Hey! Welcome to my very first Lizzie fic! This is Matt/Miranda, just so you don't get confused. I'm having them be 12 and 15 because I feel like it and its fanFICTION. Key word: fan...wait no...

Miranda looks like she did in the You Wish! movie, because I like her better that way.


I have always loved Gordo. Ever since I met him. Thats practically the only reason I started hanging out with Lizzie. Sure, we always obsessed about Ethan together, but it was Gordo I truly loved. He was sweet and funny, and I swear, I found those curls simply adorable.

I was scared to tell him, though. But, over my trip, I decided to confess to him when I got back.


I took the small blue packet from the stuwardess. "Thanks." I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting to get home. I had changed alot over my trip. I got my hair cut short, and highlighted. I had also grown a few inches. I was surprised how many guys had hit on me in the last few months.

"We will soon arrive at the International Airport. Make sure all seatbelts are buckled and all trays up. Thank you."

I took in a deep breath. This was it. Lizzie and Gordo had promised to meet me at the airport. Yes. I was ready...

I wasn't ready!

My mom was sitting across the ailse from me, and she looked nervous. She hated plane rides, but especially landings!

We had grown strangely close in Mexico. I had confessed to her about my love for Gordo. She encouraged me to tell him.

I held my breath all the way through the terminal.


I ran toward my best friends. Mrs. McGuire, Mr. McGuire, and Matt stood behind Lizzie and Gordo. Gordo! He was even cuter than I remembered! Standing there, smiling all goofy, his curls...curly.

Then I saw his hands.

Now, normally there wasn't anything wrong with his hands. He had very nice hands. But there was definately something wrong with them todays.

They were holding Lizzie's.

I felt my eyes tearing up as I approached them. Lizzie gave me a big hug. "Miranda! I'm sooooo glad you're back! You look awesome!"

I looked down. She was right...I had lost a little weight (not on a starvation diet!). I wore dark flared blue jeans and a black knit tube top. "You look great, too, Lizzie," I mumbled.

Gordo stared at me. "Randa, whats wrong?"

Lizzie leaned her head on Gordo's shoulder and frowned. I couldn't take it anymore. I was going to be sick. I pushed my way past them and ran toward the bathroom. What was I thinking? That I could leave Lizzie and Gordo alone for more than a day and not have them fall in love?

I decided against crying in the bathroom. (that would be the first place they'd look.) I opted for Cinnabons instead. Mom would have to understand.

"A cinnamon roll and a coffee," I said softly. I took my purchase over to a table and started to sip my coffee. I was a total idiot. Why did I ever think I was worthy of Gordo? Why did I ever think I was pretty?

"There you are. Everyone's looking for you, you know."

I looked up, and there was Matt. I wiped my eyes. "Leave me alone. I don't want to see anyone. Not yet..."

Matt sighed, and sat down across from me. "This is about Lizzie and Gordo, isn't it?"

I stared at him. "How did you know?"

He shrugged. "Your face is an easy read. And don't worry about it, Miranda. Gordo is a great guy, but you deserve better. There is someone out there perfect for you. Someone nice and funny and sweet."

I gave a small smile. "You know, you can be pretty sweet yourself." Matt beamed. "When you're not causing trouble. Want half of my cinnamon roll?"

Matt nodded enthusiastically. I pulled it apart and handed it to him. "Thanks," he said, "So...how was Mexico?"


I ended up talking to Matt a lot longer than I meant to. I found out that he was a pretty cool kid. Smart, too. Not really genius, super- academic smart, but sharp. Quick and witty.

I found myself actually a bit happy, until Gordo and Lizzie found me. Matt quickly lied and said he had just found me. I gave him a smile of thanks.

I was supposed to spend the night with Lizzie, but I didn't know if I could. I didn't want her talking about Gordo all night like she always did before about Ethan. But that had been cool. I wasn't in love with Ethan, and they weren't dating.

I felt my stomach heave when Gordo gave Lizzie a quick kiss goodbye. "See you later..."

"Love you," Lizzie whispered.

Oh, please.

"So!" Lizzie chirped happily, dropping my bag on the floor, "How was your trip?"

"Fine," I muttered, falling onto her bed. Lizzie sat down next to me. "Whats wrong, Miranda?" she asked, "Tell me."


"Miranda!" Lizzie exclaimed, "We've always been able to tell each other everything!"

I sighed. I couldn't keep this from Lizzie. She was my best friend. I reached into my backpack and pulled out my diary. Turning to a specific page, I handed it to her. "Read."


Still in Mexico. I've actually been talking to Mom alot. She's really smart, you know? I told her about the whole Gordo thing, and its totally a relief to tell someone. She said I should follow my heart, and tell him how I feel. I'm going to tell him tommorow. Thats when we're going home. He and Lizzie are meeting us at the airport. I'm so nervous...what will he say?*

Lizzie looked up at me, her mouth open to speak and her eyes wide with surprise. I motioned for her to read more.

*I've loved him for so long. Wow. It will be perfect. I'll say, "Gordo, I love you." and he'll smiled that goofy smile of his and say, "I love you too, Miranda." He'll lean in for a kiss, and the whole airport will spin around us. I've had that dream about fifty trillion times. And we'll get married, and Lizzie will be the bridesmaid, and Kate Sanders will clean up after the reception.

Its perfect! How can anything go wrong?

...I'm so scared.

Lizzie put down the diary slowly. "Oh no...Oh Miranda, I had no idea." She put her face in her hands and slowly shook her head. "I had no idea..."

I wanted to make her feel better about her decidion to date Gordo, say it was okay and I'd get over it...but I couldn't. Because that would be lying. I knew I wasn't okay with it. So I just lied there on the bed, listening to the air. After about ten minutes, I heard Lizzie get up and leave, and, a few seconds later, the front door slam.

I was such an idiot.


"More Lizzie problems?"

I looked up, and there was Matt. "You know," I said, sitting up and wiping my eyes, "You have a way of showing up when I have problems." I smiled. Matt had a way of doing that. Making me smile. He was a sweet kid.

He shrugged. "I sense your sorrow." I laughed. This was so surreal. I was enjoying Matt's company more than Lizzie's. Ugh...I didn't feel like thinking about her right now.

"Can I come in?"

I waved him in. "Sure. I don't feel like being alone right now."

Matt grinned. "So Miranda...whats happened now?"

I sighed. "It was partly my fault." Matt raised an eyebrow. "Okay, alot my fault. I wouldn't speak to her. See...I wanted her to know, so I let her read my diary. Then, I couldn't take it, and I just shut down. She kept apolizging, but I ignored her. Then she just left."

"Oooh..." Matt said, "Tha is kind of your fault. But...did you ever think Gordo might not be the guy for you?"

Gordo not the guy for me? "The thought hasn't entered my mind since I was five."

Matt laughed. "Well, maybe he isn't. You know..." He smiled at me. "Maybe theres someone else. I know there is, Miranda. Didn't I tell you this this morning?"

I sighed. "You're right. I...I have to think about that. But, thank you." I hugged Matt. "You really sweet,a nd a lot cooler than Lizzie ever said."


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