond Tomoeda, although she would follow Sakura to the ends of the earth, Tomoyo thought maybe it was time to do something selfish. What are you going to do, design the lingerie for Sakura's wedding night with Syaoran, and then retire to be and old maid in the country?

Yuko seemed to be able to sense even the slightest change in Tomoyo's heart, "I did not mean to distress you. It was inevitable that you came here with your wish. Because today it is I that will compensate you to complete a service for me."

Tomoyo sat in class the next morning in a total daze. When the class assignments had come out for that year Tomoyo had been devastated to see that she and Sakura were no longer in the same class. Today, however, she was grateful to have the time to herself to think.

Sakura was quite dense when it came to her own feelings but had already asked, "Tomoyo, are you not feeling well? You look a little pale today." It's not as if Tomoyo wanted to keep this a secret from Sakura forever, but right now she wanted more time. It would be hard to say, "I met a witch who couldn't grant me a wish because I am in love with you Sakura, so now I'm just waiting for her to make some request of me."

Yuko had ushered her back out through the shop last night soon after a rather cryptic promise to "find you when more information develops," all but slamming the door in Tomoyo's face in haste. She never made it clear what kind of compensation Tomoyo could expect to receive, and if possible, was even more vague on the subject of what kind of task it was in the first place. So now Tomoyo sat at her desk going over every sentence of their conversation trying to find some clue. The only thing she really was illuminating was just how spot on Yuko had been about her. Tomoyo was bored. Classes were easy enough for Tomoyo to coast through without much effort, she had always been smart that way. With all the Sakura, former Clow, cards now safely in Sakura's possession Tomoeda had become painfully boring again in fact. There had never been any question that Tomoyo would continue in her mother's footsteps at the company, so her future was pretty much decided on as well. Tomoyo wasn't usually the kind of person to dwell on things like that, and admittedly she was always so wrapped up in Sakura that she didn't often give her own life much thought other than continuing existing hobbies. It had always felt like enough anyway.

Why did that witch have to ruin everything, Tomoyo gave in to a spiteful thought. She loved her mother's company and had always wanted to work there, loved Sakura and was so grateful to have a best friend like her. But now…. What? That wasn't enough for her? Tomoyo shook her head unconsciously. No, I'm still me. Yuko did not change who I am. She would never be that person reaching for the unreachable. She was blessed to know that happiness comes from within and that true strength comes from the heart, and always had been. Tomoyo wasn't aware of it of course, but that was the nature of her soul, and it shone brightly through no matter the world or circumstance. Tomoeda's Tomoyo sighed, conceding defeat. There was nothing that could be done about it now, and turning it over in her mind was making her anxious. She tried to turn her focus back to the lesson somewhat successfully, resolving to tell Sakura after all.

"Eehhhhhh?" Sakura did not disappoint, letting out her telltale sign of surprise. "Why didn't you tell me sooner Tomoyo? This sounds like a big deal!" She wasn't angry, just concerned, Tomoyo knew, but still felt a slight twinge of regret.

"I'm sorry Sakura, I just had a lot to think about I guess."

"But I don't ever want you to suffer or feel bad by yourself Tomoyo! Please rely on me a little more, I promise if there is something I can do to help, I will!" She was holding Tomoyo's hands in hers, fixing Tomoyo with that terribly sincere and slightly pouty gaze that no red blooded person could resist.

Tomoyo sighed but couldn't help smiling, "Thank you Sakura, you're such a good friend!" Sakura smiled back before a new resolute look came over her.
"Let's walk home the way you did last night, and try and find this Yuko person's house again." Tomoyo felt like their chances were slim, but nodded, maybe Sakura could sense the magic concealment, or something. She didn't know much, but knew that this Yuko must have a great deal of power to make a house disappear, however despite earlier misgivings she really did have a lot of faith in Sakura's magic. It had helped her many times over, and Tomoyo would never forget that.

Tomoyo's instinct had been correct this time though. She and Sakura had walked up and down and up and down and all around the block where Tomoyo had seen Yuko's house last evening, but to no avail. It should have been obvious of course, a traditional property like that in a commercial district, but even Sakura admitted defeat after their third lap around. "I just don't feel anything," she said frustratedly sitting down on the curb.
Tomoyo joined her and sighed. "I guessed that it wouldn't be that easy to find. Maybe Kero-chan could tell us something?" Sakura nodded solemnly, and stood up extending a hand to help Tomoyo, and they walked back to Sakura's house. The two girls let themselves inside, Sakura's father and brother were still at work, and Tomoyo helped her make tea for three.

