Dick stood in front of the glass case that held the batsuit, the suit strengthening his courage and insightfulness. But this time it wasn't working as Dick was doubting himself hard. How could he fight against his old friends and family, knowing of the good times they shared in the past. Dick couldn't handle it as well as he anticipated. "Not as confident now as you were before Grayson?" the voice of Jason Todd spoke.

"Jason, why are you here? Just to rub this shit in my face?" Nightwing sneers.

"To give you advice. This Batman isn't playing around, you should just give it up."

"Coming from you is a bit biased don't you think?" Dick jabs.

"So it seems. If I were in your shoes I would've just stopped. It doesn't help knowing your old colleagues turned on you."

"I'm not giving up Jason. I know there's still a chance. I'm doing it for Gotham, for Bruce." Dick faces him now.

"And look where that got him. Six feet underground." Jason snarkily said.

Anger pumped through his body. "Leave. Now."

"Tell me this Grayson, whose betrayal hurt the most? Damian's?"

Dick lost it now as he lunged forward and tackles Jason to the floor, pounding at his face with his fists. Jason wraps his hands around Dick's throat and shoves him off, kicking at his ribs. Dick blocked and knocked Jason back with a kick to the gut. Both stood up now and engaged into intense combat, punching, kicking, and various other moves used on each other which left a bloody mess.

The two pant heavily, blood covering themselves. Jason pulled a gun on him, pointing it at his face. "Your fucked Grayson."

"I know." Dick grunts, anticipating the shot.

Jason held it there for a few seconds but then lowered it. "You're not worth it." He holsters his gun and starts to leave. "He's hunting tonight. You better beware." With that cryptic message, he was gone.

Later that night, Batman was on the prowl, hunting for the remaining criminals that had yet to be turned in. He heard the screech of Man-Bat nearby and saw the flying creature pass by overhead. Batman chased after him, eventually shooting Man-Bat down with a few bullet shots. "Surrender now and turn yourself in or i'll gouge your eyes out." Batman growls in a demanding tone.

Man-Bat fired back with a challenging stance. Batman wasn't too pleased and charged at the beast, ramming him onto the floor with brute force. Man-Bat clawed and slashed at him leaving a few scratches and bruises. Batman continued his brutal assault, punching the fuck out of Man-Bat until he was getting weak. "Your sick Doctor. I have your remedy." Batman stabs his left eye with a batarang. Man-Bat yelped in defeat, his body giving up and slowly going still. Batman had a pleased smile.

That smile faded when he heard the ticking coming from his feet. A device was wrapped between his feet and had gone undetected by Batman. He ducked but an explosion sounded and struck him a bit. He limps away from the scene, coughing. His suit was torn up a bit and half his cowl burnt a bit to the point where his face was somewhat visible.

Batman quickly covers his face and leaves the scene. He thought he was safe but he was wrong. Another person was there. Stephanie Brown, Spoiler caught glimpse of his face and pieced it together quickly. The purple suited woman left the scene of Man-Bat's demise and made her way quickly to the Batcave.

"Fuck, fuck, dammit!" Black Mask cursed after hearing the outcome of Man-Bat. "He was this close to making it, but that fucking Batman had to ruin it. Back to square one…" He smashes his glass. "Bane and Clayface, your up. Clay I need you to draw the Batman too you. Bane will try to do Kirk's job right and get the bomb to Arkham."

Dick was suiting back up as Nightwing with the arrival of Tim who suited up in his Red Robin gear. "Jason said that the Batman was going hunting. I assume looking for other hiding criminals."

"How does Jason know this information?" Tim asks.

"My best bet is that he too is working for this Batman. It wouldn't be much of a stretch."

"You don't think.."

"No. He's not smart enough to pull this off. Right..?"

"We'll just leave it in the realm of possibilities." Tim says.

The two were ready and we're about to leave when Spoiler showed up. "I know it!" She yells.

"Know what?" Dick asks.

"Steph, what's going on?" Tim questioned.

"The Batman, I saw his face! I know the identity of the man behind the cowl!" She said hurriedly, breathing hard.

"Y-You do? Who is it?!" Dick puts his hands on her shoulders to calm her down. After a few more breaths she pauses and takes a moment to process everything in her head. "The identity of the new Batman is none other than….."