"EEEEEHHHHHHH? You met tha dimensional witch?!" Kero-chan did not disappoint either, although of course Tomoyo had no idea what he was talking about.
"The who?" Sakura asked for her. Kero turned toward the window, standing on the sill in his trademark cross armed pensive stance, that he thought made him look so cool, "Yuko. The Witch of Dimensions, or the Dimensional Witch she gets called. She runs that shop and was Clow's girlfriend."
Now it was Tomoyo's turn to be shocked, "But Clow-san died many years ago right? This woman couldn't have been older than 35 or 40."

"Long story short she is under a spell that keeps her locked inside a certain time and place, until a certain wish can be granted. But it's an impossible wish. I don't know all the details, Clow would never tell me, but she has remained in that shop gaining power for years and years… and to think she would show up here. Tch. There's bound to be trouble," Kero replied. Tomoyo thought of her own impossible wish, and her curiosity piqued.
"But Kero-Chan," Sakura interjected, "that doesn't make sense. If she has to stay in the same place, how come we couldn't find her today?"

"She's too crafty for even the Cardcaptor to find her if she doesn't want to be found," Kero answered cradling his chin.

"Last night she mentioned something about wishes. That if I didn't have a wish I wouldn't be able to be there," Tomoyo added.

"Right," Kero confirmed, "She grants wishes now, for a price of course. The whole house is under a very strong enchantment, has been for years. It's a tricky one too, it's almost like the house finds you when you need it, a loophole for her being trapped. Clow helped her set it up if I remember correctly…"

"Then I should have sensed Clow's magic at least, right Kero-chan?" Sakura asked.

"Hmmmm," Kero flew back down to where they were sitting on the floor of Sakura's room with the tea. He took a sip then smiled up at the girls, "Sakura don't worry it's not anything wrong with your magic, and I highly doubt that Yuko would put Tomoyo in any danger. She's shifty and whip smart and that makes her dangerous for sure, but I think Clow loved her a lot more than he ever let on, and he always had the best interest of the world in mind, so I'm going to chose to trust that."

Sakura heaved a sigh of relief and Tomoyo felt touched, She was really worried about me.

Kero continued, "But they were both wily, I mean you know Eriol-kun and his mischievous side, so let's pay attention carefully to anything that happens in the next couple of days."

Sakura hopped up and exclaimed, "I know!" surprising both her roommate and her guest. She ran the two steps over to her bed grabbing her backpack that she had thrown down earlier, and pulled her cellphone out of a front pocket.

"Let's call Eriol-kun right now!"

"Yosh!" Kero chimed in.

Tomoyo giggled, covering her mouth, she couldn't help it; seeing Sakura and Kero all worked up again reminded her of the old days.

Eriol, however, didn't, or couldn't, provide much clarification.
He did sound just as surprised as Kero had been though, "I don't think Clow really planned for our paths to cross again," he explained, "My memories regarding her are very cloudy. I imagine he knew that despite being his reincarnation, I am not him, therefore he wanted me to have the possibility of living my own life."

Sakura's shoulders sagged visibly in disappointment as the three of them huddled around the phone, which was on speaker.

"I do know however, that there are many more forces at work regarding Yuko, some that we probably couldn't hope to understand in this lifetime, so I would err on the side of caution. She herself I feel in my heart to be noble and trustworthy, but she may bring powerful enemies. Be careful all of you… I will try to look into the matter more," Eriol warned before signing off.

Kero took the phone to talk to Spinel for a few seconds and then the room descended into silence. If anything the phone call left them feeling more unsure. They all exchanged an uncertain look with each other, when they heard Touya downstairs say, "Tadaima!"

Sakura got up and stuck her head out the door of her room and answer, "Okaeri!" She turned back to Tomoyo and said, "Why don't you stay for dinner?" Of course Tomoyo was a frequent guest at the Kinomoto's dinner table and Touya and Fujitaka would be happy to accommodate her, but tonight she felt like taking the walk home before it got too late to think some more.

She told Sakura, who objected at first, but understood, and then greeted Touya, who also invited her to stay, but she bid them goodnight. Sakura walked Tomoyo down the front path to the gate, and hesitated a moment before she said, "Tomoyo-chan? Please promise you will tell me right away if anything happens. You always have supported and comforted me and I want to be able to do the same, ne?" Tomoyo hugged Sakura, cherishing the moment feeling their bodies warmly pressed against each other. "I promise! With my gallant protector everything will definitely be alright!" she replied, and Sakura smiled in return.

But when Tomoyo turned away to start her walk home her smile faded and she sunk back into deep thought. Even Eriol had no concrete answers, though Tomoyo had always thought him to be unnecessarily cryptic. Whatever would happen next, one thing was for certain, Tomoyo was no longer bored.